• Title/Summary/Keyword: structural material

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Lightweight Floor Systems for Tall Buildings: A Comparative Analysis of Structural Material Efficiencies

  • Piyush Khairnar
    • International Journal of High-Rise Buildings
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.145-152
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    • 2023
  • Typical floor systems in contemporary tall buildings consist of reinforced concrete or composite metal deck over framing members and account for a majority of the structural weight of the building. The use of high-density materials, such as reinforced concrete and steel, increases the weight of floor systems, reducing the system's overall efficiency. With the introduction of high-performance materials, mainly mass timber products, and fiber-reinforced composites, in the construction industry, designers and engineers have multiple options to choose from when selecting structural materials. This paper discusses the application of mass timber and carbon fiber composites as structural materials in floor systems of tall buildings. The research focused on a comparative analysis of the structural system efficiency for five different design options for tall building floor systems. Finite Element Analysis (FEA) method was adopted to develop a simulation framework, and parametric structural models were simulated to evaluate the structural performance under specific loading conditions. Simulation results revealed the advantages of lightweight structural materials to improve system efficiency and reduce material consumption. The impact of mechanical properties of materials, loading conditions, and issues related to fire engineering and construction were briefly discussed, and future research topics were identified in conclusion.

Determination of structural behavior of Bosporus suspension bridge considering construction stages and different soil conditions

  • Gunaydin, Murat;Adanur, Suleyman;Altunisik, Ahmet Can;Sevim, Baris;Turker, Emel
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.405-429
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    • 2014
  • In this paper, it is aimed to determine the structural behavior of suspension bridges considering construction stages and different soil conditions. Bosporus Suspension Bridge connecting the Europe and Asia in Istanbul is selected as an example. Finite element model of the bridge is constituted using SAP2000 program considering existing drawings. Geometric nonlinearities are taken into consideration in the analysis using P-Delta large displacement criterion. The time dependent material strength of steel and concrete and geometric variations is included in the analysis. Time dependent material properties are considered as compressive strength, aging, shrinkage and creep for concrete, and relaxation for steel. To emphases the soil condition effect on the structural behavior of suspension bridges, each of hard, medium and soft soils are considered in the analysis. The structural behavior of the bridge at different construction stages and different soil conditions has been examined. Two different finite element analyses with and without construction stages are carried out and results are compared with each other. At the end of the analyses, variation of the displacement and internal forces such as bending moment, axial forces and shear forces for bridge deck and towers are given in detail. Also, displacement and stresses for bridge foundation are given with detail. It can be seen from the analyses that there are some differences between both analyses (with and without construction stages) and the results obtained from the construction stages are bigger. It can be stated that the analysis without construction stages cannot give the reliable solutions. In addition, soil condition have effect on the structural behavior of the bridge. So, it is thought that construction stage analysis using time dependent material properties, geometric nonlinearity and soil conditions effects should be considered in order to obtain more realistic structural behavior of suspension bridges.

Vibration Reduction Effect and Structural Behavior Analysis for Column Member Reinforced with Vibration Non-transmissible Material (진동절연재로 보강된 기둥부재의 진동저감효과 및 구조적 거동분석)

  • Kim, Jin-Ho;Yi, Na-Hyun;Hur, Jin-Ho;Kim, Hee-Kyu
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.94-103
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    • 2016
  • For elevated railway station on which track is connected with superstructure of station, structural vibration level and structure-borne-noise level has exceeded the reference level due to structural characteristics which transmits vibration directly. Therefore, existing elevated railway station is in need of economical and effective vibration reduction method which enable train service without interruption. In this study, structural vibration non-transmissible system which is applied to vibroisolating material for column member is developed to reduce vibration. That system is cut covering material of the column section using water-jet method and is installed with vibroisolating material on cut section. To verify vibration reduction effect and structural performance for structural vibration non-transmissible system, impact hammer test and cyclic lateral load test are performed for 1/4 scale test specimens. It is observed that natural period which means vibration response characteristics is shifted, and damping ratio is increased about 15~30% which means that system is effective to reduce structural vibration through vibration test. Also load-displacement relation and stiffness change rate of the columns are examined, and it is shown that ductility and energy dissipation capacity is increased. From test results, it is found that vibration non-transmissible system which is applied to column member enable to maintains structural function.

Fibre composite railway sleeper design by using FE approach and optimization techniques

  • Awad, Ziad K.;Yusaf, Talal
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.41 no.2
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    • pp.231-242
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    • 2012
  • This research work aims to develop an optimal design using Finite Element (FE) and Genetic Algorithm (GA) methods to replace the traditional concrete and timber material by a Synthetic Polyurethane fibre glass composite material in railway sleepers. The conventional timber railway sleeper technology is associated with several technical problems related to its durability and ability to resist cutting and abrading action of the bearing plate. The use of pre-stress concrete sleeper in railway industry has many disadvantages related to the concrete material behaviour to resist dynamic stress that may lead to a significant mechanical damage with feasible fissures and cracks. Scientific researchers have recently developed a new composite material such as Glass Fibre Reinforced Polyurethane (GFRP) foam to replace the conventional one. The mechanical properties of these materials are reliable enough to help solving structural problems such as durability, light weight, long life span (50-60 years), less water absorption, provide electric insulation, excellent resistance of fatigue and ability to recycle. This paper suggests appropriate sleeper design to reduce the volume of the material. The design optimization shows that the sleeper length is more sensitive to the loading type than the other parameters.

Impact Echo Test for the Dynamic Characteristics of a Vibration-Mitigated Concrete Structure

  • Chung, Young-Soo;Park, Young-Goo
    • KCI Concrete Journal
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.23-29
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    • 2002
  • Recent construction activities have given rise to civil petitions associated with vibration-induced damages or nuisances. To mitigate unfavorable effects of construction activities, the measures to reduce or isolate from vibration need to be adopted. In this research, a vibration-mitigated concrete, which is one of the active measures for reducing vibration in concrete structures, was investigated. Concrete was mixed with vibration-reducing materials (i.e. latex, rubber power, plastic resin, and polystyrofoam) to reduce vibration and tested to evaluate dynamic material properties and structural characteristics. Normal and high strength concrete specimens with a certain level of damage were also tested for comparisons. In addition, recycling tires and plastic materials were added to produce a vibration-reducing concrete. A total of 32 concrete bars and eight concrete beams were tested to investigate the dynamic material properties and structural characteristics. Wave measurements on concrete bars showed that vibration-mitigated concrete has larger material damping ratio than normal or high strength concrete. Styrofoam turned out to be the most effective vibration-reducing mixture. Flexural vibration tests on eight flexural concrete beams also revealed that material damping ratio of the concrete beams is much smaller than structural damping ratio for all the cases.

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Integrity Assessment of Asphalt Concrete Pavement System Considering Uncertainties in Material Properties (재료 물성치의 불확실성을 고려한 포장구조체의 건전성 평가)

  • Yi, Jin-Hak;Kim, Jae-Min;Kim, Young-Sang;Moon, Sung-Ho
    • Proceedings of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute Conference
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    • 2007.04a
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    • pp.49-54
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    • 2007
  • Structural integrity assessment technique for pavement system is studied considering the uncertainties among the material properties. The artificial neural networks technique is applied for the inverse analysis to estimate the elastic modulus based on the measured deflections from the FWD test. A computer code based on the spectral element method was developed for the accurate and fast analysis of the multi-layered soil structures, and the developed program was used for generating the training and testing patterns for the neural network. Neural networks was applied to estimate the elastic modulus of pavement system using the maximum deflections with and without the uncertainties in the material properties. It was found that the estimation results by the conventiona1 neural networks were very poor when there exist the uncertainties and the estimation results could be significantly improved by adopting the proposed method for generating training patterns considering the uncertainties among material properties.

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Characteristics of Paper Seating Furniture by Decade from the 1960s (시대별 변천에 따른 종이 가구 디자인의 특성 연구 -1960년 이후 의자 디자인을 중심으로-)

  • Kim, Seong-Ah
    • Journal of the Korea Furniture Society
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.177-187
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    • 2007
  • Since the 1960s when paper began to use as a structural material in furniture, design, the way of using paper was dramatically changed. Before the 1960s, paper was used mostly in decorative purposes like paper $mach\acute{e}$. The development of consumer culture in the 1960s created a new trend for paper in design. Paper became a material for dresses and chairs. Also, the types of paper that adapted on furniture varies from cardboard, paper tubes, glassine paper, honeycomb, etc. The variation of the material results to make possible to create a new form. Moreover, paperboard was broadly used in current society in such area that mostly structural based as architecture. Paper gives great opportunity not only to consumers to buy furniture in inexpensive price also to manufacturers to produce furniture and to test market easily, Moreover, paper furniture is mostly fun. Therefore, the creation of paper furniture becomes diverse in terms of design concept. This study explored the characteristics of paper furniture responding to social backgrounds by decade. Relation between types of paper and the characteristics is one of main points in this research. This study covers furniture design from the 1960s to present and mostly focuses on seating furniture where paper used as structural material. Researching on patent records and contemporary periodicals gave me helpful information on details of design process and consumer culture.

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A Study on Fracture Characteristics in Opening Mode of a DCB Specimen Using a Lightweight Material (경량 재료를 이용한 DCB 시험편의 열림 모드에서의 파손 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Jae-Won;Cho, Jae-Ung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Manufacturing Process Engineers
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.42-47
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    • 2021
  • Recently, many structures using lightweight materials have been developed. This study was conducted by using Al6061-T6 and carbon fiber reinforced plastic (CFRP), two common lightweight materials. In addition, the failure characteristics of an interface bonded between a single material and a heterogeneous bonding material were analyzed. The specimens bonded with CFRP and Al6061-T6 were utilized by the combination of the heterogeneous bonding material. The specimens had a double cantilevered shape and the bonding between the materials was achieved by applying a structural adhesive. The experiments were conducted in opening mode: the lower part of the samples was fixed, while their upper part was subjected to a forced displacement of 3 mm/min by using a tensile tester. Under the tested amount of strength, energy release rate, and considering the specimens' fracture characteristics in opening mode, the specimen "CFRP-Al" presented the maximum stress, followed by "Al" and "CFRP". We can hence conclude that the inhomogeneous material "CFRP-Al" is useful for the construction of lightweight structures bonded with structural adhesive.

An efficient C1 beam element via multi-scale material adaptable shape function

  • El-Ashmawy, A.M.;Xu, Yuanming
    • Advances in nano research
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.351-368
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    • 2022
  • Recently, promising structural technologies like multi-function, ultra-load bearing capacity and tailored structures have been put up for discussions. Finite Element (FE) modelling is probably the best-known option capable of treating these superior properties and multi-domain behavior structures. However, advanced materials such as Functionally Graded Material (FGM) and nanocomposites suffer from problems resulting from variable material properties, reinforcement aggregation and mesh generation. Motivated by these factors, this research proposes a unified shape function for FGM, nanocomposites, graded nanocomposites, in addition to traditional isotropic and orthotropic structural materials. It depends not only on element length but also on the beam's material properties and geometric characteristics. The systematic mathematical theory and FE formulations are based on the Timoshenko beam theory for beam structure. Furthermore, the introduced element achieves C1 degree of continuity. The model is proved to be convergent and free-off shear locking. Moreover, numerical results for static and free vibration analysis support the model accuracy and capabilities by validation with different references. The proposed technique overcomes the issue of continuous properties modelling of these promising materials without discarding older ones. Therefore, introduced benchmark improvements on the FE old concept could be extended to help the development of new software features to confront the rapid progress of structural materials.

Material Properties of Structural Steel used in Modern Historical Heritage of Busan and Gyeongsang in the 1930-1940s (1930-40년대 부산·경상지역의 근대 역사문화유산에 사용된 강재의 재료적 특성)

  • Ahn, Jae-Cheol;Song, Jong-Mok
    • Journal of architectural history
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    • v.23 no.6
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    • pp.39-46
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    • 2014
  • In this study, we evaluated the chemical and physical properties of structural steel, which is the most basic material for steel structures and reinforcement concrete structures in modern period. We theorized the technical data for the research of technical history of modern heritage structures by analyzing the product system and its quality control of structural steel used in modern historical heritages. The results of this study are as follow; first, the rounded bars were used in most of modern heritage structures. But in the case of Waegwan railroad bridge, the deformed bars were used in spit of not using in Japan after the great earthquake of Kantou. Second, the structural steel was good in terms of quality control, but It has brittle properties because it was not manufactured by heat treatment process.