• Title/Summary/Keyword: watershed forest

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Studies on the Desertification Combating and Sand Industry Development(III) - Revegetation and Soil Conservation Technology in Desertification-affected Sandy Land - (사막화방지(沙漠化防止) 및 방사기술개발(防沙技術開發)에 관한 연구(硏究)(III) - 중국(中國)의 황막사지(荒漠沙地) 녹화기술분석(綠化技術分析) -)

  • Woo, Bo-Myeong;Lee, Kyung-Joon;Choi, Hyung-Tae;Lee, Sang-Ho;Park, Joo-Won;Wang, Lixian;Zhang, Kebin;Sun, Baoping
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.90 no.1
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    • pp.90-104
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    • 2001
  • This study is aimed to analyze and to evaluate the revegetation and soil conservation technology in desertification-affected sandy land, resulting from the project of "Studies on the desertification combating and sand industry development". Main native plants for combating desertification : The general characteristics of vegetation distribution in desertified regions are partially concentrated vegetation distribution types including the a) desert plants in low zone of desert or sanddune of depressed basin, b) salt-resistant plants around saline lakes, c) grouped vegetation with Poplar and Chinese Tamarix of freshwater-lakes, saline-lakes and river-banks, d) gobi vegetation of gravel desert and e) grassland and oasis-woods around the alluvial fan of rivers, etc. Generally, Tamarix ehinensis Lour., Haloxylon ammodendron Bunge., Calligonum spp., Populus euphratica Oliver., Elaeagnus angustifolia L., Ulmus pumila L., Salix spp., Hedysarum spp., Caragana spp., Xanthoceras sorbifolia Bunge., Nitraria tangutorum Bobr., Lespedeza bicolor, Alhagi sparsifolia Shap., Capparis spinosa L., Artemisia arenaria DC., etc. are widely distributed in desertified regions. It is necessary for conducting research in the native plants in desertified regions. Analysis of intensive revegetation technology system for combating desertification : In the wind erosion region, the experimental research projects of rational farming systems (regional planning, shelterbelts system, protection system of oasis, establishment of irrigation-channel networks and management technology of enormous farmlands, etc.), rational utilization technology of plant resources (fuelwood, medicinal plants, grazing and grassland management, etc.), utilization technology of water resources (management and planning of watershed, construction of channel and technology of water saving and irrigation, etc.), establishment of sheltetbelts, control of population increase and increased production technology of agricultural forest, fuelwood and feed, etc. are preponderantly being promoted. And in water erosion region, the experimental research projects of development of rational utilization technology of land and vegetation, engineering technology and protection technology of crops, etc. are being promoted in priority. And also, the experimental researches on the methods of utilization of water (irrigation, drainage, washing and rice cultivation, etc.), agricultural methods (reclamation of land, agronomy, fertilization, seeding, crop rotation, mixed-cultivation and soil dressing works, etc.) and biological methods (cultivation of salt-resistant crops and green manure and tree plantation, etc.) for improvement of saline soil and alkaline soil in desertified-lands are actively being promoted. And the international cooperations on the revegetation technology development projects of desertified-lands are sincerely being required.

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Properties of Water Quality and Land Use at the Rural Area in the Nakdong River Watershed (낙동강수계 농촌유역의 토지이용 및 수질 특성)

  • Kim, Jin-Ho;Kim, Chan-Yong;Lee, Seong-Tae;Choi, Chul-Mann;Jung, Goo-Bok;Lee, Jong-Sik;Kim, Won-Il
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.99-106
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    • 2007
  • This study was focused on understanding the agricultural non-point sources pollution in 72 rural catchments of Nakdong river watershed from 2001 to 2005 every two year. Also. Pearson correlations between water quality and basin characteristic were computed. Water quality of this study watershed was better in 2003 than any other period. The water quality of upstream was recorded from 0.040 to 0.510 dS/m in EC, from 3.55 to 22.60 mg/L in DO, from 0.32 to 16.64 mg/L in T-N, from 0.00 to 12.21 mg/L in $NO_3-N$, from 0.000 to 0.860 mg/L in T-P, and from 0.000 to 0.640 mg/L in $PO_4-P$. A the downstream, EC was measured from 0.030 to 0.520 dS/m, DO from 4.13 to 18.36 mg/L, T-N from 0.38 to 26.88 mg/L, $NO_3-N$ from 0.10 to 20.12 mg/L, T-P from 0.002 to 0.820 mg/L, $PO_4-P$ from 0.002 to 0.690 mg/L. But there was no difference between upstream and downstream for the water quality. Based on the correlation analysis between water quality and land use, correlation between BOD and residential was the highest positive correlation of 0.541 (p<0.01), and correlation between $PO_4-P$ and forest was the highest negative correlation of -0.451 (p<0.01). Also, T-N, $NO_3-N$, and pH were not correlated with all basin characteristics and basin was not correlated with all water quality parameter. According to the correlation residential was causative of growing worst for water quality, and forest was causative of improving for water quality.

Causual Analysis on Soil Loss of Safety Class Oryun Tunnel Area in Landslide Hazard Map (산사태 위험지도에서 안전등급지역인 오륜터널 일대의 토사유실 원인분석)

  • Kim, Tae Woo;Kang, In Joon;Choi, Hyun;Lee, Byung Gul
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.17-24
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    • 2016
  • At present, summer cloudburst and local torrential rainfalls have increased in this country, because of climatic change. Therefore, studies on prevention of soil loss have been actively proceeded, and Korea Forest Service has offered landslide hazard map. Landslide hazard map divides risks into 5 classes, by giving weight with 9 kinds of elements. In August 25 2014, soil loss occurred in the whole Oryun Tunnel, Geumjeong-gu, Busan, because of local torrential heavy rain. As a result of comparing with landslide hazard map, the area where soil loss occurred in reality is a safety zone on hazard map. Rainfall, soil map, geological map, forest type map, gradient, drainage network, watershed, basin shape, and efflux of the whole Oryun Tunnel where soil loss occurred were analyzed. As a result of an analysis, it is judged that soil, forest type, much efflux and peak discharge, degree of water network and basin shape of a place where landslide occurred are causes of soil loss. It is judged that efflux, peak discharge, and basin shape by the localized rainfall that is not considered in landslide hazard map of them are the biggest causes of soil loss. It is judged that efflux, peak discharge, degree of water network and basin shape by the rainfall are important through a study on a causual analysis on soil loss in the whole Oryun Tunnel where is one of occurrence area where a lot of propertywere lost by the record local torrential rainfalls. A localized torrential downpour should be prepared by considering these elements on judgement of a landslide hazard area.

Open Channel Characteristics on Different Land Cover for Neponset River, Boston, MA (상이한 토지이용에서 나타나는 하천의 특성에 관한 연구 : 메사추세츠 보스턴의 네폰셋강의 사례연구)

  • Lee, Ja-Won
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.100-109
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    • 2010
  • The study examines two different sites to analyze the difference of stream channel profile between two different landuse areas on Neponset River, Boston, MA. Landuse represents the current status of land in terms of human, agricultural or forest, industry and environmental activity types. According to the previous research, forest and urban area are significantly distinguished in chemical characteristic, shape and bed load of the stream. On the chosen sites, I look at the cross-section profile, the slope, velocity, and roughness of the channels. With the data collected at the site I determined the value for the channel bed material using Manning's equation, and compared with the result of HEC-RAS model with the cross-section profile data I measured. In the forest area, water surface elevation and bed material obtained through Manning's equation are very close to HEC-RAS model result. However, in the resident area the Manning's 'n' value calculated much higher than assumption which was considered as cobble whose 'n' value is 0.03-0.06. The difference could be caused by unusual steep elevation on the site and the dam present down further. With the steep elevation upside of dam, there is critical-depth condition occurs. The difference of Manning's 'n' value reflects the difference of depth. HEC-RAS model was run to analyze the difference and the result shows that depth is 0.36 much less than 0.688 what I computed when the Manning's n value is 0.03(cobble) instead of the result of the study (0.13292). Beside, dam is a major source of fragmentation and degradation of stream, and it's possibly inferred upstream water levels are increased and stream velocity is decreased. This study is meaningful for introduction of HEC-RAS in geography field to analyze different sites with channel bed material, and it is going to be used more actively to manage river and river side.

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Contribution of Non-Point Pollution to Water Quality and Runoff Characteristics from Agricultural Area of the Upstream Watersheds of Lake Chinyang

  • Lee, Chun-Sik;Jang, Seong-Ho
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.259-267
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    • 2013
  • In this study, non-point source(NPS) contribution was investigated based on flow rates and water qualities of streams into the lake during rainfall events. Event mean concentration(EMC) and the pollution loads were calculated to establish a database for NPS control measurement in the survey area, and so on. The runoff characteristics of NPS were investigated and estimated on the basis of the ratio of an agricultural to forest area in the stream of sub-catch basin during rainfall events. Non-point source pollution loads were also calculated to establish a database for NPS control measure in the upstream lake Chinyang. At a rainfall event, BOD concentrations rise sharply at the early peak time of runoff, however, peaks of TSS concentration were observed at the similar time of peak flow. This was a phenomenon shown at the watersheds caused by forest and geological types. The discharged EMC range was 2.9-4.8 mg/L in terms of BOD. The discharged EMC range was 6.2-8.2 mg/L in terms of SS. The discharged EMCs of T-N and T-P were 1.4-2.5 mg/L and 0.059-0.233 mg/L, respectively. Total BOD loading rate through the 3 tributaries to the lake Chinyang was 1,136 kg/d during dry weather. The upper watershed area of the Nam-river dam in this study was divided into 14 catchment basins based on the Korean guideline for total maximum daily load(TMDL) of water quality pollutants. The higher the agricultural land-use ratio, the more NPS loading rate discharged, but the more occupied a forest area, the lower more NPS loading rate discharged. In an agricultural land-use area more than 20%, the increase of NPS loadings might be dramatically diffused by increasing the integrated complex-use like vinyl-house facilities and fertilizer use etc. according to the effective land-use utilization. The NPS loading rates were BOD 0.3 $kg/ha{\cdot}day$, SS 0.21 $kg/ha{\cdot}day$, TN 0.02 $kg/ha{\cdot}day$, TP 0.005 $kg/ha{\cdot}day$ under less than 10% agricultural land-use. In agricultural land-use of 20%-50%, these values were investigated in the range of 0.32 $kg/ha{\cdot}day$-0.73 $kg/ha{\cdot}day$ for BOD, 0.92 $kg/ha{\cdot}day$-3.32 $kg/ha{\cdot}day$ for SS, 0.70 $kg/ha{\cdot}day$-0.90 $kg/ha{\cdot}day$ TN, 0.03 $kg/ha{\cdot}day$-0.044 $kg/ha{\cdot}day$ for TP.

Univariate Analysis of Soil Moisture Time Series for a Hillslope Located in the KoFlux Gwangneung Supersite (광릉수목원 내 산지사면에서의 토양수분 시계열 자료의 단변량 분석)

  • Son, Mi-Na;Kim, Sang-Hyun;Kim, Do-Hoon;Lee, Dong-Ho;Kim, Joon
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.88-99
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    • 2007
  • Soil moisture is one of the essential components in determining surface hydrological processes such as infiltration, surface runoff as well as meteorological, ecological and water quality responses at watershed scale. This paper discusses soil moisture transfer processes measured at hillslope scale in the Gwangneung forest catchment to understand and provide the basis of stochastic structures of soil moisture variation. Measured soil moisture series were modelled based upon the developed univariate model platform. The modeling consists of a series of procedures: pre-treatment of data, model structure investigation, selection of candidate models, parameter estimation and diagnostic checking. The spatial distribution of model is associated with topographic characteristics of the hillslope. The upslope area computed by the multiple flow direction algorithm and the local slope are found to be effective parameters to explain the distribution of the model structure. This study enables us to identify the key factors affecting the soil moisture distribution and to ultimately construct a realistic soil moisture map in a complex landscape such as the Gwangneung Supersite.

A Study on the Development of Topographical Variables and Algorithm for Mountain Classification (산지 경계 추출을 위한 지형학적 변수 선정과 알고리즘 개발)

  • Choi, Jungsun;Jang, Hyo Jin;Shim, Woo Jin;An, Yoosoon;Shin, Hyeshop;Lee, Seung-Jin;Park, Soo Jin
    • Journal of The Geomorphological Association of Korea
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.1-18
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    • 2018
  • In Korea, 64% of the land is known as mountain area, but the definition and classification standard of mountain are not clear. Demand for utilization and development of mountain area is increasing. In this situation, the unclear definition and scope of the mountain area can lead to the destruction of the mountain and the increase of disasters due to indiscreet permission of forestland use conversion. Therefore, this study analyzed the variables and criteria that can extract the mountain boundaries through the questionnaire survey and the terrain analysis. We developed a mountain boundary extraction algorithm that can classify topographic mountain by using selected variables. As a result, 72.1% of the total land was analyzed as mountain area. For the three catchment areas with different mountain area ratio, we compared the results with the existing data such as forestland map and cadastral map. We confirmed the differences in boundary and distribution of mountain. In a catchment area with predominantly mountainous area, the algorithmbased mountain classification results were judged to be wider than the mountain or forest of the two maps. On the other hand, in the basin where the non-mountainous region predominated, algorithm-based results yielded a lower mountain area ratio than the other two maps. In the two maps, we was able to confirm the distribution of fragmented mountains. However, these areas were classified as non-mountain areas in algorithm-based results. We concluded that this result occurred because of the algorithm, so it is necessary to refine and elaborate the algorithm afterward. Nevertheless, this algorithm can analyze the topographic variables and the optimal value by watershed that can distinguish the mountain area. The results of this study are significant in that the mountain boundaries were extracted considering the characteristics of different mountain topography by region. This study will help establish policies for stable mountain management.

Evaluation of environmental drought index applicability for watershed-specific drought management (유역 맞춤형 가뭄 관리를 위한 환경가뭄지수 적용성 평가)

  • Lim, Jaeyeon;Lee, Sangung;Jo, Bugeon;Kim, Young Do;Lee, Joo-Heon
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.57 no.10
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    • pp.699-709
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    • 2024
  • This study comprehensively evaluates the environmental impacts of droughts caused by abnormal climate change. Specifically, to quantitatively analyze the impact of droughts on the water environment of river basins, an Environmental Drought Index (EDI) was developed using meteorological, hydrological, and water quality parameters. The study focuses on the Han River basin, categorizing the watersheds into urban, agricultural, and forest types to develop region-specific EDIs. Various data analysis techniques, such as multiple linear regression, principal component and random forest analysis, were employed to determine the weights of different parameters to assess the impact of droughts. The primary water quality parameter used in the assessment was BOD (Biochemical Oxygen Demand). The results showed that in urban areas, TOC (Total Organic Carbon) and flow were the primary parameters, with significant deterioration in water quality during droughts. In agricultural areas, TOC and EC (Electrical Conductivity) were the primary parameters driving changes in water quality during droughts. In forest areas, TOC, flow and cumulative precipitation were identified as the primary parameters, with relatively less impact compared to other regions.

Chemical Characteristics of Water Quality of Rainfall, Throughfall, Soil and Stream Water in Small Forested Watershed (산림유역내(山林流域內) 강수(降水), 수관통과우(樹冠通過雨), 토양수(土壤水) 및 계류수(溪流水) 수질(水質)의 화학적(化學的) 특성(特性))

  • Park, Jae-Hyeon;Woo, Bo-Myeong
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.87 no.1
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    • pp.62-73
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    • 1998
  • This research was conducted to analyze the influence of the environmental factors on water quality such as contents of cation($K^+$, $Na^+$, $Ca^{2+}$, $Mg^{2+}$) and anion($Cl^-$, $NO{_3}^-$, $SO{_4}^{2-}$) in rainfall, throughfall, soil water(A and B layer), and stream water at a small forested watershed. Rainfall, throughfall, soil water(A and B layer), and stream water were sampled at the study sites in Kwanak Arboretum, Seoul National University, in Mt. Kwanak for 14 months(Jul. 1, 1996~Aug. 31, 1997). $Cl^-$ content of stream water correlated with that of soil water tire than that of rainfall and throughfall. Also $NO{_3}^-$ content in soil water was correlated with that of rainfall. Cation($K^+$, $Na^+$, $Ca^{2+}$, $Mg^{2+}$) contents in soil water at layer A and B were significantly correlated with anion($Cl^-$, $NO{_3}^-$, $SO{_4}^{2-}$) of that. The ratio of the average content of $NO{_3}^-$ to $SO{_4}^{2-}$ in rainfall was 0.66. Accordingly the content of $SO{_4}^{2-}$ was higher than $NO{_3}^-$ in rainfall. The amount of anion in stream water was significantly correlated with that in rainfall, throughfall, and soil water. Average content of cation and anion in hydrological processes were decreasing in the following order, soil water(B layer> A layer) > throughfall(Pinus rigida > Prunus serrulata var. spontanea > Carpinus laxiflora) > stream water > rainfall.

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Analysis of Influential Factors from Rainfall to Stream Water Quality in Small Forested Watershed - pH, dissolved oxygen, electrical conductivity - (산림유역내(山林流域內) 강수(降水)로부터 계류수질(溪流水質)에 미치는 영향인자(影響因子) 분석(分析) - pH, 용존산소(溶存酸素), 전기전도도(電氣傳導度) -)

  • Park, Jae-Hyeon;Woo, Bo-Myeong
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.86 no.4
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    • pp.489-501
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    • 1997
  • This research was conducted to analyze the influence of the environmental factors on water quality such as pH, dissolved oxygen, and electrical conductivity of rainfall, throughfall, soil water(A and B layer), and stream water quality at a small forested watershed. Rainfall, throughfall, soil water(A and B layer), and stream water were sampled at the study sites in Kwanak Arboretum, Seoul National University in Mt. Kwanak for 14 months(Jul. 1, 1996~Aug. 31, 1997). Average rainfall pH value was 6.06(ranged from 5.02 to 6.60). Acid rain frequency(less than pH 5.6) was 16.7%. The lowest rainfall pH value was 5.02. Average of pH values in hydrological processes were decreasing in the following order, stream water>soil water [Prunus serrulata var, spontanea(B layer>A layer)]>throughfall(Prunus serrulata var. spontanea)>soil water [Carpinus laxiflora(B layer >A layer)]>throughfall(Carpinus laxiflora)>rainfall>soil water [Pinus rigida(B layer>A layer)]>throughfall(Pinus rigida). pH values of throughfall in Prunes serrulata var. spontanea and Carpinus laxiflora were higher in Pines rigida. Average of dissolved oxygen values in hydrological processes were decreasing in the order, stream water>throughfall(Carpinus laxiflora>Prunus serrulata var, spontanea>Pines rigida)>rainfall>soil water [Prunes serrulata var. spontanea(A layer)>Pines rigida(A layer)>Carpinus laxiflora(A layer)>Prunes serrulata var. spontanea(B layer)>Pines rigida(B layer)>Carpinus laxiflora(B layer)]. And average electrical conductivity values in hydrological processes were decreasing in the order, soil water (B layer>A layer)>throughfall(Pinus rigida>Prunes serrulata var, spontanea>Carpinus laxiflora)>stream water>rainfall. Multiple regression equations of electrical conductivity and $Mg^{2+}$, $Na^+$, total amount of cation, total amount of ion, and no. of before non-rain days in rainfall, throughfall, soil and stream water shows high significance(Multi R; 0.84).

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