• Title/Summary/Keyword: volume change behavior

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A Study on the Shear Characteristics of the Decomposed Granite Soils Using Direct Shear Test (직접전단시험(直接剪斷試驗)에 의한 화강토(花崗土)의 전단특성(剪斷特性)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Lee, Dal Won;Kang, Yea Mook;Cho, Seong Seup
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.227-242
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    • 1986
  • This paper describes the observed behavior in the direct shear test on decomposed granite soil having the complicate engineering properties at various different levels of factors. The objectives of this study were to investigate the characteristics of the decomposed granite soil under controlled various moisture content, dry density, strain rate and soaking which give influence to the shear strength. The results were summarized as follows; 1. The shear strength was decreased remarkably with the increasing of moisture contents of A and B soil were 5-10% and 15-20% respectively. 2. Cohesion and angle of internal friction were decreased with the increasing of moisture content and increased with the increasing of dry density. 3. The shear strength was increased with the increasing of normal stress and volume change was decreased on the whole. The shear strength was generally increased with the increasing of the strain rate. 4. As dry density increases, A-soil shows the progressive failure and the decrease of volume change while B-soil shows the initial failure and the increase of volume change. 5. The relationships between the soaked and unsoaked specimens were as follows ; ${\tau}_f=0.1009+1.026{{\tau}_f}^*$ (A-soil), ${\tau}_f=0.1586+0.8005{{\tau}_f}^*$ (B-soil) 6. Angle of internal friction of the direct shear test shows larger value than that of the triaxial compression test. All effective stress path was nearly similar.

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Study of Behavior Characteristics of Emulsified Fuels with Evaporative Field (증발장에서 에멀젼연료의 거동특성에 관한 연구)

  • Yeom, Jeong Kuk;Yoon, Jeong Hwan
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B
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    • v.39 no.3
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    • pp.237-243
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    • 2015
  • In this study, the effects of the mixing ratio of emulsified fuel on the droplet evaporation and spray behavior characteristics were analyzed. A surfactant comprising span 80 and tween 80 mixed at a 9:1 ratio was used for the emulsified fuel. The fuel and surfactant were mixed at a ratio of 3:1 for the emulsified fuel. In addition, considering the mixing ratio of the surfactant, the mixing ratio of $H_2O_2$ in the emulsified fuel was set as EF (emulsified fuel)0, EF2, EF12, EF22, EF32, and EF42. To observe the evaporation characteristics, droplets of the emulsified fuel were dropped on a heating plate and observed using scattered light and a Schlieren system. In addition, to analyze the effect of the $H_2O_2$ mixing ratio, the behavior characteristics of the evaporative free spray were investigated in the mixing ratio range of EF0 to EF22 using a constant volume chamber with heaters. Consequentially, it was found that in the case of EF22, the free spray development of the emulsified fuel was faster than that of EF0 (diesel only) because of the promotion of the evaporation due to the phase change in the peroxide contained in the emulsion fuel.

Microscopic Traffic Analysis of Freeway Based on Vehicle Trajectory Data Using Drone Images (드론 영상을 활용한 차량궤적자료 기반 고속도로 미시적 교통분석)

  • Ko, Eunjeong;Kim, Soohee;Kim, Hyungjoo
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.20 no.6
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    • pp.66-83
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    • 2021
  • Vehicles experience changes in driving behavior due to the various facilities on the freeway. These sections may cause repetitive traffic congestion when the traffic volume increases, so safety issues may be raised. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to perform microscopic traffic analysis on these sections using drone images and to identify the causes of traffic problems. In the case of drone image, since trajectory data of individual vehicles can be obtained, empirical analysis of driving behavior is possible. The analysis section of this study was selected as the weaving section of Pangyo IC and the sag section of Seohae Bridge. First, the trajectory data was extracted through the drone image. And the microscopic traffic analysis performed on the speed, density, acceleration, and lane change through cell-unit analysis using Generalized definition method. This analysis results can be used as a basic study to identify the cause of the problem section in the freeway. Through this, we aim to improve the efficiency and convenience of traffic analysis.

The Hydrogen Reduction Behavior of MoO3 Powder (MoO3 분말의 수소환원거동)

  • Koo, Won Beom;Yoo, Kyoungkeun;Kim, Hanggoo
    • Resources Recycling
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.29-36
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    • 2022
  • The hydrogen reduction behavior of molybdenum oxides was studied using a horizontal-tube reactor. Reduction was carried out in two stages: MoO3 → MoO2 and MoO2 → Mo. In the first stage, a mixed gas composed of 30 vol% H2 and 70 vol% Ar was selected for the MoO3 reduction because of its highly exothermic reaction. The temperature ranged from 550 to 600 ℃, and the residence time ranged from 30 to 150 min. In the second step, pure H2 gas was used for the MoO2 reduction, and the temperature and residence time ranges were 700-750 ℃ and 30-150 min, respectively. The hydrogen reduction behavior of molybdenum oxides was found to be somewhat different between the two stages. For the first stage, a temperature dependence of the reaction rate was observed, and the best curve fittings were obtained with a surface reaction control mechanism, despite the presence of intermediate oxides under the conditions of this study. Based on this mechanism, the activation energy and pre-exponential were calculated as 85.0 kJ/mol and 9.18 × 107, respectively. In addition, the pore size within a particle increases with the temperature and residence time. In the second stage, a temperature dependence of the reaction rate was also observed; however, the surface reaction control mechanism fit only the early part, which can be ascribed to the degradation of the oxide crystals by a volume change as the MoO2 → Mo phase transformation proceeded in the later part.

Numerical Investigation of Urea Freezing and Melting Characteristics Using Coolant Heater (냉각수 순환 가열 방식을 이용한 요소수의 동결 및 해동 특성에 관한 수치적 연구)

  • Lee, Seung Yeop;Kim, Nam Il;Park, Yun Beom;Kim, Man Young
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B
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    • v.37 no.8
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    • pp.717-724
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    • 2013
  • Urea-SCR technology is known as one of the powerful NOx reduction systems for vehicles as well as stationary applications. For its consistent and reliable operation in vehicle applications, however, the freezing and melting of the urea solution in cold environments have to be resolved. In this study, therefore, a numerical study of three-dimensional unsteady problems was analyzed to understand the urea freezing and heating phenomena and heat transfer characteristics in terms of urea liquid volume fraction, temperature profiles, and phase change behavior in urea solutions with time by using the commercial software Fluent 6.3. As a result, it was found that the freezing phenomenon proceeds with a phase change from the tank wall to the center, whereas the melting phenomenon occurs faster in the upper part of the storage tank by natural convection and in the adjacent part of the coolant pipe than in other parts. Furthermore, approximately 190 s were required to obtain 1L of urea solution using a 4-coiled coolant heater under conditions of $70^{\circ}C$ and 200 L/h.

Characteristics of Elastic Waves in Sand-Silt Mixtures due to Freezing (동결에 따른 모래-실트 혼합토의 탄성파 특성)

  • Park, Junghee;Hong, Seungseo;Kim, Youngseok;Lee, Jongsub
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.27-36
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    • 2012
  • The water in surface of the earth is frozen under freezing point. The freezing phenomenon, which causes the volume change of soils, affects on the behavior of soils and causes the significant damage on the geotechnical structures. The purpose of this study is to investigate the characteristics of elastic waves in sand-silt mixtures using small size freezing cells, which reflect the frozen ground condition due to temperature change. Experiments are carried out in a nylon cell designed to freeze soils from top to bottom. Bender elements and piezo disk elements are used as the shear and compressional wave transducers. Three pairs of bender elements and piezo disk elements are placed on three locations along the depth. The specimen, which is prepared by mixing sand and silt, is frozen in the refrigerator. The temperature of soils changes from $20^{\circ}C$ to $-10^{\circ}C$. The velocities, resonant frequencies and amplitudes of the shear and compressional waves are continuously measured. Experimental results show that the shear and compressional wave velocities and resonant frequencies increase dramatically near the freezing points. The amplitudes of shear and compressional waves show the different tendency. The dominant factors that affect on the shear wave velocity change from the effective stress to the ice bonding due to freezing. This study provides basic information about the characteristics of elastic waves due to the soil freezing.

The behavioral properties of fish near Yokji Island in the South Sea of South Korea obtained using fish track technique (어류 추적 기법을 이용한 남해안 욕지도 해역에서 어류의 행동)

  • CHOI, Jung Hwa;PARK, Junsu;PARK, Junseong;KANG, Myounghee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Fisheries and Ocean Technology
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    • v.53 no.2
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    • pp.132-141
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    • 2017
  • The objective of this study was to provide fundamental information on fish swimming behavioral properties. Acoustic data was collected at nighttime from the $10^{th}$ to $12^{th}$ March, 2016 near Yokji Island in the South Sea of South Korea, and was analyzed using the fish track technique. This technique is to identify groups of single targets, which shows a pattern of systematic movement. As a result, the differences of the behavioral properties such as depth, swimming speed, vertical direction, horizontal direction, tortuosity, and depth change among days were minor; however, statistical results (Welch analysis of variance) showed significant difference between days. Especially, the target strength (TS) of the $11^{th}$ were significantly different from the $10^{th}$ and $12^{th}$. It could be assumed that gizzard shad, which was the dominant species from the catch on the $11^{th}$ March, might have affected this difference. The correlation between TS and other properties was very week. The significant difference seemed even small differences of average values because of the large data volume.

Shear Deformation of Steel Fiber-Reinforced Prestressed Concrete Beams

  • Hwang, Jin-Ha;Lee, Deuck Hang;Ju, Hyunjin;Kim, Kang Su;Kang, Thomas H.K.;Pan, Zuanfeng
    • International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials
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    • v.10 no.sup3
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    • pp.53-63
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    • 2016
  • Steel fiber-reinforced prestressed concrete (SFRPSC) members typically have high shear strength and deformation capability, compared to conventional prestressed concrete (PSC) members, due to the resistance provided by steel fibers at the crack surface after the onset of diagonal cracking. In this study, shear tests were conducted on the SFRPSC members with the test variables of concrete compressive strength, fiber volume fraction, and prestressing force level. Their localized behavior around the critical shear cracks was measured by a non-contact image-based displacement measurement system, and thus their shear deformation was thoroughly investigated. The tested SFRPSC members showed higher shear strengths as the concrete compressive strength or the level of prestress increased, and their stiffnesses did not change significantly, even after diagonal cracking due to the resistance of steel fibers. As the level of prestress increased, the shear deformation was contributed by the crack opening displacement more than the slip displacement. In addition, the local displacements around the shear crack progressed toward directions that differ from those expected by the principal strain angles that can be typically obtained from the average strains of the concrete element. Thus, this localized deformation characteristics around the shear cracks should be considered when measuring the local deformation of concrete elements near discrete cracks or when calculating the local stresses.

Effect of Thermal Aging on Electrical Properties of Low Density Polyethylene

  • Wang, Can;Xie, Yaoheng;Pan, Hua;Wang, Youyuan
    • Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology
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    • v.13 no.6
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    • pp.2412-2420
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    • 2018
  • The thermal degradation of low density polyethylene (LDPE) will accelerate the production of carbonyl groups (C=O), which can act as the induced dipoles under high voltage. In this paper, we researched the dielectric properties and space charge behavior of LDPE after thermal aging, which can help us to understand the correlation between carbonyl groups (C=O) and electrical properties of LDPE. The spectra results show that LDPE exhibit obvious thermooxidative reactions when the aging time is 35 days and the productions mainly contain carboxylic acid, carboxylic eater and carboxylic anhydride, whose amount increase with the increasing of aging time. The dielectric properties show that the real permittivity of LDPE is inversely proportional to temperature before aging and subsequently become proportional to temperature after thermal aging. Furthermore, both the real and imaginary permittivity increase sharply with the increasing of aging time. The fitting results of imaginary permittivity show that DC conductivity become more sensitive about temperature after thermal aging. On this basis, the active energies of materials calculated from DC conductivity increase first and then decrease with the increasing of aging time. In addition, the space charge results show that the heterocharges accumulated near electrodes in LDPE change to the homocharges after thermal aging and the mean volume charge density increase with the increasing of aging time. It is considered that the overlaps caused by electrical potential area is the main reason for the increase of DC conductivity.

Numerical Investigation of the Urea Melting and Heat Transfer Characteristics with Three Different Types of Coolant Heaters (냉각수 순환 방식 가열원 형상에 따른 요소수 해동 특성에 관한 수치적 연구)

  • Lee, Seung-Yeop;Kim, Man-Young;Lee, Chun-Hwan;Park, Yun-Beom
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Automotive Engineers
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.125-132
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    • 2012
  • Urea-SCR system, which converts nitrogen oxides to nitrogen and water in the presence of a reducing agent, usually AdBlue urea solution, is known as one of the powerful NOx reduction systems for mobile as well as stationary applications. For its consistent and reliable operation in mobile applications, such various problems as transient injection, ammonia slip, and freezing in cold weather have to be resolved. In this work, therefore, numerical study on three-dimensional unsteady heating problems were analyzed to understand the melting and heat transfer characteristics such as urea liquid volume fraction, temperature profiles and generated natural convection behavior in urea solution by using the commercial software Fluent 6.3. After validating by comparing numerical and experimental data with pure gallium melting phenomena, numerical experiment for urea melting is conducted with three different coolant heating models named CH1, 2, and 3, respectively. Finally, it can be found that the CH3 model, in which more coolant is concentrated on the lower part of the urea tank, has relatively better melting capability than others in terms of urea quantity of $1{\ell}$ for start-up schedule.