• Title/Summary/Keyword: thiophene derivatives

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Synthesis and Nonlinear Optical Properties of 1,3,5-Tricyano-2,4,6-tris[2-(thiophen-2-yl)vinyl]benzene Derivatives

  • Cho, Bong-Rae;Kim, Young-Hoon;Son, Kyung-Wha;Khalil, Chajara;Kim, Yong-Ho;Jeon, Seung-Joon
    • Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • 제23권9호
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    • pp.1253-1309
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    • 2002
  • 1,3,5-Tricyano-2,4,6-tris[2-(thiophen-2-yl)vinyl]benzene derivatives have been synthesized as a new type of octupolar nonlinear optical molecules and their linear and nonlinear optical properties were determined. The λmax values increa sed with the conjugation length and as the conjugation bridge was changed from phenyl to thienyl group. For phenyl and thiophene derivatives, the b value increased with conjugation length. In contrast, the $\beta$ values of the thiophene derivatives were much smaller than the corresponding phenyl derivatives.

Novel Liquid Crystalline Thiophene Oligomers Containing Alkylene Linkage as OTFT Materials

  • Kwon, Soon-Ki
    • 한국정보디스플레이학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국정보디스플레이학회 2004년도 Asia Display / IMID 04
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    • pp.873-876
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    • 2004
  • New Oligothiophene derivatives having liquid crystalline property have been designed, synthesized and characterized. New oligothiophene derivatives were prepared by a palladium-catalyzed cross-coupling reaction via zinc-substituted thiophene. The structures of materials were characterized by various spectroscopies. The new obtained oligothiophene derivatives showed high thermal stability above 300 $^{\circ}C$ and exhibited several transition temperatures, evidence of mesophase. In field-effect transistors, a charge carrier mobility of 1.9 x $10^{-2}$ $cm^2$/Vs was observed.

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Synthesis of Heterocyclic Chalcone Derivatives and Their Radical Scavenging Ability Toward 2,2-Diphenyl-1-Picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) Free Radicals

  • Hwang, Ki-Jun;Kim, Ho-Seok;Han, In-Cheol;Kim, Beom-Tae
    • Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • 제33권8호
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    • pp.2585-2591
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    • 2012
  • A series of heterocyclic chalcone derivatives bearing heterocycles such as thiophene or furan ring as an isostere of benzene ring were carefully prepared, and the influence of heterocycles on 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging activities was systematically investigated. Structure-activity relationships (SAR) analysis showed that the activities of thiophene ring-containing chalcones were higher than those of furan ring-containing chalcones, and the presence of methyl substituent of heterocyclic ring distinctly affected the activities compared with non-substituted heterocycles in an opposite manner, with the 4'-methyl group of thiophene ring increasing activity and the 3'-methyl group of the furan ring decreasing activity. The distinct isosteric effect of heterocycles (i.e., thiophene or furan ring) on radical scavenging activities of heterocyclic chalones was distinctly demonstrated in our work.

Study on Corrosion Inhibition from Aspect of Quantum Chemistry

  • Fouda, A.S.;Abu-Elnader, H.M.;Soliman, M.S.
    • Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • 제7권2호
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    • pp.97-99
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    • 1986
  • Calculated ionization potential, electron affinity, electron density and bond order of some thiophene derivatives have been obtained and correlated with the inhibition of corrosion produced by these substances as evaluated by polarization curves. It is apparent that such quantities as the electron density or ionization potential play an important role. The calculation was carried out by the Extended Huckel method for the series of substituted thiophene derivatives.

Substituent Chemical Shifts of (E)-1-Aryl-3-thienylpropen-1-ones

  • HanLee, In-Sook;Jeon, Hyun-Ju;Yu, Ji-Sook;Lee, Chang-Kiu
    • Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • 제31권6호
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    • pp.1689-1694
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    • 2010
  • Substituent chemical shifts were examined for the 2- and 3-thiophene derivatives of chalcone and compared to the thiophene series of derivatives with the phenyl series. The chemical shift values for the ${\alpha}$-carbons of the enones showed and inverse correlation with the Hammett $\sigma$ values, but the correlation coefficients were moderate (r = 0.836 - 0.878). On the other hand, the $\beta$-carbons showed a normal correlation with excellent correlation coefficients (r = 0.994). The absolute magnitude of the $\rho$ values for the $\alpha$-carbon are about half of those of the $\beta$-carbon. The observation may be the result of a through-space transition of the electronic effect of the substituents in addition to the through bond transition.

계면활성제 기반 산화그래핀층이 도입된 전기변색 poly (3-hexyl thiophene) 박막의 장기 수명 특성 (Long term life-time of electrochromic poly (3-hexyl thiophene) films modified by surfactant-assisted graphene oxide layers.)

  • 김태호;최기인;김혜리;오성현;구자승;나윤채
    • 한국표면공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국표면공학회 2016년도 추계학술대회 논문집
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    • pp.147-147
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    • 2016
  • In general, organic electrochromic (EC) materials have been known to be electrochemically unstable during the ionic exchange process. One effective method to realize stable EC materials is incorporating graphene derivatives in the polymer matrix, by using the strong interaction between graphene derivatives and polymer. However, previous studies are limited graphene derivatives. In this study, we developed a polymer-graphene derivative complex with the chemical assistance of a surfactant (octadecylamine, ODA). Surfactant-assisted graphene oxide (GO-ODA) was introduced as a protective layer on the electrochromic poly (3-hexyl thiophene) (P3HT) films by the Langmuir-Schaefer method. The deposition of GO-ODA protective layer with high coverage was confirmed by atomic force microscopy. The strong interactions between GO-ODA and P3HT were examined with UV-Vis spectrophotometry and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Electrochemical and electrochromic investigations revealed that the GO-ODA layer greatly improved the long-term cyclability of the P3HT film. These findings imply that the GO-ODA complex has a significant role in creating stable EC cycling, due to its strong interaction with the P3HT film.

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配置와 形態에 관한 分子軌道函數論的 硏究 (第3報). Furan, Thiophene 및 Pyrrole 카르보닐 化合物의 2-置換體의 形態 (MO Studies of Configuration and Conformation (Ⅲ). Conformations of Some 2-Substituted Furan, Thiophene and Pyrrole Carbonyl Compounds)

  • 이익춘;김시준
    • 대한화학회지
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    • 제21권1호
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    • pp.32-37
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    • 1977
  • EHT 분자궤도함수법 계산으로 9가지 furan, thiophene 및 pyrrole의 2-치환체의 우세한 형태를 구명하였다. 계산 결과는 furan 유도체의 우세한 형태는 trans형인데 이것은 주로 정전기적 상호작용에 의하여 안정화되어 있으며 thiophene에서는 hetero 고리의 S원자와 카르보닐 산소와의 전자적 콘쥬게이션이, 그리고 pyrrole에서는 정전기적 및 콘쥬게이션 효과가 안정한 형태를 결정하는데 작용하고 있다. EHT계산 결과는 실험결과와도 잘 일치된다.

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전기적 활성을 갖는 폴리티오펜 유도체들의 합성과 생체계면에의 응용 (I) (Synthesis of Electroactive Polythiophene Derivatives and Its Application for Biointerface (I))

  • 정선형;배진영;김지흥;정동준
    • 폴리머
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    • 제26권1호
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    • pp.28-36
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    • 2002
  • 본 연구에서는 바이오칩 등에 응용 가능한 전도성 고분자 필름을 제조하기 위해 3-triophene acetic acid을 선택하여, 쉽게 전기적으로 산화되어 전기적 활성을 나타내는 고분자들을 형성하였다. 3-Thiophene acetic acid에 있는 카르복실기의 보호기들은 solid state에서 쉽게 제거되어질 수 있고, 그 결과 반응성 카르복실기가 전기적 활성을 나타내는 고분자 표면 위에 재생되어질 수 있었다. 즉, 카르복실기의 보호를 통한 전기중합과 뒤이은 보호기의 제거로 반응성인 카르복실기를 갖는 새로운 고분자 담체를 제조할 수 있었고, 기존의 방법으로 합성한 macromonomer를 필름 표면에 도입하여 전기적 활성을 나타내며 동시에 고분자 전해질이 도입된 전도성 고분자 필름을 얻었다. 합성한 전도성 단량체들과 macromonomer의 도입여부는 FT-IR과 $^1H-NMR$ 및 ESCA측정으로 확인하였고, 전극표면에 형성된 필름들의 형태는 SEM을 통해서 관찰하였다. 전기적 활성은 cyclic voltammogram(CV)을 통하여 확인하였으며, 얻어진 고분자 필름들은 0.7~0.9 V의 영역에서 전형적인 poly(3-alkylthiophene)의 전기 화학적 거동을 나타내었다.