• Title/Summary/Keyword: workspace

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Development of the Maintenance Process Using Virtual Prototyping for the Equipment in the MSM's Unreachable Area of the Hot cell

  • Lee, Jong-Youl;Song, Tai-Gil;Kim, Sung-Hyun;Yoon, Ji-Sup
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2003.10a
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    • pp.1354-1358
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    • 2003
  • The process equipment for handling high level radioactive materials like spent fuels is operated in a hot cell, due to high radioactivity. Thus, this equipment should be maintained and repaired optimally by a remotely operated manipulator. The master-slave manipulators(MSM) are widely used as a remote handling device in the hot cell. The equipment in the hot cell should be optimally placed within the workspace of the wall-mounted slave manipulator for the maintenance operation. But, because of the complexity in the hot cell, there would be some parts of the equipment that are not reached by the MSM. In this study, the maintenance process for these parts of the equipment is developed using virtual prototyping technology. To analyze the workspace of the maintenance device in the hot cell and to develop the maintenance processes for the process equipment, the virtual mock-up of the hot cell for the spent fuel handling process is implemented using IGRIP. For the implementation of the virtual mock-up, the parts of the equipment and maintenance devices such as the MSM and servo manipulator are modeled and assembled in 3-D graphics, and the appropriate kinematics are assigned. Also, the virtual workcell of the spent fuel management process is implemented in the graphical environment, which is the same as the real environment. Using this mock-up, the workspace of the manipulators in the hot cell and the operator's view through the wall-mounted lead glass are analyzed. Also, for the dedicated maintenance operation, the analyses for the detailed area of the end effectors in accordance with the slave manipulator's position and orientation are carried out. The parts of the equipment that are located outside of the MSM's workspace are specified and the maintenance process of the parts using the servo manipulator that is mounted in the hot cell is proposed. To monitor the process in the hot cell remotely, the virtual display system by a virtual camera in the virtual work cell is also proposed. And the graphic simulation using a virtual mock-up is performed to verify the proposed maintenance process. The maintenance process proposed in this study can be effectively used in the real hot cell operation and the implemented virtual mock-up can be used for analyzing the various hot cell operations and enhancing the reliability and safety of the spent fuel management.

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A Comparison of Household Workspace Between Traditional Waga and Choga in Jeju - Focused on the Housing Authorized as Historical Preservation Units - (제주도 전통 와가(瓦家)와 초가(草家)의 가사노동공간에 관한 비교 연구 - 민속자료로 지정된 가옥을 중심으로 -)

  • 이정림;김봉애
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.40 no.5
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    • pp.25-37
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    • 2002
  • The purpose of this study is to give basic information in comparison of workspace of traditional housing between traditional Waga and Choga in Jeju. The subjects of this study are six Waga (roofing tee system), authorized as Jeju Folklore Materials and five Choga (roofing thatch system), authorized as National Major Folklore Materials. The results of this study were as follows. 1. Household workspaces in Waga were separated by three places: Jungji, Chatbang, and Gopang. In Choga, it was separated by two places, Jungji and Gopang. 2 As a number of Jungji, Waga had one, which meant that two or more generations shared the kitchen facilities. Choga, it had one or two Jungji, which meant that each generation used different kitchen facilities. 3. functional space of division Waga was specific. So, meal preparation was done in Jungji, and dining was done in Chatpang. However, in Choga, both meal preparation and dining were done in Jungji. 4. The sequence of space, in the JungjiGeriBulDong style, which Jungji was located in the detached building, showed that the circulation directs: Gopang->Sangbang->Chatbang->Madang->Jungji. AnGeriJungji style, which Jungji was located in the main building, showed that the circulation directs: Gopang->Sangbang(->Chatbang)->Jungji. 5. In the size ratio of household workspace to whole size of the house, Waga occupied 30%, and Choga occupied 21%.

workspace Transaction Model for Job Synchronization (작업 동기화를 위한 작업공간 트랜잭션 모델)

  • 오암석
    • Proceedings of the Korea Multimedia Society Conference
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    • 1998.10a
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    • pp.130-134
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    • 1998
  • 멀티미디어 응용들은 공동 작업을 위한 작업 동기화 지원이 필요하다. 이 논문은 데이터베이스를 이용한 멀티미디어 응용 개발시 한 트랜잭션의 처리가 긴 공동 작업 환경에서 작업 동기화를 지원하기 위한 새로운 공동 트랜잭션 모델을 제안한다. 이 논문에서 제시하는 모델은 기존의 로킹 기법을 사용하지 않고 여러 작업공간에서 수행되는 작업간의 동기화를 제공한다.

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Evaluation and Design for Joint Configurations Based on Kinematic Analysis (운동학에 기초한 로봇 손가락의 관절구조 평가 및 설계)

  • Hwang Chang-Soon
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.29 no.2 s.233
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    • pp.176-187
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    • 2005
  • This paper presents an evaluation of joint configurations of a robotic finger based on kinematic analysis. The evaluation is based on an assumption that the current control methods for the fingers require that the contact state specified by the motion planner be maintained during manipulation. Various finger-joint configurations have been evaluated for different contact motions. In the kinematic analysis, the surface of the manipulated object was represented by B-spline surface and the surface of the finger was represented by cylinders and a half ellipsoid. Three types of contact motion, namely, 1) pure rolling, 2) twist-roiling, and 3) slide-twist-rolling are assumed in this analysis. The finger-joint configuration best suited for manipulative motion is determined by the dimension of manipulation workspace. The evaluation has shown that the human-like fingers are suitable for maintaining twist-rolling and slide-twist-rolling but not for pure rolling. A finger with roll joint at its fingertip link, which is different from human fingers, proved to be better for pure rolling motion because it can accommodate sideway motions of the object. Several kinds of useful finger-joint configurations suited for manipulating objects by fingertip surface are proposed.

Development of a Washout Algorithm for a Vehicle Driving Simulator Using New Tilt Coordination and Return Mode (새로운 경사 변환과 복귀 성분을 고려한 차량 운전 시뮬레이터 워시아웃 알고리즘 개발)

  • 강유진;유기성;이민철
    • Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems
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    • v.10 no.7
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    • pp.634-642
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    • 2004
  • Unlike actual vehicles, a vehicle driving simulator is limited in kinematic workspace and bounded on dynamic characteristics. So it is difficult to simulate dynamic motions of a multi-body vehicle model. In order to overcome these problems, a washout algorithm which controls the workspace of the simulator within the kinematic limitation is needed. However, a classical washout algorithm contains several problems such as generation of wrong sensation of motions by filters in tilt coordination, requirement of trial and error method in selecting the proper cut-off frequencies, difficulty in returning the simulator to its origin using only high pass filters and etc. This paper proposes a new tilt coordination method as an algorithm which gives more accurate sensations to drivers. In order to reduce time for returning the simulator to its origin, a new washout algorithm that the proposed algorithm selectively onset mode from high pass filters and return mode from error functions is proposed. As a result of this study, the results of the proposed algorithm are compared with the results of classical washout algorithm through the human perception models. Also, the performance of the suggested algorithm is evaluated by using human perception and sensibility of some drivers through experiments.