• Title/Summary/Keyword: wind-field

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Field monitoring of boundary layer wind characteristics in urban area

  • Li, Q.S.;Zhi, Lunhai;Hu, Fei
    • Wind and Structures
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    • v.12 no.6
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    • pp.553-574
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    • 2009
  • This paper presents statistical analysis results of wind speed and atmospheric turbulence data measured from more than 30 anemometers installed at 15 different height levels on 325 m high Beijing Meteorological Tower and is primarily intended to provide useful information on boundary layer wind characteristics for wind-resistant design of tall buildings and high-rise structures. Profiles of mean wind speed are presented based on the field measurements and are compared with empirical models' predictions. Relevant parameters of atmospheric boundary layer at urban terrain are determined from the measured wind speed profiles. Furthermore, wind velocity data in longitudinal, lateral and vertical directions, which were recorded from an ultrasonic anemometer during windstorms, are analyzed and discussed. Atmospheric turbulence information such as turbulence intensity, gust factor, turbulence integral length scale and power spectral densities of the three-dimensional fluctuating wind velocity are presented and used to evaluate the adequacy of existing theoretical and empirical models. The objective of this study is to investigate the profiles of mean wind speed and atmospheric turbulence characteristics over a typical urban area.

Experimental and Computational Investigation of Wind Flow Field on a Span Roof Structure

  • K B Rajasekarababu;G Vinayagamurthy;Ajay Kumar T M;Selvirajan S
    • International Journal of High-Rise Buildings
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.287-300
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    • 2022
  • Unconventional structures are getting more popular in recent days. Large-span roofs are used for many structures, such as airports, stadiums, and conventional halls. Identifying the pressure distribution and wind load acting on those structures is essential. This paper offers a collaborative study of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations and wind tunnel tests for assessing wind pressure distribution for a building with a combined slender curved roof. The hybrid turbulence model, Improved Delayed Detached Eddy Simulation (IDDES), simulates the open terrain turbulent flow field. The wind-induced local pressure coefficients on complex roof structures and the turbulent flow field around the structure were thus calculated based upon open terrain wind flow simulated with the FLUENT software. Local pressure measurements were investigated in a boundary layer wind tunnel simultaneous to the simulation to determine the pressure coefficient distributions. The results predicted by CFD were found to be consistent with the wind tunnel test results. The comparative study validated that the recommended IDDES model and the vortex method associated with CFD simulation are suitable tools for structural engineers to evaluate wind effects on long-span complex roofs and plan irregular buildings during the design stage.

Effects of Spatio-Temporal Resolution of Diagnostic Wind Field on the Dispersion of Released Substance (바람장의 공간적.시간적 해상도가 누출물질 확산에 미치는 영향)

  • 김영성
    • Journal of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.327-338
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    • 2000
  • complexity in atmospheric environment coupled with shoreline and complex terrain often causes local variations of meteorology that are distinct from those representative over larger surrounding area, These kinds of local variations are less significant in usual long-term environmental impact analyses dealing with continuous plume. The variations could however be crucial in predicting dispersion of toxic substance released in a relatively small area for a short duration. In the present paper the effects of spatial and temporal resolution of diagnostic wind field on the dispersion of the released substance are investigated by using a puff model. A hypothetical release scenario assumes that a substance is released from a location in the Yochon Industrial Estate and passively dispersed within a few-kilometer distance for an hour. The results show that diagnostic analysis could resolve more spatial variations to some extent by employing smaller grid size. The peak concentrations and puff trajectories obtained from spatially -and/or tmeporally -varing diagnostic wind field are found appreciably different from those obtained from uniform wind field. Attention to high-resolution wind field in the both spatial and temporal spaces is called in the consequence analysis of toxic substance release.

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Experimental and numerical study on generation and mitigation of vortex-induced vibration of open-cross-section composite beam

  • Zhou, Zhiyong;Zhan, Qingliang;Ge, Yaojun
    • Wind and Structures
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.45-57
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    • 2016
  • Open-cross-section composite beam (OCB) tends to suffer vortex-induced vibration (VIV) due to its bluff aerodynamic shape. A cable-stayed bridge equipped with typical OCB is taken as an example in this paper to conduct sectional model wind tunnel test. Vortex-induced vibration is observed and maximum vibration amplitudes are obtained. CFD approach is employed to calculate the flow field around original cross sections in service stage and construction stage, as well as sections added with three different countermeasures: splitters, slabs and wind fairings. Results show that flow separate on the upstream edge and cause vortex shedding on original section. Splitters can only smooth the flow field on the upper surface, while slabs cannot smooth flow field on the upper or lower surface too much. Thus, splitters or slabs cannot serve as valid aerodynamic means. Wind tunnel test results show that VIV can only be mitigated when wind fairings are mounted, by which the flow field above and below the bridge deck are accelerated simultaneously.

An Effect of Wind on Circulation in Kamak Bay (가막만의 해수유동에 미치는 바람의 영향)

  • PARK Sung-Eun;CHO Kyu-Dae;HONG Chul-Hoon;KIM Dong-Sun;CHO Kwang-Woo
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.32 no.5
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    • pp.674-679
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    • 1999
  • The effect of wind on the circulation in Kamak Bay in the southern sea of Korea was examined using a numerical shallow water model. The experiments were primarily focused on how the effect of wind influence the tidal residual current. According to wind directions, the residual currents were changed; the westerly wind created a strong anti-clockwise eddy in the northwestern area of the bay where the flow field is usually very weak; the easterly wind strengthened the flow field in the central area of the bay; the patterns of flow fields to the north and south winds were almost the same as one without the wind, although the flow field became slightly stronger, The model flirty reproduced features in the observed current field at Pyongsa.

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Joint distribution of wind speed and direction in the context of field measurement

  • Wang, Hao;Tao, Tianyou;Wu, Teng;Mao, Jianxiao;Li, Aiqun
    • Wind and Structures
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    • v.20 no.5
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    • pp.701-718
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    • 2015
  • The joint distribution of wind speed and wind direction at a bridge site is vital to the estimation of the basic wind speed, and hence to the wind-induced vibration analysis of long-span bridges. Instead of the conventional way relying on the weather stations, this study proposed an alternate approach to obtain the original records of wind speed and the corresponding directions based on field measurement supported by the Structural Health Monitoring System (SHMS). Specifically, SHMS of Sutong Cable-stayed Bridge (SCB) is utilized to study the basic wind speed with directional information. Four anemometers are installed in the SHMS of SCB: upstream and downstream of the main deck center, top of the north and south tower respectively. Using the recorded wind data from SHMS, the joint distribution of wind speed and direction is investigated based on statistical methods, and then the basic wind speeds in 10-year and 100-year recurrence intervals at these four key positions are calculated. Analytical results verify the reliability of the recorded wind data from SHMS, and indicate that the joint probability model for the extreme wind speed at SCB site fits well with the Weibull model. It is shown that the calculated basic wind speed is reduced by considering the influence of wind direction. Compared to the design basic wind speed in the Specification of China, basic wind speed considering the influence of direction or not is much smaller, indicating a high safety coefficient in the design of SCB. The results obtained in this study can provide not only references for further wind-resistance research of SCB, but also improve the understanding of the safety coefficient for wind-resistance design of other engineering structures in the similar area.

Numerical characterization of downburst wind field at WindEEE dome

  • Ibrahim, Ibrahim;Aboshosha, Haitham;El Damatty, Ashraf
    • Wind and Structures
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.231-243
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    • 2020
  • Downbursts are acknowledged for being a major loading hazard for horizontally-extending structures like transmission line systems. With these structures being inherently flexible, it is important to characterize the turbulence associated with the wind flow of downburst events being essential to quantify dynamic excitations on structures. Accordingly, the current study numerically characterizes the downburst wind field of open terrain simulated at the Wind Engineering, Energy and Environment (WindEEE) dome testing facility at The University of Western Ontario in Canada through a high-resolution large eddy simulation (LES). The study validates the numerical simulation considering both the mean and the turbulent components of the flow. It then provides a detailed visual description of the flow at WindEEE through the capabilities enabled by LES to identify the key factors affecting the flow. The study also presents the spatial distribution of turbulence intensities and length scales computed from the numerical model and compares them with previous values reported in the literature. The comparison shows the ability of the downburst simulated at WindEEE to reproduce turbulence characteristics similar to those reported from field measurements. The study also indicates that downburst turbulence is well-correlated circumferentially which imposes high correlated loads on horizontally-distributed structures such as transmission lines.

Comparison Study on Aerodynamic Performance and Wake Flow Field for a MW-Class Wind Turbine Model (대형 풍력터빈 모형의 공력 성능 및 후류 유동장에 대한 비교 연구)

  • Jeong, Duwon;Won, Young Soo;Kang, Seung-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Visualization
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.32-38
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    • 2019
  • A comparison study between computational-fluid-dynamics simulation and wind tunnel test for a megawatt-class wind turbine is conducted. For the study, flow-field in wake, basic aerodynamic performance, and effect of the yaw error for a 1/86 scaled-down model of the NREL offshore 5 MW wind turbine are numerically calculated using commercial software "FloEFD" with $k-{\varepsilon}$ turbulence model. The computed results are compared to the wind tunnel test performed by the constant-velocity mode for the model. It is shown that discrepancy are found between the two results at lower tip-speed ratio and higher yaw angle, however, the velocity-defection distribution in the wake, the torque coefficient at moderated and high tip-speed ratios are in good agreement with the wind tunnel test.

Effect of hanging-type sand fence on characteristics of wind-sand flow fields

  • Cheng, Jian-jun;Lei, Jia-qiang;Li, Sheng-yu;Wang, Hai-feng
    • Wind and Structures
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    • v.22 no.5
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    • pp.555-571
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    • 2016
  • A hanging-type sand-retaining wall is a very common sand-blocking fence structure used to prevent sand movement. This type of wall is widely used along the Qinghai-Tibet and Gobi desert railways in Xinjiang, Western China. To analyze the characteristics of wind-sand flow fields under the effect of such a sand fence structure, a wind tunnel test and a field test were carried out. The wind tunnel test showed the zoning characteristics of the flow fields under the effect of the hanging-type sand-retaining wall, and the field test provided the sediment transport data for effective wind-proof interval and the sand resistance data in the front and behind the sand-retaining wall. The consistency of the wind-sand flow fields with the spatial distribution characteristic of wind-carried sand motion was verified by the correspondences of the acceleration zone in the flow field and the negative elevation points of the percentage variations of the sand collection rate. The spatial distribution characteristic of the field sand collection data further showed the spatial structural characteristic of the sandy air currents under the action of the hanging-type sand-retaining wall and the sand resistance characteristic of the sand-retaining wall. This systematic study on the wind-sand flow fields under the control of the hanging-type sand-retaining wall provides a theoretical basis for the rational layout of sand control engineering systems and the efficient utilization of a hanging-type sand-retaining wall.

Wind tunnel modeling of roof pressure and turbulence effects on the TTU test building

  • Bienkiewicz, Bogusz;Ham, Hee J.
    • Wind and Structures
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.91-106
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    • 2003
  • The paper presents the results of 1:50 geometrical scale laboratory modeling of wind-induced point pressure on the roof of the Texas Tech University (TTU) test building. The nominal (prevalent at the TTU site) wind and two bounding (low and high turbulence) flows were simulated in a boundary-layer wind tunnel at Colorado State University. The results showed significant increase in the pressure peak and standard deviation with an increase in the flow turbulence. It was concluded that the roof mid-plane pressure sensitivity to the turbulence intensity was the cause of the previously reported field-laboratory mismatch of the fluctuating pressure, for wind normal and $30^{\circ}$-off normal to the building ridge. In addition, it was concluded that the cornering wind mismatch in the roof corner/edge regions could not be solely attributed to the wind-azimuth-independent discrepancy between the turbulence intensity of the approach field and laboratory flows.