• Title/Summary/Keyword: watershed boundary

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Image Analysis Algorithm for the Corneal Endothelium

  • Kim Young-Yoon;Kim Beop-Min;Park Hwa-Joon;Im Kang-Bin;Lee Jin-Su;Kim Dong-Youn
    • Journal of Biomedical Engineering Research
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.125-130
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    • 2006
  • The number of the living endothelial cells and the shape of those are very import clinical parameters for the evaluation of the quality of cornea. In this paper, we developed the automated endothelial cell counting and shape analysis algorithm for a confocal microscope. Since, the endothelial images from the confocal microscope has a non-uniform illumination and low contrast between cell boundaries and cell bodies, it is very difficult to segment the cells from the endothelial images. To cope with these difficulties, we proposed the new two stage image processing algorithm. At first stage algorithm, we used a high-pass filter and histogram equalization to compensate the non-uniform brightness pattern and a morphological filter and a watershed method are applied to detect the boundary of cells. From this stage, we could count the number of cells in an endothelial image. At second stage algorithm, we used a Voronoi diagram method to classify the shape of cells. This cell shape analysis and the percent of hexagonal cells are very sensitive in detecting the early endothelium damage. To evaluate the performance of the proposed system, we p개cessed seven endothelial images obtained using a confocal microscope. The proposed system correctly counted 95.5% cells and classified 92.0% of hexagonal cell shapes. This result is better than any others in this research area.

A Study on Video Object Segmentation using Nonlinear Multiscale Filtering (비선형 다중스케일 필터링을 사용한 비디오 객체 분할에 관한 연구)

  • 이웅희;김태희;이규동;정동석
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.28 no.10C
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    • pp.1023-1032
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    • 2003
  • Object-based coding, such as MPEG-4, enables various content-based functionalities for multimedia applications. In order to support such functionalities, as well as to improve coding efficiency, each frame of video sequences should be segmented into video objects. In this paper. we propose an effective video object segmentation method using nonlinear multiscale filtering and spatio-temporal information. Proposed method performs a spatial segmentation using a nonlinear multiscale filtering based on the stabilized inverse diffusion equation(SIDE). And, the segmented regions are merged using region adjacency graph(RAG). In this paper, we use a statistical significance test and a time-variant memory as temporal segmentation methods. By combining of extracted spatial and temporal segmentations, we can segment the video objects effectively. Proposed method is more robust to noise than the existing watershed algorithm. Experimental result shows that the proposed method improves a boundary accuracy ratio by 43% on "Akiyo" and by 29% on "Claire" than A. Neri's Method does.

A tool development for forced striation and delineation of river network from digital elevation model based on ModelBuilder (모델빌더 기반 하천망의 DEM 각인 및 추출 툴 개발)

  • Choi, Seungsoo;Kim, Dongsu;You, Hojun
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.52 no.8
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    • pp.515-529
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    • 2019
  • Geospatial information for river network and watershed boundary have played a fundamental roles in terms of river management, planning and design, hydrological and hydraulic analysis. Irrespective of their importance, the lack of punctual update and improper maintenance in currently available river-related geospatial information systems has revealed inconsistency issues between individual systems and spatial inaccuracy with regard to reflecting dynamically transferring riverine geography. Given that digital elevation models (DEMs) of high spatial resolution enabling to reproduce precise river network are only available adjacent to national rivers, DEMs with poor spatial resolution lead to generate unreliable river network information and thereby reduce their extensible applicabilities. This study first of all evaluated published spatial information available in Korea with respect to their spatial accuracy and consistency, and also provides a methodology and tool to modify existing low resolution of DEMs by means of striation of conventional or digitized river network to replicate input river network in various degree of further delineation. The tool named FSND was designed to be operated in ArcGIS ModelBuilder which ensures to automatically simulate river network striation to DEMs and delineation with different flow accumulation threshold. The FNSD was successfully validated in Seom River basin to identify its replication of given river network manually digitized based on recent aerial photograph in conjunction with a DEM with 30 meter spatial resolution. With the derived accuracy of reproducibility, substantiation of a various order of river network and watershed boundary from the striated DEM posed tangible possibility for highly extending DEMs with low resolution to be capable of producing reliable riverine spatial information subsequently.

A feasibility modeling of potential dam site for hydroelectricity based on ASTGTM DEM data (ASTGTM 전지구 DEM 기반의 수력발전댐 적지분석 사전모델링)

  • Jang, Wonjin;Lee, Yonggwan;Kim, Seongjoon
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.53 no.7
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    • pp.545-555
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    • 2020
  • A feasibility modeling for potential hydroelectric dam site selection was suggested using 1 sec ASTGTM (ASTER Global Digital Elevation Model) and Terra/Aqua MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) derived land use (MCD12Q1) data. The modeling includes DEM pre-processing of peak, sink, and flat, river network generation, watershed delineation and segmentation, terrain analysis of stream cross section and reservoir storage, and estimation of submerged area for compensation. The modeling algorithms were developed using Python and as an open source GIS. When a user-defined stream point is selected, the model evaluates potential hydroelectric head, reservoir surface area and storage capacity curve, watershed time of concentration from DEM, and compensation area from land use data. The model was tested for 4 locations of already constructed Buhang, BohyunMountain, Sungdeok, and Yeongju dams. The modeling results obtained maximum possible heads of 37.0, 67.0, 73.0, 42.0 m, surface areas of 1.81, 2.4, 2.8, 8.8 ㎢, storages of 35.9, 68.0, 91.3, 168.3×106 ㎥ respectively. BohyunMountain and Sungdeok show validity but in case of Buhang and Yeongju dams have maximum head errors. These errors came from the stream generation error due to ASTGTM. So, wrong dam watershed boundary limit the head. This study showed a possibility to estimate potential hydroelectric dam sites before field investigation especially for overseas project.

Evaluation on the Degree of Satisfaction with Working Environment for Workers Engaged in the Composting Plant with Livestock Manure in the Han-river Watershed (한강유역 축분퇴비공장 근로자의 작업환경 만족도 평가)

  • Kim, K.Y.;Choi, H.L.;Kim, C.N.
    • Journal of Animal Science and Technology
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    • v.44 no.2
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    • pp.261-270
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    • 2002
  • This study was executed to elucidate the degree of satisfaction with working environment and the factors affecting it for workers who are engaged in the composting plants with livestock manure in the Han-river watershed. As an evaluation on site, we applied the self-administered questionaire including general characteristics, working conditions, degree of satisfaction with working environment, and degree of satisfaction with working condition. Simultaneously, we analysed the exposure levels of odor (ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, and odor intensity) in the boundary area of plants. As a result of the study, health condition, odor, work load, dust, and smoking were proved to be the main factors affecting the degree of satisfaction with working environment for workers who are employed in the composting plants with livestock manure in the Han-river watershed. Of them, it was investigated that health condition, odor, and work load accounted for 61.3% of the total degree of satisfaction with working environment and health condition(p$<$0.01), odor(p$<$0.05), work load(p$<$0.05), and dust(p$<$0.05) were statistically significant. It was concluded that the degree of satisfaction with working environment was high for the workers who had good health status and low for the workers who had the relatively considerable work load and were often exposed to odor and dust. Therefore, to increase the degree of satisfaction with working environment for workers who are engaged in the composting plants with livestock manure, the measures that can reduce the exposure levels of odor and dust emitting from the composting plant with livestock manure should be improved.

A Study of GIS-based Estimation of Pollutant Loads in Accordance with Spatial Landuse Variation - Focussing on Wangsook Watershed - (토지이용의 공간적 다양성에 따른 GIS 기반 오염부하 산정에 관한 연구 - 왕숙천 유역을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Kyoung-Soon;Kim, Kye-Hyun;Kwon, Oh-Jun
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.14 no.5
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    • pp.305-315
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    • 2005
  • The scheme to classify pollution sources in Korean TMDL planning has been pointed out too much complex to implement practically because of requiring a wide range of items to be collected from a field. Within a deficient situation to collect field data, the mathematical scheme that focuses only on counting an uniform area ratio of the different land uses to estimate of pollutant loads from individual sub-catchments has been used without taking into account of the spatial characteristics of major land uses as well as the locations of pollution sources in each sub-catchment. It would cause to significant level of errors to estimate the pollution loads. Therefore, this study proposes a renovated scheme that can be adopted more easily to classify pollution sources in the watershed and reduce the estimation errors in the spatial distribution of pollution sources by introducing a spatial analysis based on digital land cover maps. In order to estimate a unit area to calculate the uniform pollution load, the pollution response unit area that is locating spatially at the same place and having same land use is identified through the application of GIS overlay technique. Unlikely existing conventional method to calculate the pollution load based on equal distribution of pollutants for each administrative boundary, it is assumed that the pollution load from household and livestock sources are generated and washed off from only residential areas. While, pollution from business population comes from commercial area and industrial load from wastewater discharge facilities are from industrial areas. From comparison of the calculated results from the existing the method and the proposed one, it is found that although the estimation of pollution load from sub-catchment in the case of the existing conventional method application results in negligible difference in total pollution amounts from the whole area of Wangsook watershed as a study area, significant difference of pollution load among sub-catchment in which pollution response unit areas are diverse, however, appears in the case of the application of the renovated scheme.

Recognition of Flat Type Signboard using Deep Learning (딥러닝을 이용한 판류형 간판의 인식)

  • Kwon, Sang Il;Kim, Eui Myoung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.37 no.4
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    • pp.219-231
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    • 2019
  • The specifications of signboards are set for each type of signboards, but the shape and size of the signboard actually installed are not uniform. In addition, because the colors of the signboard are not defined, so various colors are applied to the signboard. Methods for recognizing signboards can be thought of as similar methods of recognizing road signs and license plates, but due to the nature of the signboards, there are limitations in that the signboards can not be recognized in a way similar to road signs and license plates. In this study, we proposed a methodology for recognizing plate-type signboards, which are the main targets of illegal and old signboards, and automatically extracting areas of signboards, using the deep learning-based Faster R-CNN algorithm. The process of recognizing flat type signboards through signboard images captured by using smartphone cameras is divided into two sequences. First, the type of signboard was recognized using deep learning to recognize flat type signboards in various types of signboard images, and the result showed an accuracy of about 71%. Next, when the boundary recognition algorithm for the signboards was applied to recognize the boundary area of the flat type signboard, the boundary of flat type signboard was recognized with an accuracy of 85%.

Research on How to Set 3rd Phase Target Water Quality on the Boundary between Metropolitan Cities/Dos Specified in Nakdong River Basin (낙동강수계 3단계 광역시·도 경계지점 목표수질 설정 방법 연구)

  • Hwang, Ha Sun;Park, Ji Hyung;Kim, Yong Seok;Rhew, Doug Hee;Choi, Yu Jin;Lee, Sung Jun
    • Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.70-77
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    • 2017
  • Total Pollution Load Control (TPLC) is a system for managing the discharge load assigned by satisfying the Target Water Quality (TWQ) in Standard Flow Conditions (SFC). TWQ for a between Metropolitan Cities/Dos Specified (Cites/Dos TWQ) is very important to be the basis of each Unit Watershed TWQ. The purpose of this study was to establish a rational and scientific 'Calculation Metohd of Cites/Dos TWQ'. A methodology for the 3rd phase 'Cites/Dos TWQ' was proposed in this study based on review of the past phase (1rd and 2rd) 'Cites/Dos TWQ' in nakdong river. And utilized water quality model to estimate 3rd phase 'Cites/Dos TWQ' The allocation method of individual discharge sources are important for estimating 'Cites/Dos TWQ' In this case, the key point of the method of calculating the total allowable individual sources is the balance of the equity and the efficiency between individual sources of reduced pollutants. Thus, water quality shall be determined with regard to the current emission levels, the reduction capacity and the technical possibilities of individual sources. We estimate 3rd phase 'Cites/Dos TWQ' according to the 'Calculation Method of Cites/Dos TWQ'.

Inundation Analysis on the Region of Lower Elevation of a New Port by Using SWMM5 and UNET Model - Yongwon-dong, Jinhae-si (SWMM5와 UNET 모형을 이용한 신항만 저지대 침수분석 - 진해시 용원동)

  • Lee, Jung-Min;Lee, Sang-Ho;Kang, Tae-Uk
    • Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.442-451
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    • 2008
  • We analyzed characteristics of rainfall-runoff for the channel of Yongwon area made by a new port construction. And we conducted inundation analysis on the region of lower elevation near the coast. SWMM5 was calibrated with the storm produced by the typhoon Megi from August 19 to August 20 in 2004, and was verified with the storm from August 22 to August 22 in 2004. We performed hydraulic channel routing of Yongwon channel about typhoon Megi from August 19 to August 20 in 2004 by UNET model which is a hydraulic channel routing. The simulated runoff hydrographs were added to the new stream as lateral inflow hydrographs and a watershed runoff hydrograph was the upstream boundary condition. The downstream boundary condition data were estimated by the measured stage hydrographs. The maximum stage that was calculated by hydraulic channel routing was higher than the levee of inundated region in typhoon Megi. Thus we can suppose an inundation to have been occurred. We performed inundation analysis about typhoon Megi from August 19 to August 20 in 2004 and flood discharge of return period 10~150 years. And we estimated each inundation area. The inundation areas by return periods of storms were estimated by 3.4~5.7 ha. The causes of inundation are low heights of levee crests (D.L. 2.033~2.583 m), storm surges induced by typhoons and reverse flow through the coastal sewers (D.L. -0.217~0.783 m). A result of this study can apply to establish countermeasure of a flood disaster in Yongwon.

Soil Loss and Pollutant Load Estimation in Sacheon River Watershed using a Geographic Information System (GIS를 이용한 동해안 하천유역의 토양유실량과 오염부하량 평가 -사천천을 중심으로-)

  • Cho, Jae-Heon;Yeon, Je-Chul
    • Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers
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    • v.22 no.7
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    • pp.1331-1343
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    • 2000
  • Through the integration of USLE and GIS, the methodology to estimate the soil loss was developed, and applicated to the Sacheon river in Gangrung. Using GIS, spatial analysis such as watershed boundary determination, flow routing. slope steepness calculation was done. Spatial information from the GIS application was given for each grid. With soil and land use map, information about soil classification and land use was given for each grid too. Based upon these data, thematic maps about the factors of USLE were made. We estimated the soil loss by overlaying the thematic maps. In this manner, we can assess the degree of soil loss for each grid using GIS. Annual average soil loss of Sacheon river watershed is 1.36 ton/ha/yr. Soil loss in forest, dry field, and paddy field is 0.15 ton/ha/yr, 27.04 ton/ha/yr, 0.78 ton/ha/yr respectively. The area of dry field, which is 4% of total area, is $2.4km^2$. But total soil loss of dry field is 6561 ton/yr, and it occupies 84.9 % of total soil loss eroded in Sacheon river watershed. Comparing with the 11.2 ton/ha/yr of an average soil loss tolerance for cropland, provision for the soil loss in dry field is necessary. Run-off and water quality of Sacheon river were measured two times in flood season: from July 24, 1998 to July 28 and from September 29 to October 1. As the run-off of the river increased, SS, TN, TP concentrations and pollutant loadings increased. SS, TN, TP loads of Sacheon river discharged during the 2 heavy rains were 21%, 39%, and 19% of the total pollutant loadings generated in the Sacheon river watershed for one year. We can see that much pollutants are discharged in short period of flood season.

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