• Title/Summary/Keyword: time dependent creep

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Determination of structural behavior of Bosporus suspension bridge considering construction stages and different soil conditions

  • Gunaydin, Murat;Adanur, Suleyman;Altunisik, Ahmet Can;Sevim, Baris;Turker, Emel
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.405-429
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    • 2014
  • In this paper, it is aimed to determine the structural behavior of suspension bridges considering construction stages and different soil conditions. Bosporus Suspension Bridge connecting the Europe and Asia in Istanbul is selected as an example. Finite element model of the bridge is constituted using SAP2000 program considering existing drawings. Geometric nonlinearities are taken into consideration in the analysis using P-Delta large displacement criterion. The time dependent material strength of steel and concrete and geometric variations is included in the analysis. Time dependent material properties are considered as compressive strength, aging, shrinkage and creep for concrete, and relaxation for steel. To emphases the soil condition effect on the structural behavior of suspension bridges, each of hard, medium and soft soils are considered in the analysis. The structural behavior of the bridge at different construction stages and different soil conditions has been examined. Two different finite element analyses with and without construction stages are carried out and results are compared with each other. At the end of the analyses, variation of the displacement and internal forces such as bending moment, axial forces and shear forces for bridge deck and towers are given in detail. Also, displacement and stresses for bridge foundation are given with detail. It can be seen from the analyses that there are some differences between both analyses (with and without construction stages) and the results obtained from the construction stages are bigger. It can be stated that the analysis without construction stages cannot give the reliable solutions. In addition, soil condition have effect on the structural behavior of the bridge. So, it is thought that construction stage analysis using time dependent material properties, geometric nonlinearity and soil conditions effects should be considered in order to obtain more realistic structural behavior of suspension bridges.

Thermal-Mechanical and Low Cycle Fatigue Characteristics of 12Cr Heat Resisting Steel with Hold Time Effects (유지시간 효과를 고려한 12Cr 내열강의 열피로 및 저주기 피로 특성)

  • Ha, J.S.;Koh, S.K.;Ong, J.W.
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Automotive Engineers
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 1995
  • Isothermal and thermal-mechanical fatigue characteristics of 12Cr heat resisting steel used for high temperature applications were investigated including hold time effects. Isothermal low cycle fatigue test at $600^{\circ}C$ and in-phase, out-of-phase thermal-mechanical fatigue test at 350 to $600^{\circ}C$ were conducted using smooth cylindrical hollow specimen under strain-control with total strain ranges from 0.006 to 0.015. Regardless of thermal-mechanical and isothermal fatigue tests, cyclic softening behavior was observed and much more pronounced in the thermal-mechanical fatigue tests with hold times due to the stress relaxation during the hold time. The phase difference between temperature and strain in thermal-mechanical fatigue tests resulted in significantly shorter fatigue life for out-of-phase compared to in-phase. The differences in fatigue lives were dependent upon the magnitudes of plastic strain ranges and mean stresses. During the hold time in the strain-controlled fatigue tests, the increase in the plastic strain range and the stress relaxation were observed. It appeared that the increase in plastic strain range per cycle and the introduction of creep damage made important contributions to the reduction of thermal-mechanical fatigue life with hold time, and the life reduction tendency was more remarkable in the in-phase than in the out-of-phase thermal-mechanical fatigue. Isothermal fatigue tests performed under the combination of fast and slow strain rates at $600^{\circ}C$ showed that the fatigue life decreased as the strain rate and frequency decreased,especially for the low strain ranges.

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Field Investigation of Composite Behavior in High-speed Railway PSC Box Girder Bridge (고속전철 PSC 박스거더교 합성거동의 현장 계측에 관한 연구)

  • 김영진;김병석;강재윤
    • Proceedings of the Korea Concrete Institute Conference
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    • 2000.10b
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    • pp.995-1000
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    • 2000
  • Segmentally erected prestressed concrete box girder bridges have been widely used in Korean high speed railway. Segmental erection has been accomplished along the longitudinal direction and across the depth of cross section. The cross section is similar to a composite cross section, composed of old and new segments. Because these segments have different time-dependent creep and shrinkage properties, a stress redistribution takes place during the construction period. It is the main objective in this research to investigate this behavior. An actual bridge was instrumented with 96 vibrating wire embedded type strain gauges, 6 electronic type steel strain gauges, and 75 thermocouples. Two span continuous high speed railway bridge was selected. Two points of importance, such as the midpoint of the first span and the point of interior support, along the span of the girder were chosen to monitor the time dependent behaviors for an extended period of time. The data collection was starting just after concrete girder were cast and is still going on. According to the measured results, the strain distributions across the depth of the section at midspan and interior support were not continuous and the important redistribution of stresses takes place. Thus, rational design of prestressed concrete composite box girder bridges need.

Determination of Design Moments in Bridges Constructed by Movable Scaffolding System (MSS공법으로 시공되는 교량의 설계 모멘트 결정)

  • 곽효경;손제국
    • Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.317-327
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    • 2001
  • In this paper, a relation to calculate design moments for reinforced concrete(RC) bridges constructed by movable scaffolding system(MSS) is introduced. Through the time-dependent analysis of RC bridges considering the construction sequence, the structural responses related to the member forces and deflections are reviewed, and a governing equation for determination of the design moment, which includes the creep deformation, is derived on the basis of the displacement-force condition at every constructuion stage. By using the relation, the design moment and its variation over time can easily be obtained only with the elastic analysis results without additional time-dependent analysis. In addition, correlation studies with the results by rigorous numerical analyses are conducts to verify the applicability of the introduced relation, and a more reasonable guideline for the determination of design moments is proposed on the basis of the obtained moment envelop.

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Non-uniform shrinkage in simply-supported composite steel-concrete slabs

  • Al-Deen, Safat;Ranzi, Gianluca;Uy, Brian
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.375-394
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    • 2015
  • This paper presents the results of four long-term experiments carried out to investigate the time-dependent behaviour of composite floor slabs with particular attention devoted to the development of non-uniform shrinkage through the slab thickness. This is produced by the presence of the steel deck which prevents moisture egress to occur from the underside of the slab. To observe the influence of different drying conditions on the development of shrinkage, the four 3.3 m long specimens consisted of two composite slabs cast on Stramit Condeck $HP^{(R)}$ steel deck and two reinforced concrete slabs, with the latter ones having both faces exposed for drying. During the long-term tests, the samples were maintained in a simply-supported configuration subjected to their own self-weight, creep and shrinkage for four months. Separate concrete samples were prepared and used to measure the development of shrinkage through the slab thickness over time for different drying conditions. A theoretical model was used to predict the time-dependent behaviour of the composite and reinforced concrete slabs. This approach was able to account for the occurrence of non-uniform shrinkage and comparisons between numerical results and experimental measurements showed good agreement. This work highlights the importance of considering the shrinkage gradient in predicting shrinkage deformations of composite slabs. Further comparisons with experimental results are required to properly validate the adequacy of the proposed approach for its use in routine design.


  • Lee, Yong-Sun;Ha, Young-Min;Hwang, Su-Chul
    • Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.69-88
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    • 1995
  • The paper attempts to estimate the incubation time of a cavity in the interface between a power law creep particle and an elastic matrix subjected to a uniaxial stress. Since the power law creep particle is time dependent, the stresses in the interface relax. Through previous stress analysis related to the present physical model, the relaxation time is defined by ${\alpha}$2 which satisfies the equation $\Gamma$0 |1+${\alpha}$2k|m=1-${\alpha}$2 [19]. $\Gamma$0=2(1/√3)1+m($\sigma$$\infty$/2${\mu}$)m($\sigma$0/$\sigma$$\infty$tm) where $\sigma$$\infty$ is an applied stress, ${\mu}$ is a shear modulus of a matrix, $\sigma$$\infty$ is a material constant of a power law particle, $\sigma$=$\sigma$0 $\varepsilon$ and t elapsed time. the volume free energy associated with Helmholtz free energy includes strain energies associated with Helmholtz free energy includes strain energies caused by applied stress anddislocations piled up in interface (DPI). The energy due to DPI is found by modifying the results of Dundurs and Mura[20]. The volume free energies caused by both applied stress and DPI are a function of the cavity size(${\gamma}$) and elapsed time(t) and arise from stress relaxation in the interface. Critical radius ${\gamma}$ and incubation time t to maximize Helmholtz free energy is found in present analysis. Also, kinetics of cavity fourmation are investigated using the results obtained by Riede[16]. The incubation time is defied in the analysis as the time required to satisfy both the thermodynamic and kinetic conditions. Through the analysis it is found that [1] strain energy caused by the applied stress does not contribute significantly to the thermodynamic and kinetic conditions of a cavity formation, 2) in order to satisfy both thermodynamic and kinetic conditions, critical radius ${\gamma}$ decreases or holds constant with increase of time until the kinetic condition(eq.40) is satisfied. Therefore the cavity may not grow right after it is formed, as postulated by Harris[11], and Ishida and Mclean[12], 3) the effects of strain rate exponent (m), material constant $\sigma$0, volume fraction of the particle to matrix(f) and particle size on the incubation time are estimated using material constants of the copper as matrix.

Long-term Camber Analysis of PSC Composite Beam for Railway Bridge Considering Changes in Loading Time and Prestressing Force (하중재하 시점 및 긴장력 변화를 고려한 철도교 PSC 합성보의 장기 솟음 분석)

  • Kyung-Hyun Kim;Ki-Hyun Kim;In-Yeol Paik
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.28 no.6
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    • pp.12-22
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    • 2024
  • As part of a study to analyze the excessive camber occurring in prestressed concrete railway bridges, this paper develops a time-dependent camber analysis program for concrete structures and analyzes the change in camber according to the variation of applying time and duration of prestressing force and self-weight as well as the change in live load. The incremental time-step analysis method is applied in order to consider time-related variables such as the strength of concrete in early stage, the applying time and duration of the prestressing force and loads, and the decrease in prestressing force over time. The equations for calculating the creep coefficient and loss of prestressing force are applied according to the domestic bridge design codes. By applying the developed method to an example PSC composite beam for railway bridge, the instantaneous deflection at various loading points and the long term creep deflection for the loading period are obtained. Also the effect of reducing the camber is examined when the prestressing force is reduced considering the degree of allowance of the railway live load. Through numerical examples, it can be shown that the camber increases if the initial prestressing force is introduced early or the period to the slab placement is long or a combination of the two. When the live load is reduced by taking into account the actual train weight, the camber is reduced.

Non-linear fire-resistance analysis of reinforced concrete beams

  • Bratina, Sebastjan;Planinc, Igor;Saje, Miran;Turk, Goran
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.695-712
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    • 2003
  • The non-linear structural analysis of reinforced concrete beams in fire consists of three separate steps: (i) The estimation of the rise of surrounding air temperature due to fire; (ii) the determination of the distribution of the temperature within the beam during fire; (iii) the evaluation of the mechanical response due to simultaneous time-dependent thermal and mechanical loads. Steps (ii) and (iii) are dealt with in the present paper. We present a two-step computational procedure where a 2D transient thermal analysis over the cross-sections of beams are made first, followed by mechanical analysis of the structure. Fundamental to the accuracy of the mechanical analysis is a new planar beam finite element. The effects of plasticity in concrete, and plasticity and viscous creep in steel are taken into consideration. The properties of concrete and steel along with the values of their thermal and mechanical parameters are taken according to the European standard ENV 1992-1-2 (1995). The comparison of our numerical and full-scale experimental results shows that the proposed mechanical and 2D thermal computational procedure is capable to describe the actual response of reinforced concrete beam structures to fire.

Investigation of Likelihood of Cracking in Reinforced Concrete Bridge Decks

  • ElSafty, Adel;Abdel-Mohti, Ahmed
    • International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.79-93
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    • 2013
  • One of the biggest problems affecting bridges is the transverse cracking and deterioration of concrete bridge decks. The causes of early age cracking are primarily attributed to plastic shrinkage, temperature effects, autogenous shrinkage, and drying shrinkage. The cracks can be influenced by material characteristics, casting sequence, formwork, climate conditions, geometry, and time dependent factors. The cracking of bridge decks not only creates unsightly aesthetic condition but also greatly reduces durability. It leads to a loss of functionality, loss of stiffness, and ultimately loss of structural safety. This investigation consists of field, laboratory, and analytical phases. The experimental and field testing investigate the early age transverse cracking of bridge decks and evaluate the use of sealant materials. The research identifies suitable materials, for crack sealing, with an ability to span cracks of various widths and to achieve performance criteria such as penetration depth, bond strength, and elongation. This paper also analytically examines the effect of a wide range of parameters on the development of cracking such as the number of spans, the span length, girder spacing, deck thickness, concrete compressive strength, dead load, hydration, temperature, shrinkage, and creep. The importance of each parameter is identified and then evaluated. Also, the AASHTO Standard Specification limits liveload deflections to L/800 for ordinary bridges and L/1000 for bridges in urban areas that are subject to pedestrian use. The deflection is found to be an important parameter to affect cracking. A set of recommendations to limit the transverse deck cracks in bridge decks is also presented.

Development of Web-based Design Compatibility Assessment Program for High Temperature Reactor (고온로 설계 적합성평가 프로그램 개발)

  • Cho, Doo Ho;Surh, Han Bum;Choi, Jae Boong;Huh, Nam Su;Choi, Young Hwan
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Pressure Vessels and Piping
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.48-55
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    • 2013
  • In this paper, W-DCAP-HTR(Web-based Design Compatibility Assessment Program for High Temperature Reactor) which will be used to check the design criteria for high temperature reactor is newly proposed. To do this, the assessment procedure of the ASME Sec.III Div.5 such as time-dependent primary stress limit, accumulated inelastic strain, and creep-fatigue damage evaluation were investigated. Furthermore, the trend of candidate materials for high temperature reactor was also reviewed. Then, all assessment procedures for high temperature reactor have been computerized to enhance the efficiency and to reduce the possibility of human error during calculating procedure by hand calculation. It can be directly conducted by adopting the actual thermal and structural analysis results. The validation of W-DCAP-HTR has been demonstrated by benchmark analysis.