모세포 손상 가묘에 대한 Cochlear Implant

Cochlear Implant of the Hair-Cell Damaged Cats

  • 발행 : 1978.06.01


Action potential의 본체는 cochlear nerve의 섬유집합의 주기적 흥분을 보이는 전위변화(복합활동전위)를 말한다. 와우신경섬유의 흥분인 impulse wave-form은 음양(N.P,)의 bipolar wave-form을 나타내기 때문에 A.P.도 이상성 wave-form으로 나타난다. 기계적으로나 약물로 내외모세포를 파괴한 가묘의 고실계에 induction coil을 삽입하고 동시에 outer device를 통해서 준 음자극에 의하여 얻은 파형을 분석 보고한다.

Recently the authors have observed various wave-forms by insertion of induction coil into the scala tympani as well as attached outer device in the outside of the body in damaged hair cells of the cats. In the cochlear nerve. action potential indicated different polarities induced by examination of the bundle of the cochlear nerve fibers. Impulse wave-form as a result of excitation of cohlear nerve fibers showed bipolar wave-form such as negative 1 and positive 1. Therefore action potential showed also bipolar wave-form as above mentioned. We can obtained suitable response with above mentioned outer and inner device as an exact oscillogram.
