• Title/Summary/Keyword: spatial grid model

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Semi-Automatic Method for Constructing 2D and 3D Indoor GIS Maps based on Point Clouds from Terrestrial LiDAR (지상 라이다의 점군 데이터를 이용한 2차원 및 3차원 실내 GIS 도면 반자동 구축 기법 개발)

  • Hong, Sung Chul;Jung, Jae Hoon;Kim, Sang Min;Hong, Seung Hwan;Heo, Joon
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.99-105
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    • 2013
  • In rapidly developing urban areas that include high-rise, large, and complex buildings, indoor and outdoor maps in GIS become a basis for utilizing and sharing information pertaining to various aspects of the real world. Although an indoor mapping has gained much attentions, research efforts are mostly in 2D and 3D modeling of terrain and buildings. Therefore, to facilitate fast and accurate construction of indoor GIS, this paper proposes a semi-automatic method consisting of preprocessing, 2D mapping, and 3D mapping stages. The preprocessing is designed to estimate heights of building interiors and to identify noise data from point clouds. In the 2D mapping, a floor map is extracted with a tracing grid and a refinement method. In the 3D mapping, a 3D wireframe model is created with heights from the preprocessing stage. 3D mesh data converted from noise data is combined with the 3D wireframe model for detail modeling. The proposed method was applied to point clouds depicting a hallway in a building. Experiment results indicate that the proposed method can be utilized to construct 2D and 3D maps for indoor GIS.

Spatiotemporal Analysis of Ship Floating Object Accidents (선박 부유물 감김사고의 시·공간적 분석)

  • Yoo, Sang-Lok;Kim, Deug-Bong;Jang, Da-Un
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.27 no.7
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    • pp.1004-1010
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    • 2021
  • Ship-floating object accidents can lead not only to a delay in ship's operations, but also to large scale casualties. Hence, preventive measures are required to avoid them. This study analyzed the spatiotemporal aspects of such collisions based on the data on ship-floating object accidents in sea areas in the last five years, including the collisions in South Korea's territorial seas and exclusive economic zones. We also provide basic data for related research fields. To understand the distribution of the relative density of accidents involving floating objects, the sea area under analysis was visualized as a grid and a two-dimensional histogram was generated. A multinomial logistic regression model was used to analyze the effect of variables such as time of day and season on the collisions. The spatial analysis revealed that the collision density was highest for the areas extending from Geoje Island to Tongyeong, including Jinhae Bay, and that it was high near Jeongok Port in the West Sea and the northern part of Jeju Island. The temporal analysis revealed that the collisions occurred most frequently during the day (71.4%) and in autumn. Furthermore, the likelihood of collision with floating objects was much higher for professional fishing vessels, leisure vessels, and recreational fishing vessels than for cargo vessels during the day and in autumn. The results of this analysis can be used as primary data for the arrangement of Coast Guard vessels, rigid enforcement of regulations, removal of floating objects, and preparation of countermeasures involving preliminary removal of floating objects to prevent accidents by time and season.

A Simulation-Based Investigation of an Advanced Traveler Information System with V2V in Urban Network (시뮬레이션기법을 통한 차량 간 통신을 이용한 첨단교통정보시스템의 효과 분석 (도시 도로망을 중심으로))

  • Kim, Hoe-Kyoung
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.29 no.5
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    • pp.121-138
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    • 2011
  • More affordable and available cutting-edge technologies (e.g., wireless vehicle communication) are regarded as a possible alternative to the fixed infrastructure-based traffic information system requiring the expensive infrastructure investments and mostly implemented in the uninterrupted freeway network with limited spatial system expansion. This paper develops an advanced decentralized traveler information System (ATIS) using vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication system whose performance (drivers' travel time savings) are enhanced by three complementary functions (autonomous automatic incident detection algorithm, reliable sample size function, and driver behavior model) and evaluates it in the typical $6{\times}6$ urban grid network with non-recurrent traffic state (traffic incident) with the varying key parameters (traffic flow, communication radio range, and penetration ratio), employing the off-the-shelf microscopic simulation model (VISSIM) under the ideal vehicle communication environment. Simulation outputs indicate that as the three key parameters are increased more participating vehicles are involved for traffic data propagation in the less communication groups at the faster data dissemination speed. Also, participating vehicles saved their travel time by dynamically updating the up-to-date traffic states and searching for the new route. Focusing on the travel time difference of (instant) re-routing vehicles, lower traffic flow cases saved more time than higher traffic flow ones. This is because a relatively small number of vehicles in 300vph case re-route during the most system-efficient time period (the early time of the traffic incident) but more vehicles in 514vph case re-route during less system-efficient time period, even after the incident is resolved. Also, normally re-routings on the network-entering links saved more travel time than any other places inside the network except the case where the direct effect of traffic incident triggers vehicle re-routings during the effective incident time period and the location and direction of the incident link determines the spatial distribution of re-routing vehicles.

Comparisons of 1-Hour-Averaged Surface Temperatures from High-Resolution Reanalysis Data and Surface Observations (고해상도 재분석자료와 관측소 1시간 평균 지상 온도 비교)

  • Song, Hyunggyu;Youn, Daeok
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.41 no.2
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    • pp.95-110
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    • 2020
  • Comparisons between two different surface temperatures from high-resolution ECMWF ReAnalysis 5 (ERA5) and Automated Synoptic Observing System (ASOS) observations were performed to investigate the reliability of the new reanalysis data over South Korea. As ERA5 has been recently produced and provided to the public, it will be highly used in various research fields. The analysis period in this study is limited to 1999-2018 because regularly recorded hourly data have been provided for 61 ASOS stations since 1999. Topographic characteristics of the 61 ASOS locations are classified as inland, coastal, and mountain based on Digital Elevation Model (DEM) data. The spatial distributions of whole period time-averaged temperatures for ASOS and ERA5 were similar without significant differences in their values. Scatter plots between ASOS and ERA5 for three different periods of yearlong, summer, and winter confirmed the characteristics of seasonal variability, also shown in the time-series of monthly error probability density functions (PDFs). Statistical indices NMB, RMSE, R, and IOA were adopted to quantify the temperature differences, which showed no significant differences in all indices, as R and IOA were all close to 0.99. In particular, the daily mean temperature differences based on 1-hour-averaged temperature had a smaller error than the classical daily mean temperature differences, showing a higher correlation between the two data. To check if the complex topography inside one ERA5 grid cell is related to the temperature differences, the kurtosis and skewness values of 90-m DEM PDFs in a ERA5 grid cell were compared to the one-year period amplitude among those of the power spectrum in the time-series of monthly temperature error PDFs at each station, showing positive correlations. The results account for the topographic effect as one of the largest possible drivers of the difference between ASOS and ERA5.

Interspecific Competition and spatial Ecology of three Species of Vipers in Korea: An Application of Ecological niche-based Models and GIS (한국산 살모사과 3종의 경쟁과 공간적 생태 - 생태적 지위를 기반으로 한 모델과 지리정보시스템 적용 -)

  • Do, Min Seock;Lee, Jin-Won;Jang, Hoan-Jin;Kim, Dae-In;Yoo, Jeong-Chil
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.173-184
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    • 2016
  • Knowledge of the relationships among interspecific competition, spatial distributions and ecological niches plays an important role in understanding biogeographical distribution patterns of species. In this study, the distributional characteristics and ecological niches of the three Viperidae species (Gloydius ussuriensis, G. brevicaudus, and G. saxatilis) in South Korea were determined based on observation data and species distribution model. The effects of interspecific competition on geographical distribution and the division of the ecological niches of the vipers were also examined based on the models of predicted species distribution. The results showed that altitude was the most important environmental variable for their distribution, and the altitudes at which these snakes were distributed correlated with the climate of that region. Although interspecific ecological niches are quite overlapped, their predicted distribution patternsvary by the Taebaek Mountains. When overlaying the distribution models, most of the overlapping habitats were forest areas, which were relatively less overlapped than were the entire research areas. Thus, a parapatric distribution pattern was expected. The abundance of species occurring sympatrically was positively correlated with each other, indicating the lack of serious interspecies competition in this region. In conclusion, although the three Viperidae species in South Korea occupy similar ecological niches, these snakes exhibit parapatric distribution patterns without direct competition. Further research on various geographic variables (e.g., altitude, microhabitat characteristics) using relatively fine grid sizes, as well as further detailed ecological and behavioral research, is needed to determine the causative factors for the parapatric distribution pattern.

Performance of Northern Exposure Index in Reducing Estimation Error for Daily Maximum Temperature over a Rugged Terrain (북향개방지수가 복잡지형의 일 최고기온 추정오차 저감에 미치는 영향)

  • Chung, U-Ran;Lee, Kwang-Hoe;Yun, Jin-I.
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.195-202
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    • 2007
  • The normalized difference in incident solar energy between a target surface and a level surface (overheating index, OHI) is useful in eliminating estimation error of site-specific maximum temperature in complex terrain. Due to the complexity in its calculation, however, an empirical proxy variable called northern exposure index (NEI) which combines slope and aspect has been used to estimate OHI based on empirical relationships between the two. An experiment with real-world landscape and temperature data was carried out to evaluate performance of the NEI - derived OHI (N-OHI) in reduction of spatial interpolation error for daily maximum temperature compared with that by the original OHI. We collected daily maximum temperature data from 7 sites in a mountainous watershed with a $149 km^2$ area and a 795m elevation range ($651{\sim}1,445m$) in Pyongchang, Kangwon province. Northern exposure index was calculated for the entire 166,050 grid cells constituting the watershed based on a 30-m digital elevation model. Daily OHI was calculated for the same watershed ana regressed to the variation of NEI. The regression equations were used to estimate N-OHI for 15th of each month. Deviations in daily maximum temperature at 7 sites from those measured at the nearby synoptic station were calculated from June 2006 to February 2007 and regressed to the N-OHI. The same procedure was repeated with the original OHI values. The ratio sum of square errors contributable by the N-OHI were 0.46 (winter), 0.24 (fall), and 0.01 (summer), while those by the original OHI were 0.52, 0.37 and 0.15, respectively.

Object-Based Integral Imaging Depth Extraction Using Segmentation (영상 분할을 이용한 객체 기반 집적영상 깊이 추출)

  • Kang, Jin-Mo;Jung, Jae-Hyun;Lee, Byoung-Ho;Park, Jae-Hyeung
    • Korean Journal of Optics and Photonics
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.94-101
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    • 2009
  • A novel method for the reconstruction of 3D shape and texture from elemental images has been proposed. Using this method, we can estimate a full 3D polygonal model of objects with seamless triangulation. But in the triangulation process, all the objects are stitched. This generates phantom surfaces that bridge depth discontinuities between different objects. To solve this problem we need to connect points only within a single object. We adopt a segmentation process to this end. The entire process of the proposed method is as follows. First, the central pixel of each elemental image is computed to extract spatial position of objects by correspondence analysis. Second, the object points of central pixels from neighboring elemental images are projected onto a specific elemental image. Then, the center sub-image is segmented and each object is labeled. We used the normalized cut algorithm for segmentation of the center sub-image. To enhance the speed of segmentation we applied the watershed algorithm before the normalized cut. Using the segmentation results, the subdivision process is applied to pixels only within the same objects. The refined grid is filtered with median and Gaussian filters to improve reconstruction quality. Finally, each vertex is connected and an object-based triangular mesh is formed. We conducted experiments using real objects and verified our proposed method.

A Study on the Statistical Characteristics and Numerical Hindcasts of Storm Waves in East Sea (동해 폭풍파랑의 통계적 특성과 파랑 후측모의 실험에 관한 연구)

  • Chun, Hwusub;Kang, Tae-Soon;Ahn, Kyungmo;Jeong, Weon Mu;Kim, Tae-Rim;Lee, Dong Hwan
    • Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.81-95
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    • 2014
  • In the present study, the statistical analysis on the storm waves in the East Sea have been carried out, and the several storm waves were reproduced by the modified WAM as a first step for the accurate and prompt forecasting and warning against the swell waves in East Sea. According to the present study, the occurrences of the storm waves from the North were the most probable, while the waves from the Northeast were most frequently observed. It was found that the significant wave heights of storm waves from the North and Northern northeast were larger than those of storm waves from the Northeast. But due to long fetch distance, the significant wave periods of storm waves from the Northesast were longer than those of North and Northern northeast. In addition to the wave analysis, the numerical experiments for the storm waves in East Sea were carried out using the modified WAM, and three periods of storm waves in 2013 were calculated. The numerical results were well agreed with wave measurements. However the numerical simulation results in shallow water region showed lower accuracies compared to deep water, which might be due to lower resolution of wind field and bottom topography caused by large grid size, 5 minute, adopted in the present study. Overall computational efficiency of the modified WAM found to be excellent compared to original WAM. It is because the modified WAM adopted the implicit scheme, thereby the present model performed 10 time faster than original WAM in computation time.

Study on a Demand Volume Estimation Method using Population Weighted Centroids in Facility Location Problems (시설물 입지에 있어 인구 중심점 개념을 이용한 수요 규모 추정 방법 연구)

  • Joo, Sung-A;Kim, Young-Hoon
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.11-22
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    • 2007
  • This paper is to discuss analytical techniques to estimate demand sizes and volumes that determine optimal locations for multiple facilities for a given services. While demand size estimation is a core part of location modeling to enhance solution quality and practical applicability, the estimation method has been used in limited and restrict parts such as a single population centroid in a given larger census boundary area or small theoretical application experiments(e.s. census track and enumeration district). Therefore, this paper strives to develop an analytical estimation method of demand size that converts area based demand data to point based population weighted centroids. This method is free to spatial boundary units and more robust to estimate accurate demand volumes regardless of geographic boundaries. To improve the estimation accuracy, this paper uses house weighted value to the population centroid calculation process. Then the population weighted centroids are converted to individual demand points on a grid formated surface area. In turn, the population weighted centroids, demand points and network distance measures are operated into location-allocation models to examine their roles to enhance solution quality and applicability of GIS location models. Finally, this paper demonstrates the robustness of the weighted estimation method with the application of location-allocation models.

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Numerical Simulation of Residual Currents and tow Salinity Dispersions by Changjiang Discharge in the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea (황해 및 동중국해에서 양쯔강의 담수유입량 변동에 따른 잔차류 및 저염분 확산 수치모의)

  • Lee, Dae-In;Kim, Jong-Kyu
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Marine Environment & Energy
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.67-85
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    • 2007
  • A three-dimensional hydrodynamic model with the fine grid is applied to simulate the barotropic tides, tidal currents, residual currents and salinity dispersions in the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea. Data inputs include seasonal hydrography, mean wind and river input, and oceanic tides. Computed tidal distributions of four major tides($M_2,\;S_2,\;K_1$ and $O_1$) are presented and results are in good agreement with the observations in the domain. The model reproduces well the tidal charts. The tidal residual current is relatively strong around west coast of Korea including the Cheju Island and southern coast of China. The current by $M_2$ has a maximum speed of 10 cm/s in the vicinity of Cheju Island with a anti-clockwise circulation in the Yellow Sea. General tendency of the current, however, is to flow eastward in the South Sea. Surface residual current simulated with $M_2$ and with $M_2+S_2+K_1+O_1$ tidal forcing shows slightly different patterns in the East China Sea. The model shows that the southerly wind reduces the southward current created by freshwater discharge. In summer during high runoff(mean discharge about $50,000\;m^3/s$ of Yangtze), low salinity plume-like structure(with S < 30.0 psu) extending some 160 km toward the northeast and Changjiang Diluted Water(CDW), below salinity 26 psu, was found within about 95 km. The offshore dispersion of the Changjiang outflow water is enhanced by the prevailing southerly wind. It is estimated that the inertia of the river discharge cannot exclusively reach the around sea of Cheju Island. It is noted that spatial and temporal distribution of salinity and the other materials are controlled by mixture of Changjiang discharge, prevailing wind, advection by flowing warm current and tidal current.

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