• Title/Summary/Keyword: upper mantle

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Genetic Implications of Ultramafic Rocks from the Bibong Area in the Kyeonggi Gneiss Complex (경기편마암복합체내 비봉지역에 분포하는 초염기성암에 대한 성인적 적용)

  • Song, Suck Hwan;Choi, Seon Gyu;Woo, Jun Gie
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.30 no.5
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    • pp.477-491
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    • 1997
  • In the Bibong area of the western part of Chungcheongnam-do, ultramafic masses occur as discontinuous isolated lenticular bodies in the Precambrian Kyeonggi gneiss complex. They extend for about 200 m long to NNE directions which are parallel to fault lines in the gneiss complex. The ultramafic masses contact with the adjacent gneiss complex as steeply dipping faults. They are dunites and harzburgites and many of them are partially or completely serpentinized. The ultramafic rocks dominantly show protogranular, equigranular and equigranular-$m{\grave{o}}saic$ textures. They also show porphyroclastic (megacrystic) or recrystallized textures reflecting several stages of metamorphism. They contain varying amounts of olivine $(Fo_{89-92})$, enstatitic to bronzitic orthopyroxene, diopsidic clinopyroxene, tremolitic to pargasitic hornblende, and spinel with serpentine, talc, chlorite, calcite and magnetite. The ultramafic rocks have high magnesium numbers and transitional element contents, low alkali contents and show deplete REE patterns. Comparing with available data, geochemical and mineralogical characteristics shown in the ultramafic rocks of the Bibong area are similar to those of worldwide mantle xenoliths and orogenic related ultramafic rocks. The field evidences, petrographical, geochemical and mineralogical characteristics shown in the ultramafic rocks of the Bibong area are similar to alpine type ultramafic rocks emplaced into the crust by the faulting as mantle slab types. With the petrographical characteristics, these mineralogical compositions suggest that the ultramafic rocks of the Bibong area have experienced several stages of retrogressive metamorphism in a condition ranging from the upper amphibolite facies to greenschist facies.

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3D SH-wave Velocity Structure of East Asia using Love-Wave Tomography and Implication on Radial Anisotropy (러브파 토모그래피를 이용한 동아시아의 3차원 SH파 속도구조와 이방성 연구)

  • Min, Kyungmin;Chang, Sung-Joon
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.25-32
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    • 2017
  • We present a 3D SH-wave velocity model of the crust and uppermost mantle and seismic radial anisotropy beneath East Asia. The SH-wave velocity structure model was built using Love-wave group-velocity dispersion data from earthquake data recorded at broadband seismic networks of Korea, Japan, and China. Love-wave group-velocity dispersion curves were obtained by using the multiple filtering technique in the period range of 3 to 150 s for 3,369 event-station pairs. The inverted model using these data sets provides a crust and upper mantle SH-wave velocity structure down to 100 km depth. At 10 ~ 40 km depths SH-wave velocity beneath the East Sea is higher than beneath the Japanese island region. We estimated the Moho beneath the East Sea to be between 10 ~ 20 km depth, while Moho beneath the Korean Peninsula at around 35 km based on the depth where high-velocity anomalies are detected. We estimated the lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary beneath the East Sea to be at around 50 km based on the depth where strong low-velocity anomalies are observed. Widespread low-velocity anomalies are found between 50 ~ 100 km depth in the study region. Positive radial anisotropy ($V_{SV}$ > $V _{SH}$) is observed down to 35 km depth, while negative radial anisotropy ($V_{SV}$ > $V _{SH}$) is observed for deeper depth.

A Critical Review on Setting up the Concept, Timing and Mechanism of Tertiary Tilted Flexural Mode of the Korean Peninsula: A new hypothesis derived from plate tectonics ('신생대 제3기 경동성 요곡운동'의 개념, 시기, 기작에 관한 비판적 고찰: 판구조운동 기원의 새로운 가설)

  • Shin, Jaeryul;Hwang, Sangill
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.49 no.2
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    • pp.200-220
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    • 2014
  • This study reexamines the old concept and reviews prevalent statements on Cenozoic vertical motions of the peninsula that have been uncritically repeated in our academia. The contents of this paper are redefinition of the notion, tilted flexure or warping, and a suggestion for a new time set and properties of the deformation, followed by a new model on its influencing factors and processes. In conclusion, the Cenozoic vertical motion of the Korean peninsula can be reified further with an epeirogenic movement of uplift in the east side-subsidence in the west side of the peninsula since the Neogene (23 Ma). However, the regional boundary for areas of uplift and subsidence is not likely in the Korean peninsula but broader farther to East China and the southern part of Russia. It can be best understood that mantle convection produced by subducting activities in the Western Pacific Subduction Zone causes the uplift and subsidence of earth surface around NE Asia. In addition, faultings in the upper lithosphere induced by in-situ plate boundary stresses accelerate regional uplift in the peninsula since the Quaternary. Controversies that are still standing such as current uplift movements along the western coast of the peninsula during the late Quaternary could be precisely discussed with future research providing detailed information on it.

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Oxygen Isotopic Ratios for Ultramafic Xenoliths from the Korean Peninsula (한반도 초염기성 포획암의 산소동위원소 비율)

  • Lee, Jeong-A;Kim, Kyuhan;Lee, Jong-Ik;Choo, Mikyung
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.28-40
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    • 2013
  • This study examined the geochemical characteristics, equilibrium temperature and pressure conditions, and oxygen isotopic ratios of mantle xenoliths from the various geological sites of the Korean peninsula. The results are as follows: (1) The ultramafic xenoliths from the Korean peninsula mainly consist of typical high magnesium olivine (MgO : 49.12-50.95 wt.%, Mg value: 90.1-92.2), corresponding to worldwide Cenozoic ultramafic xenoliths in chemical compositions. (2) The pressure-temperature conditions of ultramafic xenoliths in the Korean peninsula are from 854 to $1016^{\circ}C$ and 4.6 to 24.4 kbar. (3) The oxygen isotopic ratios (${\delta}^{18}O$) for olivines in ultramafic xenoliths range from 5.06‰ to 5.51‰, which are relatively uniform oxygen isotopic values and overlapped by the values of N-MORB and upper mantle peridotite (${\delta}^{18}O$: $5.2{\pm}0.2$‰). However, olivines of the ultramafic xenoliths from the Baegdusan and Chejudo have a relatively wide ${\delta}^{18}O$ values ranging from 5.07 to 5.51‰ and 5.07 to 5.45‰, respectively. Based on the results, this study suggests that the high ${\delta}^{18}O$ signature of the Baegdusan xenoliths give a hint that ~5% of the oxygen in typical EM2 sources originally derived from recycled sediments.

Geophysical Study on the Ultramafic Rocks of Chungnam Province, Korea: Characteristics of Seismic Velocity (충남지역 초염기성 암체의 지구물리학적 연구: 탄성파 속도 특성)

  • Suh, Man-Cheol;Woo, Young-Kyun;Song, Suck-Hwan;Tianyao, Hao
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.349-358
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    • 2000
  • Compressional and shear wave velocities (Vp and Vs) and densities have been measured for serpentinite, amphibolite, amphibole and biotite schist, and gneiss from western part of Chungnam Province at room temperature. Ranges of the density are 2.6${\sim}$2.86g/cm$^3$ for serpentinite, 2.25${\sim}$2.81g/cm$^3$ for talc, and 2.74${\sim}$3.07g/cm$^3$ for metamorphic rocks. Of these rocks, talc shows wider ranges than serpentinite and amphibolites due to its metamorphic process from serpentinite. Values of Vp and Vs are 5719${\sim}$6062m/s and 2898${\sim}$3351m/s for serpentinites, 4019${\sim}$5478m/s and 2241/${\sim}$2976m/s for talc, 5375${\sim}$6372m/s and 3042${\sim}$3625m/s for amphibolite, 5290${\sim}$5499m/s and 2968${\sim}$3137m/s for schist, and 4788m/s and 2804m/s for gneiss, respectively. Velocity of P wave increases 1.47 times faster than S wave with increase of density. The results of seismic velocity measurement show anisotropy, higher velocity across than along the schistocity of rocks, especially in metamorphic rocks. This fact indicates that there were regional metamorphism related with tectonic forces. Values of seismic velocity increase with increasing pressure from 20 MPa to 70 MPa, especially in metamorphic rocks. Overall recalculated Vp and Vs values suggest that the serpentinite indicates for upper mantle in the respects of seismic characteristics, in spite of high degree of serpentinization. In addition, those of the amphibolite do for low crust, and gneiss and schist for upper crust.

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MT response on the two dimensional anisotropic structure (2차원 이방성 구조의 MT 반응)

  • Lee, Chun Gi;Gwon, Byeong Du
    • Journal of the Korean Geophysical Society
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.123-134
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    • 1999
  • Magnetotelluric responses may be affected by strong anisotropy of the high-conductivity layers (HCL) in the upper mantle or lower crust. We have studied two-dimensional anisotropy MT modelling to examine the effect of high anisotropic media. Electrical properties of a homogeneous anisotropic body are defined by a symmetric conductivity tensor and the problem is described by coupled diffusion equation in the frequency domain. In two-dimensional anisotropic environments, diagonal elements of the impedance tensor have higher values than those in isotropic environments. In some cases, TM mode phases reach more than 90°and apparent resistivities decrease for some frequency range because of telluric distortion. GB decomposition may be used to recover regional responses, but can be affected by the regional anisotropic effect. Considering these results, BC87 dataset was interpreted with a modified anisotropic model.

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지구의 비쌍극자 자장과 편각

  • Park, Chang-Go
    • 한국지구과학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2010.04a
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    • pp.53-53
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    • 2010
  • 지표위의 어떤 지점에서의 지구자기의 수평분력 방향과 진북방향 사이의 각을 편각(Declination)이라고 정의한다. 쉽게 말하면 편각은 나침반의 자침이 가러 키는 방향과 진북방향과의 사이 각을 말한다. 대부분의 사람들은 나침반의 자침이 북자기극(North magnetic pole)을 가러킨다고 잘못알고 있다. 지구 다이나모설(Geodynamo theory)에 의하면 주로 철(약 90%)로 구성된 외핵 속에서 계속 생성 유지되고 있는 복잡한 (각각 나선형(helical)의 회전축에 대체로 평행하거나 평행하지 않은) 대류(Convection currents)에 수반하는 전류가 복잡한 지구자기장을 형성한다. 지표상에서 측정한 지구자기장의 자료를 Spherical harmonic analysis 으로 분석하면 한 개의 커다란 쌍극자(Dipole) (Inclined geocentric dipole 또는 주된 자기장(Main field) 이라고 부름), 적도쌍극자(Equatorial dipole), 4극자 (Quadrupoles), 8극자(Octupoles) 등의 여러 개의 크고 작은 쌍극자들의 총합이 지구자기장의 근원인 것처럼 해석되고 있다. 어떤 지점에서의 지구자기장의 방향은 외핵에서 생성된 천체 자기장에서 Main field를 제거한 나머지 자기장과, 상부 맨틀(upper mantle), 지각 및 지표상에 존재하는 인공 물체 또는 암석 및 광석 등의 잔류자기 및 유도자기 그리고 지형 등의 영향으로 결정된다. 어떤 지점에서의 지구자기장의 방향은 태양풍(Solar wind)과 전리층 사이의 상호작용 등의 외부자장(external field)의 영향도 받는다. 비쌍극자 자장(Non-dipole field)은 지표상에서 측정되는 총자기장에서 외핵에서 생성된 주된 자기장(Main field) 즉, 지구의 회전축에서 약 11.5도 기울어진 쌍극자 자장을 제거하고 남는 자기장을 말한다. 따라서 편각은 비쌍극자자장의 영향을 가장 많이 받는다. 비쌍극자 자장은 정지한 상태의 자장(standing field) 과 매년 서쪽으로 약 0.2도 움직이는 Westward drift하는 자장으로 크게 두 가지로 구분된다. 쌍극자 자장의 방향은 매우 느리게 변하지만 그 세기는 현재 비교적으로 빠르게 약해지고 있다. 비교적으로 매우 빠르게 변하는 비쌍극자 자장의 변화를 영년변화(Secular variation) 이라고 한다.

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Crustal Structure of the Korean Peninsula By Travel Time Inversion of Local Earthquakes

  • Song, Seok-Gu;Lee, Gi-Hwa
    • Journal of the Korean Geophysical Society
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.21-33
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    • 2001
  • Simultaneous inversion of first-arrivals of local earthquakes recorded by the Korea Meteorological Administration(KMA) seismograph network from 1991 to 1998 is made to derive 1D crustal velocity structure of the Korean peninsula. Twenty-nine events with 178 observations are used in the inversion. Average crustal P-wave velocity turns out to be about 6.3 km/sec, and crustal thickness and upper mantle P-wave velocity are estimated as 33 km and 7.9 km/sec, respectively. Results of inversion indicate the possibility of the low velocity layer in the lower crust. Joint inversion is applied to estimate hypocenters, station delays, and velocities simultaneously. Relative station corrections for 11 stations range from zero to about 1.2 sec. Analysis of the synthetic data shows that estimates of hypocenter locations and station corrections as well as averaged crustal structure are reliable for the given data set..

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Moho Discontinuity Studies Beneath the Broadband Stations Using Receiver Functions in South Korea (수신함수를 이용한 남한의 광대역 관측망 하부의 Moho 불연속면 연구)

  • Kim, So-Gu;Lee, Seong-Kyu
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Hazard Mitigation
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    • v.1 no.1 s.1
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    • pp.139-155
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    • 2001
  • We investigate the vertical velocity models beneath the newly installed broadband seismic network of KMA (Korea Meteorological Administration) by using receiver function inversion technique. The seismic phases are primarily P-to-S conversions and reverberations generated at the two highest impedance interfaces like the Moho (crust-mantle boundary) and the sediment-basement contact. We obtained the teleseismic P-wave receiver functions, which were derived from teleseismic records of Seoul (SEO), Inchon (INCN), Tejeon (TEJ) , Sosan (SOS/SES), Kangnung (KAN), Ulchin (ULC/ULJ), Taegu (TAG), Pusan (PUS), and Ullung-do (ULL) stations. For Kwangju (KWA/KWJ) and Chunchon (CHU) stations, the Moho conversion Ps arrivals and waveforms of radial receiver functions are azimuthally inconsistent and unclear. From the receiver function inversion result, we found that crustal thickness is 29 km at INCN, SEO, and SOS (SES) stations, 28 km at KAN station in the Kyonggi Massif, 32 km at TEJ station in Okchon Folded Belt, 34 km at TAG, 33 km at PUS station in the Kyongsang Basin, 32 km at KWJ station (readjusted station by prior KWA station) included in the Youngdong-Kwangju Depression Zone, 28 km at ULC station in the eastern margin of the Ryongnam Massif, and 17 km at ULL station in the Ullung Island of the East Sea, respectively. The Moho configuration of INCN, SOS, KWJ, and KAN stations show a laminated smooth transition zone with a 3-5 km thick. The upper crusts(${\sim}5km$) of KAN, ULC, and PUS stations show complex structures with a high velocity. The unusually thick crusts are found at the TAG and PUS stations in the Kyongsang Basin compared to the thin (29-32 km) crust of the western part (INCN, SEO, SOS, TEJ, and KWA stations) The crustal thickness beneath Ullung Island (ULL station) shows the suboceanic crust with about 17 km thickness and complex with a high velocity layer of the upper crust, and the amplitudes of Incoming Ps waves from the western direction are relatively large compared to those from othor directions.

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Comments on Seismicity and Crustal Structure of the Korean Peninsula (한반도의 지진활동과 지각구조)

  • Lee, Kie-Hwa
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.256-267
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    • 2010
  • Earthquakes in the Korean Peninsula occur along the faults formed and boundaries between major geological units ruptured due to violent tectonic activities during the Mesozoic. E-W and/or ENE-SSW compressive stress regime resulting from collisions between the Eurasian plate and neighbouring the Indian plate, the Pacific plate and the Philippine plate trigger Korean earthquakes of thrust faulting with predominant strike-slip components along the mostly NNE-SSW trending active faults. Seismicity of the Korean peninsula has been moderate to low during the past 20 centuries except for the period from the 15th to the 18th centuries of exceptionally high seismicity, showing the typical irregularity of intraplate seismicity. The structure of the Korean peninsula is rather homogeneous without the Conrad discontinuity sharply dividing the upper and lower crust. Lateral heterogeneities exist in the crust. The crust with an average thickness of about 33 km is thicker in the mountainous region than the plain due to the Airy-type isostatic equilibrium maintained in the peninsula. Crustal P-wave velocity with average of about 6.3 km/sec increases gradually from the near surface to the Moho. The upper mantle P-wave (Pn) velocity is about 7.8 km/sec.