• Title/Summary/Keyword: view of the future

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Effect of Field of View on Egocentric Distance Perception in Real and Virtual Environment (현실과 가상현실에서 시야각이 자기중심적 거리지각에 미치는 영향)

  • Jin, Seungjae;Kim, Shinwoo;Li, Hyung-Chul O.
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.17-28
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of the research was to examine the effect of field of view on egocentric distance perception in the real and virtual environment. The replica that mimicked the real environment condition was used to create the virtual environment condition. We manipulated field of view levels equally in both viewing conditions using glasses that limit the field of view in real-world conditions and limiting the field of view in virtual-world conditions in a manner equivalent to real-world conditions via HMD. Eighteen participants observed the target with a limited field of view in a real and virtual environment without head movement. Then, we measured perceived distance using the timed imagined walking method, which measures the time taken by each participant to mentally walk to the target. The target was shown three times at three different distances from the participants: 3, 4, and 5 m. For the analysis, we converted time estimates into distance estimates. Consequently, the estimated distance in the virtual environment condition was less than the estimated distance in the real environment condition. And as the field of view shrank, the estimated distance also decreased. The estimated distance did not vary with field of view levels in real-world conditions. In the virtual environment, the estimated distance decreased as the field of view decreased, whereas in the real environment, the estimated distance increased. The implications of the results and some future research directions are discussed below.

The Direction Governing the Future of korean Seafood Market -in view of societal marketing concept- (한국 수산물시장이 나아갈 방향 - 사회적 마케팅컨셉트의 관점에서 -)

  • 김수관;강연실
    • The Journal of Fisheries Business Administration
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.31-50
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    • 1999
  • The purpose of this paper is to offer policies or laws governing the future of Korean seafood markets in view of societal marketing concept. The environment surrounding those markets is changing quickly and constantly. The proposals in this paper are meant to help the Korean seafood market coping with this swiftly changing environment. This paper sorts this changing environment in terms of institutional side and secio-economical side. The institutional side involves the enforcement of international and domestic seafood trade standards, the increase of seafood importation, the adoption of optional seafood sales system, the openness of distribution market, and the adoption of TAC system. The secio-economical side involves the development of telecommunication and transportation, and the changing of seafood consumption pattern. The forecast about the future of seafood market could be classified into three fields, that is, the production field, the distribution field, and the consumption field of seafood. In the production field of seafood, the stabilization of supply of seafood and the production management oriented seafood market could be forecasted. In the distribution field, the formulating of enforced trade standards, the dispersion of marketing function among fisher, wholesaler and retailer, the development of marketing skills, and the promotion of marketing information system could be forecasted. Finally, in consumption field, the promotion of standardization and diversification, the appearance of intellectual consumers could be forecasted. This paper seeks to offer policies or laws fur the three categories of the seafood market-the government, the fisher, and the distributor-coping with the changing environment on the above three fields, thereby benefiting the consumer's long-term welfare. For the government, this paper suggests the construction of a Seafood Transaction Information Infrastructure, a Seafood Dealer License System, and a Seafood Safety Security System. For the fishers, this paper proposes an Eco-labelling System, a Sustainable Production System, and a Real Naming System in dealing seafood. Finally, for the distributors, this paper offers a Seafood Production Controlling System, a Nature-friendly Marketing System, and a Consumer-oriented Marketing System.

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The Effects of Digital Transformation Intention of Small Traders in Domestic Traditional Industries (국내 전통산업 소상공인의 디지털 전환의도에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Dongkil;You, Yenyoo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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    • v.40 no.4
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    • pp.67-77
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    • 2017
  • With the advent of the fourth industrial revolution, the digital transformation craze has intensified in diverse industries, such as finance, automotive, health care and agriculture. However, relative to industry demand, there is only few domestic research on digital transformation of small traders and no one has implemented empirical study on this field at all. Thus, the study conducted an empirical study to measure the digital transformation intention of domestic small traders. In the early days of domestic business start-ups, we searched for factors affecting the digital conversion intention of small business owners and designed an integrated framework to explain the causal relationship between factors. This study not only expanded and refined the scope of related research but also suggested the direction of another research that was not presented in previous research. However, there are limitations in many ways as much as the initial stage of a specific field of small business owners. There are limitations in explaining the overall perception of Korean small business owners. Therefore, in future studies, it is necessary to study more deeply by presenting more specific and various variables. In addition, although the number of respondents was sufficient in the process of empirical analysis, it is considered that the respondents are not enough to universalize the research result as a traditional small business person who did not convert all digital. It is necessary to carry out a comparative analysis by dividing the two groups in more detail and more specifically in the future study. The result of this study can suggest the direction for accelerating small traders' digital transformation intention in terms of practical view, and provide useful references which can support the theoretical foundation for researchers who will perform future related research in terms of academic view.

The Effect of Franchisor Factor and Franchisee Factor on Opportunism That Causes Conflict in Franchise System (프랜차이즈 시스템에서 가맹본부 요인과 가맹점 요인 이 갈등원인으로서 기회주의에 미치는 영향)

  • Song, Chihoon;Kang, Minseong;Pyun, Haesoo
    • Journal of Arbitration Studies
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.139-161
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    • 2020
  • In this study, the factors affecting opportunism that causes conflict in the franchise system between franchisor and franchisee were analyzed based on the transaction cost theory and power-dependency theory. Hypothesis 1 states that franchisor support will negatively affect opportunism. Hypothesis 2 expresses that franchisee transaction-specific investment on the relationship with the franchisor will positively affect opportunism. Hypothesis 3 asserts that franchisee dependency on the franchisor will positively affect opportunism. All of these were supported. However, Hypothesis 4, maintaining that franchisee competitive intensity will positively affect opportunism, was not supported. The theoretical and practical implications of this study are as follows. This study has identified the antecedents of franchisor opportunism that causes conflict in the franchise system by comprehensively applying the transaction cost theory and power-dependency theory. This study can also identify what a company should manage specifically to lower opportunism by identifying the antecedents of franchisor opportunism in the franchise system. The limitations of this study and the directions for future studies are as follows. First, not all of the antecedents of franchisor opportunism in the franchise system have been extensively investigated from the transaction cost theory's and power-dependency theory's viewpoint. In the future, it is necessary to identify additional factors. Second, the study was conducted only from the franchisee's perspective. In future studies, more accurate research results can be obtained by simultaneously examining the franchisee's point of view and the franchisor's point of view.

A Study on Factors Affecting Opportunism that Cause Potential Conflicts in Relationships with Key Accounts (핵심 거래처와의 관계에서 잠재적 갈등을 유발하는 기회주의에 영향을 미치는 요인에 대한 연구)

  • Pyun, Hae-Soo
    • Journal of Arbitration Studies
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.165-184
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    • 2020
  • In this study, the factors affecting opportunism in the relationship between suppliers and key accounts were analyzed from the viewpoint of transaction cost theory, market power theory, and relationship marketing theory. As a result of the hypothesis test, Hypothesis 1 stating that demand volatility will have a positive effect on opportunism and Hypothesis 2 that transaction-specific investment will have a positive effect on opportunism were also supported. In addition, Hypothesis 3 stating that channel power will have a positive effect on opportunism was also supported. Lastly, Hypothesis 4 stating that relational commitment will have a negative effect on opportunism was not supported, along with Hypothesis 5 stating that transaction satisfaction will have a negative effect on opportunism. The theoretical and practical implications of this study are as follows. This study has identified the antecedents of opportunism by comprehensively applying the transaction cost theory, market power theory, and relationship marketing theory. In addition, this study can identify what a company should manage specifically to lower opportunism by identifying the antecedents of opportunism. The limitations of this study and the directions for future studies are as follows. First, not all of the antecedents of opportunism of key accounts have been extensively investigated from the viewpoint of the transaction cost theory, market power theory, and relationship marketing theory. In the future, it is necessary to identify additional factors. Second, the study was conducted only in the supplier's viewpoint. In future studies, it is expected that more accurate research results can be obtained by simultaneously examining not only the supplier's point of view but also the buyer's point of view.

Effect of Reducing and Increasing Factors in Relationship Conflict on Relationship Exit in the Relationship Between Auto Parts Supplier and Buyer (자동차부품 공급업체와 구매업체의 관계에서 관계갈등 감소요인과 증대요인이 관계이탈에 미치는 영향)

  • Pyun, Hae-Soo
    • Journal of Arbitration Studies
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.99-117
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    • 2021
  • In this study, the effect of reducing and increasing factors in relationship conflict on the relationship exit between auto parts suppliers and buyers was analyzed based on transaction cost theory and relational exchange theory. As a result of the hypothesis test, Hypothesis 1, which states that relationship commitment will hurt relationship exit, and Hypothesis 3 that replacement will harm relationship exit were supported. In addition, Hypothesis 2 which states that transaction-specific investment will positively affect relationship exit was not supported. The theoretical and practical implications of this study are as follows. This study has identified the antecedents of relationship exit by comprehensively applying the transaction cost theory and relational exchange theory. In addition, this study can identify what a company should manage specifically to lower conflict and relationship exit by identifying the antecedents of relationship exit. The limitations of this study and the directions for future studies are as follows. First, not all of the antecedents of relationship exits between auto parts suppliers and buyers have been extensively investigated in the viewpoint of the transaction cost theory and relational exchange theory. In the future, it is necessary to identify additional factors. Second, the study was conducted only from the supplier's viewpoint. In future studies, it is expected that more accurate research results can be obtained by simultaneously examining the supplier's point of view and the buyer's point of view.

The convergence approach of institution based view toward the path of performance of the start-up in the foreign market (스타트업 해외시장 진출성과 경로에서 제도기반관점의 융합적 접근)

  • Cho, Yeon-Sung
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.8 no.9
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    • pp.311-318
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    • 2017
  • This study aims to converge the analysis of institution based view and knowledge based perspectives. Based on the literature review, this study proposed six hypotheses including the moderating effect of institutional characteristics. Hypothesis testing was conducted using PLS(Partial Least Square), which is a structural equation model for 101 start-ups sample. In empirical analysis, all external knowledge characteristics have a positive effect on the knowledge codification capacity. It also positively influenced the performance. The institutional characteristics showed a moderating effects with the novelty of external knowledge and knowledge codification capacity. This study contributes to integrating and analyzing the moderating effects of institution based characteristics with the factor of knowledge based view. Future research needs to analyze the institutional characteristics in a formal and informal way.

A Study of the Relationships between the Employment Prospects, Life Aims and Life Satisfaction of University Students (대학생이 지각하는 취업전망, 영역별 삶의 목표 및 삶의 만족도의 관계)

  • Hyunsook Oh
    • Korean Journal of Culture and Social Issue
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.19-37
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    • 2008
  • The youth unemployment issue has not shown any improvement in years. The purpose of this study was to observe how employment issues affecting university students influence their life aims, self-efficacy, view of reality, view of the future, and life satisfaction. 239 students from three universities located in Seoul and Gyeonggi province were assessed through the instrument FLL and questions about employment issues, their life aims, life satisfaction and also their employment perspective. A total of 34 items of the FLL were divided through factor analysis into six higher life aims, self-love, family love and interpersonal aims, personal-financial aims, social-public aims, moral aims and political and ideological aims. Using Cluster analysis, three group profiles were found depending on the employment perspective such as a better view of reality, better self-efficacy, and better life satisfaction. A t-test was conducted in order to compare the two groups classified according to favorable or unfavorable employment perspectives. No significant differences existed between the groups in the perception of youth unemployment or in social-demographic factors, such as gender, age, and academic year. However, in life aims, the unfavorable group showed significantly higher interest in the domains of family love and interpersonal aims, personal -financial aims, and social-public aims than the favorable perspective group. Conversely, this group showed a significantly greater negative view of reality in most life domains, as it evaluated that its aims are more poorly achieved than the comparable group. Also, the unfavorable perspective group showed a lesser degree of self-efficacy in most life domains and the same in the category of life satisfaction, i.e., lesser satisfaction in all life domains except for family love, and moral aims. However, no significant difference existed between the groups in the view of the future. The results were discussed in relation to other social-cognitive factors for life satisfaction found in preceding studies.

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A Study of the Psychological Characteristics of a Single Life (독신의 심리적 성향에 대한 연구)

  • 장현숙
    • Journal of Families and Better Life
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    • v.20 no.6
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    • pp.185-195
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    • 2002
  • This study examined the psychological aspects of a single life with particular focus on the personality & emotional characteristics, the social & behavioral characteristics, marriage, happiness, and sex of singles. The sample consisted of 160 single male and female aged 30 to 49. The results of the questionnaire survey showed that the singles tended to be self-centered, especially when they did not have a plan to get married, and that most of the singles in the 30s wanted to have a friend of the other sex. In the view of marriage, young, male singles were more likely to form a family than old, female singles. Also, female singles, bereaved or divorced, were shown to have fear about marriage and negative attitudes toward marriage more than male, never-married singles did. Regarding the extent of happiness, old, female (rather than young, male) singles tended to be more satisfied with a single life. Besides, old, religious singles were less likely to feel lonely than young, unreligious singles. In addition, it appeared that college-graduated singles had rather liberal view on sex although singles generally showed rather conservative toward sex in this study. Therefore, the findings reveal that singles were self-centered, social, positive view on marriage, somewhat happy of a single life, and having a conservative attitude about sex. Further understanding of a single life in modem society is needed in future studies.

Sleeping Beauty's Reflection: In and Out (잠자는 미녀의 숙고: 안과 밖)

  • Kim, Han-Seung
    • Korean Journal of Logic
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.21-52
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    • 2010
  • What van Fraassen calls 'Reflection Principle' is claimed to meet several counterexamples, one of which stands out in the form of the Sleeping Beauty problem. Adam Elga argues that what he believes is the correct answer to the Sleeping Beauty problem shows that Reflection is subject to counterexamples. David Lewis proposes a different answer which preserves Reflection intact. Recently, Nick Bostrom presents a hybrid view which is supposed to allow us to keep Reflection. In proposing his hybrid view Bostrom criticizes both Elga and Lewis while taking some 'good' parts from each. He claims that Elga's view is not entirely acceptable because it presupposes the 'Self-Indication Assumption'. I shall claim, however, that Elga could avoid Bostrom's criticisms by introducing Bostrom's notion of agent-part. I believe that several probability-related puzzles including the Sleeping Beauty problem indicate a promising view concerning the way we should regard our future selves' opinions. According to this view, whether one takes the outsider stance or insider stance makes a difference in an important way that one and the same proposition is associated with different degrees of belief by one agent.

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