• Title/Summary/Keyword: surface state

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Interpretation of Microscale Behaviors and Precision Measurement Monitoring for the Five-story and Seven-story Stone Pagodas from Cheongnyangsaji Temple Site in Gongju, Korea (공주 청량사지 오층석탑 및 칠층석탑의 정밀 계측모니터링과 미세거동 해석)

  • LEE Jeongeun;PARK Seok Tae;LEE Chan Hee
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.56 no.4
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    • pp.132-158
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    • 2023
  • The five-story and seven-story stone pagodas at Cheongnyangsaji temple site in Gongju are located under the Sambulbong peak of Gyeryongsan mountain, and are known to have been built of the middle in Goryeo dynasty. As the two pagodas in which two types of Baekje stone pagoda coexist in one era, their historical and academic value are recognized. The seven-story pagoda was overturned by robbery in 1944, and as a result, the five-story pagoda was tilted. Although the two pagodas were restored in 1961, structural instability was continuously raised. In this study, measurement data accumulated from May 2021 to March 2022, and seasonal characteristics were reviewed, and the micro behavior of pagodas were analyzed according to temperature and precipitation during the same period. As a result, the micro thermoelastic behavior was repeated according to the daily temperature change in all sensors, and both the slope and the displacement showed microscale behavior. In the inclinometer, moisture containing the surface and inside of the stones repeated expansion and contraction due to temperature change, showing the micro movements. In particular, the upper part of the five-story pagoda moved up to 3.89° to the northwest, and the seven-story pagoda tilted up to 0.078° to the northeast. The maximum displacements were recorded as 0.127 and 0.149 mm in the five-story and the seven-story pagoda, respectively. These values tended to return to the original position at the end of the measurement, but did not recover completely, indicating a state requiring precise monitoring. The result obtained through the study can be used as basic data for the stable conservation of the two stone pagodas. Based on the behavioral characteristics considering various environmental factors should be analyzed, and the preventive conservation through the maintenance of measurement system built this time should be continued.

Long-term Predictability for El Nino/La Nina using PNU/CME CGCM (PNU/CME CGCM을 이용한 엘니뇨/라니냐 장기 예측성 연구)

  • Jeong, Hye-In;Ahn, Joong-Bae
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.170-177
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    • 2007
  • In this study, the long-term predictability of El Nino and La Nina events of Pusan National University Coupled General Circulation Model(PNU/CME CGCM) developed from a Research and Development Grant funded by Korea Meteorology Administration(KMA) was examined in terms of the correlation coefficients of the sea surface temperature between the model and observation and skill scores at the tropical Pacific. For the purpose, long-term global climate was hindcasted using PNU/CME CGCM for 12 months starting from April, July, October and January(APR RUN, JUL RUN, OCT RUN and JAN RUN, respectively) of each and every years between 1979 and 2004. Each 12-month hindcast consisted of 5 ensemble members. Relatively high correlation was maintained throughout the 12-month lead hindcasts at the equatorial Pacific for the four RUNs starting at different months. It is found that the predictability of our CGCM in forecasting equatorial SST anomalies is more pronounced within 6-month of lead time, in particular. For the assessment of model capability in predicting El Nino and La Nina, various skill scores such as Hit rates and False Alarm rate are calculated. According to the results, PNU/CME CGCM has a good predictability in forecasting warm and cold events, in spite of relatively poor capability in predicting normal state of equatorial Pacific. The predictability of our CGCM was also compared with those of other CGCMs participating DEMETER project. The comparative analysis also illustrated that our CGCM has reasonable long-term predictability comparable to the DEMETER participating CGCMs. As a conclusion, PNU/CME CGCM can predict El Nino and La Nina events at least 12 months ahead in terms of NIino 3.4 SST anomaly, showing much better predictability within 6-month of leading time.

Effect of Modified Atmosphere Packaging on Quality Preservation of Mackerel Fillets (고등어 필렛의 품질유지에 미치는 변형기체포장의 효과)

  • Eo Jin Park;Su Chan Kim;Duck Soon An
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.131-139
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    • 2024
  • In Korea, mackerel is the most preferred red fish commodity and has been increasingly consumed in chillstored fresh state rather than in frozen or salted fish. Modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) technology as a replacement of air with low O2 and high CO2 concentration gas was applied in this study to preserve its freshness. Four MAP conditions of CO2(60):O2(30):N2(10), CO2(60):O2(5):N2(35), CO2(60):O2(0):N2(40), and CO2(30):O2(0):N2(70) were compared in quality preservation effect with air package used as Control. Three hundred grams mackerel fillets packaged in gas barrier tray were stored for duration of 10 days at 5℃. Quality was assessed in total aerobic bacterial count, pH, total volatile basic nitrogen (TVB-N), thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances (TBARS), peroxide value (POV), texture, and surface color. High CO2 concentration MAPs (CO2(60):O2(30):N2(10), CO2(60):O2(5):N2(35), and CO2(60):O2(0): N2(40)) inhibited total aerobic bacteria growth in the fish fillets. MAPs of high CO2 concentration with O2 containment (CO2(60):O2(30):N2(10) and CO2(60):O2(5):N2(35)) showed a low TVB-N content through the storage. The treatments containing O2 above 20% (Control and CO2(60):O2(30):N2(10)) showed more accelerated increases in TBARS and POV than other treatments. The visual appearance was better for fillets in the packages of CO2(60):O2(5):N2(35), CO2(60):O2(0):N2(40), and CO2(30):O2(0):N2(70) than for those of other treatments. The MAPs of CO2(60):O2(5):N2(35) and CO2(60):O2(0):N2(40) are expected to be effective in keeping the freshness of mackerel fillets.

Studies on the Mechanical Properties of Weathered Granitic Soil -On the Elements of Shear Strength and Hardness- (화강암질풍화토(花崗岩質風化土)의 역학적(力學的) 성질(性質)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) -전단강도(剪斷强度)의 영향요소(影響要素)와 견밀도(堅密度)에 대(對)하여-)

  • Cho, Hi Doo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.66 no.1
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    • pp.16-36
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    • 1984
  • It is very important in forestry to study the shear strength of weathered granitic soil, because the soil covers 66% of our country, and because the majority of land slides have been occured in the soil. In general, the causes of land slide can be classified both the external and internal factors. The external factors are known as vegetations, geography and climate, but internal factors are known as engineering properties originated from parent rocks and weathering. Soil engineering properties are controlled by the skeleton structure, texture, consistency, cohesion, permeability, water content, mineral components, porosity and density etc. of soils. And the effects of these internal factors on sliding down summarize as resistance, shear strength, against silding of soil mass. Shear strength basically depends upon effective stress, kinds of soils, density (void ratio), water content, the structure and arrangement of soil particles, among the properties. But these elements of shear strength work not all alone, but together. The purpose of this thesis is to clarify the characteristics of shear strength and the related elements, such as water content ($w_o$), void ratio($e_o$), dry density (${\gamma}_d$) and specific gravity ($G_s$), and the interrelationship among related elements in order to decide the dominant element chiefly influencing on shear strength in natural/undisturbed state of weathered granitic soil, in addition to the characteristics of soil hardness of weathered granitic soil and root distribution of Pinus rigida Mill and Pinus rigida ${\times}$ taeda planted in erosion-controlled lands. For the characteristics of shear strength of weathered granitic soil and the related elements of shear strength, three sites were selected from Kwangju district. The outlines of sampling sites in the district were: average specific gravity, 2.63 ~ 2.79; average natural water content, 24.3 ~ 28.3%; average dry density, $1.31{\sim}1.43g/cm^3$, average void ratio, 0.93 ~ 1.001 ; cohesion, $ 0.2{\sim}0.75kg/cm^2$ ; angle of internal friction, $29^{\circ}{\sim}45^{\circ}$ ; soil texture, SL. The shear strength of the soil in different sites was measured by a direct shear apparatus (type B; shear box size, $62.5{\times}20mm$; ${\sigma}$, $1.434kg/cm^2$; speed, 1/100mm/min.). For the related element analyses, water content was moderated through a series of drainage experiments with 4 levels of drainage period, specific gravity was measured by KS F 308, analysis of particle size distribution, by KS F 2302 and soil samples were dried at $110{\pm}5^{\circ}C$ for more than 12 hours in dry oven. Soil hardness represents physical properties, such as particle size distribution, porosity, bulk density and water content of soil, and test of the hardness by soil hardness tester is the simplest approach and totally indicative method to grasp the mechanical properties of soil. It is important to understand the mechanical properties of soil as well as the chemical in order to realize the fundamental phenomena in the growth and the distribution of tree roots. The writer intended to study the correlation between the soil hardness and the distribution of tree roots of Pinus rigida Mill. planted in 1966 and Pinus rigida ${\times}$ taeda in 199 to 1960 in the denuded forest lands with and after several erosion control works. The soil texture of the sites investigated was SL originated from weathered granitic soil. The former is situated at Py$\ddot{o}$ngchangri, Ky$\ddot{o}$m-my$\ddot{o}$n, Kogs$\ddot{o}$ng-gun, Ch$\ddot{o}$llanam-do (3.63 ha; slope, $17^{\circ}{\sim}41^{\circ}$ soil depth, thin or medium; humidity, dry or optimum; height, 5.66/3.73 ~ 7.63 m; D.B.H., 9.7/8.00 ~ 12.00 cm) and the Latter at changun-long Kwangju-shi (3.50 ha; slope, $12^{\circ}{\sim}23^{\circ}$; soil depth, thin; humidity, dry; height, 10.47/7.3 ~ 12.79 m; D.B.H., 16.94/14.3 ~ 19.4 cm).The sampling areas were 24quadrats ($10m{\times}10m$) in the former area and 12 in the latter expanding from summit to foot. Each sampling trees for hardness test and investigation of root distribution were selected by purposive selection and soil profiles of these trees were made at the downward distance of 50 cm from the trees, at each quadrat. Soil layers of the profile were separated by the distance of 10 cm from the surface (layer I, II, ... ...). Soil hardness was measured with Yamanaka soil hardness tester and indicated as indicated soil hardness at the different soil layers. The distribution of tree root number per unit area in different soil depth was investigated, and the relationship between the soil hardness and the number of tree roots was discussed. The results obtained from the experiments are summarized as follows. 1. Analyses of simple relationship between shear strength and elements of shear strength, water content ($w_o$), void ratio ($e_o$), dry density (${\gamma}_d$) and specific gravity ($G_s$). 1) Negative correlation coefficients were recognized between shear strength and water content. and shear strength and void ratio. 2) Positive correlation coefficients were recognized between shear strength and dry density. 3) The correlation coefficients between shear strength and specific gravity were not significant. 2. Analyses of partial and multiple correlation coefficients between shear strength and the related elements: 1) From the analyses of the partial correlation coefficients among water content ($x_1$), void ratio ($x_2$), and dry density ($x_3$), the direct effect of the water content on shear strength was the highest, and effect on shear strength was in order of void ratio and dry density. Similar trend was recognized from the results of multiple correlation coefficient analyses. 2) Multiple linear regression equations derived from two independent variables, water content ($x_1$ and dry density ($x_2$) were found to be ineffective in estimating shear strength ($\hat{Y}$). However, the simple linear regression equations with an independent variable, water content (x) were highly efficient to estimate shear strength ($\hat{Y}$) with relatively high fitness. 3. A relationship between soil hardness and the distribution of root number: 1) The soil hardness increased proportionally to the soil depth. Negative correlation coefficients were recognized between indicated soil hardness and the number of tree roots in both plantations. 2) The majority of tree roots of Pinus rigida Mill and Pinus rigida ${\times}$ taeda planted in erosion-controlled lands distributed at 20 cm deep from the surface. 3) Simple linear regression equations were derived from indicated hardness (x) and the number of tree roots (Y) to estimate root numbers in both plantations.

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Soluble IL-2R, IFN-$\gamma$ and Neopterin as Immunologic Markers in Patients with Tuberculosis (결핵 환자에서 면역학적 지표로서의 sIL-2R, IFN-$\gamma$, Neopterin에 관한 연구)

  • Ryu, Yon-Ju;Ryu, Kum-Hei;Kim, Su-Hyun;Lee, Jong-Soo;Cheon, Seon-Hee;Seoh, Ju-Young
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.53 no.3
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    • pp.294-308
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    • 2002
  • Background : The cell-mediated immune response plays an important role in tuberculosis. After being activated by mycobacterial antigens, T lymphocytes express a high affinity receptor (IL-2R) for interleukin-2 (IL-2) on their own surface and release a soluble fraction of the IL-2 receptor (sIL-2R) from the cell membrane into the circulation. Neopterin is a metabolite of guanosine-triphosphate, which is produced by stimulated macrophages under the influence of IFN-$\gamma$ with a T lymphocyte origin. Therefore, the utility of sIL-2R, IFN-$\gamma$ and the neopterin levels as immunologic indices of the cell-mediated immune response and severity of disease in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis was assessed. Methods : The serum sIL-2R, IFN-$\gamma$ and neopterin levels were measured in 39 patients with pulmonary tuberculosis, 6 patients with tuberculous lymphadenitis prior to treatment and 10 healthy subjects. The serum and pleural sIL-2R, neopterin and ADA levels were measured in 22 patients with tuberculous pleurisy. The patients with pulmonary tuberculosis were divided into a mild, moderate and severe group according to the severity by ATS guidelines. To compare the results from these patients with those of the pretreatment levels, the sIL-2R, IFN-$\gamma$ and neopterin levels were measured in 36 of the 39 patients(1 patient, expired; 2 patients were referred to a sanitarium) with pulmonary tuberculosis after 2 months of treatment. Results : 1) the serum sIL-2R and IFN-$\gamma$ levels were elevated in patients with tuberculosis when compared to those of healthy subjects (p>0.05). The neopterin concentration in the serum was significantly lower in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis($2967{\pm}2132.8$ pg/ml) than in healthy controls($4949{\pm}1242.1$ pg/ml)(p<0.05). 2) In the pulmonary tuberculosis group, the serum sIL-2R and IFN-$\gamma$ levels were higher in patients with severe disease than those in patients with mild and moderate disease. However, the neopterin levels declined as the pulmonary tuberculosis became more severe (p<0.01). 3) The mean serum sIL-2R and IFN-$\gamma$ levels declined from $1071{\pm}1139.4$ U/ml to $1023{\pm}1920.9$ U/ml(p>0.05), $41{\pm}52.8$ pg/ml to $22{\pm}23.9$ gm/ml(p<0.05), respectively, after 2 month of treatment. The mean serum neopterin levels increased from $3158{\pm}2272.6$ pg/ml to $3737{\pm}2307.5$ pg/ml(p>0.05) after a 2 month of treatment. These findings were remarkable in the severe group of pulmonary tuberculosis with a clinical correlation. 4) In the patients with tuberculous pleurisy, the serum sIL-2R and ADA were significantly higher than those in the pleural fluid, However, the neopterin levels in the sera and pleural effusion were similar. Conclusion : On the basis of this study, sIL-2R, IFN-$\gamma$ and neopterin measurements may not only provide an insight into the present state of the cell-mediated immune response, but also serve as parameters monitoring of the prognosis of the disease, particularly in patients with severe pulmonary tuberculosis. In addition, an assay of the pleural sIL-2R levels might signal a stimulated local immunity including T cell activation in the tuberculous pleural effusion.

A Study on the Growth Diagnosis and Management Prescription for Population of Retusa Fringe Trees in Pyeongji-ri, Jinan(Natural Monument No. 214) (진안 평지리 이팝나무군(천연기념물 제214호)의 생육진단 및 관리방안)

  • Rho, Jae-Hyun;Oh, Hyun-Kyung;Han, Sang-Yub;Choi, Yung-Hyun;Son, Hee-Kyung
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.36 no.3
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    • pp.115-127
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    • 2018
  • This study was attempted to find out the value of cultural assets through the clear diagnosis and prescription of the dead and weakness factors of the Population of Retusa Fringe Trees in Pyeongji-ri, Jinan(Natural Monument No. 214), The results are as follows. First, Since the designation of 13 natural monuments in 1968, since 1973, many years have passed since then. In particular, despite the removal of some of the buried soil during the maintenance process, such as retreating from the fence of the primary school after 2010, Second, The first and third surviving tree of the designated trees also have many branches that are dead, the leaves are dull, and the amount of leaves is small. vitality of tree is 'extremely bad', and the first branch has already been faded by a large number of branches, and the amount of leaves is considerably low this year, so that only two flowers are bloomed. The second is also in a 'bad'state, with small leaves, low leaf density, and deformed water. The largest number 1 in the world is added to the concern that the s coverd oil is assumed to be paddy soils. Third, It is found that the composition ratio of silt is high because it is known as '[silty loam(SiL)]'. In addition, the pH of the northern soil at pH 1 was 6.6, which was significantly different from that of the other soil. In addition, the organic matter content was higher than the appropriate range, which is considered to reflect the result of continuous application for protection management. Fourth, It is considered that the root cause of failure and growth of Jinan pyeongji-ri Population of Retusa Fringe Trees group is chronic syndrome of serious menstrual deterioration due to covered soil. This can also be attributed to the newly planted succession and to some of the deaths. Fifthly, It is urgent to gradually remove the subsoil part, which is estimated to be the cause of the initial damage. Above all, it is almost impossible to remove the coverd soil after grasping the details of the soil, such as clayey soil, which is buried in the rootstock. After removal of the coverd soil, a pestle is installed to improve the respiration of the roots and the ground with Masato. And the dead 4th dead wood and the 5th and 6th dead wood are the best, and the lower layer vegetation is mown. The viable neck should be removed from the upper surface, and the bark defect should undergo surgery and induce the development of blindness by vestibule below the growth point. Sixth, The underground roots should be identified to prepare a method to improve the decompression of the root and the respiration of the soil. It is induced by the shortening of rotten roots by tracing the first half of the rootstock to induce the generation of new roots. Seventh, We try mulching to suppress weed occurrence, trampling pressure, and soil moisturizing effect. In addition, consideration should be given to the fertilization of the foliar fertilizer, the injection of the nutrients, and the soil management of the inorganic fertilizer for the continuous nutrition supply. Future monitoring and forecasting plans should be developed to check for changes continuously.