• Title/Summary/Keyword: thoracotomy

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Effects of pain, sleep and self-care behavior in patients underwent robotic minimally invasive cardiac surgeries (로봇을 이용한 심장수술이 환자의 통증, 수면 및 자가간호수행에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Soohyun;Jang, Insil
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.17 no.7
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    • pp.265-274
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study was to know the difference in pain, sleep, self-care behavior in patients performed by sternotomy and robotic minimally invasive cardiac surgeries. The participants were 64 patients with sternotomy and 64 patients with minimal thoracotomy in heart valve surgeries at a tertiary hospital in Seoul. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, ${\chi}^2$ test, paired t-test. with SPSS/WIN(22.0). The participants with minimally invasive thoracotomy felt severe pain than the patients with thoracotomy at post operation day 2 & 5. The severe pain site were the surgical site in both groups. The participants with sternotomy had better sleep than minimally invasive thoracotomy patients. Self-care behavior was higher in the minimally invasive thoracotomy group. Therefore, despite the many advantages of robotic surgery such as rapid recovery and shortening of length of stay in hospital, accurate pain assessment and application of differentiated protocols are needed for the management of pain in the patients with robotic minimally invasive cardiac surgeries. In addition, a structured education program intervention is needed to improve comfort by considering gender, age, and method of operation.

Video-Assisted Thoracoscopic Diagnosis and Treatment of Mediastinal Mass (비디오 흉강경을 이용한 종격동 종양의 진단과 치료)

  • 백희종
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.27 no.9
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    • pp.779-784
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    • 1994
  • Vidio-assisted thoracic surgery[VATS] has recently evolved as an alternative to thoracotomy for several thoracic disorders,and the role of thoracoscopy has expanded with advances in surgical techniques and instruments. From May 1993 to May 1994, 13 patients with mediastinal mass underwent VATS for diagnosis and treatment at Gil General Hospital. There were four males and nine females, and their ages raged from 5 years to 66 years with average 38.8 years. Among 13 patients, 3 were operated for tissue diagnosis,9 for treatment,and 1 for diagnosis and treatment. Pathologic diagnoses were as follows; 5 benign neurogenic tumors, 2 thymoma, 2 sarcoidosis, 1 teratoma, 1 peripheral neuroepithelioma, 1 tbc lymphadenitis, and 1 pericardial cyst. The mean time of operation was 111.7 $\pm$ 30.7 minutes[60-160], mean duration of chest tube drainage was 2.9 $\pm$1.9days[1-9], mean hospital stay was 6.2 $\pm$2.6 days[4-13]. There was no patient needed blood transfusion or conversion to open thoracotomy. Accurate diagnosis was possible in all patients operated for diagnosis and /or treatment.[4/4,100%] Two complications occurred in two patients: 1 transient Horner,s syndrome,1 anhydrosis of left arm. Compared with those of conventional thoracotomy done for mediastinal mass during previous 2 years[May 1991 - April 1993], operative results of VATS were better in all aspects. For mediastinal mass, we concluded that VATS can be done with less morbidity,less complication,less blood loss,shorter operation time and hospital stay,and not more expensive in cost than conventional thoracotomy. Noticeably, we think that VATS is the operation of choice for the diagnosis and palliation of malignant mediastinal mass.

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Leukocyte Sequestration and Free Radical-Mediated Lung Injury in Ovine Cardiopulmonary bypass Using Membrane Oxygenator (양에서 막형 산화기를 사용하여 심폐바이패스할 경우 백혈구격리 및 자유라디칼로 중재되는 폐손상)

  • 김원곤;신윤철;서정욱
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.32 no.11
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    • pp.978-983
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    • 1999
  • Background: Complement activation with transpulmonary leukocyte sequestration is considered a main mediator leading to ischemia-reperfusion lung(I-R) injury. We studied the role of leukocytes in the formation of I-R injury in ovine cardiopulmonary bypass(CPB) model with a membrane oxygenator. Material and Method: Five sheep were used. CPB circuitry consisted of a roller pump(American Optical Corp., Greenwich, CT, USA) and a membrane oxygenator(UNIVOX-IC, Bentley, Baxter Health Corp, Irvine, CA, USA). The CPB time was fixed at 120 min. Ten minutes after the start of CPB, total CPB was established. Thereafter a total CPB of 100 min was performed, followed by another 10 min of partial CPB. The CPB was discontinued and the animals were fully recovered. For measuring left and right atrial leukocyte counts, blood samples were taken before thoracotomy, 5 min and 109 in after the start of CPB, and 30 min and 120 min after weaning. C3a was measured before thoracotomy, 109 min after the start of CPB, and 30 min and 120 min after weaning. Plasma malondialdehyde(MDA) was checked before thoracotomy, 109 min after the start of CPB, and 30 min after weaning. One to two grams of lung tissue were taken for water content measurement before thoracotomy, 109 min after the start of CPB, and 30 min after weaning. Lung biopsy specimens were examined by light and electron microscopy. Result: Of 5 animals, 4 survived the experimental procedures. Of these, 3 animals survived on a long-term basis. No significant differences in transpulmonary gradients of leukocyte were found and no significant complement activation was expressed by C3a levels. MDA level did not show significant changes related to lung reperfusion despite an increase after the start of CPB. On both light and electron microscopic examinations, mild to moderate acute lung change was observed. Interstitial edema, leakage of erythrocytes into the alveolar space and endothelial cell swelling were the main findings. Water content of the lung showed a slight increase after the start of CPB, but there was no statistical significance. Conclusion: These findings indicate that ischemia-repersusion lung injury may not be from complement activation-leukocyte sequestration but from another source of oxygen free radicals related to CPB.

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The Effect of the Combined Analgesia of Epidural and Cryoanalgesia after Thoracotomy Surgery (개흉술 후 냉각요법과 경막외 Fentanyl 병용요법의 비교)

  • Shin, Jin-Woo;Choi, In-Cheol;Ha, Seung-Ill;Sim, Ji-Yeon;Lee, Cheong;Park, Seung-Ill;Yun, Chang-Seob
    • The Korean Journal of Pain
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.68-75
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    • 2001
  • Background: Thoracotomy is the operation that produces the most postoperative pain, necessitating the highest requirements for postoperative analgesics. The common methods of treating postthoracotomy pain are the use of thoracic epidural analgesia, intemittent or continuous intercostal nerve blocks, intravenous narcotics and cryoanalgesia. We designed to assess the analgesic effect of epidural analgesia, cryoanalgesia and the combined analgesia in thoracic surgery. Methods: A prospective study was carried out in 59 patients undergoing elective thoracotomy for parenchymal disease. Patients were randomized into three groups: C (cryoanalgesia), CE (cryoanalgesia and thoracic epidural analgesia), E (epidural analgesia). All patients had standard anesthesia with endotracheal intubation using a double lumen endotracheal tube, and one-lung ventilation. Subjective pain relief was assessed on a visual analog scale. Analgesic requirements, complications and the degree of satisfaction were evaluated during the 7 days following surgery. Results: Subjective pain relief was significantly better in Group CE and Group E in comparison with Group C (P < 0.05). Cryoanalgesia provided a better pain score on the 6th and 7th POD than the early postoperative periods. Analgesic requirements were higher in Group C than in the Group CE and Group E during the first POD. The incidence of side effects was similar in Group CE and Group E. Conclusions: If we can reduce the concentration of fentanyl and local anesthetics in combined analgesia of epidural and cryoanalgesia, the disadvantages of each method would be overcome and would be a better method of postthoracotomy pain control.

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Part 3. Clinical Practice Guideline for Airway Management and Emergency Thoracotomy for Trauma Patients from the Korean Society of Traumatology

  • Park, Chan Yong;Kim, O Hyun;Chang, Sung Wook;Choi, Kang Kook;Lee, Kyung Hak;Kim, Seong Yup;Kim, Maru;Lee, Gil Jae
    • Journal of Trauma and Injury
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    • v.33 no.3
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    • pp.195-203
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    • 2020
  • The following key questions and recommendations are presented herein: when is airway intubation initiated in severe trauma? Airway intubation must be initiated in severe trauma patients with a GCS of 8 or lower (1B). Should rapid sequence intubation (RSI) be performed in trauma patients? RSI should be performed in trauma patients to secure the airway unless it is determined that securing the airway will be problematic (1B). What should be used as an induction drug for airway intubation? Ketamine or etomidate can be used as a sedative induction drug when RSI is being performed in a trauma patient (2B). If cervical spine damage is suspected, how is cervical protection achieved during airway intubation? When intubating a patient with a cervical spine injury, the extraction collar can be temporarily removed while the neck is fixed and protected manually (1C). What alternative method should be used if securing the airway fails more than three times? If three or more attempts to intubate the airway fail, other methods should be considered to secure the airway (1B). Should trauma patients maintain normal ventilation after intubation? It is recommended that trauma patients who have undergone airway intubation maintain normal ventilation rather than hyperventilation or hypoventilation (1C). When should resuscitative thoracotomy be considered for trauma patients? Resuscitative thoracotomy is recommended for trauma patients with penetrating injuries undergoing cardiac arrest or shock in the emergency room (1B).

Clinical Evaluation of Open Thoracotomy in Spontaneous Pneumothorax (자연기흉의 개흉술에 관한 임상적 고찰)

  • Go, Yeong-Ho;Son, Dong-Seop
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.26 no.6
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    • pp.470-474
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    • 1993
  • A clinical evaluation was performed on 56 patients[ 60 cases ] of open thoracotomy in spontaneous pneumothorax who were admitted and treated at department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Chung Ang University, Yong San Hospital during the past 3 years from March 1990 to February 1993. The results were as follows. 1. The sex ratio was male predominence [ M:F = 7:1 ]. 2. The most common age group were 2nd, 3rd decades. 3. The most common chief complaints were dyspnea and chest pain [46.3% ]. 4. The etiologic factors of spontaneous pneumothorax were primary spontaneous pneumothorax [ 78.3%], secondary tuberculosis [ 18.3%], and others [ 3.4% ]. 5. The site of spontaneous pneumothorax was 50% in right, 40% in left, and 10% in both. 6. The state of activity on attack was almost in the usual life [ 98.3% ]. 7. Average height was 172.5 $\pm$ 5.39 cm in male and 164.0 $\pm$ 3.51 cm in female, average weight was 59.1 $\pm$ 7.06 kg in male and 52.0 $\pm$ 4.97 kg in female. 8. The common indications of open thoracotomy were recurrence [ 34.4% ] and persistent air leakage [ 17.8% ]. 9. The operative procedures were bullectomy [ 73.3% ], partial resection [ 11.7% ], lobectomy [ 11.7% ], and others [ 3.3% ]. 10. The most frequent location of bulla or bleb were apical segment of RUL [ 43.3 % ] and apicoposterior segment of LUL [ 40.0% ]. 11. The number of visible bulla or bleb were mainly 1 to 5, and size was about 1 to 3 cm.

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Video Assisted Thoracoscopic Surgery(VATS) of Mediastinal Masses (비디오 흉강경을 이용한 종격동 종양 절제술)

  • Won, Tae-Hui;Seong, Suk-Hwan;Kim, Ju-Hyeon
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.226-229
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    • 1994
  • VATS is now used by many thoracic surgeons and in various anatomic locations such as lung parenchyme, pleura and mediastinum, etc. VATS of mediastinal masses has special characteristics compared to that of other diseases. Those are no positional changes of the mass during collapse of the lung and close proximity of the mass to major vascular structures, nerves and other vital organs. From 1992. July to 1993. August, 10 mediastinal masses were treated with video assisted thoracoscopy. There were five males and five females, ages ranged from 11 years to 65 years with average 37.7 17.7 years old. Of the 10 patients, 4 were bronchogenic cysts, 2 were teratoma, and the others were thymoma, neurilemmoma, pericardial cyst, and thymic cyst. Needle aspiration was done in large cysts and the working thoracotomy[or utility thoracotomy] was done in large solid masses for the purpose of easy dissection, easy handling and easy delivery of the mass. The average operation time were 155.6 6.8 minutes and the duration of air leakage were 1 2.2 days. The duration of the chest tube drainage were 3.3 2.6 days. The lengths of the postoperative hospitalization were 5.1 2.7 days which were shorter than those of 12 mediastinal masses treated with conventional thoracotomy during the same periods [p<0.05]. There was 1 patient converted to thoracotomy because of a bleeding at innominate vein. 3 postoperative complications were occured. Those were persistent air leakage for 7 days, diaphragmatic palsy and hoarseness which were recovered within 1 month. We conclude that mediastinal mass can be excised with video assisted thoracoscopy and the posthospitalization is reduced. But careful attention is required for avoiding injury to major vascular structures, nerves, and other vital organs.

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The surgical experiences of esophageal reconstruction with stomach at the middle and lower esophageal and cardia cancer (중,하부 식도및 분문에 발생한 식도 종양의 위장을 이용한 식도재건술의 외과적 치험)

  • 강경민;박재홍
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.29 no.6
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    • pp.626-631
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    • 1996
  • The forty patients with carcirLoma of the esophagus or cardia seen at National Medical Center between November 1983 and April 1994 underwent surgical exploration. The esophagogastrectomy was carried out in 29 of 40 patients, one case through right thoracotomy, the others through left thoracotomy. Two patients underwent colon bypass surgeries due to upper esophageal cancer Transhiatal esop agectomy was performed In one case. Feeding gastrostomy or feeding jejunostomy were performed in 8 patients due to the advanced stage or malnutrition. In this report, we evaluated the long-term results in the 28 patients who underwent esophagogastrectomy for palliation through the left thoracotomy. There were 25 men(89%) and 3 women(11 %), and the mean age was 58.65$\pm$7.15 years(range, 46 to 73 years). The most frequent preoperative symptoms included dysphagia (22), weight loss (15), chest pain (6), vomiting (1), and hoarsness (1). Twenty-three patients had sqamous cell cancers of mid-and lower esophagus and five adenocarcionomas of cardia. One patient died in the hospital within 30 days of the op- eration for a hospital mortality rate of ).7%, Cause of death was sepsis due to anastomotic leakage. There were five additional complications in five patients; acute respiratory distress syndrome (1), post-op- erative bleeding (1), diaphragmatic hernia (1), acute renal failure (1) and late raft stenosis (1). The one year, 1틴o years, and three years acturial survival rate were 75.6$\pm$9.5%, 43.2$\pm$ 11.6%, 21.6: 10.5$\circledcirc$ re- spectively. The average survival was 21.8 months. The data from this study suggest that esophagogastrectomy through the left thoracotomy can achieve resonable long-term palliation for carci- noma of the esophagus. The operation can be performed with a low operative mortality and few serious postoperative complications.

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Short-term Results of Surgical Treatment in Esophageal Carcinoma (식도암의 외괴적 조기관찰 성적)

  • 오봉석
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.398-405
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    • 1992
  • Twenty nine adult patients underwent surgical esohpagectomy and one, bypass procedure for documented carcinoma of esophagus and cadiac portion of stomach at Chonnam National University Hospital from Jan 1986 to April 1991. There were several kinds of esophagectomies including through transhiatal, left thoracotomy only, laparotomy and thoracotomy, and laparotomy and right thoracotomy and cervical incision. Twenty five and squamous cell carcinoma and 5, adenocarcinoma. The tumor locations were the upper third in 3, middle third in 12, lower third in 10 and cardiac portion of stomach in 5. After operation, 8[27%] patients were classified in Stage IIa, 6[20%] patients in Stage IIb, 15 patients[50%] in Stage III and one patient in Stage IV. Major postoperative complications included anastomotic narrowing in 3, limited suture line leak in 2, wound infection in 2, hoarseness in 2, pseudomembraneous enterocolitis in 1 and herpes zoster in 1. There was no death within 30 days of operation. Ten months survival was 100% for patients with Stage lIa, 67% for patients with Stage IIb, 50% for patients with Stage III. Furthermore, 20 months survival was 75% in IIIa, 33% in IIb, and 40% in III. But there were no significant differences in survivals among the stage. The actuarial survival is 58% at one year and 41% at two years, The periods of average survival is 589 days after operation.

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Video-assisted Thoracoscopic Stapled Resection for Spontaneous Pneumothorax (비디오 흉강경을 이용한 자연성 기흉의 치료)

  • 박진상
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.297-302
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    • 1995
  • Video-assisted thoracic surgery [VATS is emerging as a viable alternatives to thoracotomy when surgical treatment of spontaneous pneumothorax is required.Apical blebs and bullaes of the lung can be resected,and pleural abrasion can be accomplished with minimal postoperative pain and a shorter postoperative stay in hospital. We compared our results with thoracoscopic management of spontaneous pneumothorax in 20 patients [group I with a group of 32 patients previously subjected to lateral limited thoracotomy [group II . Indications for operation, sex distribution, and average age [groupI, 24.7 years ; group II, 34.4 years were comparable. Operation time [112.42 54.7 min versus 124.8 35.3 min ; P 0.03 and chest tube duration [64.4 52.3 hours versus 97.7 45.4 hours ; P 0.01 were less in group I. Postoperative hospital stay was less in group I[3.84 0.99 days;P 0.01 , as was the use of parenteral narcotics after 48 hours. [5/20=25% versus25/32=78% . Pain was quantitated by verbal rating scale in postoperative 1 to 3 days. Patients undergoing VATS experienced significantly less postoperative pain. Postoperative complication was less in group I[1/20=5% versus 3/32=8.3% . In conclusion, Video-assisted thoracoscopic management of spontaneous pneumothrax allows performance of the standard surgical procedure while avoiding the thoracotomy incision.Video-assisted thoracic surgery [VATS is safe and offers the potential benefits of shorter postoperative hospital stays and less pain with cosmetic benefits.

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