• Title/Summary/Keyword: sustainable strategies for engineering

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Sustainable retrofit design of RC frames evaluated for different seismic demand

  • Zerbin, Matteo;Aprile, Alessandra
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • v.9 no.6
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    • pp.1337-1353
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    • 2015
  • Seismic upgrading of existing structures is a technical and social issue aimed at risk reduction. Sustainable design is one of the most important challenges in any structural project. Nowadays, many retrofit strategies are feasible and several traditional and innovative options are available to engineers. Basically, the design strategy can lead to increase structural ductility, strength, or both of them, but also stiffness regulation and supplemental damping are possible strategies to reduce seismic vulnerability. Each design solution has different technical and economical performances. In this paper, four different design solutions are presented for the retrofit of an existing RC frame with poor concrete quality and inadequate reinforcement detailing. The considered solutions are based on FRP wrapping of the existing structural elements or alternatively on new RC shear walls introduction. This paper shows the comparison among the considered design strategies in order to select the suitable solution, which reaches the compromise between the obtained safety level and costs during the life-cycle of the building. Each solution is worked out by considering three different levels of seismic demand. The structural capacity of the considered retrofit solutions is assessed with nonlinear static analysis and the seismic performance is evaluated with the capacity spectrum method.

Sustainable Business Strategies for Local Fashion Communities (small and medium scale enterprises) in Ethiopia and Ukraine

  • Khurana, Karan;Ryabchykova, Kateryna
    • The Korean Fashion and Textile Research Journal
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.22-33
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    • 2018
  • The aim of the research study is to carve sustainable business strategies for the fashion communities in Ethiopia and Ukraine which are suffering today due to ever-increasing share of fast fashion consumerism. Fashion houses and international brands propagandize sustainability and consumption for better consumer base, where as originally sustainable local-based craftsmen still stay in the shade. Four communities/local designers are selected from the countries through the method of purposive sampling. Qualitative analysis is the basis of the research as we performed personal interviews and in-depth analysis of the communities to diagnose the problems and subsequently devise the solutions. In this research, we have studied and analyzed the problems faced by hereditary communities and ethnic designers in small and medium scale enterprise sector from two emerging economies. After the grounding the difficulties faced we advised strategies for sustainable future growth to the companies. The current academic literature on small and medium scale enterprises highlights the problems and solutions for general industry sectors. This paper brings attention to fashion communities and designers who promote national heritage and are struggling to survive in emerging economies due to industrialization and globalization. Moreover the comparison of the two geographies is unique in nature.

Development Strategies of Sustainable PSS in Manufacturing (제조업의 지속 가능한 제품-서비스 시스템 개발 전략 연구)

  • Sohn, Jong-Min;Lee, Hyun-Chan
    • Korean Journal of Computational Design and Engineering
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.31-40
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    • 2011
  • Product-service system (PSS) is a system of products and service, supporting networks and infrastructure that is designed to be competitive. PSSs satisfy customers' needs more effectively and have a lower environmental impact than traditional business models. Therefore, many companies and governmental institutes are eager to implement the PSSs as a new business model. In this paper, we focus on industrial practices as new business models for the company. PSS, especially, is popular in electronic industry, so one can often observe such examples as iPod, iPhone, e-Book and etc in the field. We first thoroughly investigate the current practices of PSS in Korean electronic industry. The examples are surveyed and projected directions are given. Then, non-electronic PSSs are surveyed. Especially mechanical PSSs are intensively discussed. Based on the survey results, we propose several major development strategies of Sustainable PSS (SPSS). SPSS will bring a competitive edge for company as realization of sustainable development of PSS considering economy, society, and environment.

Evaluation of Sustainable Plastic Management Strategy of Korean Consumer Goods Companies (국내 소비재 기업의 지속 가능한 플라스틱 경영 전략 평가를 위한 지표 개발)

  • Suho Han;Seongku Kwon;Junhee Park;Jeongki Lee;Jay Hyuk Rhee;Yongjun Sung;Sung Yeon Hwang;Yong Sik Ok
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.32 no.11
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    • pp.745-756
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    • 2023
  • Growing stringent global regulations in Korea poses a threat to corporate sustainability. Companies must respond strategically to navigate these regulations and avoid greenwashing. Objective of this research was to analyze how Korean companies are responding to the global trend of reducing plastic use and propose improved management strategies. Seven indicators were developed to assess companies' post-plastic strategies and applied to analyze the sustainability reports of Amore Pacific and LG Household & HealthCare. These indicators included, 1) disclosure of plastic raw materials used by weight or volume, 2) disclosure of recycled plastic raw materials used by weight or volume, 3) disclosure of waste recycling, reuse amounts, and disposal using waste treatment method 4) strategies to reduce environmental impact of plastics, 5) plastic packaging, reduce, recycle, reuse, and composting (in the real environment), 6) plastic management roadmap for the circular economy, and 7) education for sustainable plastic management. Based on the review of considered companies, we propose in-listed sustainable plastics management strategies: disclosing the ratio of plastic raw materials and recycled raw materials for all products, considering recycling rate throughout the product value chain, and not only for the production phase, reviewing carbon dioxide emissions based on life cycle assessment rather than reducing plastic consumption, studying the biodegradability of biodegradable plastics in natural environment such as soil, considering the consumer's perspective.

Analysis on the Linkage between SDGs Framework and Forest Policy in Korea (국내 산림정책과 지속가능발전목표(SDGs)간의 연관성 분석)

  • Moon, Jooyeon;Kim, Nahui;Song, Cholho;Lee, Sle-Gee;Kim, Moonil;Lim, Chul-Hee;Cha, Sung-Eun;Kim, Gangsun;Lee, Woo-Kyun;Son, Yowhan;Young, Soogil;Jin, Seabom;Son, Young-Mo
    • Journal of Climate Change Research
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.425-442
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    • 2017
  • This study analysed the linkage between national forest policy in Korea, namely the $5^{th}$ National Forest Master Plan, 2016 Korea Forest Service Performance Management Plan, the $3^{rd}$ National Sustainable Development Plan, and UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The 7 strategies of the $5^{th}$ National Forest Master Plan were related to 11 Goals of SDGs, and 5 strategies of 2016 Korea Forest Service Performance Management Plan were associated with 7 areas of SDGs, and 4 strategies within $3^{rd}$ National Sustainable Development Plan were linked to 7 Goals of SDGs. Among 87 national forest indicators compiled from three respective forest-related policies of Korea, 45 national indicators were related to 18 SDGs indicators. This indicates that 52% of national indicators of Korean forest policy are reflecting the language of SDGs. However, seeing from SDGs perspective, only 18 out of 241, which accounts for 7.8% of SDGs indicators are related to national indicators. The findings imply that a number of national forest-related indicators do not meet the diverse dimension of SDGs which provides potential areas for forest to contribute. Based on the findings, following recommendations were suggested: 1) the term used in forest policy should be aligned to SDGs targets so that it can be embedded in national policies, and 2) indicators should be further contextualized as well as in its assessment system. Lastly, it suggests for leveraging 3) '5 Processes of sub-national climate change adaptation plan' and the core concept of REDD+ MRV which could provide fundamental background for implementing SDGs framework to national forest policy.

Application of Building Information Modeling (BIM) for the Activation of Industrialized Wooden Buildings - Focused on the Proposal of Reduction Strategies for Inhibiting Factors of the Spread of New Hanok through Social Network Analysis - (공업화 목조 건축 활성화를 위한 건물정보모델링(BIM) 적용방안 - 사회 네트워크 분석을 통한 신한옥 보급 저해요인 감축 전략 제안을 중심으로 -)

  • Park, Woo Jang;Park, Joon Young;Jeong, Sang Kyu
    • KIEAE Journal
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.113-118
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    • 2017
  • Purpose: This study amis at proposing strategies on the basis of BIM techniques to promote the spread of industrialized wooden buildings for implementation of sustainable architecture. Method: We employed social network analysis (SNA) technique to identify the mutual influences among factors that hinder popularization of new Hanok as the industrialized wooden building. Four strategies were established to reduce the factors with serious influences on each category and stakeholder using BIM techniques. Result: it was demonstrated that the problems occurred in spreading new Hanoks can be reduced by changing the influence structure of social network according to the proposed strategies.

A Strategies to Improve the Natural Ventilation Performance at Underground Parking Lot in Multi-Residential Buildings (공동주택 지하주차장의 자연환기성능 향상방안에 관한 연구)

  • Seo, Jung-Min;Lee, Joong-Hoon;Song, Jong-Eui;Jung, Jung-Hwa;Song, Doo-Sam
    • Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.153-163
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    • 2011
  • Energy efficiency and indoor air quality have become main issue to develop healthy and sustainable building in these days. As an effort to reduce the energy consumption in multi-residential building, many attempts as like passive design strategies and renewable energy as well as active control method are tried. However, underground parking lot in multi-residential building seldom adopt the sustainable strategies and only mechanical system is installed as usual. Moreover, the mechanical system installed in underground parking lot is rarely operated due to the electric demand for operation after completion. In this study, as an energy efficient measure, natural ventilation system using stack effect as a driving force for underground parking lot will be proposed and the performance of the suggested system will be analyzed by simulation method.

Analysis of values-beliefs-norms of decommissioned nuclear power plant reestablishment acceptance in developing countries: a perspective from the Philippines

  • Leo Miguel V. Tolentino;Ardvin Kester S. Ong;Josephine D. German
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.56 no.8
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    • pp.3224-3235
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    • 2024
  • Amid the ongoing discourse on clean energy solutions, the reopening of decommissioned plants, such as the Bataan Nuclear Power Plant (BNPP) in the Philippines has become a focal point in the country. This study delved into the complex web of factors influencing public acceptance of BNPP, employing the values-beliefs-norms theory. By utilizing partial-least square structural equation modeling, the research unravelled the intricate relationships among biospheric values, altruistic values, egoistic values, ecological worldview, awareness of consequences, personal norm, social norm, and the broader acceptance of BNPP establishment. With 434 respondents participating in a self-administered online survey, the study identified key correlations. Emphasizing the collaborative impact on decision-making processes by social and personal norms, the study also highlighted the role of ecological values in shaping awareness. The foundational impact of values on ecological worldviews was explored, shedding light on public attitudes toward nuclear energy. This research offers actionable insights for policymakers, advocating for targeted communication strategies and public engagement initiatives to navigate barriers and promote informed decision-making in the dynamic landscape of nuclear energy development. The study contributes to the global conversation on sustainable energy strategies, emphasizing the pivotal role of public perception in shaping the trajectory of nuclear power.

A Study of Green Compact City Planning Strategies - Focused on Ulaanbaatar city in Mongolia (그린 컴팩트 시티 계획전략에 관한 연구 - 몽골의 울란바타르시를 중심으로)

  • Sambuu, Dalanjargal;Oh, Deog-Seong;Choi, Joon-Sung
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.12 no.12
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    • pp.5946-5956
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study is to discourage urban sprawl that optimize the use of natural resources and reduce demand for transportation, energy consumption, and also protect green and blue networks. For this purpose, this study discusses about the Sustainable Development (SD), urban systems toward SD and defines the concepts and the goals of Green Compact City (GCC). It then finds out the basic planning strategies to agree with GCC. Based on these strategies, it reviews the foreign case study, to obtain a mainly significance development of these planning strategies. As well as then conducts a questionnaire survey to experts and residents of Ulaanbaatar (UB) city to obtain a better understanding of the current condition and the most significant planning strategies in UB city. Therefore the basic planning strategies which can more suits in UB city and it could be the GCC is derived from the most complied planning strategies in other developed countries compared with most significant planning strategies in UB city.