• Title/Summary/Keyword: stars-stars

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  • Kwon, Young-Joo;Suh, Kyung-Won
    • Journal of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.45 no.6
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    • pp.139-146
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    • 2012
  • We investigate the properties of OH, SiO, and $H_2O$ maser emission in O-rich AGB stars. We use a sample of 3373 objects, which is an updated version of the list of O-rich AGB stars presented in Suh & Kwon (2011). We divide the 3373 O-rich AGB stars into four different groups based on the maser emission: OH maser sources (1533), SiO sources (1627), $H_2O$ sources (452), and sources with no maser (610). To understand the nature of the maser sources, we present various infrared two-color diagrams (2CDs) using IRAS, 2MASS, and AKARI data. For each group, we compare the positions on various infrared 2CDs with theoretical models. We find that the OH maser sources generally show larger color indices and larger dust optical depths than SiO or $H_2O$ sources. We suggest that the differences of the color indices for different maser sources are due to different mass-loss rates and dust formation processes.

The Study on Fashion Beauty Design and Emotional Image by External Image Type of Korean Male Idol Stars

  • Kim, Joo-Mee;Shin, Se-Yeong
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.15 no.6
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    • pp.71-84
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    • 2011
  • This study is purposed to categorize external image types of Korean male idol stars, and to understand characteristics of fashion and beauty design for each type and through such, the study is meant to identify the various types of male image and to provide data of image making. As part of the empirical study, it selected well-known 15 groups of male idol stars who were active during February of 2008 and August of 2010, categorized the image types by their photographic data, and analyzed characteristics of fashion and beauty design for each type. In order to measure the degree of image types, a survey was also conducted. The image types of male idol stars, which were classified through a workshop by a group of image-related experts, were categorized with 6 types that are Elite, Urban Chic, Charisma, Rebellious child, Toy boy, and Homme Fatale. The six types of male idol stars have a great relation with the modern male trends and images, and that the male idol stars have been leading the trends and presenting the image by the public preference. In addition, as shown the above, the recent male image appears as a mixed image of femininity and masculinity, showing a complex aspect that does not dominates with one image, and that it was found out to constantly be changing in the flow of times.

Star formation history of dwarf elliptical-like galaxies

  • Seo, Mira;Ann, Hong Bae
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.43 no.2
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    • pp.54.3-55
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    • 2018
  • We present the physical and environmental properties of nearby dwarf elliptical-like galaxies. The present sample consists of ~ 1,100 dwarf elliptical-like galaxies within redshifts 0.01. The morphological types of the present study were determined by Ann, Seo, and Ha (2015) who classified the dwarf elliptical-like galaxies by the five subtypes of dS0, dE, dSph, dEbc, and dEblue. We examine their star formation history using STARLIGHT. The star formation history of dwarf elliptical-like galaxies depends on their subtypes. The luminosities of dS0, dE, and dSph galaxies are dominated by the extremely old stars (${\geq}10^{10}yr$) with $z{\approx}0.0004$ while those of dEbc and dEblue galaxies are mainly due to the young (${\sim}10^7yr$) stars together with the nearly equal contribution by extremely young stars (${\sim}10^6yr$) and old (${\sim}10^9yr$) stars. Young populations have a variety of metallicity, from z=0.0001 to z = 0.04, while old populations have metallicity of z = 0.0001 and z = 0.0004. While the formation history of stars older than ~1010yr depends mainly on the luminosity of galaxies, the formation history of stars younger than ~108yr is mainly affected by their environment. However, luminosity and environment are equally important for the star formation history if there is no star formation at the early phase of galaxy formation.

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The Chemical Composition of HD47536: A Planetary Host Halo Giant with Possible 𝛌 Bootis Features and Signs of Interstellar Matter Accretion

  • Yushchenko, Alexander;Doikov, Dmytry;Andrievsky, Sergei;Jeong, Yeuncheol;Yushchenko, Volodymyr;Rittipruk, Pakakaew;Kovtyukh, Valery;Demessinova, Aizat;Gopka, Vira;Raikov, Alexander;Jeong, Kyung Sook
    • Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences
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    • v.39 no.4
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    • pp.169-180
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    • 2022
  • We investigated the chemical composition of the planetary host halo star HD47536 via high-resolution spectral observations recorded using a 1.5 meter Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory (CTIO) telescope (Chile). Furthermore, we determined the abundances of 38 chemical elements. Both light and heavy elements were overabundant compared to the iron group elements. The abundance pattern of HD47536 was similar to that of halo-type stars, with an enrichment of heavy elements. We analyzed the relationships between the relative abundances of chemical elements and their second ionization potentials and condensation temperatures. We demonstrated that the interplay of charge-exchange reactions owing to the accretion of interstellar matter and the gas-dust separation mechanism can influence the initial abundances and can be used to qualitatively explain the abundance patterns in the atmosphere of HD47536.

The differences in Constellation drawings among different countries

  • Karimova, Ulkar;Yi, Yu;Oh, Suyeon
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.95-95
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    • 2012
  • Constellations are formed of bright stars which appear close to each other on the sky, but are really far apart in space. The shapes you see all depend on your point of view. Back before people had televisions and electricity to light their homes at night, they spent a lot more time looking at the stars. People all over the world used their imaginations to draw pictures in the sky, as if it were a giant connect-the-dot game. The patterns they imagined are called constellations. People usually saw patterns that reflected their different cultures. Native Americans in North America imagined many animals and shapes from the natural world. The ancient Greeks found images of gods and goddesses in the stars. Sometimes people from very different parts of the world even imagined the same animal or shape in the same stars. Most of the constellations we recognize today were made up by the ancient Greeks around 6,000 years ago. Different constellations are visible at different times of year, so the first appearance of these patterns told farmers of the changing seasons and reminded them to plant or harvest their crops. The constellations also help us to find our way around the night sky and to remember which stars are which. The star names we use today are mostly from Greek and Arabic, but many are changed a bit from the original, as often happens when words are passed from one language to another. It can be difficult to picture just what those folks long ago were seeing in the stars, so don't be discouraged if you have trouble seeing their patterns. You can even make up your own! In ancient world all the countries or regions had their own way to name things up in the sky, make up stories and draw different shapes for constellations. Today there are 88 official constellations, but you may find that different books show their stars connected in slightly different ways. The official constellations are specific regions of the sky, so the exact patterns are not all that important. However in various cultures there are some famous star patterns that use stars from only apart of a constellation, or even connect stars from different constellations. These patterns of stars that are not official constellations are called asterisms. The Big Dipper is a very famous asterism, found in the constellation Ursa Major, or Great Bear.

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  • Ishihara, D.;Kaneda, H.;Mouri, A.;Kondo, T.;Suzuki, S.;Oyabu, S.;Onaka, T.;Ita, Y.;Matsuura, M.;Matsunaga, N.
    • Publications of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.117-122
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    • 2012
  • The interstellar dust grains are formed and supplied to interstellar space from asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars or supernova remnants, and become constituents of the star- and planet-formation processes that lead to the next generation of stars. Both a qualitative, and a compositional study of this cycle are essential to understanding the origin of the pre-solar grains, the missing sources of the interstellar material, and the chemical evolution of our Galaxy. The AKARI/MIR all-sky survey was performed with two mid-infrared photometric bands centered at 9 and $18{\mu}m$. These data have advantages in detecting carbonaceous and silicate circumstellar dust of AGB stars, and the interstellar polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons separately from large grains of amorphous silicate. By using the AKARI/MIR All-Sky point source catalogue, we surveyed C-rich and O-rich AGB stars in our Galaxy, which are the dominant suppliers of carbonaceous and silicate grains, respectively. The C-rich stars are uniformly distributed across the Galactic disk, whereas O-rich stars are concentrated toward the Galactic center, following the metallicity gradient of the interstellar medium, and are presumably affected by the environment of their birth place. We will compare the distributions of the dust suppliers with the distributions of the interstellar grains themselves by using the AKARI/MIR All-Sky diffuse maps. To enable discussions on the faint diffuse interstellar radiation, we are developing an accurate AKARI/MIR All-Sky diffuse map by correcting artifacts such as the ionising radiation effects, scattered light from the moon, and stray light from bright sources.

태양 주위에 있는 만기형 주계열성의 자전에 관한 연구

  • Yang, Eun-Su;Lee, Sang-Gak
    • Publications of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.31-52
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    • 1989
  • The rotational properties of late-type main sequence stars in the solar neighborhood have been investigated. So rotation periods and stellar radii are determined for 104 field stars, 8 Ursa Major Group stars, and 20 Hyades cluster stars. Most of the rotation periods are derived using the Noyes et al. (1984)'s relation between chromospheric activity and rotation period. Stellar radii are calculated by the Stefan law for the nearby stars within 25 pc from the sun. Rotational velocities at equator are determined by the above rotation periods and stellar radii. Their distribution along the (B-V) color shows an upper boundary and an abrupt drop for the stars in the range of 0.4<(B-V)<0.8, as found from the apparent rotational velocity data. Furthermore, it is apparent that there is an lower boundary of rotational velocity. The inclination of rotation axis to line-of-sight is obtained by comparing the rotational velocity at equator with the apparent rotational velocity given by the analysis of the line profiles. For the field stars, it is found that the inclination has no correlation with the galactic lattitude and follows random distribution.

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An Analysis of K-POP Stars' Images in Chinese Social Medias (중국 소셜 미디어에 나타난 K-POP 스타들의 사진 이미지 분석)

  • Yin, Jing;Yang, Jong-Hoon;Lee, Sang-Eun
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.21 no.7
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    • pp.71-82
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    • 2021
  • The main purpose of this study was to investigate K-pop stars' images in photos presented by social networks in China. In this study photos of K-pop stars were collected from a community site of Baidu as one of the biggest portal sites and were five idol groups (EXO, IKON, T-ara, Wonder Girls, and Girls' Generation) which have beeb getting famous in China. For this musical styles and backgrounds of the K-pop idol stars were scrutinized in brief and explored in respect with its images. The results of the study were follows: First, the overall pictorial images of K-pop boys' groups were characterized in masculine and stylish images emphasizing the western appearance. In case of K-pop girl groups, sexy, gorgeous, feminine and youthful images were identified. In conclusion, K-pop idol stars is contributing to expand Korean pop arts into Chinese public culture as Chinese people produced and circulated the pictorial images of K-pop stars and facilitated consumption activities of K-pop contents.

On the origin of the thick discs of spiral galaxies from high-resolution cosmological simulations

  • Yi, Sukyoung K.;Park, Min-Jung;Peirani, Sebastien;Pichon, Christophe;Dubois, Yohan;Choi, Hoseung;Devriendt, Julien;Kimm, Taysun;Kaviraj, Sugata;Kraljic, Katarina;Volonteri, Marta
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.45 no.1
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    • pp.37.3-38
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    • 2020
  • Ever since thick disk was proposed to explain the vertical distribution of the Milky Way disk stars, its origin has been a recurrent question. We aim to answer this question by inspecting 19 disk galaxies with stellar mass greater than 10^10 solar mass in recent cosmological high-resolution (>34 pc) zoom-in simulations: Galactica and New Horizon. The thin and thick disks are reproduced by the simulations with scale heights and luminosity ratios that are in reasonable agreement with observations. When we spatially classify the disk stars into thin and thick disks by their heights from the galactic plane, the "thick" disk stars are older, less metal-rich, kinematically hotter, and higher in accreted star fraction than the "thin" disk counterparts. However, we found that the the thick disk stars were spatially and kinematically thinner when they were born. Indeed, a large fraction of thick disk stars was born near the galactic plane at earlier times and get heated with time, eventually occupying high altitudes and exhibiting different population properties compared to the thin-disk stars. In conclusion, from our simulations, the thin and thick disk components are not entirely distinct at birth, but rather a result of the time evolution of the stars born in the main disk of the galaxy. (excerpted from the abstract of the upcoming paper submitted to Astrophysical Journal: Park, M.-J., Yi, S.K. et al. 2020)

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    • Publications of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.821-832
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    • 2015
  • As a part of the short-period variability survey (SPVS) at Bohyunsan Optical Astronomy Observatory, we obtained time-series BV CCD images in the region of the open cluster NGC 1039 (M34). The observations were performed for 22 nights from July 29, 2008 to September 26, 2010. We also made LOAO observations for 10 days from September 18, 2009 to October 30, 2010 to confirm the small variabilties of ${\delta}$ Scuti-type variable stars. In this paper we presented the observational properties of 28 variable stars found in the region. They are seven ${\delta}$ Scuti-type variable stars, two ${\gamma}$ Doradus-type variable stars, four-teen eclipsing binary stars and five semi-long periodic or slow irregular variables, respectively. Only three variables were listed in the GCVS and the rest are newly discovered ones. We have performed multiple-frequency analysis to determine pulsation frequencies of the ${\delta}$ Scuti-type and ${\gamma}$ Doradus-type variable stars, using the discrete Fourier transform and linear least-square fitting methods. We also have derived the periods and amplitudes of 12 eclipsing binaries from the phase fitting method, and presented the light curves of all variable stars.