• Title/Summary/Keyword: traumatic reticuloperitonitis

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Radiographic and Ultrasound diagnosis of the Traumatic Reticuloperitonitis (방사선 및 초음파에 의한 창상성 복막염의 진단)

  • 김종택;현해성
    • Journal of Veterinary Clinics
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.75-77
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    • 1997
  • Holstein 우유가 식욕감소와 함께 갑자기 유량이 줄어들고 복부의 타진시 심한 통증과 신음을 나타내어 방사선 및 초음파로 확인하였는데, 방사선 투시소견(fluoroscopy)상 길이 10cm의 직선형 금속성이물이 제2위벽을 관통하여 있었으며 초음파상으로는 제2위벽의 장막과 횡격막의 유착을 관찰하였다. 금속성 이물을 제거하기 위하여 탐색적 개복술을 실시 하였으나 복부의 심한 섬유소성 유착으로 이물을 제거하지 못하고 magnet와 항생제 및 수액을 실시 하였는데 수술후 점차 식욕 및 유량을 회복하였다. 대동물에서는 창상성 복막염에 대한 방사선 투시 및 초음파의 진단과 magnet등의 투여가 매우 유익한 방법이었다.

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Surgical Management of Traumatic Reticuloperitonitis in a Mongolian Cow

  • Junho Yang;Donghyuk Yang;Jongtae Cheong;Youngmin Yun;Woo-Jin Song;Byambatsogt Senge;Bilguunchinzorig Ganbold;Gereltuya Jagj;Junho Lee;Hyohoon Jeong
    • Journal of Veterinary Clinics
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    • v.41 no.5
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    • pp.317-322
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    • 2024
  • Traumatic reticuloperitonitis (TRP) often referred to as hardware disease is a common disease of cattle, which is considered the most frequent cause of anterior abdominal pain in cattle. The incidence of TRP has decreased significantly, but the diagnosis and treatment of TRP are still clinically significant because of its economic impact. An eight-year-old female Mongolian cow weighing 400 kg, was presented to the Korean (College of Veterinary Medicine, Jeju National University)-Mongolian (School of Veterinary Medicine, Mongolian University of Life Science) volunteer team (KMVT) with the primary complaints of depression and anorexia during their outreach activity for veterinary volunteer service in the field of the suburban farm of Mongolia. TRP was diagnosed based on the clinical symptoms, auscultation, and back grip test results. An emergency rumenotomy was performed with the consent of the owner. The patient was anesthetized using distal paravertebral anesthesia and the inverted L block method while a makeshift restraint frame was constructed on-site. The rumenotomy was performed to explore the rumen and reticulum. Foreign bodies were identified and removed. The surgery was performed successfully. The patient's recovery after the surgery was normal, and the appetite was restored. This paper describes a case of TRP in a Mongolian cow, including the diagnosis, surgical preparation, and surgery successfully performed in the field of suburban farm of Mongolia in detail.

Development of Animal Health Monitoring System Model V. Analysis of Risk Factors in Clinical Part (동물(젖소)건강 Monitoring system 모델 개발 V. 임상학적 위해요소 분석)

  • 최민철;김종수;김곤섭;김용환;이효종;손우진;원현희
    • Journal of Veterinary Clinics
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.439-442
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    • 1999
  • An animal health monitoring system in Gyeongnam area (near-Chinju) was studied to evaluate the environmental risk factors, physical examinations and 4 disease entities(abomasal displacement, traumatic reticulopericarditis & -peritonitis, milk fever and lameness) in 40(34 in second year)dairy herds (total 1253 dairy cattle). In feeding environments, we examined housing system, forage percentage in ration, stall types, playground, cleanness of stall. In housing system, most of herds (60%) have tie-stall types and 36 herds are open-type housing. The forage ratio of ration was less than 50% in most of herds (67%). 39 herds had their own playgrounds and the frequency of playground cleanness was irregular, Physical examinations included the T(temperature), P (pulse), R (respiration), abnormalities of superficial lymph nodes, claw examination and total CBC with blood from tail veins. T, P, R are within normal limits (T : 38.1$\pm$0.6$^{\circ}C$, P : 84.6$\pm$12.9/min., R : 24.0$\pm$7.6/min. ,respectively), the swelling of lymph nodes were shown in 13 cattle and overall claw trimming was required in 3 herds. In blood examination, 23 cattle showed leuko-cytosis and 7 cattle showed low RBC and hemoglobin level, the other cattle were within normal limits (WBC : 8.90$\pm$2.06 10$^3$/ul., RBC : 6.36$\pm$1.02 10$^{6}$ ul, Hb : 9.83$\pm$ 1.20 g/dl PCV : 27.43$\pm$5.67 %, respectively). In 4 disease entities, we found some metallic foreign bodies in men of 13 cattle, which had predisposing factors of traumatic reticulopericarditis and reticuloperitonitis, 13 abomasal displacement, 51 milk fever and lameness in 39 cattle.

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