• Title/Summary/Keyword: vowel comparison

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Comparison of Acoustic Parameters According to the Section of Analysis in Sustained Vowel Phonation (모음연장 음성 샘플의 분석 구간에 따른 음향학적 파라미터 비교)

  • Shin, Yu-Jeong
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.18 no.7
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    • pp.269-274
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    • 2017
  • This study aimed to investigate the acoustic differences that occur in diverse sections of sustained vowel phonation, which is often used in an objective speech analysis of voice disorder patients. The subjects included 17 voice disorder patients (vocal nodules) and 12 normal individuals without any voice disorder. The participants' sustained vowel phonation of /a/ was divided into onset, middle, and offset, and the jitter, shimmer, and NHR in each section were analyzed using the MDVP(Multi-Dimensional Voice Program). The Friedman test and post hoc analysis were used. In the vocal nodules group, the jitter, shimmer and NHR were significantly higher in the off section of sustained vowel phonation than in the middle section, and there were no significant differences between the beginning and middle sections. In contrast, in the group of normal individuals, there were no significant differences between any of the sections. The values of the acoustic parameters according to the section of analysis in the sustained vowel phonation are different and the vocal in the end section is significantly more unstable than that in the middle section. The results of this study will be useful for selecting the sections to be analyzed in sustained vowel phonation and interpreting the results of the analysis.

Comparison of Vowel and Text-Based Cepstral Analysis in Dysphonia Evaluation (발성장애 평가 시 /a/ 모음연장발성 및 문장검사의 켑스트럼 분석 비교)

  • Kim, Tae Hwan;Choi, Jeong Im;Lee, Sang Hyuk;Jin, Sung Min
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Laryngology, Phoniatrics and Logopedics
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.117-121
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    • 2015
  • Background : Cepstral analysis which is obtained from Fourier transformation of spectrum has been known to be effective indicator to analyze the voice disorder. To evaluate the voice disorder, phonation of sustained vowel /a/ sound or continuous speech have been used but the former was limited to capture hoarseness properly. This study is aimed to compare the effectiveness in analysis of cepstrum between the sustained vowel /a/ sound and continuous speech. Methods : From March 2012 to December 2014, total 72 patients was enrolled in this study, including 24 unilateral vocal cord palsy, vocal nodule and vocal polyp patients, respectively. The entire patient evaluated their voice quality by VHI (Voice Handicap Index) before and after treatment. Phonation of sustained vowel /a/ sample and continuous speech using the first sentence of autumn paragraph was subjected by cepstral analysis and compare the pre-treatment group and post-treatment group. Results : The measured values of pre and post treatment in CPP-a (cepstral peak prominence in /a/ vowel sound) was 13.80, 13.91 in vocal cord palsy, 16.62, 17.99 in vocal cord nodule, 14.19, 18.50 in vocal cord polyp respectively. Values of CPP-s (cepstral peak prominence in text-based speech) in pre and post treatment was 11.11, 12.09 in vocal cord palsy, 12.11, 14.09 in vocal cord nodule, 12.63, 14.17 in vocal cord polyp. All 72 patients showed subjective improvement in VHI after treatment. CPP-a showed statistical improvement only in vocal polyp group, but CPP-s showed statistical improvement in all three groups (p<0.05). Conclusion : In analysis of cepstrum, text-based analysis is more representative in voice disorder than vowel sound speech. So when the acoustic analysis of voice by cepstrum, both phonation of sustained vowel /a/ sound and text based speech should be performed to obtain more accurate result.

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A study on the automatic recognition of Korean vowel (한국어 단모음 자동 인식에 관한 연구)

  • 안동순
    • Proceedings of the Acoustical Society of Korea Conference
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    • 1984.12a
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    • pp.57-61
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    • 1984
  • In this study, the system is proposed which can be used for recognition of Koean single vowles "ㅏ, ㅓ, ㅗ, ㅜ, ㅡ, ㅣ, ㅐ, ㅔ, ㅚ,", and automatic recognition is processed using $\mu$-computer. 3 men of not-being-studied are participated in this experiment. Using the period of vowels, one part of the steady state is selected for high speed recognition, and amplitude comparison method, LPC, PARCOR, and Formant are used for parameter of recognition. Formant is obtained by peak picking method using LPC, and then vowels are recognized by amplitude comparison method, LPC, PARCOR, and Formant. As a result, Recognition rates are 90.1% for amplitude comparison method, 93.1% for LPC, 100% for PARCOR, 88.8% for using formant.

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Comparison of Speaker's Source Characteristics in Different Vowel Characteristics (모음에 따른 화자의 음원특성 비교)

  • 이후동;강선미;장문수;박한상
    • Proceedings of the KSLP Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.240-240
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    • 2003
  • 본 논문에서는 기존의 매개변수들과 달리 화자의 고유한 특성을 보여주는 화자인식 매개변수를 발성유형에서 찾고자 한다. 일반적으로 화자의 음원 특성이 발성 유형을 결정한다. 발성유형의 특성을 나타내는 매개변수로는 개방지수(open quotient)와 스펙트럼의 기울기 (spectral tilt)가 있으며, 스펙트럼의 기울기는 음향학적으로 그 특성을 측정할 수 있다. 그러나 기존의 측정방식은 사람마다 다른 기본 주파수와 모음의 영향을 전부 혹은 일부 배제하지 못하였다. (중략)

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The characteristics of soprano students' voice related to the vocal methods (발성방법에 따른 소프라노 성악도의 음성 특성)

  • Kim, Jungtaek;Seong, Cheoljae
    • Phonetics and Speech Sciences
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.75-83
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to find clues to the risk of voice disorders in soprano students. The subjects of the study were 17 soprano students and 18 general students (women). The phonation of vowels /a/, /i/, and /u/ with C4 and F4 notes in each group were recorded. Then, only soprano students were made to record their classical vocalization containing vibrato. Formant, formant energy, bandwidth, VAI (vowel area index), VSA (vowel space area) and L/H ratio were analyzed. There was significant difference in F3 such that the singers' note was measured around 3 kHz which seems to be 400 Hz higher than one from general students. But, There was no significant difference in L/H ratio between soprano student and the general student. There was a significant difference in F3 in the comparison of the soprano students' two vocalization methods. Classical vocalization was measured at 200Hz higher than sustained phonation in F3. Vocal tract adjustment was made and vowel space changed, but there was no significant difference in F3 energy, which is the index of singers' formant according to the phonation method. The L/H ratio, which can be a direct indicator of vocal effort, has no difference in phonation method and is lowered in all phonation methods as the pitch increases. C4 and F4 pitches are lower than the singing range of the soprano. When the pitch changes, vocal effort increases like a general student which will be an indicator of the risk of vocalization. This will be a clue to the vocalization of the immature soprano student.

Comparison of McGurk Effect across Three Consonant-Vowel Combinations in Kannada

  • Devaraju, Dhatri S;U, Ajith Kumar;Maruthy, Santosh
    • Journal of Audiology & Otology
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.39-48
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    • 2019
  • Background and Objectives: The influence of visual stimulus on the auditory component in the perception of auditory-visual (AV) consonant-vowel syllables has been demonstrated in different languages. Inherent properties of unimodal stimuli are known to modulate AV integration. The present study investigated how the amount of McGurk effect (an outcome of AV integration) varies across three different consonant combinations in Kannada language. The importance of unimodal syllable identification on the amount of McGurk effect was also seen. Subjects and Methods: Twenty-eight individuals performed an AV identification task with ba/ga, pa/ka and ma/ṇa consonant combinations in AV congruent, AV incongruent (McGurk combination), audio alone and visual alone condition. Cluster analysis was performed using the identification scores for the incongruent stimuli, to classify the individuals into two groups; one with high and the other with low McGurk scores. The differences in the audio alone and visual alone scores between these groups were compared. Results: The results showed significantly higher McGurk scores for ma/ṇa compared to ba/ga and pa/ka combinations in both high and low McGurk score groups. No significant difference was noted between ba/ga and pa/ka combinations in either group. Identification of /ṇa/ presented in the visual alone condition correlated negatively with the higher McGurk scores. Conclusions: The results suggest that the final percept following the AV integration is not exclusively explained by the unimodal identification of the syllables. But there are other factors which may also contribute to making inferences about the final percept.

Comparison of McGurk Effect across Three Consonant-Vowel Combinations in Kannada

  • Devaraju, Dhatri S;U, Ajith Kumar;Maruthy, Santosh
    • Korean Journal of Audiology
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.39-48
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    • 2019
  • Background and Objectives: The influence of visual stimulus on the auditory component in the perception of auditory-visual (AV) consonant-vowel syllables has been demonstrated in different languages. Inherent properties of unimodal stimuli are known to modulate AV integration. The present study investigated how the amount of McGurk effect (an outcome of AV integration) varies across three different consonant combinations in Kannada language. The importance of unimodal syllable identification on the amount of McGurk effect was also seen. Subjects and Methods: Twenty-eight individuals performed an AV identification task with ba/ga, pa/ka and ma/ṇa consonant combinations in AV congruent, AV incongruent (McGurk combination), audio alone and visual alone condition. Cluster analysis was performed using the identification scores for the incongruent stimuli, to classify the individuals into two groups; one with high and the other with low McGurk scores. The differences in the audio alone and visual alone scores between these groups were compared. Results: The results showed significantly higher McGurk scores for ma/ṇa compared to ba/ga and pa/ka combinations in both high and low McGurk score groups. No significant difference was noted between ba/ga and pa/ka combinations in either group. Identification of /ṇa/ presented in the visual alone condition correlated negatively with the higher McGurk scores. Conclusions: The results suggest that the final percept following the AV integration is not exclusively explained by the unimodal identification of the syllables. But there are other factors which may also contribute to making inferences about the final percept.

Acoustic correlates of L2 English stress - Comparison of Japanese English and Korean English

  • Konishi, Takayuki;Yun, Jihyeon;Kondo, Mariko
    • Phonetics and Speech Sciences
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.9-14
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    • 2018
  • This study compared the relative contributions of intensity, F0, duration and vowel spectra of L2 English lexical stress by Japanese and Korean learners of English. Recordings of Japanese, Korean and native English speakers reading eighteen 2 to 4 syllable words in a carrier sentence were analyzed using multiple regression to investigate the influence of each acoustic correlate in determining whether a vowel was stressed. The relative contribution of each correlate was calculated by converting the coefficients to percentages. The Japanese learner group showed phonological transfer of L1 phonology to L2 lexical prosody and relied mostly on F0 and duration in manifesting L2 English stress. This is consistent with the results of the previous studies. However, advanced Japanese speakers in the group showed less reliance on F0, and more use of intensity, which is another parameter used in native English stress accents. On the other hand, there was little influence of F0 on L2 English stress by the Korean learners, probably due to the transfer of the Korean intonation pattern to L2 English prosody. Hence, this study shows that L1 transfer happens at the prosodic level for Japanese learners of English and at the intonational level for Korean learners.

An Acoustic Analysis of Speech in Patients with Nonfluent Aphasia (비 유창성 실어증 환자 말소리의 음향학적 분석)

  • Kim, Hyun-Gi;Kang, Eun-Young;Kim, Yun-Hee
    • Speech Sciences
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.87-97
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    • 2002
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the speech duration in Korean-speaking aphasics. Five patients with nonfluent aphasia (2 with traumatic brain injury and 3 with strokes) and five normal adults participated in this experiment. The mean age in patients with nonfluent aphasia was $45.8\pm2.3$ years and $47.4\pm2.3$ years for the normal adults. The Computerized Speech Lab was used to evaluate the acoustic characteristics of the subjects. Voice onset time, vowel duration, total duration, hold and consonant duration were evaluated for the monosyllabic and the polysyllabic words. The patients with nonfluent aphasia did not show the voicing bar on hold area, however, it was seen in the normal persons in the intervocalic position. Explosion duration of glottalized stops in the intervocalic position was significantly prolonged in nonfluent aphasics in comparison with the normal persons. This suggestes that the laryngeal adjustment is disturbed in these patients. Consonant duration, vowel duration, and total duration of the polysyllabic words were significantly longer in the patients with nonfluent aphasia than those of the normal persons. These results demonstrate the disturbances in controlling articulatory muscles during sound production in patients with nonfluent aphasia. The objective and quantitative analysis based on the acoustic characteristics of nonfluent aphasics, will be very useful in therapeutic planning and on the the effects of speech therapy.

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Native Influence on the Production of English Intonation

  • Kim, Ok-Young
    • Speech Sciences
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.25-36
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    • 2008
  • Language transfer means that the speaker's first language or previously acquired language influences on the production of the target language. This study aims at examining if there is native language influence on the production of English intonation by Korean speakers. The pitch accent patterns and the values of duration, F0, and intensity of the stressed vowel of the word with emphatic accent in the sentence produced by Korean speakers are compared to those of American English speakers. The results show that when the word receives emphatic accent in the sentence, American English speakers put H* accent on the stressed syllable of the word, but Korean speakers mostly assign high pitch on the last syllable of the word and have LH tonal pattern despite the fact that primary stress does not come on the last syllable within a word. In addition, comparison of the values of duration, F0, and intensity of the stressed vowel of the word with emphatic accent to those of the word with unmarked neutral accent shows that Korean speakers do not realize the intonation of the accented word appropriately because the values decrease even though the word has emphatic accent. This study finds out that there are differences in the production of English intonation of the word with emphatic accent between native speakers of English and Korean speakers, and that there is negative transfer of Korean intonation pattern to the production of English intonation by Korean speakers.

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