• Title/Summary/Keyword: virtual prototyping

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Research on Landing Impact Characteristic Of Multi-Wheel Bogie Landing gear's Truck

  • Cao, Xin;Jia, Yuhong;Tian, Jiajie
    • International Journal of Aerospace System Engineering
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.83-86
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    • 2015
  • Taking the four-wheel bogie landing gear as an example, the force status of truck-like landing gear during the landing impact was analyzed and the simulation model of four-wheel bogie landing gear was established. Firstly, a landing gear prototyping model was established using CATIA and imported to LMS Virtual.lab. Secondly, dynamic analysis of the landing impact was simulated with the established model. Finally, with the help of LMS Virtual.lab's parametric design ability, the effects of landing approach and truck pitch angle on the landing performance, truck motion and truck beam strength were studied. These conclusions will be useful to the design and analysis of the truck.

3D Modeling and Simulation using Virtual Manipulator (가상 조작기를 이용한 3D 모델링 및 시뮬레이션)

  • Park, Hee-Seong;Kim, Ho-Dong
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2011.04a
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    • pp.547-550
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this paper is to verify and validate the maintenance tasks of the construction of a nuclear facility using a digital mock-up and simulation technology instead of a physical mock-up. Prior to the construction of a nuclear facility, a remote simulator that provides the opportunity to produce a complete digital mock-up of the PRIDE (Pyroprocess Integrated Inactive DEmonstration Facility) region and its remote handling equipment, including operations and maintenance procedures has been developed. In this paper, the system architecture and graphic user interface of a remote simulator that coincides with the extraordinary nature of a nuclear fuel cycle facility is introduced. In order to analyze the remote accessibility of a remote manipulator, virtual prototyping that was performed it by using haptic device of external input devices under a 3D full-scale digital mock-up is explained.

Evaluation of control feel in opening and closing the doors of a virtual refrigerator in the CAVE system with an Arm-Master (CAVE 공간에서 Arm-Master를 이용한 가상냉장고 도어 개폐의 조작감 평가)

  • 박재희;이인석;김진욱;고희동
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 2004
  • This study aims to validate the effectiveness of CAVE system with an Arm-Master in the evaluation of virtual prototypes. A virtual kitchen with a refrigerator was presented in the CAVE system. Subjects put in and pull out virtual objects by using the Arm-Master. Twelve subjects, six males and six females, participated in the six experimental conditions : three types of refrigerator door grips and two reaction forces. After each trial, subjects evaluated a door grip of the virtual refrigerator in terms of easiness of operation, similarity in force, presence etc. The results show the mean values of vortical-type door grips are greater than the horizontal pocket-type door grip. Also the subjects preferred 5N in the reaction force of the Arm-Master rather than 15 N when they open and close virtual door. Unexpectedly, female subjects significantly marked low scores in the evaluation terms compared ruth mali subjects. It explains the Arm-Master should be modified much more if it works effectively in design evaluation.

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Development of Modeling Support System for Lower Arm in Automobile Suspension Module (자동차 서스펜션 로워암의 모델링 보조시스템 개발)

  • Lee T.H.;Shin S.Y.;Suh C.H.;Kwon T.W.;Han S.H.
    • Korean Journal of Computational Design and Engineering
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.49-56
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    • 2006
  • In this study, the modeling support system was developed which can make easy and fast FE-modeling and verify the results of static and durability analysis for the lower arm, one of the important parts in automobile suspension module. It took into account of the whole complicated design processes verifying the durability coefficients evaluated by fatigue analysis, which should be used to satisfy a design criteria. To guide the FE-modeling the drive page was constructed by using HTML and XML, which was based on expert's know-hows. It is able to integrate the processes to design the lower arm in practice, so that the standardization of its FE-Modeling is achieved, consequently. The 3 dimensional CAD's geometrical data were changed automatically into pre-defined shell elements under the concept of mesh-offset technique, and then welding elements were treated to connect between target and basic surfaces constructed by the shell elements. This system has also a user interface to control boundary and load ing conditions applied in performing of the static and durability analysis, in which many load cases can be applied simply with the MPCs driven by just few mouse clicks. These were implemented on the platform of MSC.Patran and utilized ANSYS, MSC.Nastran and MSC.Fatigue as the solver of the analysis performed. The developed system brings not only significant decreasing of man-hours required in FE-modeling process, but also obtaining of satisfied qualities in analyzed results. It will be integrated in a part of virtual prototyping module of the developing e-engineering framework.

LEGO House Multi Interaction Space Collaboration (레고하우스 : 멀티 인터렉션 공간에서의 협업)

  • Irawati, Sylvia;Ahn, Sang-Chul;Ahn, Jong-Gil;Kim, Jin-Wook;Ko, Hee-Dong
    • 한국HCI학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2008.02a
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    • pp.481-486
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    • 2008
  • Recent advanced interlace technologies allow the user to interact with different spaces such as Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR) and Ubiquitous Computing (UC) spaces. Here, we present a LEGO House application, a collaborative application which involves multi interaction spaces -VR, AR and UC spaces. The LEGO House application is built based on the VARU framework which is designed for enabling the prototyping of a tangible space application. The application is about an interior design. One user is located in the combined AR and UC space and interacts with the AR LEGO house and the physical smart devices. The other users interact with the virtual LEGO house but they share the same environment, the LEGO house. Therefore, they can collaborate together as they are co-located.

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Towards a digital twin realization of the blade system design study wind turbine blade

  • Baldassarre, Alessandro;Ceruti, Alessandro;Valyou, Daniel N.;Marzocca, Pier
    • Wind and Structures
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    • v.28 no.5
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    • pp.271-284
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    • 2019
  • This paper describes the application of a novel virtual prototyping methodology to wind turbine blade design. Numeric modelling data and experimental data about turbine blade geometry and structural/dynamical behaviour are combined to obtain an affordable digital twin model useful in reducing the undesirable uncertainties during the entire turbine lifecycle. Moreover, this model can be used to track and predict blade structural changes, due for example to structural damage, and to assess its remaining life. A new interactive and recursive process is proposed. It includes CAD geometry generation and finite element analyses, combined with experimental data gathered from the structural testing of a new generation wind turbine blade. The goal of the research is to show how the unique features of a complex wind turbine blade are considered in the virtual model updating process, fully exploiting the computational capabilities available to the designer in modern engineering. A composite Sandia National Laboratories Blade System Design Study (BSDS) turbine blade is used to exemplify the proposed process. Static, modal and fatigue experimental testing are conducted at Clarkson University Blade Test Facility. A digital model was created and updated to conform to all the information available from experimental testing. When an updated virtual digital model is available the performance of the blade during operation can be assessed with higher confidence.

Rapid and Tangible Method of Product Design using Augmented Reality Technology (증강 현실을 이용한 산업 제품의 빠르고 효과적인 디자인 방법)

  • Jin, Yoon-Suk;Kim, Yang-Wook;Kim, Bo-Mi;Park, Jun
    • 한국HCI학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2008.02a
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    • pp.55-58
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    • 2008
  • Designers, who design industry products, use CAD(Computer Aided Design) tools for making new design and looking around virtual 3D models. Hand-drawings and sketches show only one viewpoint limiting 3D perception. However, CAD system that provides automation and multiple view points, can help to save time and cost. Accordingly, we developed Augmented Reality(AR) and Rapid Prototyping(RP) based product design system that is interactive and realistic This AR based design system utilize mockups that are made of urethane and styrofoam where as users change 3D model's color, texture and user interface. These interactive ways help to evaluate design more instinctively.

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An Effective Implementation Method for Dual Use of Web-based Multidimensional Interactive Digital Contents (웹기반 다차원 민군겸용 인터액티브 디지털 콘텐츠의 효과적인 구현 방안)

  • Gang, Seok-Hun;Kim, Dae-Cheong
    • Journal of National Security and Military Science
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    • s.3
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    • pp.197-242
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    • 2005
  • Active catalog is a kind of digital content that enables consumers to test the functions and features of products from their PCs as if they were using it in real life, by simulating the actions and responses of the product. This new type of interactive digital content can be used extensively to make sales personnel training manuals, sales tools, user manuals and user trouble shooting documents. With active catalogs, companies will be able to compare different designs, show actions according to different functions, and evaluate user reaction to new products without having to produce a single physical prototype or mock-up. At the same time, consumers will be able to understand and 'operate' the product and make well-informed purchase decisions. In this paper, we present a visual event-driven modeling tool, PlayMo, for creating active catalogs, analyze the advantages of using PlayMo, describe the event-driven method used by PlayMo and also introduce two enhanced characteristics of the Event Flow Chart with which the events in PlayMo are structured. Interactive digital content by using the PlayMo3D makes easy, simple and effective design for e-learning, e-catalogue, e-marketing/sales, e-prototyping, customer support, etc. Through its application-ready 3D function visualization solution, engineers and designers can rapidly turn a CAD design model into a 3D interactive virtual product, and the effective function prototyping job can be also completed within a minute.

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The Design Development of Family Formal Clothes Using 3D Virtual Clothing Software (3D 가상의상 소프트웨어를 활용한 가족예복 디자인 개발)

  • Lee, Nayeon;Sung, O kjin;Kim, Sookjin
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.35-50
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    • 2019
  • Modern family culture manifests various different social phenomenon due to shifts caused by increased societal response to industrialization in our country. It is noted that as our lifestyle patterns have shifted from being work-oriented to family-oriented, by focusing on the trend where there is an increase in families enjoying hobby and leisure activities together and where families go shopping together, I attempted to propose various different family-look' designs. In this research study we designed and planned family normal clothes designs that are required and desired for family gatherings and family events, and these designed were produced using 3D virtual clothing design software technology. The research method used the formative features of natural plants and textiles containing a symbolic motif as an element of design, and the creation of family formal clothes were designed and planned based on the method. The development of family formal clothes designs was implemented using CLO 3D virtual clothing design software. Because utilizing 3D virtual clothing design software enables prototyping various types of designs, silhouettes, fabrics and textiles, and color schemes etc. in a short amount of time, it was possible to utilize an advantage from using the software as leveraged to propose designs with a strong symbolic motif and symbolism . Also, by confirming and examining the strengths and weaknesses of the design process when using CLO 3D, It can improve the utilization of IT technologies, and this study aims to provide that efficiency.

Development of the Maintenance Process Based on Graphic Simulation for the Parts of the Equipment at the outside of the MSM′s Workspace in a Hot Cell (그래픽 전산모사를 이용한 핫셀 사각지역 내 장치부품 유지보수공정 개발)

  • 이종열;김승현;송태길;박병석;윤지섭
    • Journal of Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Waste Technology(JNFCWT)
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.55-64
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    • 2003
  • In this study, the maintenance process by the servo manipulator has been developed for the parts of the equipment, which we unable to reach out by the Master-Slave Manipulator(MSM) in a hot cell. To do this, a virtual mock-up is implemented using the iか prototyping technology. Using this mock-up, the workspace of the manipulators in the hot cell and the operator's view through the wall-mounted lead glass have been analyzed. In addition, the path planning of the servo manipulator using the collision detection function of the virtual mock-up has been established. From these, the maintenance process for the parts of the equipment, which are located at the outside of the MSM's workspace using the servo manipulator has been proposed and verified through the graphic simulation. It is revealed that the proposed remote maintenance process of the equipment can effectively be used in the real hot cell operation. It is also believed that the implemented virtual mock-up of the hot cell can effectively be applied in analyzing the various hot cell operation and enhancing the reliability and safety in a hot cell remote handling for the spent fuel management.

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