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Field measurements of wind characteristics over hilly terrain within surface layer

  • He, Y.C.;Chan, P.W.;Li, Q.S.
    • Wind and Structures
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.541-563
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    • 2014
  • This paper investigates the topographic effects on wind characteristics over hilly terrain, based on wind data recorded at a number of meteorological stations in or near complex terrain. The multiply data sources allow a more detailed investigation of the flow field than is normally possible. Vertical profiles of mean and turbulent wind components from a Sodar profiler were presented and then modeled as functions of height and wind speed. The correlations between longitudinal and vertical wind components were discussed. The phenomena of flow separation and generation of vortices were observed. The distance-dependence of the topographic effects on gust factors was revealed subsequently. Furthermore, the canyon effect was identified and discussed based on the observations of wind at a saddle point between two mountain peaks. This study aims to further understanding of the characteristics of surface wind over rugged terrain. The presented results are expected to be useful for structural design, prevention of pollutant dispersion, and validation of CFD (computational fluid dynamics) models or techniques over complex terrains.

Field studies of wind induced internal pressure in a warehouse with a dominant opening

  • Guha, T.K.;Sharma, R.N.;Richards, P.J.
    • Wind and Structures
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.117-136
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    • 2013
  • A field study of wind-induced internal pressures in a flexible and porous industrial warehouse with a single dominant opening, of various sizes for a range of moderate wind speeds and directions, is reported in this paper. Comparatively weak resonance of internal pressure for oblique windward opening situations, and hardly discernible at other wind directions, is attributed to the inherent leakage and flexibility in the envelope of the building in addition to the moderate wind speeds encountered during the tests. The measured internal pressures agree well with the theoretical predictions obtained by numerically simulating the analytical model of internal pressure for a porous and flexible building with a dominant opening. Ratios of the RMS and peak internal to opening external pressures obtained in the study are presented in a non-dimensional format along with other published full scale measurements and compared with the non-dimensional design equation proposed in recent literature.

A Study of Atmospheric Field around the Pohang for Dispersion Analysis of Air Pollutants -Numerical Simulation of Wind Field- (대기오염 확산 해석을 위한 포항지역 기상장 연구 -바람장 수치모의-)

  • 이화운;정우식;김현구;이순환
    • Journal of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.1-15
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    • 2004
  • Sea/land circulation system is a representative mesoscale local circulation system in coastal area. In this study, wind fields around coastal area. Pohang, which is affected by this system was investigated and its detailed characteristic analysis was carried out. The following can be found out from the numerical simulation. Generally, at nighttime mountain winds prevail and land breeze toward the coastal area was well simulated During daytime, valley wind and sea breeze was simulated in detail. Especially, as a result of analyzing the land breeze path, it could be found along the coastline as it flows out through low land coastal area. In order to investigate the accuracy of model results. wind speed, temperature and wind direction of continuous typical sea/land breeze occurrence day was compared with observation data. Analyzing the characteristics of local circulation system was very hard because of horizontally sparse observation data but from the above result, a numerical simulation using RAMS, which satisfies the spatial high resolution, will provide more accurate results.

Aerodynamic and hydrodynamic force simulation for the dynamics of double-pendulum articulated offshore tower

  • Zaheer, Mohd Moonis;Islam, Nazrul
    • Wind and Structures
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.341-354
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    • 2021
  • Articulated towers are one of the class of compliant offshore structures that freely oscillates with wind and waves, as they are designed to have low natural frequency than ocean waves. The present study deals with the dynamic response of a double-pendulum articulated tower under hydrodynamic and aerodynamic loads. The wind field is simulated by two approaches, namely, single-point and multiple-point. Nonlinearities such as instantaneous tower orientation, variable added mass, fluctuating buoyancy, and geometrical nonlinearities are duly considered in the analysis. Hamilton's principle is used to derive the nonlinear equations of motion (EOM). The EOM is solved in the time domain by using the Wilson-θ method. The maximum, minimum, mean, and standard deviation and salient power spectral density functions (PSDF) of deck displacement, bending moment, and central hinge shear are drawn for high and moderate sea states. The outcome of the analyses shows that tower response under multiple-point wind-field simulation results in lower responses when compared to that of single-point simulation.

Offshore floating flexible photovoltaic typhoon-induced flow field driving mechanism and wind load extreme value model

  • Wencai Wang;Shitang Ke;Wei Yu;Yujiang Zhang;Zhefeng Pan;Tingrui Zhu;Xiuyong Zhao
    • Wind and Structures
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    • v.39 no.5
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    • pp.351-365
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    • 2024
  • Offshore floating photovoltaic (PV) is the technological commanding heights of the future development of the photovoltaic industry, especially under the action of extreme weather such as typhoons and huge waves, the flow field mechanism of offshore large-span floating flexible PV arrays is more complex, and there is a lack of effective offshore floating PV wind load prediction models in the relevant design codes of flexible PV in the world. Taking a typical flexible PV key demonstration project as the research object, a three-dimensional mesoscale Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) - Simulating Waves Nearshore (SWAN) - Finite-Volume Coastal Ocean Model (FVCOM) real-time two-way coupling simulation method based on Mapped Contact Interface (MCT) coupler was proposed, a meso/small-scale nested typhoon-wave-flow numerical pool of PV array was established, the wind load distribution characteristics of single-row floating flexible PV were studied, the driving mechanism of inter-row flow field of floating large-span flexible PV array was compared and analyzed, and finally the value model of the lift/drag coefficient of PV array under extreme wind conditions was established. The results show that the average wind pressure of single-row floating flexible PV presents trapezoidal and L-shaped distribution rules under different wind direction angles, and the temporal instability and spatial discontinuity in the low wind speed area of the floating flexible PV array and the complex and disordered alternating vortex phenomenon are the main reasons for the inter-row interference, and the proposed fitting formula of two-dimensional lift/drag coefficient can encompass the extreme value of the actual wind pressure, and the maximum error is controlled within 10 %, which can provide a reference for the prediction of the design value of this kind of floating flexible PV wind load.

Deriving vertical velocity in tornadic wind field from radar-measured data and improving tornado simulation by including vertical velocity at velocity inlet

  • Yi Zhao;Guirong Yan;Ruoqiang Feng;Zhongdong Duan;Houjun Kang
    • Wind and Structures
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    • v.38 no.4
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    • pp.245-259
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    • 2024
  • In a tornadic wind field, the vertical velocity component in certain regions of tornadoes can be significant, forming one of the major differences between tornadic wind fields and synoptic straight-line wind fields. To better understand the wind characteristics of tornadoes and properly estimate the action of tornadoes on civil structures, it is important to ensure that all the attributes of tornadoes are captured. Although Doppler radars have been used to measure tornadic wind fields, they can only directly provide information on quasi-horizontal velocity. Therefore, lots of numerical simulations and experimental tests in previous research ignored the vertical velocity at the boundary. However, the influence of vertical velocity in tornadic wind fields is not evaluated. To address this research gap, this study is to use an approach to derive the vertical velocity component based on the horizontal velocities extracted from the radar-measured data by mass continuity. This approach will be illustrated by using the radar-measured data of Spencer Tornado as an example. The vertical velocity component is included in the initial inflow condition in the CFD simulation to assess the influence of including vertical velocity in the initial inflow condition on the entire tornadic wind field.

Computational assessment of blockage and wind simulator proximity effects for a new full-scale testing facility

  • Bitsuamlak, Girma T.;Dagnew, Agerneh;Chowdhury, Arindam Gan
    • Wind and Structures
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.21-36
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    • 2010
  • A new full scale testing apparatus generically named the Wall of Wind (WoW) has been built by the researchers at the International Hurricane Research Center (IHRC) at Florida International University (FIU). WoW is capable of testing single story building models subjected up to category 3 hurricane wind speeds. Depending on the relative model and WoW wind field sizes, testing may entail blockage issues. In addition, the proximity of the test building to the wind simulator may also affect the aerodynamic data. This study focuses on the Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) assessment of the effects on the quality of the aerodynamic data of (i) blockage due to model buildings of various sizes and (ii) wind simulator proximity for various distances between the wind simulator and the test building. The test buildings were assumed to have simple parallelepiped shapes. The computer simulations were performed under both finite WoW wind-field conditions and in an extended Atmospheric Boundary Layer (ABL) wind flow. Mean pressure coefficients for the roof and the windward and leeward walls served as measures of the blockage and wind simulator proximity effects. The study uses the commercial software FLUENT with Reynolds Averaged Navier Stokes equations and a Renormalization Group (RNG) k-ε turbulence model. The results indicated that for larger size test specimens (i.e. for cases where the height of test specimen is larger than one third of the wind field height) blockage correction may become necessary. The test specimen should also be placed at a distance greater than twice the height of the test specimen from the fans to reduce proximity effect.

Reconstruction of wind speed fields in mountainous areas using a full convolutional neural network

  • Ruifang Shen;Bo Li;Ke Li;Bowen Yan;Yuanzhao Zhang
    • Wind and Structures
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    • v.38 no.4
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    • pp.231-244
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    • 2024
  • As wind farms expand into low wind speed areas, an increasing number are being established in mountainous regions. To fully utilize wind energy resources, it is essential to understand the details of mountain flow fields. Reconstructing the wind speed field in complex terrain is crucial for planning, designing, operation of wind farms, which impacts the wind farm's profits throughout its life cycle. Currently, wind speed reconstruction is primarily achieved through physical and machine learning methods. However, physical methods often require significant computational costs. Therefore, we propose a Full Convolutional Neural Network (FCNN)-based reconstruction method for mountain wind velocity fields to evaluate wind resources more accurately and efficiently. This method establishes the mapping relation between terrain, wind angle, height, and corresponding velocity fields of three velocity components within a specific terrain range. Guided by this mapping relation, wind velocity fields of three components at different terrains, wind angles, and heights can be generated. The effectiveness of this method was demonstrated by reconstructing the wind speed field of complex terrain in Beijing.

Wind characteristics observed in the vicinity of tropical cyclones: An investigation of the gradient balance and super-gradient flow

  • Tse, K.T.;Li, S.W.;Lin, C.Q.;Chan, P.W.
    • Wind and Structures
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.249-270
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    • 2014
  • Through comparing the mean wind profiles observed overland during the passages of four typhoons, and the gradient wind speeds calculated based on the sea level pressure data provided by a numerical model, the present paper discusses, (a) whether the gradient balance is a valid assumption to estimate the wind speed in the height range of 1250 m ~ 1750 m, which is defined as the upper-level mean wind speed, in a tropical cyclone over land, and (b) if the super-gradient feature is systematically observed below the height of 1500 m in the tropical cyclone wind field over land. It has been found that, (i) the gradient balance is a valid assumption to estimate the mean upper-level wind speed in tropical cyclones in the radial range from the radius to the maximum wind (RMW) to three times the RMW, (ii) the super-gradient flow dominates the wind field in the tropical cyclone boundary layer inside the RMW and is frequently observed in the radial range from the RMW to twice the RMW, (iii) the gradient wind speed calculated based on the post-landfall sea level pressure data underestimates the overall wind strength at an island site inside the RMW, and (iv) the unsynchronized decay of the pressure and wind fields in the tropical cyclone might be the reason for the underestimation.

Wind-sand coupling movement induced by strong typhoon and its influences on aerodynamic force distribution of the wind turbine

  • Ke, Shitang;Dong, Yifan;Zhu, Rongkuan;Wang, Tongguang
    • Wind and Structures
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.433-450
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    • 2020
  • The strong turbulence characteristic of typhoon not only will significantly change flow field characteristics surrounding the large-scale wind turbine and aerodynamic force distribution on surface, but also may cause morphological evolution of coast dune and thereby form sand storms. A 5MW horizontal-axis wind turbine in a wind power plant of southeastern coastal areas in China was chosen to investigate the distribution law of additional loads caused by wind-sand coupling movement of coast dune at landing of strong typhoons. Firstly, a mesoscale Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) mode was introduced in for high spatial resolution simulation of typhoon "Megi". Wind speed profile on the boundary layer of typhoon was gained through fitting based on nonlinear least squares and then it was integrated into the user-defined function (UDF) as an entry condition of small-scaled CFD numerical simulation. On this basis, a synchronous iterative modeling of wind field and sand particle combination was carried out by using a continuous phase and discrete phase. Influencing laws of typhoon and normal wind on moving characteristics of sand particles, equivalent pressure distribution mode of structural surface and characteristics of lift resistance coefficient were compared. Results demonstrated that: Compared with normal wind, mesoscale typhoon intensifies the 3D aerodynamic distribution mode on structural surface of wind turbine significantly. Different from wind loads, sand loads mainly impact on 30° ranges at two sides of the lower windward region on the tower. The ratio between sand loads and wind load reaches 3.937% and the maximum sand pressure coefficient is 0.09. The coupling impact effect of strong typhoon and large sand particles is more significant, in which the resistance coefficient of tower is increased by 9.80% to the maximum extent. The maximum resistance coefficient in typhoon field is 13.79% higher than that in the normal wind field.