• Title/Summary/Keyword: trans-muconic acid (t,t-MA)

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Detection of Benzene Metabolite Induced Aneuploidy and Translocation in HL-60 Cells by Fluorescence in situ Hybridization using Whole Chromosome-specific Probes for Chromosome 8 and 21 (벤젠 대사산물에 의해 유도된 HL-60 세포의 8번 및 21번 염색체의 이수성 및 상호전좌)

  • 김수영;정해원
    • Environmental Mutagens and Carcinogens
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.90-96
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    • 2002
  • Benzene is a widespread human carcinogen, inducing leukemia and hematotoxicity. Exposure to benzene metabolites has been shown to cause genetic damage, including aneusomy and chromosome aberrations. Fluorescence in situ hybridization(FISH) procedure was used to determine if the benzene metabolite, 1, 2, 4-benzenetriol(BT), hydroquinone(HQ) and trans, trans-muconic acid(t,t-MA) induced specific chromosomal change in HL-60 cells. Treatment with BT, HQ and t,t-MA resulted in the induction of monosomy 8 and 21 in HL-60 cells in a dose-dependent manner. All of these metabolites also induced trisomy 8 and 21, but no correlation between frequencies of trisomy and concentration was found. Translocations between chromosome 8 and another unidentified chromosome [t(8:\ulcorner)], and between chromosome 21 and another unidentified chromosome [t(8:21)] were found. However, translocation between chromosome 8 and 21 [t(8:21)] was not found. Results indicate that the benzene metabolites, BT, HQ and t,t-MA, induce chromosome specific numerical and structural aberrations, and the fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) approach may be a useful and powerful technique for detection of aneuploidy.

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The Relationship between Exposure to Benzene and the Excretion of Urinary Trans, Trans-muconic Acid in Petrochemical Factory Turnaround Process Workers (석유화학공장 대정비 작업 근로자의 벤젠 노출과 요중 trans, trans-muconic acid 배설과의 관계)

  • Lee, Seung Min;Won, Jong Uk;Kim, Chi Nyon;Roh, Jaehoon
    • Journal of Korean Society of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.52-58
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    • 2014
  • Objectives: Using laborers participating in the petrochemical factory turnaround process as subjects, this study aims to identify exposure to benzene in the air and examine the relationship between exposure and the excretion of urinary metabolites by measuring concentrations of urinary trans, trans-muconic acid (t,t-MA). Methods: A passive sampler was used to measure the level of benzene in the air. In order to analyze urinary metabolites, the urine of laborers participating in the turnaround process was collected twice daily, both before and after work. In addition, a survey was conducted on work factors and lifestyle habits as factors affecting the concentration of urinary metabolites. Results: During the survey period, benzene was detected in the samples from all workers, and its average concentration was $0.16{\pm}0.22ppm$. The average concentration of t,t-MA after work was $1.20{\pm}1.86mg/g$ creatinine, and the results of analyzing urinary metabolites concentration before and after work showed statistically significant differences(p=0.003). There was also a statistically significant correlation (r=0.52, p=0.002) between benzene in the air and the concentration of after-work urinary t,t-MA. Conclusions: During the turnaround process, the average benzene concentration in workers was $0.16{\pm}0.22ppm$, which was below the exposure limit. However, their average t,t-MA concentration was $1.20{\pm}1.86mg/g$ creatinine, which exceeded the exposure limit of 1mg/g creatinine. The characteristics of turnaround process work require considerations such as underestimating the passive sampler being used and the skin absorption of benzene, and there needs to be a simultaneous assessment of working environment measurements and biological monitoring.

Environmentally friendly determination of urinary trans, trans-muconic acid for biological monitoring of benzene exposure by green high-performance liquid chromatography (소변 중 뮤콘산의 친환경 HPLC 분석방법을 이용한 벤젠 노출 생물학적 노출평가)

  • Yang, Dong-Hyug;Lee, Mi-Young;Won, Yong Lim
    • Analytical Science and Technology
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    • v.25 no.6
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    • pp.460-466
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    • 2012
  • An environmentally friendly, so-called green, high performance liquid chromatography method was developed and validated for the determination of trans, trans-muconic acid (t,t-MA) in human urine as a biomarker of benzene exposure. After urinary t,t-MA was extracted and enriched using solid-phase extraction, a MF-Ph1 SG80 ($150mm{\times}2.0mm$ I.D., 5 ${\mu}m$) column with a mobile phase of 10 mM $KH_2PO_4$ containing 0.1% $H_3PO_4$ was used for isocratic separation of t,t-MA with UV detection at 259 nm. The calibration curve was constructed in the range of 0.1-5.0 mg/L with good linearity ($r^2$=0.9992). The intra-day and inter-day precision (as RSD) were 0.9-8.5% and 3.1-4.5%, respectively. The average recovery ranged from 97.5% to 101.7%. The green sample preparation and separation with no organic solvents were successfully achieved. The validated method would be suitable for the routine biological monitoring of benzene exposure in the occupational settings.

A Study on Urinary Trans, Trans-Muconic acid, Hippuric acid of gas station worker according to the use of gasoline vapor recovery system (유증기 회수설비 유무에 따른 주유소 근로자들의 요중 trans, trans-Muconic acid, Hippuric acid에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, Jaejun;Won, Jong-Uk;Kim, Chi-Nyon;Roh, Jaehoon
    • Journal of Korean Society of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.152-159
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    • 2014
  • Objectives: This study aims to investigate the excretion aspect of urinary t, t-MA and hippuric acid by measuring concentrations of urinary metabolites according to the use of gasoline vapor recovery system. Materials:In order to analyze urinary metabolites, samples from the 23 gas station workers ten gas stations in the Seoul and Gyeonggi Province area were collected once daily after work. In addition, a survey was conducted on work factors and lifestyle habits as factors affecting the concentration of urinary metabolites. Results: The average concentrations of t, t-MA and hippuric acid after work were $0.124{\pm}0.177mg/g$ creatinine and $0.557{\pm}0.251g/g$ creatinine among workers at gas stations where gasoline vapor recovery systems were installed. The average concentrations of t, t-MA and hippuric acid were $0.160{\pm}0.113mg/g$ creatinine and $0.682{\pm}0.619g/g$ creatinine among workes at gas stations where gasoline vapor recovery systems were not installed. Average concentrations were higher at gas stations where a gasoline vapor recovery system was not installed, but the differences were not statistically significant differences. Urinary t, t-MA and hippuric acid average concentrations of smokers and non-smokers were higher in the gas stations where gasoline a vapor recovery system was not installed. T, t-MA as a factor evaluation affecting the concentration of urinary metabolites was not statistically significant in all factors, while hippuric acid was statistically significant only for age(p=0.024). Conclusions: The average concentrations of urinary t, t-MA and hippuric acid were higher in gas stations where gasoline vapor recovery systems were not installed compared to gas stations where such a system was installed. There needs to be an assessment of biological monitoring according to refueling activity considering skin absorption of benzene and toluene and presence of gasoline vapor recovery system.

Exploration of an Area with High Concentrations of Particulate Matter and Biomonitoring Survey of Volatile Organic Compounds among the Residents (부산 내 미세먼지 고농도 지역 탐색 및 체내 휘발성유기화합물 바이오모니터링 조사)

  • Hyunji Ju;Seungho Lee;Jae-Hee Min;Yong-Sik Hwang;Young-Seoub Hong
    • Journal of Environmental Health Sciences
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    • v.49 no.6
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    • pp.344-352
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    • 2023
  • Background: With its developed port and related industries, the concentration of fine dust is high in Busan compared to other cities in South Korea. Many studies have reported the health effects of fine dust, but there has been a lack of information regarding concentrations of volatile organic compounds among those who exposed to high levels of fine dust. Objectives: This study aimed to define an area with high concentrations of particulate matter and perform biomonitoring surveys among the residents of the area. Methods: Air quality data was collected and the mean level of each district in Busan was derived. We then defined the area with the highest concentrations of PM10 as a target site. Urine samples were collected from the 400 participants and analyzed for VOCs metabolites - trans,trans-Muconic Acid (t,t-MA) and N-AcetylS-(benzyl)-L-cysteine (BMA). Interviews were conducted by trained investigators to examine demographic information. The levels of t,t-MA and BMA were compared with representative South Korean population data (Korean National Environmental Health Survey). The association of the VOC metabolites and fine dust were analyzed by general linear regression analysis. Results: The mean of PM10 in the target site was 42.50 ㎍/m3 from 2018 to 2020. Among the 400 participants in the target site, 74.8% were female and the average age of the participants was 66 years. The geometric mean of t,t-MA was 71.15 ㎍/g creatinine and the BMA was 7.00 ㎍/g creatinine among the residents. The levels were higher than the geometric mean from the 4th KoNEHS. The levels of t,t-MA showed significance in BMI, smoking status, and household income. BMA showed significance in gender and age. Conclusions: Compared to the general population of South Korea, the target site's residents had higher biomonitoring levels. Based on this study, continuous screening for high risk areas, including the target site, and biomonitoring of the residents are required.