• Title/Summary/Keyword: the dichotomy

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Experimental Phonetic Study of the Syllable Duration of Korean with Respect to the Positional Effect

  • Lee Hyunbok;Seong Cheol-jae
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    • no.31_32
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    • pp.195-205
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    • 1996
  • The aim of this paper is to describe the prosodic structure of Korean related to the syllable duration varying with its positional difference. An attempt is made in this study to analyze and describe the concrete correlation between the syllable lengthening and its position in the utterance at the initial and final positions. Using the syllable [na] at the final and initial position of a prosodic phrase in the Korean version of 'the North Wind and the Sun', it has found that the ratio of phrase final versus phrase initial syllable lengthening was approximately 1.8:1 for 4 subjects taking part in the test. In the case of nonsense data, we found that the ratio was approximately 1.6:1 for 2 out of 3 subjects. The results of this study might indicate that Korean tends to have a high rate of final lengthening. We can tentatively classify it, therefore, as a stress-timed language. Still, there is no denying that further studies should be done before we can be absolutely certain about the classification of languages along the dichotomy scale.

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An algorithm for simulation of cyclic eccentrically-loaded RC columns using fixed rectangular finite elements discretization

  • Sadeghi, Kabir;Nouban, Fatemeh
    • Computers and Concrete
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.25-36
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    • 2019
  • In this paper, an algorithm is presented to simulate numerically the reinforced concrete (RC) columns having any geometric form of section, loaded eccentrically along one or two axes. To apply the algorithm, the columns are discretized into two macro-elements (MEs) globally and the critical sections of columns are discretized into fixed rectangular finite elements locally. A proposed triple simultaneous dichotomy convergence method is applied to find the equilibrium state in the critical section of the column considering the three strains at three corners of the critical section as the main characteristic variables. Based on the proposed algorithm a computer program has been developed for simulation of the nonlinear behavior of the eccentrically-loaded columns. A good agreement has been witnessed between the results obtained applying the proposed algorithm and the experimental test results. The simulated results indicate that the ultimate strength and stiffness of the RC columns increase with the increase in axial force value, but large axial loads reduce the ductility of the column, make it brittle, impose great loss of material, and cause early failure.

A Study on the Expressivity of Covering and Exposing of Architecture Surface after Modern Architecture - Focused on the Tectonic Concept through Semper's Theory "Dressing" - (근·현대 건축표면의 가림과 드러냄의 표현성에 관한 연구 - 젬퍼의 피복론을 통한 텍토닉개념을 중심으로 -)

  • Oh, Sang-Eun
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.29-38
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    • 2014
  • This paper is to analysis covering and exposing elements through surface in the spirit of the time through the meaning of relationship between structure and symbol(ornament) in the theory of dressing of Gottfrid Semper. In other words, The purpose is to illuminate how complementary tectonic between structure and symbolic of an architecture surface is expressed in accordance with the biased required conditions relating with the paradigm of the era. The advancement of the new method of tectonic and the new aesthetic taste have a deep relation with the reconsidering the dichotomy classification discussing a dominant position between structure and symbol(ornament). Expression of surface representing the era comes across the combined interpretation of technology, structure, and the non-physical culture's art of the community and the era.

A Study on the Gender Identity in Madonna Costume - Focusing on the Music Video Texts - (마돈나 의상에 나타난 젠더 정체성 - 뮤직비디오 텍스트를 중심으로 -)

  • 김주영;양숙희
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.60-75
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    • 2002
  • The purpose of this research is to understand the gender identity expressed in Madonna music video texts and performances. Madonna has reconstructed the fluid identities through the variations of body, images, costumes, and attitudes . The results are as fellows; ① Her punky sexuality is to be seen the flash trash look, kitsch fashion, which reconstructs a good/bad taste, modesty/immodesty, the relations of under/outer wear using bawdy sexuality through her early Virgin tour. ② Her Heterosexuality is to be seen the glamourous look, traditional images of women, which represents the passive feminity of patriarch. ③ Her sadomasochism sexuality is to be seen the bondage look of dominatrix image, which deconstructs sexual taboos; represents sexual power. ④ Her bisexuality is to be seen androgynous look, the 3rd species look using masculinity/feminity signifier, which deconstructs the stereotypes of gender roles. ⑤ Her homosexuality is to be seen the fetish fashion by drag and lesbian, which deconstructs the dichotomy of normality/perversion; opens a possibility of women subjectivity of sexual desires.

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Morphology and Dynamical Properties of Ultra-Relativistic Jets

  • Seo, Jeongbhin;Kang, Hyesung;Ryu, Dongsu
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.45 no.1
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    • pp.37.2-37.2
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    • 2020
  • We study the structures and dynamics of flows generated by ultra-relativistic jets on kpc scales through three-dimensional relativistic hydrodynamics (RHD) simulations. We employ a newly developed RHD code, equipped with the WENO-Z reconstruction, the SSPRK time discretization, and an equation of state that closely approximates the single-component perfect gas in relativistic regime. Exploring a set of models with various parameters, we confirm that the well-known Fanaroff-Riley dichotomy is primarily determined by the jet power, whereas the morphology of simulated jets also depends on the secondary parameters such as the momentum injection rate and the ratio of the jet to background pressure. Utilizing high resolution capabilities of the newly developed code, we examine in detail the dynamical properties of complex flows in different parts of jet-produced structures, and present the statistics of nonlinear dynamics such as shock, shear, and turbulence.

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Intervocalic Stop Voicing Revisited

  • Han, Jeong-Im
    • Speech Sciences
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.203-216
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of this study is to revisit the property of the Korean plain stops in intervocalic position. More specifically, focusing on a word-internal, intervocalic position, this study investigates 1) how often speakers pronounce intervocalic. stops as fully voiced, 2) in what amount each speaker voice the plain stops during the stop closure, 3) whether the preceding or the following vowel influences the voicing of target consonants, and 4) the fundamental frequency pattern at the vowel onset after the target consonant shows any consistent pattern, regardless of whether voicing is present during the closure. The results of this study give strong support for the phonetic account of the voicing distinction in Korean. (Jun 1995, 1996).

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A Study on Drag Costume Expressed in the Cinema

  • Kang, Rim-A;Lee, Hyo-Jin
    • Proceedings of the Korea Society of Costume Conference
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    • 2003.10a
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    • pp.67-67
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    • 2003
  • After the end of the twentieth century, sexual boundary the man and the woman get collapsed, and the tendency of sexual discordance gets deepened in the costume influenced by cultural pluralism and eclecticism, and subculture which illuminates behavioral styles and values again. In this situations, some people want to be a woman with transsexual change operation, and on the contrary, some people reject to put on woman's dress and express themselves' images putting on the cloths like a man, a few of people who challenge the role of sexual dichotomy express their open identity persue their desires with self-confidence, exchange their informations through internet, interchange each other with open demonstration, and discuss and share their opinions about their social positions. In addition to it, some homosexuals, bisexuals, transsexuals and cloth perverts are used as the materials of cinema which pursue new world. They are utilized in the communicative program which recognize and observe the sexual variety as they are, and make a sexual values.

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Phonetics and Language as a formal System

  • Port, Robert F.;Leary, Adam P.
    • Lingua Humanitatis
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    • v.5
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    • pp.221-264
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    • 2003
  • This paper takes issue with the idea of language as a 'serial-time structure' as opposed to the 'real-time event' of speech, an idea entrenched in Chomskyan model of linguistic theory. The discussion centers around the leitmotif question: Is language constructed entirely from a finite set of apriori discrete symbol types, as the 'competence vs performance' dichotomy implies\ulcorner A set of linguistic patterns examined in this study, largely with regard to phonological considerations, points to the evidence to the contrary. That is, while the patterns may be said to be linguistically distinct, they are not discretely, different, i.e. not different enough to be reliably differentiated. It is demonstrated that much of current research in phonology, including the most recent Optimality Theory, is misdirected in that it falsely presupposes a discrete universal phonetic inventory. The main thrust of the present study is that there is no sharp boundary between 'competence' defined as the formal, symbolic, discrete time domain of language and human cognition on the one hand and 'performance' as the continuous, fuzzy, real-time domain of human physiology on the other.

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Unaccusativity and L2 Passive Construction

  • Kim, Jung-Tae
    • English Language & Literature Teaching
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.69-89
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    • 2006
  • This study investigated whether and how semantic nature of intransitive verbs can be related to the L2 overpassivization errors. A total of 126 Korean high school students participated in a grammaticality judgment test on English sentences in which seven semantically different types of intransitive verbs were passivized. The results showed that there was an effect of semantic type on the students' judgment on overpassivization errors. Overall, it was shown that the students experienced the lowest degree of difficulty with the Controlled Process-Motional type verbs while experiencing the high degree of difficulty with the Change of State, Existence of State, Continuation of Pre-existing State, and Uncontrolled Process types. Two interlanguage patterns were also identified: the students at higher proficiency level and those at lower-proficiency level showed distinctive patterns on the task. It was argued that the simple dichotomy of unaccusative-unergative distinction does not suffice for the explanation of the complex phenomenon of L2 overpassivization.

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Targeting the Future : Asian Aerospace, Its Current Status and Challenges (미래로의 지향: 아시아의 항공산업, 그 현황과 도전)

  • 김준모
    • Journal of Korea Technology Innovation Society
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    • v.1 no.3
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    • pp.338-350
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    • 1998
  • Asian countries, ranging from China and Japan to Korea and Taiwan, differ in their industrial development stages to support the aerospace industry, and market access conditions. Despite these differences, all these countries target the aerospace industry as one of their future industries. The phenomenon challenges the conventional view that entry into the aerospace sector follows a gradual path from simple hanger repairs to license production, and to international collaboration. This paper reviews current status of the Asian aerospace with a dichotomy of the conventional promotion and Fast-Track promotion strategies. Analysis revealed that multiple entry points, in terms of technological level, exist in the aerospace industry, while the conventional thinking still holds validity. Then the paper presents potential obstacles and challenges these Asian countries would face in the promotion of the industry.

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