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  • Title/Summary/Keyword: thermoluminescence (TL)

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Studies on the Applications of TL and ESR Methods for the Detection of Spices, Berry Fruits and Pollen Extract Product (TL과 ESR 분석을 통한 일부 향신료, 장과류 및 화분가공추출물 검지 특성 연구)

  • Kim, Kyu-Heon;Son, Jin-Hyok;Kang, Yoon-Jung;Park, Hye-Young;Kwak, Ji-Young;Lee, Jae-Hwang;Park, Yong-Chjun;Jo, Tae-Yong;Lee, Hwa-Jung;Lee, Sang-Jae;Han, Sang-Bae
    • Journal of Radiation Industry
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.69-74
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    • 2013
  • This study examined radiation detection characteristics of spices (cumin, caper and turmeric), other small fruits (hut-gae berry and boxthorn), and pollen extract product. Each samples were irradiated at dose of 1, 5, and 10 kGy and analyzed by the thermoluminescence (TL) and electron spin resonance (ESR) methods. To compare between non-irradiated and irradiated food, all samples were irradiated with 60Co gamma-ray source. In TL analysis, most of samples could be applied to detect irradiated foods because of showing TL ratio above 0.1. The glow curves examined by TL method were estimated in the range of 150250C in irradiated samples. In ESR measurements, the intensity of ESR signal (single-line) increased as the increase of irradiation dose. In particular, the specific ESR signals of irradiation-induced radical were detected in hut-gae berry and pollen extract product. As a results, it is considered that TL and ESR methods can be used to detect both hut-gae berry and pollen extract product. But cumin, caper, turmeric and boxthorn irradiated with gamma ray could be detected only by TL method. It is concluded that TL and ESR methods are suitable for detection of irradiated samples and a combined method is recommendable for enhancing the reliability of detection results.

Wavelength-resolved Thermoluminescence of Chemical-vapor-deposited Diamond Thin Film (화학증착된 다이어몬드 박막의 파장 분해된 열자극발광)

  • Cho, Jung-Gil;Yi, Byong-Yong;Kim, Tae-Kyu
    • Progress in Medical Physics
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2001
  • Diamond thin films were synthesized by a chemical vapor deposition (CVD). Raman spectrum showed the diamond line at 1332 cm1 / and x-ray diffraction pattern exhibited a strong (111) peak of diamond. The scanning electron microscopy analysis showed that the CVD diamond thin film was grown to be unepitaxial crystallites with pyramidal hillocks. A wavelength-resolved thermoluminescence (TL) of the CVD diamond thin film irradiated with X-rays showed one peak at 430 nm around 560 K. The glow curve of the CVD diamond thin film produced one dominant 560-K peak that was caused by first-order kinetics. Its activation energy and the escape frequency were calculated to be 0.92 ~ 1.05 eV and 1.34 × 107 sec1 , respectively. The emission spectrum at 560 K was split into 1.63-eV, 2.60-eV, and 3.07-eV emission bands which is known to be attribute to silicon-vacancy center, A center, and H3 center, respectively.

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Study on the Dosimetry and Assessment of Terrestrial Radiation Exposure (지각 방사선에 의한 피폭선량측정 및 해석)

  • Jun, Jae-Shik;Oh, Hi-Peel;Ha, Chung-Woo
    • Journal of Radiation Protection and Research
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.87-100
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    • 1990
  • For the quantitative evaluation and assessment of radiation exposure from terrestrial component of natural environmental radiation, successive thermoluminescence dosimetry and periodical in-situ gamma ray spectrometry were carried out for a period of 24 months. LiF PTFE dise TLDs and 3&{\phi}{\times}3'cylindrical NaI(Tl)scintill ation detector in association of portable multichannel analyzer (4096 ch) were used in this study. The doses measured were evaluated and assessed in terms of effective dose equivalent. As a concomitant output, the dose equivalent due to ionizing component of cosmic ray was able to be evaluated. According to the results obtained in terms of variance weighted mean, the annual effective dose equivalents of terrestrial gamma ray and cosmic ray ionizing component in Taejeon area came out to be 564±4μSv(64.8±0.5nSvh1 and 300±2μSv(34.3±0.2nSvh1, respectively, which are reasonable comparably with that appeared in UNSCEAR Report[28]as per caput annual effective dose equivalent in 'areas of normal background radiation'.

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Studies on the Applications of PSL, TL and ESR Methods for the Detection of Dried Fruits and Mushrooms (PSL, TL 및 ESR 분석에 의한 건조과일류 및 버섯류에 대한 검지 특성 연구)

  • Kim, Kyu-Heon;Son, Jin-Hyok;Kang, Yoon-Jung;Park, Hye-Young;Hwang, Cho-Rong;Kim, Jae-I;Lee, Kang-Bong;Jo, Tae-Yong;Eom, Mi-Ok;Park, Sue-Nie;Seong, Rack Seon;Jang, Young-Mi;Lee, Jae-Hwang;Park, Yong-Chjun;Lee, Hwa-Jung;Lee, Sang-Jae;Han, Sang-Bae
    • Journal of Radiation Industry
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.7-14
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    • 2013
  • In this study, we investigated the applicability of the photostimulated luminescence (PSL), thermoluminescence (TL) and electron spin resonance (ESR) methods for various foods. The analysed samples consist of 11 items including dried fruits (6 items) and mushrooms (5 items). To compare between non-irradiated and irradiated food, all samples were irradiated with 60Co gamma-ray source. In PSL study, the photon counts of all the unirradiated sample were identified negative (lower than 700). The photon counts irradiated (1, 5, 10 kGy) dried date-palm, dried jujube and mushrooms (Auricularia auricula, Phellinus linteus and Sarcodon aspratus) showed positive (higher than 5,000) and the results for the other samples were negative or intermediate (>700 and >5,000). In TL analysis most of items can be applicable to detect irradiated foods because of showing TL ratio above 0.1. The glow curves by TL method were estimated in the range of 150250C in irradiated samples. In ESR measurements, the intensity of ESR signal (single-line) increased as the dose of irradiation increased. In particular, the specific ESR signals of irradiation-induced radical were detected in dried papaya, dried date-palm, dried banana, dried pineapple and S. aspratus. According to the results, PSL, TL and ESR methods were successfully applied to detect the irradiated foods. It is concluded that PSL, TL and ESR methods are suitable for detection of irradiated samples and a combined method is recommendable for enhancing the reliability of detection results.

Studies on the Applications of PSL, TL and ESR Methods for The Detection of Irradiated Foods not Allowed to be Irradiated in Korea (광자극발광법, 열발광법 및 전자스핀공명법을 이용한 국내 방사선 조사 허용 외 식품에 대한 검지법 적용 연구)

  • Kim, Kyu-Heon;Choi, Eun-Jin;Chang, Ho-Won;Shin, Choon-Shik;Kim, Moon-Young;Hwang, Cho-Rong;Kim, Eun-Jeong;Jo, Tae-Yong;Park, Geon-Sang;Kang, Myung-Hee;Kim, Jae-I;Kim, Jin-Sook;Park, Sue-Nie;Seong, Rack-Seon;Jang, Young-Mi;Yoon, Hae-Sung;Han, Sang-Bae
    • Journal of Food Hygiene and Safety
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.233-246
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    • 2012
  • In this study, we investigated the applicability of the photostimulated luminescence(PSL), thermoluminescence(TL) and electron spin resonance(ESR) methods for various foods which are not allowed to be irradiated in Korea. All 15 foods including sesame, almond, peanut, cocoa powder etc. were analyzed. Samples were irradiated at 1~10 kGy using a 60Co gamma-ray irradiator. In PSL study, the photon counts of all the unirradiated samples showed negative(lower than 700). The photon counts irradiated(1 kGy) dried shrimp, roasted peanut and seasoned peanut showed positive(higher than 5,000) and the other samples were negative or intermediate(> 700 and < 5,000). In TL analysis, results showed that it is possible to apply TL method to all foods containing minerals. In ESR measurements, the ESR signal(single-line) intensity of irradiated foods was higher than non-irradiated foods. In particular, the specific ESR signals of irradiation-induced crystalline sugar, cellulose and bone radical were detected in dried plum, raisin, dried cherry, mango(dried, frozen), rambutan, cocoa(powder), cinnamon, parsley, carrot, broccoli, dried arrow squid, dried pollack and dried shrimp. According to the results, PSL, TL and ESR methods were successfully applied to detect the irradiated foods because TL method is not able to detect the irradiated foods rarely composed of minerals. ESR is also a difficult method to detect the changes of ESR signal patterns of food. It is concluded that TL analysis or ESR assay is suitable for detection of irradiated samples and a combined method is recommendable for enhancing the reliability of detection results.

The Light Sensitivity and Angular Dependence of the Mg2SiO4:Tb(MSO-S) TLD (Mg2SiO4:Tb(MSO-S) TLD의 광감수성과 방향의존성)

  • Kim, Do-Sung;Park, Myeong-Hwan
    • Journal of Radiation Protection and Research
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.59-63
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    • 1998
  • The light sensitivity and angular dependence of the Mg2SiO4:Tb(MSO-5) TLD which affect the accuracy of the radiation dose measurement are investigated. Light-induced thermoluminescence of MSO-S TLD under the 200 lux fluorescent and the incandescent lamp for 8 hours are corresponding to 11 and 3 mR exposure, respectively. TL intensity ratio of the incident angle of ±80 to normal incidence for MSO-S and badge type MSO-L are about 0.8 and 0.15, respectively.

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  • Amin, Y.M.;Abdulla, Y.A.;Khoo, B.H.
    • Journal of Radiation Protection and Research
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.143-147
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    • 2001
  • The dosimetric properties of Ge- and Er-doped optical fibres are studied. The Ge-doped fibre is found to be more sensitive to radiation and there is little fading of TL signal compared with Er-doped fibre. The Ge- and Er-doped fibres showed a linear response over a range of 1Gy to about 120 Gy and 1Gy to about 250Gy respectively. The Ge-doped fibre is found to be dose-rate independent both for photons and electron beams of energy ranging from 6 to 10 MeV and 6 to 12 MeV respectively. The fibre is energy independent for energy greater than 0.1MeV for photon or 0.1 MeV for electron beam. From the depth-dose measurement, it was found that the position of maximum dose, dmax, increased with increasing energy ranging from 2cm and 2.5cm for 6 MeV and 10 MeV photons respectively. The central axis percentage depth dose at 10 cm depth was found to be in good agreement with the value obtained using ionization chamber.

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A Study on Composition and Dosimetry of the CaSO4 Phosphors (CaSO4 열형광체의 조성과 선량측정에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Duek-Kyu
    • Journal of radiological science and technology
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.59-64
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    • 1998
  • [ CaSO4 ] thermoluminescent phosphors was made by sintring the CaSO4 after doping the transition elements Tm, Pd, Dy, V, Mo, Zr. The maximum Peaks are found in the measured CaSO4(Tm, Pd, Dy, V, Mo, Zr) TL glow curve at 130C,110C,140C,100C, and 120C when the heating rate is 5C/sec. The activation energy of the main peak has been estimated by the peak shape method. The estimated activation energies are 1.02eV, 1.32eV, 1.12eV, 0.80eV, and 1.17eV, respectively. The thermoluminescence process in CaSO4(Tm, Pd, Dy, V, Mo, Zr)are found to the 2nd order when the main peak of the glow curve is analyzed by peak shape method. The dose responses of CaSO4(Tm, Pd, Dy, V, Mo, Zr) phosphors are linear within 4×1041Gy of X-rays.

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Design of a TL Personal Dosimeter Identifiable PA Exposure and Development of Its Dose Evaluation Algorithm (후방피폭선량계측이 가능한 TL 개인선량계의 설계 및 선량평가 알고리즘 개발)

  • Kwon, J.W.;Kim, H.K.;Yang, J.S.;Kim, J.L.;Lee, J.K.
    • Journal of Radiation Protection and Research
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.179-186
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    • 2004
  • A single-dosimeter worn on the anterior surface of body of a worker was found to provide significant underestimation of dose to the worker when radiation comes from behind of the human body. Recently, several researchers suggested that this kind of underestimation can be corrected to a certain extent by using an extra dosimeter on the back. But this multiple dosimetry also has the disadvantages like overestimation lowering work efficiency or cost burden. In this study, a single dosimeter introducing asymmetric filters enabled to identify PA exposure was designed by monte-carlo simulation and experiments and its dose evaluation algorithm for AP-PA mixed radiation field was established. This algorithm was applicable to penetrating radiation which had the effective energy more than 100 keV. Besides, the dosimeter and algorithm in this study were possible to be applied to near PA exposure.

Neutron Dose Measurements Using TLDs in a 252Cf Neutron Field (252Cf 중성자장에서 열형광선량계(TLD)를 이용한 중성자 방사선량 측정)

  • Chang, Insu;Kim, Sang In;Lee, Jung Il;Kim, Jang Lyurl;Kim, Bong Hwan
    • Journal of Radiation Protection and Research
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    • v.38 no.1
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    • pp.37-43
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    • 2013
  • In case of neutron dose measurement using TLDs (thermo-luminescence dosimeters), because the neutron energy dependence of the TLD is very high, the calibration of the energy response according to the characteristics of the neutron spectrum of workplace is required. In the present study, the ambient dose equivalent rates inside and around the Long-Counter (neutron detector) with narrow and complex inside in the neutron field of 252Cf were evaluated. The calibration factors to account for the neutron energy dependence of TLDs were established for both the bare and D2O modulated 252Cf neutron beams, respectively. The values of the TLD's measurement were compared with the computational results of the MCNPX (Monte Carlo N-Particles transport code). When using the two calibration factors of the TLD than a single calibration factor, the measured and the calculated values at the point of verification outside and inside the Long-Counter were in more good agreement. This results show that TLD should be calibrated in the reference neutron field similar to workplace situation.