• Title/Summary/Keyword: volume change behavior

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Analysis of Steep Cuts and Slopes in Cemented Sand Using Fracture Mechanics (파괴역학을 이용한 경화모래로 이루어진 사면의 해석)

  • Kim, Tae-Hoon;Kang, Kwon-Soo;Lee, Jong-Cheon
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.161-168
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    • 2003
  • Most natural deposits of sandy soil possess some degree of cementation resulting from the deposition and precipitation of cementing agents. The presence of cementation can have a significant influence on the stiffness and volume change behavior, and the strength of soils. An important feature of deposits of cemented sandy soils is their ability to remain stable in surprisingly high and almost vertical man-made cuts as well as natural slopes. Numerous field observations and studies of failures in slopes of cemented soils have reported that application of conventional analysis techniques of slope stability is inadequate. That is not only due to the fact that the failure surface of the slope is not circular, but also the fact that the average shear stress along the failure surface is much smaller than the shear strength measured in laboratory shear experiments. This observation alerts us to the fact that a mechanism different from conventional Mohr-Coulomb shear failure takes place, which may be related to fracture processes, which in turn are governed by fracture mechanics concepts and theory. In this study, steep slopes in cemented sand were assessed using fracture mechanics concepts. The results showed that FEM coupled with fracture mechanics concepts provides an excellent alternative in the design and safety assessment of earth structures in cemented soils.

Study on the Single Bubble Growth During Nucleate Boiling at Saturated Pool (포화상태 풀비등시 단일기포의 성장에 관한 연구)

  • Kim Jeongbae;Lee Han Choon;Oh Byung Do;Kim Moo Hwan
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B
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    • v.29 no.2 s.233
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    • pp.169-179
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    • 2005
  • Nucleate boiling experiments on heating surface of constant wall temperature were performed using R113 for almost saturated pool boiling conditions. A microscale heater array and Wheatstone bridge circuits were used to maintain a constant wall temperature condition of heating surface and to measure the heat flow rate with high temporal and spatial resolutions. Bubble images during the bubble growth were taken as 5000 frames per second using a high-speed CCD camera synchronized with the heat flow rate measurements. The bubble growth behavior was analyzed using the new dimensionless parameters for each growth regions to permit comparisons with previous experimental results at the same scale. We found that the new dimensionless parameters can describe the whole growth region as initial and later (thermal) respectively. The comparisons showed good agreement in the initial and thermal growth regions. In the initial growth region including surface tension controlled, transition and inertia controlled regions as divided by Robinson and Judd, the bubble growth rate showed that the bubble radius was proportional to $t^{2/3}$ regardless of working fluids and heating conditions. And in the thermal growth region as also called asymptotic region, the bubble showed a growth rate that was proportional to $t^{1/5}$, also. Those growth rates were slower than the growth rates proposed in previous analytical analyses. The required heat flow rate for the volume change of the observed bubble was estimated to be larger than the heat flow rate measured at the wall. Heat, which is different from the instantaneous heat supplied through the heating wall, can be estimated as being transferred through the interface between bubble and liquid even with saturated pool condition. This phenomenon under a saturated pool condition needs to be analyzed and the data from this study can supply the good experimental data with the precise boundary condition (constant wall temperature).

A Theoretical Study on Interface Characteristics of SiC Particulate Reinforced Metal Matrix Composite Using Ultrasonics (초음파를 이용한 입자강화 금속복합재료의 계면특성에 관한 이론적 연구)

  • Lee, Joon-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.9-17
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    • 1994
  • It is well recognized recently that ultrasonic technique is one of the most widely used methods of nondestructive evaluation to characterize material properties of nonconventional engineering materials. Therefore it is very important to understand physical phenomenon on propagation behavior of elastic wave in these materials, which is directly associated with ultrasonic signals in the test. In this study, the theoretical analysis on multi-scattering of harmonic elastic wave due to the particulate with interface between matrix and fiber in metal matrix composites(MMCs) was done on the basis of Lax's quasi-crystalline approximation and extinction theorem. SiC particulate (SiCp) reinforced A16061-T6 composite material was chosen for this analysis. From this analysis, frequency dependences of phase velocity and amplitude attenuation of effective plane wave due to the change of volume fraction of SiC particulate were clearly found. It was also shown that the interface condition between matrix and fiber in MMCs gives a direct effect on the variation of phase velocity of plane wave in MMCs.

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Determination of Undrained Shear Strength In Clay from Cone Pressuremeter Test (Cone Pressuremeter를 이용한 점성토의 전단 강도 산정)

  • 이장덕
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.20 no.8
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    • pp.49-58
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    • 2004
  • The cone pressuremeter test (CPM) is a new in-situ test which combines a standard cone penetration test with a pressuremeter. The cone pressuremeter tests in clay are presented and analyzed. An analytical solution of CPM incorporated non-linear soil behavior with no volume change is presented, and curve fitting technique is proposed to make use of both the loading and unloading portions of the pressuremeter test. The proposed method is accomplished by putting greater emphasis on the unloading portion. Twenty CPM tests are analyzed using the proposed method, and the derived undrained shear strength of soil is compared with other tests such as field vane tests and laboratory tests. The interpreted soil parameters had resonable values when compared to other in-situ and laboratory test results. The cone pressuremeter has provided reliable measures of undrained shear strength using curve fitting method.

Synthesis of the Ni-doped ternary compound Ba(Fe1-xNix)2Se3

  • Park, Hyeon Beom;Shin, Soohyeon;Jung, Soon-Gil;Hwang, Doyeon;Lee, Hyoyoung;Park, Tuson
    • Progress in Superconductivity and Cryogenics
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.30-33
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    • 2015
  • We report the synthesis of Ni-doped $BaFe_2Se_3$ single crystals by using a flux method. X-ray diffraction (XRD) of $Ba(Fe_{1-x}Ni_x)_2Se_3$ shows a gradual peak shift with an increase in the nominal Ni-doping rate, x = 0, 0.05, and 0.10, due to a decrease in unit-cell volume. All samples show a spin glass transition, and temperature dependence of magnetic susceptibility shows a negligible change in the spin-glass transition temperature ($T_g$) with Ni concentration x. The temperature dependence of electrical resistivity for $BaFe_2Se_3$ shows an insulating behavior, and the resistivity value at 295 K and the activation energy ($E_a$) obtained from the Arrhenius plot decrease with increasing x. These results suggest that the Ni doping can be effectively worked as a dopant for electron charge carriers, but is less efficient in controlling the magnetic property, such as spin glass transition, in the $BaFe_2Se_3$ compound.

A Numerical Study on Various Energy and Environmental System (II) (에너지${\cdot}$환경 제반 시스템에 관한 수치해석적 연구(II))

  • Jang D. S.;Park B. S.;Kim B. S.;Lee E. J.;Song W. Y.
    • 한국전산유체공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 1996.05a
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    • pp.58-67
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    • 1996
  • This paper describes some computational results of various energy and environmental systems using Patankar's SIMPLE method. The specific topics handled in this study are jet bubbling reactor for flue gas desulfurization, cyclone-type afterburner for incineration, 200m tall stack for 500 MW electric power generation, double skin and heat storage systems of building energy saving for the utilization of solar heating, finally turbulent combustion systems with liquid droplet or pulverized coal particle. A control-volume based finite-difference method with the power-law scheme is employed for discretization. The pressure-velocity coupling is resolved by the use of the revised version of SIMPLE, that is, SIMPLEC. Reynolds stresses are closed using the standard $k-{\varepsilon}$ and RNG $k-{\varepsilon}$ models. Two-phase turbulent combustion of liquid drop or pulverized coal particle is modeled using locally-homogeneous, gas-phase, eddy breakup model. However simple approximate models are incorporated for the modeling of the second phase slip and retardation of ignition without consideration of any detailed particle behavior. Some important results are presented and discussed in a brief note. Especially, in order to make uniform exit flow for the jet bubbling reactor, a well-designed structure of distributor is needed. Further, the aspect ratio in the double skin system appears to be one of important factors to give rise to the visible change of the induced air flow rate. The computational tool employed in this study, in general, appears as a viable method for the design of various engineering system of interest.

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Dynamic Behaviors of Metal Matrix Composites in Low Velocity Impact (저속 충격하에서의 금속복합재료의 동적 특성)

  • ;Gamal A. Aggag;K.Takahashi
    • Composites Research
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.68-75
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    • 1999
  • This study has observed that the dynamic behavior of Metal Matrix Composites (MMCs) in low velocity impact varies with impact velocity. MMCs with 15 fiber volume percent were fabricated by using the squeeze casting method. The AC8A was used as the matrix, and the alumina and the carbon were used as reinforcements. The tensile and vibration tests conducted yielded the yielded the tensile stress and elastic modulus of MMCs The low pass filter and instrumented impact test machine was adopted to study dynamic behaviors of MMCs corresponding to impact velocity. Stable impact signals were obtained by using the low pass filter. Impact corresponding to impact velocity. Stable impact signals were obtained by using the low pass filter. Impact energy of unreinforced alloy and MM s increased as the impact velocity increased. The increase of crack propagation energy was especially prominent, but the dynamic toughness of each material did not change much. To show the relation between crack initiation energy and dynamic fracture toughness, a simple model was proposed by using the strain energy and stress distribution at notch. The model revealed that crack initiation energy is proportional to the square of dynamic fracture toughness and inversely proportional to elastic modulus.

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Effect of soil Venting on Dissolution Potential of Gasoline Components in Contaminated Soil: Experimental Observation (Soil Venting이 오염토양중 가솔린 성분의 용출성에 미치는 영향: 1. 실험적 고찰)

  • 염익태;이상현;안규홍
    • Journal of Korea Soil Environment Society
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.53-60
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    • 1998
  • The influence of venting on the leaching characteristics of pure gasoline and gasoline contaminated soil was studied. The change of leaching characteristics by venting of contaminated soil column could be characterized by two distinct trends : 1) the leaching concentration in TPH-GRO rapidly decreased with evaporation until the evaporation loss became 75% of the original volume. Afterwards, it gradually decreased. 2) the leaching concentrations of individual components showed initial increase followed by gradual decrease. In general, the relative increase of leaching concentration and the venting time to reach the maximum increased with the molecular weight of the components. It should be noted that the decrease of gasoline concentration in the vented air occurs faster than that in the leaching solution. This indicates that, after removing most of the gasoline by evaporation, the focus of the risk assessment for the residual contaminants should be on the groundwater contamination rather than air pollution.

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Separation of Taxol from Taxanes by NP-HPLC (정상 액체 크로마토그래피를 이용한 taxane으로부터 taxol의 분리)

  • Chang, Kyung Kon;Row, Kyung Ho;Chung, Sung Taik
    • Applied Chemistry for Engineering
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.286-291
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    • 1997
  • Taxol which is recognized as a powerful anticancer reagent was extracted from yew extract and separated by NP-HPLC (Normal-PhaseHigh Performance Liquid Chromatography). The experiments were performed in the isocratic mode with $5{\mu}l$ to $100{\mu}l$ injection volume and 1ml/min mobile phase flow rate. The major mobile phase was hexane and small amounts of ethanol, methanol, 1-propanol and isopropanol were added to change the retention behavior. Prior to a real sample, the artificial mixture of taxol, cephalomannine and 10-deacetyltaxol was tested. They are hard to be separated because of similar chemical structures. The experimental results showed that the proper composition of mobile phase for separating the three components was found 96% hexane and 4% ethanol(vol.%) or 96% hexane, 2% 1-propanol and 2% methanol(vol.%). Compared to the run time of 80 minutes for the binary system, the mixture was separated within 50 minutes with the less amount of mobile phase for the ternary system. Finally, $1{\mu}g$ of taxol was separated from yew tree extracts under the optimum operating conditions.

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Effect of Homogenization Pressure and Supplementation with Sucrose Fatty Acid Ester on the Physical Properties of Dairy Cream-based Emulsions

  • Seo, Chan-Won;Kang, Shin-Ho;Shin, Yong-Kook;Yoo, Byoungseung
    • Food Science of Animal Resources
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    • v.38 no.3
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    • pp.476-486
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    • 2018
  • In this study, the droplet size distribution, rheological properties, and stability of dairy cream-based emulsions homogenized with different sucrose fatty acid ester (SFAE, a non-ionic small-molecule emulsifier) concentrations (0.08%, 0.16%, and 0.24% w/w) at different homogenization pressures (10 MPa and 20 MPa) were examined. Homogenization at a high pressure resulted in a smaller droplet size and narrower droplet size distribution. The D[4,3] (volume-weighted mean) and D[3,2] (surface-weighted mean) values of the emulsions decreased with an increase in the SFAE concentration. The flow properties of the emulsions homogenized with SFAE showed shear-thinning (n=0.21-0.46) behavior. The apparent viscosity (${\eta}_{a,10}$) and consistency index (K) of the homogenized emulsions were lower than those of the control sample that is non-homogenized and without SFAE, and decreased with an increase in SFAE concentration. The storage modulus (G') and loss modulus (G") of all emulsions homogenized with SFAE were also lower than those of the control sample. The stability of all emulsions with SFAE did not show any significant change for 30 d at $5^{\circ}C$. However, the emulsions stored at $40^{\circ}C$ were unstable over the storage period. Therefore, the addition of SFAE enhanced the stability of dairy cream emulsions during storage at refrigeration temperature ($5^{\circ}C$).