• Title/Summary/Keyword: squalidus chankaensis tsuchigae

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Taxonomic Review of the Genus Squalidus (Cyprinidae, Pisces) (한국산 돌개(Squalidus)속 어류의 분류학적 재검토)

  • KIM Ik-Soo;LEE Yong-Joo
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.132-138
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    • 1984
  • The genus Squalidus of Korea, formerly regarded as genus Gnathopogon is reviewed and keys to following 4 species and subspecies: S. gracilis majimae, S. chankaensis tsuchigae, S. chankaensis ssp., and S. japonicus coreanus. The genus spualidus is distinguished from genus Gnathopogon by the position of snout, color pattern on the body sides, number of scales above lateral line, and distance from anus to anal finorgin. G. majimae Jordan et Hubbs is junior synonym of S. gracilis majimae, and G. coreanus (not Berg) is splitted and identified as S. chankaensis tsuchigae, S. c. ssp., and S. japonicus coreanus. S. c. tsuchigae is very similar to S. j. coreanus, but the eye diameter, barbel length, and the number of lateral line scales are useful characters in separating these species. S. thankaensis ssp. occurring only in the Yongdok-Oship River differs from S. chankaensis tsuchigae in the number of lateral line scales, eye diameter and their body size.

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Estimation of an Optimum Ecological Stream Flow in the Banbyeon Stream Using PHABSIM - Focused on Zacco platypus and Squalidus chankaensis tsuchigae - (PHABSIM을 이용한 반변천 하천생태유량 산정 - 피라미, 참몰개를 대상으로 -)

  • Park, Jinseok;Jang, Seongju;Song, Inhong
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.62 no.6
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    • pp.51-62
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    • 2020
  • The objective of this study was to estimate an optimum ecological flow rate in the Banbyeon stream based on the two representative fish species. Hydraulic stream environment was simulated with HEC-RAS for two water flow regimes and used for the PHABSIM hydraulic simulation. A dominant species of Zacco platypus and an endemic species of Squalidus chankaensis tsuchigae were selected as the representative fishes whose habitat conditions were evaluated for the spawning and adult stages. Weighted usable area (WUA) was estimated based on habitat suitability index (HSI) and PHABSIM habitat simulation. Overall deep water zone in the stream demonstrated greater WUA which implies better habitat status. The estimated WUA for Zacco platypus as the dominant species was about five times greater than Squalidus chankaensis tsuchigae at the stream flow of 12 ㎥/s. The optimum ecological flow rates were 15 ㎥/s and 25 ㎥/s for the respective spawning and adult stages of Zacco platypus, while 5 ㎥/s was estimated for both the life cycles of Squalidus chankaensis tsuchigae. Assuming that the dominant species may survive better in wider flow regimes, the optimum ecological flow rate should be determined rater based on the endemic species and flow rate of 5 ㎥/s was suggested for the Banbyeon stream.

Ecological Characteristics of Squalidus chankaensis tsuchigae (Cyprinidae) in Geum River, Korea (금강에 서식하는 참몰개 Squalidus chankaensis tsuchigae (Cyprinidae)의 생태 특성)

  • Byeon, Hwa-Keun;Yoon, Min-Ho
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.30 no.5
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    • pp.888-895
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    • 2016
  • The population ecology (Ecological characteristics) of Squalidus chankaensis tsuchigae were investigated at Geum River from March to November, 2013. This species inhabited midstream of the river where was mostly covered with cobble and sand. The depth of the habitat was 30~60 cm and velocity of stream was 2.27~4.88 cm/sec. The sex ratio of female to male was 1 : 0.86. They were sexually mature when they were over two years of age. The spawning period was from June to July with water temperatures from $25^{\circ}C$ to $25^{\circ}C$. Sexually matured individuals appeared over the two year of age. Frequency analysis of total length indicated that the group with 55~70 mm in total length was one year old, the 71~90 mm was two years old, and the group over 91 mm was three years old. The average number of eggs in the ovaries was estimated as 2,219 per matured female. The number of matured eggs size in ovaries was 0.64~0.98 (mean: 0.85) mm. Calulation length-weight relation of S. chankaensis tsuchigae show the value of contant a as 0.0002 and b as 2.81, and condition factor (K) was 1.06 on average. The stomach contents were Cyanophyta, Chlorophyta, Bacillariophyta, Crustaceae, Copepoda, Nematota, Actithocephala, and Ephemeroptera, Hemiptera, Diptera, and Trichoptera that belong to Aquatic insect, and dormant bud of Pectinatella that belongs to Phylactolaemata. The diet of S. chankaensis tsuchigae was omnivorous, mainly vegetable feed on attached algae (filament form), and mainly animality feeded on benthic invertebrates such as Chironomidae larvae.

On the lchthyofauna of the Tam-jin River, Korea (탐진강의 어류상)

  • Nah, Chang-Soo
    • Korean Journal of Ichthyology
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.244-250
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    • 1994
  • The lchthyofauna was investigated at the nine sites in the Tam-jin River from September 10, 1990 to October 12, 1993. The fishes were collected by means of a casting net and hooks. The collected fishes were classified into 34 species of 26 genera in 13 families. In the present study 3species of Acanthogobius hasta, Macropodus chinensis and Channa argus were newly collected. Among the 34 species, 12 were known to be endemic species in korean waters they are Rhodeus uyekii, Acheilognathus yamatsutae, Acanthorhodeus gracilis, Sarcocheilichtys variegatus wakiyae, Squalidus chankaensis tsuchigae, Squalidus japonicus, Squalidus gracilis, Microphysogobio yaluensis, Cobitis longicorpus, Pseudobagrus koreanus, Liobagrus mediadiposalis, Odontobutis platycephala. The dominant species were Zacco platypus, Zacco temmincki and Acheilognathus yamatsutae.

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Vertebral Anomalies of Five Different Juvenile of Cyprinid Fishes from Kumho River (금호강(낙동강)산 잉어과 어류 5종에서 치어의 척추골 변형)

  • Yang, Hong-Jun;Kim, Eun-Kyung
    • Korean Journal of Ichthyology
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.114-120
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    • 1997
  • Frequencies and the types of abnormal vertebrae in the juvenile of five cyprinid fishes collected from the Kumho River during 1995 and 1996 were examined. Types of vertebral anomalies in investigated species were spinal curvature, fused vertebrae, helical sutures of cetera and abnormal vertebrae with one or two additional spines. The frequencies and the types of vertebral anomalies were different among the species. Of all the examined species, the type with one or two additional spines showed the highest frequencies, 11.72~12.11%. The frequencies of fused vertebrae was 4.45~7.68%. Thes two types of vertebral anomalies were observed in all species. Among the several types of fused vertebrae, the frequencies of double fused vertebrae were higher than those of other types. Also, the incidence of fused vertebrae located in the caudal region of vertebral column was much higher than that in other regions. The percentages of spinal curvature and helical sutures of vertebrae in the investigated species were 0.02~0.15% and 0.02%, respectively. Among the examined specimens, vertebral anomalies include fused vertebrae and one or two additional spines were shown in the three species, Korean slender gudgeon (Squalidus gracilis majimae), False dace (Pseudorasbora parva) and Crucian carp (Carassius auratus). In addition to the two vertebral anomalies, spinal curvature was shown in the Korean gudgeon (Squalidus chankaensis tsuchigae). Dark chub (Zacco temmincki) had fused vertebrae, one or two additional spines, spinal curvature, and helical sutures of vertebrae. This species has the most variable vertebral anomalies. Frequencies of fused vertebrae and one or two additional spines in the all tested fishes were not related with their standard lengths measured. However, spinal curvature and helical sutures of vertebrae were shown only in the specimens smaller than 20mm in standard length.

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Fish Fauna and Community Structure in Yulcheon Stream of South Korea (율천의 어류상과 어류군집구조의 분석)

  • Yoo, Su-Hyang;Kim, Jae Goo
    • Korean Journal of Ichthyology
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.297-303
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    • 2021
  • In this study, nine major sites of Yulcheon stream, a principal tributary of the Seomjingang River, were surveyed from April 2020 to October 2020, and their fish fauna and community structure were analyzed. A total of five families and 19 species of fish were identified. Among the 19 species, seven species were found to be endemic to Korea: Rhodeus uyekii, Squalidus gracilis majimae, Microphysogobio yaluensis, Odontobutis interrupta, Cobitis tetralineata, Zacco koreanus, and Squalidus chankaensis tsuchigae. Among five families, the family Cyprinidae had the largest number of species (15), whereas the rest of the four families: Gobiidae, Odontobutidae, Cobitidae, and Osphronemidae, had one species each. The two dominant species in the family Cyprinidae were identified as Z. platypus and Z. temminckii. The community index of nine major sites of Yulcheon stream was 0.499 dominance, 2.279 diversity, 0.774 evenness, and 2.594 species richness. The number 3 site had 14 species, the largest number of species among all sites, and the dominance rate (0.480) was low, whereas diversity (2.173), and species richness (2.701) were the highest. As a result of cluster analysis, clusters matched according to the structure of the river types, but St. 9, which confirmed a relatively small number of populations, showed a structure similar to that of the upstream section. In the case of St. 5, a separate cluster was formed by a large number of species and populations.

Ichthyofauna from Reservoirs in Gyeongju-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do, Korea (경상북도 경주시 저수지에서 채집된 어류상)

  • Yoo, Dong-Jae;Han, Kyeong-Ho;Yim, Hu-Soon;Seo, Won-Il;Lee, Sung-Hoon
    • Korean Journal of Ichthyology
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.38-46
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    • 2009
  • The ichthyofauna in certain reservoirs in Gyeongju-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do were studied from August 17 to September 22, 2005. During the study period, 22,747 individuals belonging to 25 species, 20 genera, 9 families and 4 orders were collected. Of these, 14 species were cyprinid fishes, and the dominant species was Pseudorasbora parva (relative abundance 52.28%). There were six Korean endemic species (8.51%), including Sarcocheilichthys variegatus wakiyae, Squalidus chankaensis tsuchigae, Squalidus mulimaculatus, Hemiculter eigenmanni, Pseudobagrus brevicorpus and Odontobutis platycephala the dominant species was Squalidus chankaensis tsuchigae (7.59%). There were six introduced species (25.00%), of which Hemiculter eigenmanni, Pseudobagrus fulvidraco and Hypomesus nipponensis were introduced from other native stream systems (20.99%), and Cyprinus carpio (Israeli), Carassius cuvieri and Lepomis macrochirus were exotic species (4.01%).

Ichthyofauna and Structure of the Fish Community in Hapcheon Lake on the Hwang River (합천호의 어류상과 어류 군집구조)

  • Lee, Chung-Lyul
    • Korean Journal of Ichthyology
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.131-141
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    • 2005
  • The ichthyofauna and structure of the fish community of Hapcheon Lake on the Hwang River were surveyed at six localities from May 2004 to Feb. 2005. There were 36 species belonging to 31 genera and 12 families in the Hapcheon Lake system. Of these, 24 species (66.7%) were cyprinids; cobitids and centropomids were next with 2 species (5.6%) each. The dominant species in the Hapcheon Lake system was Hemiculter eigenmanni (relative abundance 28.4%), the subdominant species Hemibarbus labeo (24.1%). Ten species (28.3%) of the 36 were Korean endemic species. Among the endemic species, H. eigenmanni and Squalidus chankaensis tsuchigae were abundant at each locality except site 6, but the eight other species were rare. In biomass, H. labeo comprised about 36.5% of the total weight, H. eigenmanni 22.3%, Cyprinus carpio 7.5%, Hypomesus nipponensis 6.9%, Culter brevicauda 3.7% and Lepomis macrochirus 3.6%. Average dominance, diversity, and evenness index of the fish community collected from six localities in the Hapcheon Lake system were 0.21, 0.85, and 0.67, respectively.