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Estimation of the Maximum Wind to Surface Using Wind Profile in Typhoon and Gust Factor (태풍 연직프로파일과 gust factor를 이용한 지상의 최대풍속 추정)

  • Jung, Woo-Sik;Park, Jong-Kil;Choi, Hyo-Jin
    • 한국신재생에너지학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2008.05a
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    • pp.290-292
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    • 2008
  • we applied Wind Field Module of PHRLM so that disaster prevention agency concerned can effectively estimate the possible strong wind damages by typhoon. In this study, therefore, we estimated wind speed at 300m level using 700hPa wind according to the research method by Franklin(2003), PHRLM(2003), and Vickery and Skerlj(2005). Then we calculated wind speed at 10m level using the estimated wind speed at 300m level, and finally, peak 3.second gust on surface. The case period is from 18LST August 31 to 03LST September 1, 2002, when the typhoon Rusa in 2002 was the most intense. Among disaster prediction models in the US, Wind Field Module of PHRLM in Florida was used for the 2002 typhoon Rusa case. As a result, peak 3.second gust on the surface increased 1020 in the typhoon's 700hPa wind speed.

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Along-wind simplified analysis of wind turbines through a coupled blade-tower model

  • Spagnoli, Andrea;Montanari, Lorenzo
    • Wind and Structures
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    • v.17 no.6
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    • pp.589-608
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    • 2013
  • A model is proposed to analyse the along-wind dynamic response of upwind turbines with horizontal axis under service wind conditions. The model takes into account the dynamic coupling effect between rotor blades and supporting tower. The wind speed field is decomposed into a mean component, accounting for the well-known wind shear effect, and a fluctuating component, treated through a spectral approach. Accordingly, the so-called rotationally sampled spectra are introduced for the blades to account for the effect of their rotating motion. Wind forces acting on the rotor blades are calculated according to the blade element momentum model. The tower shadow effect is also included in the present model. Two examples of a large and medium size wind turbines are modelled, and their dynamic response is analysed and compared with the results of a conventional static analysis.

Calculating Sea Surface Wind by Considering Asymmetric Typhoon Wind Field (비대칭형 태풍 특성을 고려한 해상풍 산정)

  • Hye-In Kim;Wan-Hee Cho;Jong-Yoon Mun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.29 no.7
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    • pp.770-778
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    • 2023
  • Sea surface wind is an important variable for elucidating the atmospheric-ocean interactions and predicting the dangerous weather conditions caused by oceans. Accurate sea surface wind data are required for making correct predictions; however, there are limited observational datasets for oceans. Therefore, this study aimed to obtain long-period high-resolution sea surface wind data. First, the ERA5 reanalysis wind field, which can be used for a long period at a high resolution, was regridded and synthesized using the asymmetric typhoon wind field calculated via the Generalized Asymmetric Holland Model of the numerical model named ADvanced CIRCulation model. The accuracy of the asymmetric typhoon synthesized wind field was evaluated using data obtained from Korea Meteorological Administration and Japan Meteorological Administration. As a result of the evaluation, it was found that the asymmetric typhoon synthetic wind field reproduce observations relatively well, compared with ERA5 reanalysis wind field and symmetric typhoon synthetic wind field calculated by the Holland model. The sea surface wind data produced in this study are expected to be useful for obtaining storm surge data and conducting frequency analysis of storm surges and sea surface winds in the future.

Wind Load and Flow Field Change with Respect to Various Configurations of a Drillship (드릴십 형상에 따른 풍하중 및 유동장 변화)

  • Jung, Youngin;Kwon, Kijung
    • Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Korea
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    • v.52 no.3
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    • pp.255-264
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    • 2015
  • Wind load and flow field of a drillship with respect to various super structures were experimentally investigated in KARI 1m-wide wind tunnel with an atmospheric boundary layer simulation. Six-component external balance and Particle image velocimetry technique were used to measure wind load and velocity vectors in the flow-field around the model respectively. The experimental model was an imaginary shaped drillship with an approximated model which has 1/640 scale compared with recent typical drillships. The test Reynolds number based on the overall length was about 1.5×106. It was found that dominant factors influencing on ship wind load are cabin shape and cabin height. Round cabin has smaller axial wind load and narrow boundary layer around the ship than rectangular one, but its yawing moment at certain angles becomes higher. Low cabin height also show positive effects on axial wind load too. Hull shape and forecastle shape show relatively small influences on wind loads except for slight changes around ±45° wind directions.

Magnetic Field Analysis of the Field Coil for 10 MW Class Superconducting Wind Turbines (10 MW급 초전도 풍력발전기 계자코일 전자장 해석)

  • Kim, Ji-Hyung;Park, Sa-Il;Kim, Ho-Min
    • Progress in Superconductivity and Cryogenics
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.18-22
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    • 2012
  • This paper presents the magnetic field analysis of the racetrack double pancake field coil for the 10 MW class superconducting wind turbine which is considered to be the next generation of wind turbines using the 3 Dimensional FEM(Finite Elements Method). Generally, the racetrack-shaped field coil which is wound by the second generation(2G) superconducting wire in the longer axial direction is used, because the racetrack-shaped field coil generates the higher magnetic field density at the minimum size and reduces the synchronous reactance. To analysis the performance of the wind turbines, It is important to calculate the distribution of magnetic flux density at the straight parts and both end sections of the racetrack-shaped high temperature superconductivity(HTS) field coil. In addition, Lorentz force acting on the superconducting wire is calculated by the analysis of the magnetic field and it is important that through this way Lorentz force can be used as a parameter in the mechanical analysis which analyzes the mechanical stress on the racetrack-shaped field coil.

Geosynchronous Magnetic Field Response to Solar Wind Dynamic Pressure

  • Park, Jong-Sun;Kim, Khan-Hyuk;Lee, Dong-Hun;Lee, En-Sang;Jin, Ho
    • Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.27-36
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    • 2011
  • The present study examines the morning-afternoon asymmetry of the geosynchronous magnetic field strength on the dayside (magnetic local time [MLT] = 06:00~18:00) using observations by the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites (GOES) over a period of 9 years from February 1998 to January 2007. During geomagnetically quiet time (Kp < 3), we observed that a peak of the magnetic field strength is skewed toward the earlier local times (11:07~11:37 MLT) with respect to local noon and that the geosynchronous field strength is larger in the morning sector than in the afternoon sector. That is, there is the morning-afternoon asymmetry of the geosynchronous magnetic field strength. Using solar wind data, it is confirmed that the morning-afternoon asymmetry is not associated with the aberration effect due to the orbital motion of the Earth about the Sun. We found that the peak location of the magnetic field strength is shifted toward the earlier local times as the ratio of the magnetic field strength at MLT = 18 (B-dusk) to the magnetic field strength at MLT = 06 (B-dawn) is decreasing. It is also found that the dawn-dusk magnetic field median ratio, B-dusk/B-dawn, is decreasing as the solar wind dynamic pressure is increasing. The morning-afternoon asymmetry of the magnetic field strength appears in Tsyganenko geomagnetic field model (TS-04 model) when the partial ring current is included in TS-04 model. Unlike our observations, however, TS-04 model shows that the peak location of the magnetic field strength is shifted toward local noon as the solar wind dynamic pressure grows in magnitude. This may be due to that the symmetric magnetic field associated with the magnetopause current, strongly affected by the solar wind dynamic pressure, increases. However, the partial ring current is not affected as much as the magnetopause current by the solar wind dynamic pressure in TS-04 model. Thus, our observations suggest that the contribution of the partial ring current at geosynchronous orbit is much larger than that expected from TS-04 model as the solar wind dynamic pressure increases.

Buffeting response of a free-standing bridge pylon in a trumpet-shaped mountain pass

  • Li, Jiawu;Shen, Zhengfeng;Xing, Song;Gao, Guangzhong
    • Wind and Structures
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.85-97
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    • 2020
  • The accurate estimation of the buffeting response of a bridge pylon is related to the quality of the bridge construction. To evaluate the influence of wind field characteristics on the buffeting response of a pylon in a trumpet-shaped mountain pass, this paper deduced a multimodal coupled buffeting frequency domain calculation method for a variable-section bridge tower under the twisted wind profile condition based on quasi-steady theory. Through the long-term measurement of the wind field of the trumpet-shaped mountain pass, the wind characteristics were studied systematically. The effects of the wind characteristics, wind yaw angles, mean wind speeds, and wind profiles on the buffeting response were discussed. The results show that the mean wind characteristics are affected by the terrain and that the wind profile is severely twisted. The optimal fit distribution of the monthly and annual maximum wind speeds is the log-logistic distribution, and the generalized extreme value I distribution may underestimate the return wind speed. The design wind characteristics will overestimate the buffeting response of the pylon. The buffeting response of the pylon is obviously affected by the wind yaw angle and mean wind speed. To accurately estimate the buffeting response of the pylon in an actual construction, it is necessary to consider the twisted effect of the wind profile.

Shallow Water Wave Hindcasting by the Combination of MASCON and SWAN Models (지형을 고려한 해상풍 모델(MASCON)과 SWAN 모델의 결합에 의한 천해파랑 산정)

  • Kim, Ji-Min;Kim, Chang-Hoon;Kim, Do-Sam;Hur, Dong-Soo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.57-65
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    • 2007
  • Shallow water waves are hindcasted from sea wind fields, which include wave transformations such as shoaling, refraction, diffraction, reflection and wave breaking. In case of estimating sea wind field in shallow water, the sea wind revised from free wind obtained by the typhoon model is widely used. However, this method is not able to consider the effect of land topography on the wind field, which will be important factor for shallow water wave forecasting and hindcasting. In this study, therefore, the effect of land topography on sea wind field in shallow water is investigated for shallow water wave forecasting and hindcasting with high accuracy. The 3-D MASCON model is introduced to consider the influence of land topography on the wind field. And, for two areas divided by the topographical characteristics, i.e. shielded and opened coastal areas, sea wind field is examined by comparison between initial wind field by typhoon model and modified wind field by 3-D MASCON model. Finally, applying these sea wind fields to SWAN model, the results of shallow water wave calculated in shielded and opened coastal areas are compared, and, also, the effect of MASCON model on shallow water wave forecasting and hindcasting is discussed.

Introduction to Daegwallyeong Wind Turbine Test Site and Field Test Study (대관령 풍력실증단지 및 실증연구 소개)

  • Yoo Neung-Soo;Nam Yun-Soo;Lee Jung-Wan
    • 한국신재생에너지학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2005.06a
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    • pp.5-8
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    • 2005
  • This paper aims to introduce the Daegwallyeong wind turbine test site which is the first official wind turbine test site in Korea. The current status of test site, the characteristics, the projects performed and future plan of this test site are described. The results of wind condition measurements and monitoring system established by the Kangwon National University are presented. The importance of field test is also commented.

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Simultaneous measurement of velocity fields of wind-blown sand and surrounding wind in an atmospheric boundary layer

  • Zhang W.;Wang Y.;Lee S. J.
    • 한국가시화정보학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2005.12a
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    • pp.11-16
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    • 2005
  • Saltation is the most important mechanism of wind-blown sand transport. Till now the interaction between wind and sand has not been fully understood. In this study the saltation of sand sample taken from Taklimakan desert was tested in a simulated atmospheric boundary layer. The captured particle images containing both the tracers for wind and saltating sand, were separated by a digital phase mask technique. Both PIV and PTV methods were employed to extract the velocity fields of wind and the dispersed sand particles, respectively. The mean streamwise wind velocity field and turbulent statistics with and without sand transportation were compared, revealing the effect of the moving sand on the wind field. This study is helpful to understand the interaction between wind and blown sand (in saltation), and provide reliable experimental data fur evaluating numerical models.

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