• 제목/요약/키워드: tip excitation

검색결과 47건 처리시간 0.036초

Nonlinear dynamic responses of cracked atomic force microscopes

  • Alimoradzadeh, M.;Akbas, S.D.
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • 제82권6호
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    • pp.747-756
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    • 2022
  • This study presents the nonlinear free and forced vibrations of a cracked atomic force microscopy (AFM) cantilever by using the modified couple stress. The cracked section of the AFM cantilever is considered and modeled as rotational spring. In the frame work of Euler-Bernoulli beam theory, Von-Karman type of geometric nonlinear equation and the modified couple stress theory, the nonlinear equation of motion for the cracked AFM is derived by Hamilton's principle and then discretized by using the Galerkin's method. The semi-inverse method is utilized for analysis nonlinear free oscillation of the system. Then the method of multiple scale is employed to investigate primary resonance of the system. Some numerical examples are presented to illustrate the effects of some parameters such as depth of the crack, length scale parameter, Tip-Mass, the magnitude and the location of the external excitation force on the nonlinear free and forced vibration behavior of the system.

평판에서 압전 세라믹 액추에이터에 의한 유동제어 (Flow Control by Piezoceramic Actuator in a flat plate)

  • 김동하;한종섭;장조원;김학봉
    • 한국항공우주학회지
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    • 제37권11호
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    • pp.1080-1088
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    • 2009
  • 평판 유동에서 유동을 제어하기 위하여 압전 세라믹을 이용한 액추에이터가 설계되었다. 액추에이터가 15Hz의 낮은 가진 주파수로 구동할 때, 설계된 액추에이터에 의해 발생된 유동 교란을 알아보기 위해 경계층 측정이 수행되었다. 경계층에서의 평균 유동속도와 섭동량이 액추에이터 끝단에서 $x/{\delta}^*=31.9$ 떨어진 하류위치에서 1축 열선프로브(55P14)로 측정되었다. 측정 결과, 속도가 느린 영역과 빠른 영역이 각각 액추에이터의 중심부근 및 바깥부분에서 관찰되었으며, 이것으로 서로 마주보며 회전하는 한 쌍의 유동방향 와류의 발생이 예측되었다. 섭동량은 액추에이터의 바깥부분에서 크게 나타났으며, 벽면근처에서 유동방향 속도의 스팬방향 변화에서 변곡점이 관찰되었다. 액추에이터가 낮은 주파수에서 구동하는 경우에는 경계층 불안정성이 액추에이터의 가진 주파수와 T-S 파동에 해당하는 주파수에서 함께 증폭된다.

Single Carrier Spectroscopy of Bisolitons on Si(001) Surfaces

  • Lyo, In-Whan
    • 한국진공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국진공학회 2009년도 제38회 동계학술대회 초록집
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    • pp.13-13
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    • 2010
  • Switching an elementary excitation by injecting a single carrier would offer the exciting opportunity for the ultra-high data storage technologies. However, there has been no methodology available to investigate the interaction of low energy discrete carriers with nano-structures. In order to map out the spatial dependency of such single carrier level interactions, we developed a pulse-and-probe algorithm, combining with low temperature scanning tunneling microscopy. The new tool, which we call single carrier spectroscopy, allows us to track the interaction with the target macrostructure with tunneling carriers on a single carrier basis. Using this tool, we demonstrate that it is possible not only to locally write and erase individual bi-solitons, reliably and reversibly, but also to track of creation yields of single and multiple bi-solitons. Bi-solitons are pairs of solitons that are elementary out-of-phase excitations on anti-ferromagnetically ordered pseudo-spin system of Si dimers on Si(001)-c(42) surfaces. We found that at low energy tunneling the single bisoliton creation mechanism is not correlated with the number of carriers tunneling, but with the production of a potential hole under the tip. An electric field at the surface determines the density of the local charge density under the tip, and band-bending. However a rapid, dynamic change of a field produces a potential hole that can be filled by energetic carriers, and the amount of energy released during filling process is responsible for the creation of bi-solitons. Our model based on the field-induced local hole gives excellent explanation for bi-soliton yield behaviors. Scanning tunneling spectroscopy data supports the existence of such a potential hole. The mechanism also explains the site-dependency of bi-soliton yields, which is highest at the trough, not on the dimer rows. Our study demonstrates that we can manipulate not just single atoms and molecules, but also single pseudo-spin excitations as well.

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IPMCs(Ionic Polymer Metal Composites) 성능 개선 및 날갯짓 작동기로의 응용 (Improved IPMCs and It's Application for Flapping Actuator)

  • 이순기;유영태;허석;박훈철
    • 한국소음진동공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국소음진동공학회 2005년도 추계학술대회논문집
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    • pp.723-726
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    • 2005
  • The two major obstacles in the application of IPMC to flapping actuators operated in the air are solvent loss and actuation force. In this paper, solvent loss of various IPMCs made of Nafion$^{TM}$117(183$\mu$m thickness) has been experimentally investigated to find out the best combination of cation and solvent for minimal solvent loss in IPMCs and higher actuation force. For this purpose. experiments for the internal solvent loss measurement of IMPCs have been conducted for various combinations of cation and solvent. From the experiments, it was found that heavy water showed improvement in the operating time up to more than two minutes. in the tip force measurement of IPMCs, it was found that smaller and thicker IPMCs produced larger tip forces. However, the shorter IPMCs generated reduced actuation displacements and created flapping motion with decreased natural frequency. For the design of flapping device actuated by 5mm wide, 10mm long, 0.2mm thick IPMCs were used in the stacked form. Since the actuation force is a few gram-force, we stacked five IPMCs to improve actuation force. To amply the actuation force, rack-and-pin ion type hinge was used for the flapping device and insect (Cicadidae) wing was attached to the stacked IPMC actuator. In the flapping test, the device could generate flapping angle of 15$^{\circ}$ at 6Hz excitation by 2.5 voltage square wave input.

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Analytical and experimental investigation of stepped piezoelectric energy harvester

  • Deepesh, Upadrashta;Li, Xiangyang;Yang, Yaowen
    • Smart Structures and Systems
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    • 제26권6호
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    • pp.681-692
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    • 2020
  • Conventional Piezoelectric Energy Harvesters (CPEH) have been extensively studied for maximizing their electrical output through material selection, geometric and structural optimization, and adoption of efficient interface circuits. In this paper, the performance of Stepped Piezoelectric Energy Harvester (SPEH) under harmonic base excitation is studied analytically, numerically and experimentally. The motivation is to compare the energy harvesting performance of CPEH and SPEHs with the same characteristics (resonant frequency). The results of this study challenge the notion of achieving higher voltage and power output through incorporation of geometric discontinuities such as step sections in the harvester beams. A CPEH consists of substrate material with a patch of piezoelectric material bonded over it and a tip mass at the free end to tune the resonant frequency. A SPEH is designed by introducing a step section near the root of substrate beam to induce higher dynamic strain for maximizing the electrical output. The incorporation of step section reduces the stiffness and consequently, a lower tip mass is used with SPEH to match the resonant frequency to that of CPEH. Moreover, the electromechanical coupling coefficient, forcing function and damping are significantly influenced because of the inclusion of step section, which consequently affects harvester's output. Three different configurations of SPEHs characterized by the same resonant frequency as that of CPEH are designed and analyzed using linear electromechanical model and their performances are compared. The variation of strain on the harvester beams is obtained using finite element analysis. The prototypes of CPEH and SPEHs are fabricated and experimentally tested. It is shown that the power output from SPEHs is lower than the CPEH. When the prototypes with resonant frequencies in the range of 56-56.5 Hz are tested at 1 m/s2, three SPEHs generate power output of 482 μW, 424 μW and 228 μW when compared with 674 μW from CPEH. It is concluded that the advantage of increasing dynamic strain using step section is negated by increase in damping and decrease in forcing function. However, SPEHs show slightly better performance in terms of specific power and thus making them suitable for practical scenarios where the ratio of power to system mass is critical.

초음파 열화상 검사를 이용한 박판 용접시편의 결함 검출 (A Defect Detection of Thin Welded Plate using an Ultrasonic Infrared Imaging)

  • 조재완;정진만;최영수;정승호;정현규
    • 제어로봇시스템학회논문지
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    • 제13권11호
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    • pp.1060-1066
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    • 2007
  • When a high-energy ultrasound propagates through a solid body that contains a crack or a delamination, the two faces of the defect do not ordinarily vibrate in unison, and dissipative phenomena such as friction, rubbing and clapping between the faces will convert some of the vibrational energy to heat. By combining this heating effect with infrared imaging, one can detect a subsurface defect in material efficiently. In this paper a detection of the welding defect of thin SUS 304 plates using the UIR (ultrasonic infrared imaging) technology is described. A low frequency (20kHz) ultrasonic transducer was used to infuse the welded thin SUS 304 plates with a short pulse of sound for 280ms. The ultrasonic source has a maximum power of 2kW. The surface temperature of the area under inspection is imaged by a thermal infrared camera that is coupled to a fast frame grabber in a computer. The hot spots, which are a small area around the defect tip and heated up highly, are observed. From the sequence of the thermosonic images, the location of defective or inhomogeneous regions in the welded thin SUS 304 plates can be detected easily.

손가락 외골격용 전기활성 고분자 구동체-센서 하이브리드 구조체의 굽힘 동작 제어 (Bending Motion Control of Electroactive Polymer Actuator-Sensor Hybrid Structure for Finger Exoskeleton)

  • 한동균;송대석;조재영;김동민
    • 한국정밀공학회지
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    • 제32권10호
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    • pp.865-871
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    • 2015
  • This study was conducted in order to develop a finger exoskeleton system using ionic polymer metal composites (IPMCs) as the actuator and sensor in a hybrid structure. To use the IPMC as an actuator producing large force, a first order transfer function was obtained using results from a block force for DC excitation that applied to two IPMCs of 20mm-width, 50mm-length, and 2.4mm thickness together. After which the validation of 200gf control with anti-windup PI controller was confirmed. A 5mm-width, 50mm-length, 0.6mm-thickness of IPMC was also modeled as a sensor for tip displacement. As a result, the IPMC sensor could been utilized as a trigger role for the actuator. Finally, an IPMC sensor and actuator were installed on the joint of a single DOF exoskeleton in the hybrid structure, and test for the control of 40gf of block force and predefined sequence of motion was performed.

자동화 비행시험기법에 의한 소형 무인헬리콥터의 파라메터 추정 (Parameter Estimation of a Small-Scale Unmanned Helicopter by Automated Flight Test Method)

  • 방극희;김낙완;홍창호;석진영
    • 제어로봇시스템학회논문지
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    • 제14권9호
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    • pp.916-924
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    • 2008
  • In this paper dynamic modeling parameters were estimated using a frequency domain estimation method. A systematic flight test method was employed using preprogrammed multistep excitation of the swashplate control input. In addition when one axis is excited, the autopilot is engaged in the other axis, thereby obtaining high-quality flight data. A dynamic model was derived for a small scale unmanned helicopter (CNUHELI-020, developed by Chungnam National University) equipped with a Bell-Hiller stabilizer bar. Six degree of freedom equations of motion were derived using the total forces and moments acting on the small scale helicopter. The dynamics of the main rotor is simplified by the first order tip-path plane, and the aerodynamic effects of fuselage, tail rotor, engine, and horizontal/vertical stabilizer were considered. Trim analysis and linearized model were used as a basic model for the parameter estimation. Doublet and multistep inputs are used to excite dynamic motions of the helicopter. The system and input matrices were estimated in the frequency domain using the equation error method in order to match the data of flight test with those of the dynamic modeling. The dynamic modeling and the flight test show similar time responses, which validates the consequence of analytic modeling and the procedures of parameter estimation.

인버터 부착형 농형 유도발전기의 계통고장특성 모의 (Grid faults characteristics simulation of inverter-fed induction generator)

  • 홍지태;권순만;김춘경;이종무;천종민;김홍주;김희제
    • 한국신재생에너지학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국신재생에너지학회 2011년도 추계학술대회 초록집
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    • pp.43.1-43.1
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    • 2011
  • The detail simulation modeling of fully-fed induction generator is investigated through PC based MATLAB/Simulink environment. Generator's stator currents are controlled by indirect vector control method. In this method, generator side converter controls the maximum excitation (air gap flux) by stator d-axis current and controls generator torque by stator q-axis current. Induction generator speed is controlled by tip speed ratio (TSR) upon the wind speed variations in order to generate the maximum output power. The generator torque model is specified as a 3-blade wind turbine with rating, then, the model is simulated under normal operating condition and three different fault conditions. The matlab model designed for fully-fed induction generator based wind farm provides good performance under normal and grid fault conditions. It provides good results for different pwm techniques and fault conditions except the single-phase line to ground fault, which should be verified with real time data from wind farms.

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Analytical Surge Behaviors in Systems of a Single-stage Axial Flow Compressor and Flow-paths

  • Yamaguchi, Nobuyuki
    • International Journal of Fluid Machinery and Systems
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    • 제9권1호
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    • pp.1-16
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    • 2016
  • Behaviors of surges appearing near the stall stagnation boundaries in various fashions in systems of a single-stage compressor and flow-path systems were studied analytically and were tried to put to order. Deep surges, which enclose the stall point in the pressure-mass flow plane, tend to have either near-resonant surge frequencies or subharmonic ones. The subharmonic surge is a multiple-loop one containing, for example, in a (1/2) subharmonic one, a deep surge loop and a mild surge loop, the latter of which does not enclose the stall point, staying only within the stalled zone. Both loops have nearly equal time periods, respectively, resulting in a (1/2) subharmonic surge frequency as a whole. The subharmonic surges are found to appear in a narrow zone neighboring the stall stagnation boundary. In other words, they tend to appear in the final stage of the stall stagnation process. It should be emphasized further that the stall stagnation initiates fundamentally at the situation where a volume-modified reduced resonant-surge frequency becomes coincident with that for the stagnation boundary conditions, where the reduced frequency is defined by the acoustical resonance frequency in the flow-path system, the delivery flow-path length and the compressor tip speed, modified by the sectional area ratio and the effect of the stalling pressure ratio. The real surge frequency turns from the resonant frequency to either near-resonant one or subharmonic one, and finally to stagnation condition, for the large-amplitude conditions, caused by the non-linear self-excitation mechanism of the surge.