• Title/Summary/Keyword: testing power source generator

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A Study on the Development of Abnormal Power Source Generator to Evaluate Electronic Appliances (시험용 이상전원(異狀電源) 발생장치의 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Chan-Won;Rho, Jea-Kwan
    • Journal of Industrial Technology
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    • v.24 no.A
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    • pp.83-90
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    • 2004
  • Generally, electronic appliances are used on the basis of normal power source supply. The power source inevitably includes the abnormal condition, such as, sudden voltage sagging, power interrupt, and induced noises. As the electronic appliances which include micro-controller-based circuits are being increased recently, the controller circuit sometimes malfunctions by the abnormal condition of the power source. This situation causes serious problems such as hitch of electric appliance, fire and medical instrument glitch, which produces serious situations. In this paper, development of power interrupt tester which is highly suitable for an endurance test device under abnormal power source to microprocessor-based circuits is proposed 89C2051 microcontroller is performed to make power interrupt signal, and software controls peripheral hardwares and built-in functions. Experimental results of this study will offer a good application to electronic appliance maker as a test device of hardware and software debugging use.

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Reignition system for synthetic short-circuit test (합성단락시험용 재점호장치)

  • Park, Seung-Jae;Kim, Maeng-Hyun;Kang, Young-Sig;Shin, Young-June;Koh, Heui-Sek
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2000.07c
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    • pp.1856-1858
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    • 2000
  • This paper describes the principles of reignition system which has newly been developed and used as KERI's high power testing facilities. Synthetic short-circuit testing method is generally adopted to perform the short-circuit test of the ultra high-voltage circuit breakers, which consists of two separated sources such as the current source from short-circuit generator and the voltage source from charged energy in capacitor. And, in case of synthetic short-circuit test, it will be necessary to use the reignition system in order to extending the arcing time of the circuit breaker and provide the arc energy equivalent to the direct testing method.

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Developement of Electrical Load Testing System Implemented with Power Regenerative Function (회생전력 기능을 갖는 전기부하시험장치 개발)

  • Do, Wang-Lok;Chai, Yong-Yoong
    • The Journal of the Korea institute of electronic communication sciences
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.179-184
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    • 2016
  • The electrical load testing system developed from this study was designed to control rated-capacity-testing or variable-load-testing in an active and precise manner and save electric energy during testing, and also to convert the saved electric energy through the electrical load testing system to grid line. As for the device under testing, it was designed to be applied to not only transformer, rectifier, voltage regulator, inverter which require grid voltage source but, also applied to electric power, aerogenerator, photovoltaic, hybrid generator, battery, etc. which do not require grid voltage source. The system was designed to return the power consumed during the testing to the grid line by connecting the synchronizing pwm inverter circuit to the grid voltage source, and was also made to enable the being-tested system from disuse of approximately 93.4% energy when compared to the conventional load testing system which has used the passive resistor.

Development and Testing of a Prototype Long Pulse Ion Source for the KSTAR Neutral Beam System

  • Chang Doo-Hee;Oh Byung-Hoon;Seo Chang-Seog
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.36 no.4
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    • pp.357-363
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    • 2004
  • A prototype long pulse ion source was developed, and the beam extraction experiments of the ion source were carried out at the Neutral Beam Test Stand (NBTS) of the Korea Superconducting Tokamak Advanced Research (KSTAR). The ion source consists of a magnetic bucket plasma generator, with multi-pole cusp fields, and a set of tetrode accelerators with circular apertures. Design requirements for the ion source were a 120kV/65A deuterium beam and a 300 s pulse length. Arc discharges of the plasma generator were controlled by using the emission-limited mode, in turn controlled by the applied heating voltage of the cathode filaments. Stable and efficient arc plasmas with a maximum arc power of 100 kW were produced using the constant power mode operation of an arc power supply. A maximum ion density of $8.3{\times}10^{11}\;cm^{-3}$ was obtained by using electrostatic probes, and an optimum arc efficiency of 0.46 A/kW was estimated. The accelerating and decelerating voltages were applied repeatedly, using the re-triggering mode operation of the high voltage switches during a beam pulse, when beam disruptions occurred. The decelerating voltage was always applied prior to the accelerating voltage, to suppress effectively the back-streaming electrons produced at the time of an initial beam formation, by the pre-programmed fast-switch control system. A maximum beam power of 0.9 MW (i.e. $70\;kV{\times}12.5\;A$) with hydrogen was measured for a pulse duration of 0.8 s. Optimum beam perveance, deduced from the ratio of the gradient grid current to the total beam current, was $0.7\;{\mu}perv$. Stable beams for a long pulse duration of $5{\sim}10\;s$ were tested at low accelerating voltages.

Off-Line PD Diagnosis for Stator Winding of Rotating Machines Using a UWB Sensor

  • Lwin, Kyaw-Soe;Park, Noh-Joon;Kim, Hee-Dong;Ju, Young-Ho;Park, Dae-Hee
    • Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.263-270
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    • 2008
  • We studied partial discharge detection by sensing electromagnetic waves emitted from the partial discharge source in an HV Rotating Machine using a UWB sensor. In this study, we design a new type of compact low frequency UWB sensor based on micro-strip technology. We also perform many experiments of offline and dismantled testing compared with the existing HFCT on stator winding of the HV generator. We mention the detailed design of a new compact UWB sensor along with the time domain PRPD pattern and frequency domain results of partial discharge in the stator winding of a 6.6kV rotating machine by offline testing performed in a laboratory.

Application of Computed Radiography for Nondestructive Testing of Boiler Tube Weldments (보일러튜브 용접부 비파괴검사를 위한 컴퓨터화 방사선투과시험 적용 연구)

  • Park, S.K.;Ahn, Y.S.;Gil, D.S.
    • Journal of Power System Engineering
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    • v.13 no.5
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    • pp.95-102
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    • 2009
  • A steam generator (boiler) in thermal power plants, consisting of more than 30,000 parts and components, can lead to the plant shutdown with damage to even the small part of the components; esp., like weld failures on boiler tubes. Consequently it is greatly demanded to improve the quality of the weld on the boiler tube for the stable operation of the power plants. Because of the feature of the welding, which is done past by melting the work pieces and adding a filler material that cools to become a strong coalescence, there is a great possibility that weld failures take place. As a result, it is regulated to make a non-destructive testing, like radiography test, to detect defects and flaws in the weld. The current film radiography test provides a lower image quality exceeding 2.0% of a basic quality level for a penetrameter, it is very likely to fail to detect micro defect. As a result, the prevention for the boiler tube failure has not been made effectively. In this study, computed radiography technology has been applied as a digital radiography test to the boiler tube weld, and Se-75 radiation source was used to improve the image quality, instead of Ir-192 source. As a result of this study, it is proven to save the time and cost for test and to enhance the quality level of penetrameter penetrating image, which enables to upgrade the quality of radiography test to the boiler tube weld.

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PD Diagnosis on High Voltage Rotating by Using New Prototype Patch Antenna Sensor (prototype 패치 안테나를 이용한 고압 회전기의 부분방전 측정 연구)

  • Lwin, K.S.;Shin, D.H.;Lim, K.J.;Kong, T.S.;Kim, H.D.;Park, N.J.;Park, D.H.
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2007.04b
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    • pp.169-171
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    • 2007
  • We studied the partial discharge detecting by sensing electromagnetic wave emitted from the partial discharge source in the HV Rotating Machine with the new prototype patch antenna sensor. In this study, we design new type of patch antenna based on microstrip technology and make many experiments of elaine testing compare with the existing HFCT and EM probe on stator winding of HV generator in the laboratory. This paper will mention comparison of experimental results based on the three kinds of sensors.

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Drive system for 500MVA high-power testing facility (500MVA 대전력시험설비의 모터구동시스템)

  • Jung, Heung-Soo;La, Dae-Ryeol;Kim, Sun-Koo;Roh, Chang-Il;Kim, Won-Man;Lee, Dong-Jun
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2003.07b
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    • pp.858-860
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    • 2003
  • This paper introduces the drive system for 500MVA short-circuit generator. Drive system is usually low-voltage, but this system is 2300V high-voltage using Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor(IGBT). Drive system consists of switchgear, 18-pulse transformer, converter(source bridge), inverter(load bridge) and control rack. In this paper, It describes the function and construction of each part.

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