• Title/Summary/Keyword: spatial planning support system

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Spatial Analysis on Mismatch Between Particulate Matter Regulation Services Supply and Demand in Urban Area - A Case Study of Suwon - (도시녹지 미세먼지 조절 서비스 수요와 공급의 공간적 차이 분석 - 수원시를 대상으로 -)

  • Kang, Da-In;Kwon, Hyuk-Soo;Choi, Tae-Young;Park, Chan;Kim, Sung-Hoon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.57-69
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    • 2021
  • Urban green spaces supply ecosystem services (ESs), which are consumed by city residents and generate demand, to improve air quality. It is important to determine supply and demand for ESs and reduce the gap for efficient management. This study proposed a method to use the concept of supply and demand for ESs in the decision-making process for urban planning or management. PM10 concentrations were converted to weight for demand assessment on PM10 reduction, and PM10 absorption capacity of all green spaces including the forests, and that of urban green spaces excluding forests, was calculated for each supply assessment. The differences in the calculated supply and demand were analyzed to derive the mismatched regions in Suwon. As a result, regions with big forested areas showed sufficient supply, indicating that the degree of mismatch among administrative neighborhoods (dong) varied greatly depending on whether they had a forest. An analysis of only urban green spaces showed that all neighborhoods lacked supply. Forests with high PM10 absorption capacity had a great effect, but urban green spaces can be considered a key element in reducing PM10 in daily life. Considering the mismatch of supply and demand, spatial distribution, and population distribution, it is possible to prioritize the supply of urban green spaces to reduce PM10 and, furthermore, support decision making for priority zones subject to forest conservation and designation and cancellation of green spaces, which gives significance to this study.

Development and Implementation of Prototype for Intelligent Integrated Agricultural Water Management Information System and Service including Reservoirs managed by City and County (시군관리 저수지를 고려한 지능형 통합 물관리정보시스템 원형 개발 및 구현)

  • Kim, Dae-Sik;Kang, Seok-Man;Kim, Jin-Taek;Kim, Jeong-Dae;Kim, Hyun-Ho;Jang, Jin-Uk
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.163-174
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    • 2017
  • This study developed the prototype of the system and implemented its main functions, which is the intelligent integrated agricultural water management information system and service (IaWAMISS). The developed system was designed to be able to collect, process and analyze the agricultural water information of spatially dispersed reservoirs in whole country and spatial geographic information distributed in various systems of other organizations. The system, IaWAMISS, is also possible to provide the reproduced information services in each reservoir and space units, such as agricultural water demand and supply analysis and drought prediction, to the people, experts, and policy makers. This study defined the 6 step modules to develop the system, which are to design the components of intelligent integrated information system, to derive the utilization contents of existing systems, to design the new development elements for IaWAMISS, to design the reservoir information system can be used by managers of city and county, to designate the monitoring reservoirs managed by city and county, and finally to prepare the sharing system between organizations with the existing information systems. In order to implement the prototype of the system, this study shows the results for three important functions of the system: spatial integration of reservoirs' information, data link integration between the existing systems, and intelligent analysis program development to assist decision support for agricultural water management. For the spatial integration with the reservoir water information of the Korea Rural Community Corporation, this study get IaWAMISS to receive the real-time reservoir storage information from the measurement facility installed in the municipal management reservoir. The data link integration connecting databases of the existing systems, was implemented by integrating the meteorological information of the Korea Meteorological Administration with IaWAMISS, so that the rainfall forecast data could be derived and used. For the implementation of the intelligent analysis program, this study also showed the results of analysis and prediction of agricultural water demand and supply amount, estimation of Palmer drought index, analysis of flood risk area in typhoon course region, and analysis of the storage status of reservoirs related to each storm. This study confirmed the possibility and efficiency of an useful system development through the prototype design and implementation of IaWAMISS. By solving the preliminary 6 step modules presented in this study, it is possible not only to efficiently manage water by spatial unit, but also to provide the service of information and to enhance the relevant policy and national understanding to the people.

A Study on the Spatial Decision Making Support Model for Protected Areas Boundary (re)Design -A Case of Jirisan National Park- (보호지역 경계조정을 위한 공간의사결정지원모델 연구 - 지리산 국립공원을 사례로 -)

  • Sung, Hye-Jung;Kwon, Hyuk-Soo;Seo, Chang-Wan;Park, Chong-Hwa
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.101-113
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study are to develop a SDSS (Spatial Decision Support System) that can incorporate diverse opinions of stakeholders related the designation of protected areas (PA), and to employ the model for the readjustment of the boundary line of the Jirisan National Park of Korea. The SDSS would lead to more rational and less controversial decision-making during the expansion or removal of PA in Korea. Research methods are as follows. Firstly, to select evaluation criteria for SDSS for PA designation by using expert interview and literature survey. Secondly, to measure their preferences on the designation of additional PA or the removal of a part of PA based on the opinions of various stakeholders such as local residents, environmental groups, or public officials. Thirdly, to produce conservation priority maps based on a multi-criteria decision making technique. The SDSS would be used to rational decision making for the expansion of PA or the release of a certain part of PA by reflecting diverse preferences on biodiversity conservation and economic interest of residents. The visualization of conservation priority maps would also increase the efficiency of such decision making processes. The evaluation criteria for the expansion of PA for biodiversity conservation includes vegetation conservation value, wildlife conservation value, and the habitats of key species. The evaluation criteria for the removal of PA includes the proximity to roads and the boundary of PA, land use types, and conservation zoning of the PA. Preference weights are based on data collected from the Jirisan National Park. Both the conservation priority and removal priority maps are based on land parcels so that property rights of all parcels would be correctly represented.

Efficient Establishment of Protected Areas in Pyoungchang County, Kangwon Province to Support Spatial Decision Making (강원도 평창지역의 보호지역 확대를 위한 공간의사결정 지원방안)

  • Mo, Yongwon;Lee, Dong-Kun;Kim, Hogul;Baek, Gyounghye;Nam, Sangjun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.171-180
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    • 2013
  • As the second-largest 1st degree of ecological zone in Kangwon Province, Pyeongchang County is expected to play an important role in expanding the protected areas of the Republic of Korea. However, Pyoungchang County is expected to experience an increase in demand for development due to the 2018 Winter Olympics. Problems related to various stakeholders and limited budget will arise regarding the issue of expanding the protected areas. In this study, in order to effectively control these problems, we designed expansion plans for the 1st degree ecological zoning map areas and the observed data of threatened species I and II in Pyoungchang County by using the MARXAN Software. As for the methods, we first set the planning units(PUs) for the spatial analysis. The PUs include boundary length, land cost, land status, etc. Then, we made the input data by controlling the conservation features, BLM(Boundary Length Modifier) and iteration numbers. There are two measures for the establishment of the protected areas, one of which only concerns with the ecological priority, and the other with combining the land cost on forest. The one illustrated shows that the larger patches that include the conservation feature was selected as a candidate of the protected areas. The other one presented shows that inexpensive land cost areas were selected. As this study produces visual results and enables an efficient application of various values in selecting protected areas, we believe that it will be useful to various stakeholders in spatial decision-making process.

GIS Based Real-Time Transit Information Integration and Its Transit Planning Implications

  • Hwang, Da-Hae;Kim, Dong-Young;Choi, Yun-Soo;Cho, Seong-Kil
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.15 no.2 s.40
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    • pp.87-93
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    • 2007
  • Over the years, Advanced Public Transportation System (APTS) has been implemented to manage and operate public transportation system. With the expanding mass spatio-temporal data such as comprehensive spatial information of each individual passenger and public transportation vehicle, it has been required to consolidate and analyze these multiple data sets from various sources. This paper demonstrates how GIS is utilized for the consolidation of massive transit related spatio-temporal information. And it presents effective applications to improve transit planning process and support transit related decision-making activities. GIS based system is used to combine multi-agents' data in the areas of transit operation and individual transit ride and transfer management. Due to the unique comprehensiveness and the level of detail of the data provide by the Seoul Transit system, this GIS based information consolidation is the first in its class. Based on the integrated database, this paper describes the effective and efficient GIS based analysis deployed in a transportation system planning process. The data integration systems and analytic models developed in this paper can be transferred and applied by any municipal governments provided that the appropriate data is available.

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Nutrient Enabled National Agricultural Pesticide Risk Analysis (NAPRA) WWW Decision Support System for Agricultural Best Management Practices (최적관리기법을 위한 웹기반 NAPRA 의사절정 지원시스템)

  • Lim, Kyoung-Jae;Engel Bernard A.;Kim, Ki-Sung;Choi, Joong-Dae
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.9 no.1 s.18
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    • pp.85-93
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    • 2003
  • Many features of the Single Field version have been enhanced to provide user friendly interface. The County/Watershed version of NAPRA WWW system was further enhanced. The newly developed Web GIS version is an ideal tool for novice users, such as farmers, to simulate the effects of agricultural management for their farms because of its easy-to-use Web GIS interface. The NAPRA WWW system provides an easy to use WWW interface and uses spatial and relational databases to simplify the process of preparing model files. Thus, the NAPRA WWW systems now can be effectively used for nutrient management as well as pesticide management to identify the least impact agricultural management practices.

Comparative Study of the System for Decentralized Rainwater Management in Korea and Germany (한국과 독일의 분산식 빗물관리를 위한 제도 비교 연구)

  • Han, Young-Hae;Lee, Tae-Goo
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.34 no.4 s.117
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    • pp.84-95
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    • 2006
  • This study begins by examining the reason for the lack of urban planning that takes the water cycle into consideration. While there are institutions that support environmentally friendly development or smooth water circulation, these designs are not reflected in planning nor in the real world. After reviewing foreign case studies, policy suggestions and possible policy implications for Korea are derived. In Korea, there is not a sufficient level of relevant laws or institutions systematically established to make it possible to deal with rainwater in a decentralized way. Instead, facility standards or guidelines are considered separately for the control of water and for preventing natural disasters. And even though an environmentally friendly approach is stipulated in relevant laws in terms of spatial planning, there are no planning systems or implementation tools to actualize this kind of approach. The factors that make decentralized rainwater management possible in urban planning are analyzed based on the case study of Germany. Germany requires developers to plan in order to achieve ecological urban development. In addition, as a detailed implementation tool to promote conservation of the water cycle, the law provides for various kinds of measures such as restrictions on the proportion of impervious surface area according to the use of the land, required compensation measures for environmental degradation following development, introduction of a fee for rainwater runoff and the establishment of ecological landscape planning. The actual reason these measures can be implemented however is the provision of planning guidelines and design criteria for rainwater utilization, absorption and containment, and the construction of a database for various environmental information.

A Study on the Domestic Trends and Development Strategies of Marine Energy Research in South Korea (국내 해양에너지 연구동향 및 발전 전략에 관한 연구)

  • Sang-Hee Lee;Jin-Hoo Kim;Sung-Bo Kim
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Industry Convergence
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.173-182
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    • 2024
  • While the current share of marine energy in South Korea is less than 1%, it is globally recognized as a resource approximately four times the annual electricity production. Considering the diverse geographical features of the East Sea, South Sea, and West Sea, marine energy development is crucial for South Korea and essential for achieving the 2050 carbon neutrality goal. Policy efforts for marine energy deployment focus on establishing an innovative, open, and integrated R&D system to respond flexibly. The construction of a scientific, economic, and social valid site selection system, along with a maritime spatial planning regime that considers environmental and socio-economic impacts, is emphasized. To expedite the early activation of marine energy, comprehensive policy endeavors, including discriminatory support policies and participation in international standardization, are anticipated to contribute to the sustainable development and dissemination of marine energy. Marine renewable energy plays a significant role in sustainability and addressing climate change, considered an essential component of South Korea's efforts toward carbon neutrality.

A Study on Surveying Techniques of Rural Amenity Resources Using Internet High-resolution Image Services - mainly on Google Earth - (인터넷 고해상도 영상서비스를 이용한 농촌어메니티 자원조사 기술에 관한 연구 - Google Earth를 중심으로 -)

  • Jang, Min-Won;Chung, Hoi-Hoon;Lee, Sang-Hyun;Choi, Jin-Yong
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.199-211
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    • 2009
  • The aim of this paper is to investigate the applicability of high spatial resolution remote sensing images for conducting the rural amenity resources survey. There are a large number of rural amenity resources and field reconnaissance without a sufficient preliminary survey involves a big amount of cost and time even if the data quality cannot always be satisfied with the advanced study. Therefore, a new approach should be considered like the state-of-the-art remote sensing technology to support field survey of rural amenity resources as well as to identify the spatial attributes including the geographical location, pathway, area, and shape. Generally high-resolution satellite or aerial photo images are too expensive to cover a large area and not free of meteorological conditions, but recently rapidly-advanced internet-based image services, such as Google Earth, Microsoft Bing maps, Bluebirds, Daum maps, and so on, are expected to overcome the handicaps. The review of the different services shows that Google Earth would be the most feasible alternative for the survey of rural amenity resources in that it provides powerful tools to build spatial features and the attributes and the data format is completely compatible with other GIS(Geographic information system) software. Hence, this study tried to apply the Google Earth service to interpret the amenity resources and proposed the reformed work process conjugating the internet-based high-resolution images like satellite and aerial photo data.

Implementation of Rule Management System for Validating Spatial Object Integrity (공간 객체 무결성 검증을 위한 규칙 관리 시스템의 구현)

  • Go, Goeng-Uk;Yu, Sang-Bong;Kim, Gi-Chang;Cha, Sang-Gyun
    • Journal of KIISE:Software and Applications
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    • v.26 no.12
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    • pp.1393-1403
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    • 1999
  • 공간 데이타베이스 시스템을 통하여 공유되는 공간 데이타는 무결성이 적절하게 유지되지 않는 한 전체 응용 시스템의 행위를 예측할 수 없게 되므로 데이타의 무결성 확인 및 유지는 필수적이다. 특히 공공 GIS에 저장된 공간 데이타는 토지 이용도 평가, 도시 계획, 자원 관리, 시설물 관리, 안전 관리, 국방 등 국가 전체 및 지역의 중요한 정책 결정을 위한 다양한 응용 시스템들에 의해 이용되므로 적절한 공간 객체의 무결성 확인이 더욱 더 필요하다. 본 논문에서는 능동(active) DBMS의 능동 규칙(active rule) 기법을 이용하여 공간 객체의 무결성 확인을 지원하기 위한 규칙 관리 시스템을 제시한다. 능동 규칙을 이용한 공간 객체의 무결성 확인은 응용 프로그래머를 무결성 확인에 대한 부담으로부터 자유롭게 할 수 있다. 본 시스템은 특정 DBMS에 종속되지 않는 독립적인 외부 시스템으로 존재하며, 능동 규칙 관리기, 규칙 베이스, 그리고 활성규칙 생성기의 3 부분으로 구성된다. 사용자가 공간 데이타베이스 응용 프로그램을 통해 공간 객체를 조작하고자 할 때, 본 시스템은 데이타베이스 트랜잭션을 단위로 조작되는 모든 공간 객체의 무결성 확인을 위해 응용 프로그램에 삽입될 무결성 제약조건 규칙들을 효율적으로 관리하는 역할을 한다.Abstract It is necessary that the integrity of spatial data shared through the spatial database system is validated and appropriately maintained, otherwise the activity of whole application system is unpredictable. Specially, the integrity of spatial data stored in public GIS has to be validated, because those data are used by various applications which make a decision on an important policy of the region and/or whole nation such as evaluation of land use, city planning, resource management, facility management, risk management/safety supervision, national defense. In this paper, we propose rule management system to support validating the integrity of spatial object, using the technique of active rule technique from active DBMS. Validating data integrity using active rules allows database application programmer to be free from a burden on validation of the data integrity. This system is an independent, external system that is not subject to specific DBMS and consists of three parts, which are the active rule manager, the rule base, and the triggered rule generator. When an user tries to manipulate spatial objects through a spatial database application program, this system serves to efficiently manage integrity rules to be inserted into the application program to validate the integrity constraints of all the spatial objects manipulated by database transactions.