• 제목/요약/키워드: stiffness value

검색결과 609건 처리시간 0.025초

Along and across-wind vibration control of shear wall-frame buildings with flexible base by using passive dynamic absorbers

  • Ivan F. Huergo;Hugo Hernandez-Barrios;Roberto Gomez-Martinez
    • Wind and Structures
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    • 제38권1호
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    • pp.15-42
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    • 2024
  • A flexible-base coupled-two-beam (CTB) discrete model with equivalent tuned mass dampers is used to assess the effect of soil-structure interaction (SSI) and different types of lateral resisting systems on the design of passive dynamic absorbers (PDAs) under the action of along-wind and across-wind loads due to vortex shedding. A total of five different PDAs are considered in this study: (1) tuned mass damper (TMD), (2) circular tuned sloshing damper (C-TSD), (3) rectangular tuned sloshing damper (R-TSD), (4) two-way liquid damper (TWLD) and (5) pendulum tuned mass damper (PTMD). By modifying the non-dimensional lateral stiffness ratio, the CTB model can consider lateral deformations varying from those of a flexural cantilever beam to those of a shear cantilever beam. The Monte Carlo simulation method was used to generate along-wind and across-wind loads correlated along the height of a real shear wall-frame building, which has similar fundamental periods of vibration and different modes of lateral deformation in the xz and yz planes, respectively. Ambient vibration tests were conducted on the building to identify its real lateral behavior and thus choose the most suitable parameters for the CTB model. Both alongwind and across-wind responses of the 144-meter-tall building were computed considering four soil types (hard rock, dense soil, stiff soil and soft soil) and a single PDA on its top, that is, 96 time-history analyses were carried out to assess the effect of SSI and lateral resisting system on the PDAs design. Based on the parametric analyses, the response significantly increases as the soil flexibility increases for both type of lateral wind loads, particularly for flexural-type deformations. The results show a great effectiveness of PDAs in controlling across-wind peak displacements and both along-wind and across-wind RMS accelerations, on the contrary, PDAs were ineffective in controlling along-wind peak displacements on all soil types and different kind of lateral deformation. Generally speaking, the maximum possible value of the PDA mass efficiency index increases as the soil flexibility increases, on the contrary, it decreases as the non-dimensional lateral stiffness ratio of the building increases; therefore, there is a significant increase of the vibration control effectiveness of PDAs for lateral flexural-type deformations on soft soils.

종이 의상에 관한 연구 - 수제지를 중심으로 - (A Study on the Paper Clothing -on the basis of handmade paper-)

  • 이주실;김정혜
    • 복식
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    • 제44권
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    • pp.181-199
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    • 1999
  • The industry of modern clothing has deviated from the overflow of commercialism and the standardization and nowadays is going toward pursuing art, creativity, and high added value. This trend brings the return of the natural materials from the synthetic textiles and increases the value of old and handmade fabrics. Finally, the handmade-paper, which is a natural material, comes to be reconsidered as a new material for the clothing. Therefore, as the natural materials and the manufacture of handmade clothing are rising again, the qualitative improvement and globalization of clothing industry should be first realized through the developments of creative and various clothing materials and new expressing techniques. The above investigation and study have been synthesized and analyzed as follows: First, through the study on the origin of the paper clothing, its historical background and the process of its development, we've learned these two facts following : the paper clothing of the East in the past mostly had practiced meanings. On the other hand, in the West it had meanings which were raised the artist's emotions and beauty-consciousness to the artistic level by the various kinds of expressing methods. Second, handmade-paper was manufactured by the embedding method, which mixed mulberry pulp, gauze, corn, hair, sisal, silk and so on. It was found that handmade-paper had the affluent and proper texture as the clothing material and was be able to control the clarity through the variation of thickness. It was also confirmed that the creative and original texture with hand-worked molding beauty was obtained by the use of handmade-paper. Third, when the handmade-paper is used, the molding beauty of plane, relievo, and solid can be freely pursued, and various and effective molding conformation can be constructed by the effect of superposition and repetition. Also, because the maximum discretion from the various optional manufacturing methods is allowed, the molding beauty can be maximized when the clothes are manufactured with handmade-paper. Fourth, the gauze with strong drape was combined to overcome the stiffness and the tearing of the paper. As a result, the durability and the wearability of the paper were strengthened and thus the thus the applications as the clothing material were enlarged. In conclusion, in order to enhance the value, creativity, practicality, and artistic sense of the design for modern clothing, the clothes made of handmade-paper should be more studied. Moreover, for the generalization of paper clothes, the studies on the development of practical paper with paper with water resistance, post-treatment after dyeing, flexibility, and durability should be done. I really hope that this study will be the motive to provoke the possibility of handmade-paper as new clothing material in not only practical sense but also artistic sense.

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A Study on the Air Foil Journal Bearing Analysis with Perturbed Rarefaction Coefficients

  • Lee, Yong-Bok;Park, Dong-Jin;Kim, Chang-Ho;Jang, Gun-Hee
    • KSTLE International Journal
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    • 제7권2호
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    • pp.27-34
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    • 2006
  • Knudsen number is the ratio of molecular mean free path versus mm thickness and the criterion to determine the flow form. When its value is lower than 0.01, the flow can be assumed to has no slip boundary condition. And in the case that the value is between 0.01 and 10, then the flow has slip boundary condition at both the adjacent walls. The condition of the air flow between the rotating journal and top foil in the air foil bearing is determined by the rotating speed and load, and the Knudsen number is also varied by those values. Because the molecular mean free path is variable to the pressure and temperature, more exact formulation is necessary to understand and analyze the flow regime. In this study, the analysis considering Knudsen number formulated with those variables (pressure, temperature and mm thickness) was executed. The approximate value was examined using the equation to confirm whether the flow has the slip or no-slip boundary condition. From the analytic investigation, it was decided to range approximately 0.01 to 1.0 and the flow can be supposed to have the slip boundary condition. Under the condition of the slip flow, the static characteristics of the air foil bearing were examined using modified Reynolds equations. The results were compared with those considering no slip condition. It shows that the slip condition makes the flow decelerates and the load carrying capacity decreases compared with no slip condition. And as the bearing number and eccentricity ratio increase, the load carrying capacity also increased at both the cases. From this result, it can be supposed that the bearing torque also increases. In the analysis of the dynamic characteristics, the perturbed Knudsen number was taken into consideration. Because the Knudsen number is expressed as the terms of each variable, the perturbed equation can be simply derived. The results of both cases considering and not considering Knudsen number were compared each other. In the case of the direct terms of the stiffness and damping coefficients, the difference between both cases was little and increased as the bearing number and eccentricity ratio increased. And the cross terms have less or more differences.

조립식(組立式) 탁자(卓子)의 CBA접합부(接合部) 강성(剛性)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) (A Study on the Stiffness of CBA(Corner Block with Anchor Bolt) Joint in Knockdown Type Table Furniture)

  • 정우양;이필우
    • Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology
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    • 제17권2호
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    • pp.34-64
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    • 1989
  • 포장(包裝) 용적(容積) 감소에 따른 수송비(輸送費) 절감(節減) 효과(效果)가 있어 조립시(組立式) 탁자류(卓子類) 가구(家具)의 제작(製作)에 널리 쓰이는 CBA(corner block with anchor bolt) 접합방식(接合方式)은 일정기간(一定期間) 사용(使用)함에 따라 접합부위(接合部位)가 약해지고 그 결과(結果) 구조(構造)가 불안정(不安定)하게 되는 반강접합(半剛接合)(semi-rigid joint) 특유(特有)의 결점(缺點)도 지니고 있다. 따라서 본(本) 연구(硏究)에서는 CBA 접합(接合) 강도(强度)에 영향하는 주요(主要) 설계(設計) 인자(因子)로서 side rail 규격, corner block의 side rail에의 부착시(時) 보강재(補强材)의 효과(效果) 및 corner block관통 anchor bolt의 사용(使用) 수(數) 그리고 corner block의 형태등(等)의 평가(評價)를 하기 위해 22개(個)의 접합군(接合群) 별(別)로 총(總) 88개(個)의 table section 시험체(試驗體)를 제작(製作)한 후(後)그들의 강성(剛性) 계수(係數)(Z - 값) 및 유효강도(有效强度)를 수평 하중(荷重)에 의한 변형측정(變形測定) 실험(實驗)을 통해 결정(決定)한 후 설계(設計) 인자별(因子別) 효과(效果)를 비교 분석(分析)하였다. 분석결과(分析結果), side rail의 높이 증대(增大) 및 corner block 부착시(時) PVAc 수지(樹脂)의 사용효과(使用效果)가 뚜렷하여 유효강도(有效强度)의 유의적(有意的) 향상(向上)을 나타냈고 anchor bolt의 효과(效果) 역시 2개 사용시(使用時)가 1개 사용시(使用時) 보다 훨씬 큰 것으로 나타났다. 또 side rail 높이 와 anchor bolt 사용(使用) 수(數)간에는 상호작용(相互作用) 효과(效果)도 있었다. 그러나 side rail의 두께 효과(效果)는 22mm에서 25mm로 증대(增大)시켰을때 뚜렷한 상승 경향(傾向)은 보여주지 못했다. 한편 corner block의 형태는 MDF를 주재료(主材料)로 사용(使用)한 탁자(卓子) 설계시(設計時)는 두께 25mm, 높이 100mm의 side rail에 PVAc 수지(樹脂)로 보강(補强)하고 mitered corner block에 2개(個)의 anchor bolt를 관통시킨 경우가 유효강도(有效强度) 3171.7 kgf-cm로 22개의 접태군(接台群)들 중 최대치(最大値)를 나타냄으로써 miter type이 rectangular type보다 바람직한 것으로 나타났다. 결론적(結論的)으로 자재(資材)의 효과적(效果的) 이용(利用)을 통한 생산비(生産費) 절감(節減)과 동시(同時)에 구조(構造)의 안정(安定)된 강도적(强度的) 측면(側面)을 고려할 때, 두께 22mm, 높이 75mm의 MDF side rail에 mitered corner block을 PVAc 수지(樹脂)와 나사못을 이용하여 부착한 후(後) 2개(個)의 anchor bolt를 관통시키는 방법(方法)을 가장 합리적(合理的)인 MDF 사용(使用) 조립시(組立式) 탁자(卓子) 설계(設計) 방안(方案)으로 제시(提示)하는 바이다.

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세그먼트 라이닝의 열차 진동하중에 대한 동적 응답특성 (Dynamic response of segment lining due to train-induced vibration)

  • 이경주;송기일
    • 한국터널지하공간학회 논문집
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    • 제25권4호
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    • pp.305-330
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    • 2023
  • 쉴드TBM 터널은 NATM 터널과 달리 라이닝이 세그먼트로 분절되어 있다. 따라서 라이닝에 동일 하중이 발생되어도 NATM 터널 라이닝과 쉴드TBM 터널 라이닝의 응력 분포가 다르게 발생된다. 쉴드TBM 터널에서 라이닝에 발생되는 응력을 분석하는 대표적 방법은 연결부를 고려하지 않는 강성일체법과 링간 이음 및 세그먼트 연결을 고려하는 2링 빔스프링 모델이 있다. 본 연구는 라이닝 분절 Segmentaion을 고려한 Break-joint Mode 해석 방법이지만 세그먼트 라이닝 연결부의 구조적 역할을 고려하지 않고 마찰력 성분인 수직강성과 전단강성 만 도입된 쉘 인터페이스 요소를 이용한 모델링을 적용하여 진동하중 발생 시 라이닝의 응력 및 변위에 대한 응답결과를 분석했다. 토압 등 정적 하중에 대해 천 정부에서 가장 큰 응력이 발생되는 강성일체법과 달리 본 연구의 해석방법에 의해 발생된 세그먼트 라이닝 응력 분포는 세그먼트 연결부가 집중된 천정부 Key 세그먼트에서 가장 작은 응력이 발생하였고 연결부를 경계로 응력의 분포가 뚜렷이 구분되었다. 그리고 정적 해석 결과는 강성일체법에 발생된 라이닝 응력이 본 연구 방법에 의해 발생된 세그먼트 라이닝의 응력에 비해 최대 7배의 큰 응력이 발생되었다. 이러한 결과는 세그먼트 연결부를 고려한 기존의 2링 빔-스프링 모델의 응력분포 양상과 일치하는 결과다. 그러나 열차 진동하중에 대한 응력값은 Break-joint Mode로 해석한 본 연구방법의 응력이 강성일체법에 비해 더 큰 응력을 발생되었다. 이는 짧은 부재들의 조합으로 이루어진 세그먼트 Ring이 원주방향으로 일체로 되어 부재의 길이가 상대적으로 더 긴 강성일체법 결과에 비해 더 작은 응력이 발생되는 정역학적 개념과 상이한 결과다. 진동하중에 대해 Break-joint Mode에서 세그먼트 라이닝에 응력이 더 크게 발생된 원인은 부재의 고유주기, 감쇠비 등 동역학적 요인의 차이보다는 열차 진동하중에 대해 라이닝에 발생되는 변위의 차이에 기인하는 것으로 판단되지만 이에 대한 증명은 추후의 과제로 남겨두었다. 본 연구 방법의 Break-joint Mode를 이용하면 정지상태의 열차 하중에 의해 발생되는 라이닝의 응력과 변위값을 비교하여 쉴드TBM 터널의 충격계수(DIF)를 비교적 간단하게 추정할 수 있다. 본 연구는 쉴드TBM 터널의 Segmentaion을 고려한 3차원 모델링으로 추후 지진파 등 다양한 하중조건의 검토를 통해 기존 해석방법 결과와 비교하여 모델링의 추가적 신뢰성을 확보할 필요가 있다.

Chitosan-polyurethane 혼합 용액으로 처리된 직물의 태 연구 - 면, 폴리에스터, 나일론 직물의 열 Curing - (A Study on the Hand of the Fabrics Treated with Chitosan-polyurethane Mixture Solution -Thermal Curing of Cotton, Polyester, and Nylon Fabrics-)

  • 곽정기;전동원;김종준
    • 한국의류학회지
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    • 제29권7호
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    • pp.997-1007
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    • 2005
  • The textile finishing methods utilizing chitosan have been mostly focused on the applications in the improvement of the dyeing of cotton fabrics, or the improvement of hand of the cotton or wool fabrics. On the other hand, it Is difficult to find the application examples in the synthetic fiber fabrics including polyester and nylon fabrics. The aim of this study is to improve the stiffness and the poor wash fastness of the fabrics treated only with chitosan. We tried to improve the softness by employing chitosan and polyurethane mixture solution and to prevent the detachment of the chitosan from the fabric. The treatment was applied to cotton, polyester, and nylon fabrics. The change of the properties of the treated fabrics were investigated. The optimum finishing condition was sought by changing the mixture ratio of the chitosan/PU(polyurethane) solutions. The adjusted ratios of the chitosan/PU solutions were 1 : 0, 1 : 0.25, 1 : 0.5, and 1 : 2 during the mixture solution preparation. Using the KES(Kawabata Evaluation System), the physical and mechanical properties of the finished fabric specimens were analyzed, and hand values of the specimens were calculated through the use of translational formulas. According to the chemical composition of the fibers, chitosan solution or chitosan/PU mixture exhibited wide range of coating effect. Since the chitosan acid solution has high polarity, the bonding force with the cotton fibers is high. By the appropriate addition of PU in the chitosan treatment of cotton, KOSHI and HARI values of the fabric improved. The air permeability of the chitosan/PU treated cotton fabric specimen improved, resulting in the highest value at the mixture of chitosan : PU=1:0.25.

PTFE(Polytetrafluoroethylene) 라미네이팅 투습발수직물의 총음압 최소화를 위한 필름 타입 별 기본 특성과 역학 특성 (Basic and Mechanical Properties by Film Type to Minimize the Sound Pressure Level of PTFE Laminated Vapor-permeable Water-repellent Fabrics)

  • 이규린;이지현;진은정;양윤정;조길수
    • 한국의류산업학회지
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    • 제14권4호
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    • pp.641-647
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    • 2012
  • This study investigates the sound properties of fabric frictional sound (SPL, ${\Delta}L$, ${\Delta}f$) according to the film type of PTFE laminated vapor-permeable water-repellent fabrics in order to understand the relationship between SPL and the basic properties of fabrics such as layer, yarn type, and thickness of fiber. This study accesses their mechanical properties and determines how to control them to minimize SPL. Eight PTFE laminated water-repellent fabrics, composed of four different film types (A, B, C, D) and with two different fabrics, were used as test specimens. Frictional sounds generated at 1.21m/s were recorded by using a fabric sound generator and SPLs were analyzed through Fast Fourier Transformation (FFT). The mechanical properties of fabrics were measured by KES-FB. The SPL value was lowest at 74.4dB in film type A and highest as 85.5dB in type D. Based on ANOVA and post-hoc test, specimens were classified into less Loud Group (A, B) and Loud Group (C, D). It was shown that SPL was lower when 2 layer (instead of 3 layer), filament yarn than staple, and thin fiber than thick were used. In Group I, shearing properties (G, 2HG5), geometrical roughness (SMD), compressional properties (LC, RC) and weight (W) showed high correlation with SPL however, elongation (EM) and shear stiffness (G) did with SPL in Group II.

매염제 처리가 대나무잎과 솔잎 추출물로 염색한 직물의 물성 및 태에 미치는 영향 (The Effect of Mordant on the Mechanical Properties and Primary Hand Values of Fabrics Dyed with Bamboo and Pine Leaf Extracts)

  • 이정순;우효정;정고은
    • 한국의류산업학회지
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    • 제14권4호
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    • pp.648-659
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    • 2012
  • This research categorizes fundamental data needed to develop eco-friendly fabrics treated with bamboo leaf & pine leaf extracts. The effect of mordant on those fabrics was analyzed through the measurement of mechanical properties and the estimation of primary hand values for cotton and silk fabrics dyed with bamboo leaf and pine leaf extracts that were later treated with various mordants. When cotton was dyed with bamboo leaves and pine leaves extracts, EM, WT, 2HB, 2HG, 2HG5, LC, T, and W increased however, RT, SMD, and RC decreased compared to raw cotton fabric. The B, G, and MIU increased after mordant treatment to the dyed cotton and resulted in a stiffer and rougher cotton's hand. EM, WT, RT, MIU, WC, T, and W increased (in terms of silk); however, LT, B, 2HB, G, 2HG, 2HG5, MMD, SMD, and LC decreased compared to raw silk fabric. Similar to the dyed cotton, mordant treatment increased the MIU and LC of dyed silk subsequently, the hand became stiffer and rougher. A greater tannin adsorption results in an increased mechanical property and the primary hand value. For both fabrics, mordant treatment made its smoothness drop. However, the scale of drop for cotton was significant, while the scale of the drop for silk was minor. In terms of type of mordant, femordant and natural-mordant treatment influenced the tensile, shear, surface properties of fabrics, and primary hand values more than Cu-mordant and synthetic-mordant in addition, this increased the stiffness, hardness, and roughness of fabrics.

Quantitative Analysis of Enlarged Cervical Lymph Nodes with Ultrasound Elastography

  • Zhang, Jun-Peng;Liu, Hua-Yan;Ning, Chun-Ping;Chong, Jing;Sun, Yong-Mei
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • 제16권16호
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    • pp.7291-7294
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    • 2015
  • Purpsoe: To investigate the diagnostic value of quantitative analysis of a tissue diffusion and virtual touch tissue imaging quantification (VTIQ) technique with acoustic radiation force impulse (ARFI) elastography for assessing enlarged cervical lymph nodes. Materials and Methods: Fifty-six enlarged cervical lymph nodes confirmed by pathologic diagnoses were covered in the study. According to the results of pathologic diagnosis, patients were classified into benign and malignant groups. All the patients were examined by both conventional ultrasonography and elastography. AREA% and shear wave velocity (SWV) in ROI of different groups were calculated and compared using ROC curves. Cut-off points of AREA% and SWV were determined with receiver operating characteristic curves. Results: Final histopathological results revealed 21 cases of benign and 35 cases of malignant lymph nodes. The mean values of AREA% and SWV in benign and malignant groups were $45.0{\pm}17.9%$ and $2.32{\pm}0.57m/s$, and $61.3{\pm}21.29%$ and $4.36{\pm}1.25$)m/s, respectively. For the parameters of elastography, "AREA%" and SWV demonstrated significant differences between groups (p=0.002). AREA% was positively correlated with SWV with a correlation coefficient of 0.809 (P<0.001). Conclusions: Stiffness of different lymph node diseases in patients may differ. Elastography can evaluate changes sensitively and provide valuable information to doctors. The study proved that the VTIQ elastography technique can play an important role in differential diagnosis of lymph nodes.

강아치교의 고등해석과 최적설계 (Advaced analysis and optimal design of steel arch bridges)

  • 최세휴
    • 한국강구조학회 논문집
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    • 제17권1호통권74호
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    • pp.13-21
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    • 2005
  • 본 논문에서는 강아치교의 고등해석과 최적설계를 수행하였다. 고등해석은 해석시에 구조계와 그에 속한 부재의 강도와 안정을 직접 고려함으로서, 해석후 개별부재의 강도검토가 필요없는 설계방법을 지칭한다. 기하학적 비선형 효과를 고려하기 위하여 안정함수를 사용하였다. 잔류응력으로 인한 점진적인 소성화를 고려하기 위하여 CRC 접선 탄성계수를 사용하였다. 탄성강성에서 완전소성강성까지 점진적인 소성화를 나타내기 위하여 포물선 함수를 사용하였다. 최적화 기법으로는 수정된 단면점증법을 사용하였다. 수정된 단면점증법은 AASHTO-LRFD의 상관방정식으로 계산된 값중에서 최대값을 가지는 부재의 크기를 단계별로 증가시키는 방법이다. 목적함수는 구조물의 중량을 사용하였으며, 제약조건식은 구조시스템의 하중-저항능력 및 처짐 조건을 고려하였다. 제안된 방법에 의한 설계결과를 기존의 연구결과와 비교하였다.