• Title/Summary/Keyword: spatial error model

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A Study on Pseudo-Range Correction Modeling in order to Improve DGNSS Accuracy (DGNSS 위치정확도 향상을 위한 PRC 보정정보 모델링에 관한 연구)

  • Sohn, Dong Hyo;Park, Kwan Dong
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.43-48
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    • 2015
  • We studied on pseudo-range correction(PRC) modeling in order to improve differential GNSS(DGNSS) accuracy. The PRC is the range correction information that provides improved location accuracy using DGNSS technique. The digital correction signal is typically broadcast over ground-based transmitters. Sometimes the degradation of the positioning accuracy caused by the loss of PRC signals, radio interference, etc. To prevent the degradation, in this paper, we have designed a PRC model through polynomial curve fitting and evaluated this model. We compared two quantities, estimations of PRC using model parameters and observations from the reference station. In the case of GPS, the average is 0.1m and RMSE is 1.3m. Most of GPS satellites have a bias error of less than ${\pm}1.0m$ and a RMSE within 3.0m. In the case of GLONASS, the average and the RMSE are 0.2m and 2.6m, respectively. Most of satellites have less than ${\pm}2.0m$ for a bias error and less than 3.0m for RMSE. These results show that the estimated value calculated by the model can be used effectively to maintain the accuracy of the user's location. However;it is needed for further work relating to the big difference between the two values at low elevation.

Prediction of Water Storage Rate for Agricultural Reservoirs Using Univariate and Multivariate LSTM Models (단변량 및 다변량 LSTM을 이용한 농업용 저수지의 저수율 예측)

  • Sunguk Joh;Yangwon Lee
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.39 no.5_4
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    • pp.1125-1134
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    • 2023
  • Out of the total 17,000 reservoirs in Korea, 13,600 small agricultural reservoirs do not have hydrological measurement facilities, making it difficult to predict water storage volume and appropriate operation. This paper examined univariate and multivariate long short-term memory (LSTM) modeling to predict the storage rate of agricultural reservoirs using remote sensing and artificial intelligence. The univariate LSTM model used only water storage rate as an explanatory variable, and the multivariate LSTM model added n-day accumulative precipitation and date of year (DOY) as explanatory variables. They were trained using eight years data (2013 to 2020) for Idong Reservoir, and the predictions of the daily water storage in 2021 were validated for accuracy assessment. The univariate showed the root-mean square error (RMSE) of 1.04%, 2.52%, and 4.18% for the one, three, and five-day predictions. The multivariate model showed the RMSE 0.98%, 1.95%, and 2.76% for the one, three, and five-day predictions. In addition to the time-series storage rate, DOY and daily and 5-day cumulative precipitation variables were more significant than others for the daily model, which means that the temporal range of the impacts of precipitation on the everyday water storage rate was approximately five days.

The Detection of Heat Emission to Solar Cell using UAV-based Thermal Infrared Sensor (UAV 기반 열적외선 센서를 이용한 태양광 셀의 발열 검출)

  • Lee, Geun Sang;Lee, Jong Jo
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.71-78
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    • 2017
  • Many studies have been implemented to manage solar plant being supplied widely in recent years. This study analyzed heat emission of solar cell using unmanned aerial vehicle(UAV)-based thermal infrared sensor, and major conclusions are as belows. Firstly, orthomosaic image and digital surface model(DSM) data were acquired using UAV-based RGB sensor, and solar light module layer necessary to analyze the heat emission of solar cell was constructed by these data. Also as a result of horizontal error into validation points using virtual reference service(VRS) survey for evaluating the location accuracy of solar light module layer, higher location accuracy could be acquired like standard error of $dx={\pm}2.4cm$ and $dy={\pm}3.2cm$. And this study installed rubber patch to test the heat emission of solar cell and could analyzed efficiently the location of rubber patch being emitted heat using UAV-based thermal infrared sensor. Also standard error showd as ${\pm}3.5%$ in analysis between calculated cell ratio by rubber patch and analyzed cell ratio by UAV-based thermal infrared sensor. Therefore, it could be efficiently analyzed to heat emission of solar cell using UAV-based thermal infrared sensor. Also efficient maintenance of solar plant could be possible through extracting the code of solar light module being emitted of heat automatically.

A Study on the Reproduction of 3-Dimensional Building Model from Single High Resolution Image without Meta Information (메타정보 없는 단일 고해상도 영상으로부터 3차원 건물 모델 생성에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Tae-Yoon;Kim, Tae-Jung
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.71-79
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    • 2009
  • We expanded the 3D building information extraction method using shadow and vertical line from single high resolution image with meta information into the method for single high resolution image without meta information. Our method guesses an azimuth angle and an elevation angle of the sensor and the sun using reference building, selected by user, on an image. For test, we used an IKONOS image and an image extracted from the Google Earth. We calculated the Root Mean Square (RMS) error of heights extracted by our method using the building height extracted from stereo IKONOS image as reference, and the RMS error from the IKONOS image and the Google Earth image was under than 3 m. We also calculated the RMS error of horizontality position by comparison between building position extracted from only the IKONOS image and it from 1:1,000 digital map, and the result was under than 3 m. This test results showed that the height pattern of building models by our method was similar with it by the method using meta information.

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Study on Water Stage Prediction Using Hybrid Model of Artificial Neural Network and Genetic Algorithm (인공신경망과 유전자알고리즘의 결합모형을 이용한 수위예측에 관한 연구)

  • Yeo, Woon-Ki;Seo, Young-Min;Lee, Seung-Yoon;Jee, Hong-Kee
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.43 no.8
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    • pp.721-731
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    • 2010
  • The rainfall-runoff relationship is very difficult to predict because it is complicate factor affected by many temporal and spatial parameters of the basin. In recent, models which is based on artificial intelligent such as neural network, genetic algorithm fuzzy etc., are frequently used to predict discharge while stochastic or deterministic or empirical models are used in the past. However, the discharge data which are generally used for prediction as training and validation set are often estimated from rating curve which has potential error in its estimation that makes a problem in reliability. Therefore, in this study, water stage is predicted from antecedent rainfall and water stage data for short term using three models of neural network which trained by error back propagation algorithm and optimized by genetic algorithm and training error back propagation after it is optimized by genetic algorithm respectively. As the result, the model optimized by Genetic Algorithm gives the best forecasting ability which is not much decreased as the forecasting time increase. Moreover, the models using stage data only as the input data give better results than the models using precipitation data with stage data.

Long-Range Transported SO2 Inflow fromAsian Continent to Korea Peninsula Using OMI SO2 Data and HYSPLIT Backward Trajectory Calculations (OMI 이산화황자료와 HYSPLIT 역궤적 계산을 이용한 동북아지역의 장거리 수송되는 이산화황 유입량 산출)

  • Park, Junsung;Hong, Hyunkee;Choi, Wonei;Lee, Hanlim
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.30 no.6
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    • pp.743-754
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    • 2014
  • In this present paper, we, for the first time, calculated $SO_2$ inflow from China to Korea peninsula based on OMI $SO_2$ products and HYSPLIT (Hybrid Single Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory Model) backward trajectory calculations. The major factors used to estimate $SO_2$ flux are long range transported $SO_2$ concentration, transport speed of air mass, and thickness of transported air mass layer. The mean and maximum $SO_2$ fluxes are estimated to be 0.81 and $2.11g{\cdot}m^{-2}{\cdot}h^{-1}$, respectively based on OMI products while, those of $SO_2$ fluxes are 0.50 and $1.18g{\cdot}m^{-2}{\cdot}h^{-1}$ respectively using insitu data obtained at the surface. For most cases, larger $SO_2$ inflow values were found at the surface than those estimated for the air mass layer which extends from surface up to 1.5 km. However, increased transport speed of air mass leads to the enhanced $SO_2$ flux at the altitude up to 1.5 km at the receptor sites. Additionally, we calculate uncertainties of $SO_2$ flux using error propagation method.

A Study of the Influence of Short-Term Air-Sea Interaction on Precipitation over the Korean Peninsula Using Atmosphere-Ocean Coupled Model (기상-해양 접합모델을 이용한 단기간 대기-해양 상호작용이 한반도 강수에 미치는 영향 연구)

  • Han, Yong-Jae;Lee, Ho-Jae;Kim, Jin-Woo;Koo, Ja-Yong;Lee, Youn-Gyoun
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.40 no.6
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    • pp.584-598
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    • 2019
  • In this study, the effects of air-sea interactions on precipitation over the Seoul-Gyeonggi region of the Korean Peninsula from 28 to 30 August 2018, were analyzed using a Regional atmosphere-ocean Coupled Model (RCM). In the RCM, a WRF (Weather Research Forecasts) was used as the atmosphere model whereas ROMS (Regional Oceanic Modeling System) was used as the ocean model. In a Regional Single atmosphere Model (RSM), only the WRF model was used. In addition, the sea surface temperature data of ECMWF Reanalysis Interim was used as low boundary data. Compared with the observational data, the RCM considering the effect of air-sea interaction represented that the spatial correlations were 0.6 and 0.84, respectively, for the precipitation and the Yellow Sea surface temperature in the Seoul-Gyeonggi area, which was higher than the RSM. whereas the mean bias error (MBE) was -2.32 and -0.62, respectively, which was lower than the RSM. The air-sea interaction effect, analyzed by equivalent potential temperature, SST, dynamic convergence fields, induced the change of SST in the Yellow Sea. In addition, the changed SST caused the difference in thermal instability and kinematic convergence in the lower atmosphere. The thermal instability and convergence over the Seoul-Gyeonggi region induced upward motion, and consequently, the precipitation in the RCM was similar to the spatial distribution of the observed data compared to the precipitation in the RSM. Although various case studies and climatic analyses are needed to clearly understand the effects of complex air-sea interaction, this study results provide evidence for the importance of the air-sea interaction in predicting precipitation in the Seoul-Gyeonggi region.

Evaluation of Temperature and Precipitation over CORDEX-EA Phase 2 Domain using Regional Climate Model HadGEM3-RA (HadGEM3-RA 지역기후모델을 이용한 CORDEX 동아시아 2단계 지역의 기온과 강수 모의 평가)

  • Byon, Jae-Young;Kim, Tae-Jun;Kim, Jin-Uk;Kim, Do-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.43 no.3
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    • pp.367-385
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    • 2022
  • This study evaluates the temperature and precipitation results in East Asia simulated from the Hadley Centre Global Environmental Model version 3 regional climate model (HadGEM3-RA) developed by the UK Met Office. The HadGEM3-RA is conducted in the Coordinated Regional climate Downscaling Experiment-East Asia (CORDEX-EA) Phase II domain for 15 year (2000-2014). The spatial distribution of rainbands produced from the HadGEM3-RA by the summer monsoon is in good agreement with the Asian Precipitation Highly Resolved Observational Data Integration Towards Evaluation of water resources (APRODITE) data over the East Asia. But, precipitation amount is overestimated in Southeast Asia and underestimated over the Korean Peninsula. In particular, the simulated summer rainfall and APRODITE data show the least correlation coefficient and the maximum value of root mean square error in South Korea. Prediction of temperature in Southeast Asia shows underestimation with a maximum error during winter season, while it appears the largest underestimation in South Korea during spring season. In order to evaluate local predictability, the time series of temperature and precipitation compared to the ASOS data of the Seoul Meteorological Station is similar to the spatial average verification results in which the summer precipitation and winter temperature underestimate. Especially, the underestimation of the rainfall increases when the amounts of precipitation increase in summer. The winter temperature tends to underestimate at low temperature, while it overestimates at high temperature. The results of the extreme climate index comparison show that heat wave is overestimated and heavy rainfall is underestimated. The HadGEM3-RA simulated with a horizontal resolution of 25 km shows limitations in the prediction of mesoscale convective system and topographic precipitation. This study indicates that improvement of initial data, horizontal resolution, and physical process are necessary to improve predictability of regional climate model.

RSSI based Proximity User Detection System using Exponential Moving Average (지수이동평균을 이용한 RSSI 기반 근거리 사용자 탐지 시스템)

  • Yun, Gi-Hun;Kim, Keon-Wook;Choi, Jae-Hun;Park, Soo-Jun
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SP
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    • v.47 no.4
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    • pp.105-111
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    • 2010
  • This paper proposes the recursive algorithm for passive proximity detection system based on signal strength. The system is designed to be used in the smart medicine chest in order to provide location-based service for the senior personnel. Due to the system profile, single receiver and uni-direction communication are applied over the signal attenuation model for the determination of user existence within certain proximity. The performance of conventional methods is subjective to the sight between the transmitter and receiver unless the direction of target is known. To appreciate the temporal and spatial locality of human subjects, the authors present exponential moving average (EMA) to compensate the unexpected position error from the direction and/or environment. By using optimal parameter, the experiments with EMA algorithm demonstrates 32.26% (maximum 40.80%) reduction in average of the error probability with 50% of consecutive sight in time.

Development of Automatic Airborne Image Orthorectification Using GPS/INS and LIDAR Data (GPS/INS와 LIDAR자료를 이용한 자동 항공영상 정사보정 개발)

  • Jang Jae-Dong
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.693-699
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    • 2006
  • Digital airborne image must be precisely orthorectified to become geographical information. For orthorectification of airborne images, GPS/INS (Global Positioning System/Inertial Navigation System) and LIDAR (LIght Detection And Ranging) elevation data were employed. In this study, 635 frame airborne images were produced and LIDAR data were converted to raster image for applying to image orthorectification. To derive images with constant brightness, flat field correction was applied to images. The airborne images were geometrically corrected by calculating internal orientation and external orientation using GPS/INS data and then orthorectified using LIDAR digital elevation model image. The precision of orthorectified images was validated by collecting 50 ground control points from arbitrary five images and LIDAR intensity image. As validation result, RMSE (Root Mean Square Error) was 0.387 as almost same as only two times of pixel spatial resolution. It is possible that this automatic orthorectification method of airborne image with higher precision is applied to airborne image industry.