• 제목/요약/키워드: soil condition

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The selection of soil erosion source area of Dechung basin (대청호유역의 토사유실 원인지역 선정)

  • Lee, Geun-Sang;Hwang, Eui-Ho;Koh, Deuk-Koo
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2007.05a
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    • pp.1997-2002
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    • 2007
  • This study selected soil erosion source area of Dechung basin by soil erosion estimation model and field survey for effective soil conservation planning and management. First, unit soil erosion amount of Dechung basin is analyzed using RUSLE (Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation) model based on DEM (Digital Elevation Model), soil map, landcover map and rainfall data. Soil erosion model is difficult to analyze the tracing route of soil particle and to consider the characteristics of bank condition and the types of crop, multidirectional field survey is necessary to choice the soil erosion source area. As the result of analysis of modeling value and field survey, Mujunamde-, Wondang-, Geumpyong stream are selected in the soil erosion source area of Dechung basin. Especially, these areas show steep slope in river boundary and cultivation condition of crop is also weakness to soil erosion in the field survey.

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Estimating Irrigation Requirement for Rice Cropping under Flooding Condition using BUDGET Model

  • Seo, Mi-jin;Han, Kyung-Hwa;Zhang, Yong-Seon;Jung, Kang-Ho;Cho, Hee-Rae
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.48 no.4
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    • pp.246-254
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    • 2015
  • This study explored the effect of rainfall pattern and soil characteristics on water management in rice paddy fields, using a soil water balance model, BUDGET. In two sites with different soil textural group, coarse loamy soil (Gangseo series) and fine soil (Hwadong series), respectively, we have monitored daily decrease of water depth, percolation rate, and groundwater table. The observed evapotranspiration (ET) was obtained from differences between water depth decrease and percolation rate. The root mean square difference values between observed and BUDGET-estimated ET ranged between 10% and 20% of the average observed ET. This is comparable to the measurement uncertainty, suggesting that the BUDGET model can provide reliable ET estimation for rice fields. In BUDGET model of this study, irrigation requirement was determined as minimum water need for maintaining water-saturated soil surface, assuming 100 mm of bund height and no lateral loss of water. The model results showed different water balance and irrigation requirement with the different soil profile and indicated that minimum percolation rate by plow pan could determine the irrigation requirement of rice paddy field. For the condition of different rainfall distribution, the results presented different irrigation period and amounts, representing the importance of securing water for irrigation against different rainfall pattern.

Analyzed Change of Soil Characteristics by Rainfall and Vegetation (강우 및 식생에 의한 토질특성 변화 분석)

  • Lee, Moon-Se;Kim, Kyeong-Su;Song, Young-Suk;Ryu, Je-Cheon
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.33-41
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    • 2009
  • In this study, some changes of soil characteristics in a field were analyzed to investigate the effect of heavy rainfall during rainy season. The heavy rainfalls were often induced geohazards like landslides. To do this, the reaching rainfall in the ground surface was investigated according to a condition of vegetation, and the change of soil characteristics induced by infiltrating rainfall was analyzed. The study site is a natural terrain located in Daedeok Science Complex. This site has same geology and soil condition whereas it has different vegetable condition. The rainfall records during the rainy season of 2006 and 2007 were selected. The rainfall records are based on the measuring date from Daejeon Regional Meteorological Administration adjacent to the study site. Also, the rainfall records according to the condition of vegetation were measured using rainfall measuring device made by ourselves. The soil tests were carried out about soil specimen sampled before and after rainfall, and then the change of soil characteristics related to rainfall and vegetation were analyzed. As the result, the density of vegetation was influenced by reaching rainfall quantity in the ground surface, and its influence intensity was decreased with rainfall intensity and rainfall duration. Also, it shows that degree of saturations, water contents, liquidities and shear resistances are directly influenced by heavy rainfalls.


  • Kuwano, Jiro;Izawa, Jun
    • Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference
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    • 2010.09c
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    • pp.66-71
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    • 2010
  • This paper studies the effect of saturation of backfill on the seismic stability of reinforced soil walls (RSWs) using centrifuge shaking table tests. For comparison, degradation of static stability and seismic stability of a RSW under unsaturated condition was also investigated. Test results showed that the RSW under saturated condition had enough static stability. However, seismic stability of saturated RSW significantly decreased as compared with that under unsaturated condition. The saturated model RSW did not collapse, though it showed large deformation. It maintained sufficient stability after shakings although a clear slip surface appeared in the backfill. Finally, it is discussed how to evaluate residual stability of RSWs damaged by earthquakes with test results and the simple evaluation method proposed by authors.

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The relation between weather factors, soil water, and yield of tobacco leaf in non-mulching and mulching cultivations (나지작과 피복재배시 기상요소, 토양수분 및 잎담배 수량과의 관계)

  • 김윤동
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Tobacco Science
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.73-78
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    • 1983
  • In order to investigate the relation between weather factors, soil water, and tobacco yield grown by nonnulching and mulehing cultivations, a regression analysis was conducted for data collected from 8 years (1971 to 1978) for a flue-cured variety of Hicks. The soil water was calculated by Smith's method. 1 . Tobacco yield was largely correlated to soil water deficit during draught time for nonmulclung cultivation; $Y=6.146+8.6185\times-0.0925$\times2(R=0.935)^{***})$ 2. Tobacco yield was more largely correlated to soil water in flexible draght time interval than in fixed time interval during maximum growing phase.3. This field test was supposed that the optimal soil water condition was 65%field caps city. In this condition tobacco yield was 197. 1-216.5kg/10a for non-mulching cultivation. But the soil water deficit in draught season was little matter for mulching cultivation. The relation between xield and evaporation during May to June was Y: -1199.55+9.4 353$\times$:O. 0155$\times$2 (R=0.904") Maximum tobacco yield was expected to 223.6-251.4kg/10a for mulching cultivation. 5 . Tobacco required high temperature and light even in drying season (maximum growing phase) for mulching cultivation.tion.

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Effect of Lime Amount and Application Time on Soil pH Change, Yield, and Quality of Leaf Tobacco (석회시용량과 시용시기가 경작지 토양산도 변화와 잎담배 수량 및 품질에 미치는 영향)

  • 정훈채;김용연;황건중
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Tobacco Science
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.61-70
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    • 2000
  • This study was carried out to improve the tobacco field condition and to determine the effect of lime amount and application time on soil pH, yield, and quality of leaf tobacco. Lime was applied to the tobacco field by determined amounts according to different pH level. The changes of soil pH, growth of tobacco, yield, and quality of KF109 and Br21 tobacco were surveyed by time lapse. The target pH value in tobacco field soil can be reached at 6 weeks after lime application, and then the soil pH was lowered slightly after that time. The lime amount needed to reach target pH was decreased 40 % in the same tobacco field after 1 year. Though the initial growth rate of flue-cured tobacco in the field of pH 7.0 was lower than that of conventional tobacco field, the field of pH 7.0 showed the highest yield after the maximum growth stage. The quality of cured leaf tobacco in the field of pH 7.0 applied lime at spring season was slightly lowered compared with that in conventional. This results indicated that the best pH condition in tobacco field for the best tobacco growth was 6.5 and the proper time of lime application was fall season of previous year by application of the whole quantity.

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Responses of Soybean Cultivars to Excessive Soil Moisture Imposed at Different Growth Stages

  • Seong, Rak-Chun;Sohn, Joo-Yong;Shim, Sang-In
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    • v.45 no.5
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    • pp.282-287
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    • 2000
  • Soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merrill] crops, grown in a rice soybean rotation, can suffer when grown in soil with excessive moisture. The objective of this work were to determine the reduction in growth and yield, responses of vegetative and reproductive growth of soybean to excessive soil moisture achieved by prolonged irrigation. Responses of different cultivars were determined at growth stages from V6 to R8 to clarify the sensitive growth stages or characteristics to excessive soil moisture. Cultivar differences in response to excessive soil moisture condition were conspicuous in seed dry weight and harvest index (HI) but not in the response of seed number or pod number per plant. The timing of irrigation causing the condition of excessive soil moisture influenced the vegetative or reproductive traits. Soybean plants were more affected by irrigation commencing at the pre-flowering than at the post-flowering stage. Post-flowering irrigation did not reduce growth of vegetative organs significantly; in fact the growth of stems and leaves was facilitated by the prolonged irrigation commencing at flowering. Differences between cultivar response to prolonged irrigation were assumed to relate to the reduced amount of assimilates translocated to the reproductive organ.

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Occurrence and Distribution of Cellular Slime Molds to the Vegetations in Mt. Chiri (지리산에서의 식생에 따른 세포성 점균의 출현과 분포)

  • 심규철;장남기
    • Asian Journal of Turfgrass Science
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.71-80
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    • 1996
  • Fourteen dictyostelids(12 species of genus Dictyostelium. 2 species of genus Polysphonylium) oc-curred in Mt. Chiri Korea. Soils samples were collected from the nine sites. In the broadleaved-deciduous forests and conifers, common species of cellular slime molds are Dictyostelium mucoroides, and D. brefeldianum. Only two species are above 30 in importance value and above 50% in presence. Dominant species in the broadleaved-deciduous forests is D. mecoroides wheras in the conifer forests is D. brefeldianum which was not common until now in Korea, found in the low elevation either. In addition, Five cellular slime molds occured in the Miscanthus sinensis community: 4 species of genus Dictyostelium and 1 species of genus Polysphonylium. Dominant species is D. purpureum. Importance value is very high, 85. This Result is exceptively unusual. It dind't occur in the other sites. Correlation between the altitudes and the occurrence and distribution of dictyostelids was not accurate. Merely dominant species were different according to forest types and organic matter contents in soil. Cellular slime molds have different favorite forest types. And the growth and germination are dependent on the soil enviroryrnental conditions and soil quility. Key words:Dictyostelids, Mt. Chiri D. mecoroides, D. brefeldianum. D. purpureum. Soil quility, Favorite forest type, Soil environmental condition.

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CO2 Respiration Characteristics with Physicochemical Properties of Soils at the Coastal Ecosystem in Suncheon Bay (순천만 연안 생태계에서 토양의 이화학적 성질에 의한 이산화탄소 호흡 특성)

  • Kang, Dong-Hwan;Kwon, Byung-Hyuk;Kim, Pil-Geun
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.217-227
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    • 2010
  • This paper was studied $CO_2$ respiration rate with physicochemical properties of soils at wetland, paddy field and forest in Nongju-ri, Haeryong-myeon, Suncheon city, Jeollanam-do. Soil temperature and $CO_2$ respiration rate were measured at the field, and soil pH, moisture and soil organic carbon were analyzed in laboratory. Field monitoring was conducted at 6 points (W3, W7, W13, W17, W23, W27) for wetland, 3 points (P1, P2, P3) for paddy field and 3 points (F1, F2, F3) for forest in 10 January 2009. $CO_2$ concentrations in chamber were measured 352~382 ppm for wetland, 364~382 ppm for paddy field and 379~390 ppm for forest, and the average values were 370 ppm, 370 ppm and 385 ppm, respectively. $CO_2$ respiration rates of soils were measured $-73{\sim}44\;mg/m^2/hr$ for wetland, $-74{\sim}24\;mg/m^2/hr$ for paddy field and $-55{\sim}106\;mg/m^2/hr$ for forest, and the average values were $-8\;mg/m^2/hr$, $-25\;mg/m^2/hr$ and $38\;mg/m^2/hr$. $CO_2$ was uptake from air to soil in wetland and paddy field, but it was emission from soil to air in forest. $CO_2$ respiration rate function in uptake condition increased exponential and linear as soil temperature and soil organic carbon. But, it in emission condition decreased linear as soil temperature and soil organic carbon. $CO_2$ respiration rate function in wetland decreased linear as soil moisture, but its in paddy and forest increased linear as soil moisture. $CO_2$ respiration rate function in all sites increased linear as soil pH, and increasing rate at forest was highest.

TPH Removal of the Biodegradation Process Using 4 Indigenous Microorganisms for the Diesel Contaminated Soil in a Military Camp (디젤로 오염된 군부대 토양에 대하여 토착미생물 4종을 이용한 생분해법의 TPH 제거 효율 규명)

  • Park, Min-Ho;Lee, Min-Hee
    • Journal of Soil and Groundwater Environment
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.49-58
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    • 2012
  • Batch experiments using indigenous and commercialized adventive microorganisms were performed to investigate the feasibility of the biodegradation process for the diesel contaminated soil, which was taken in US Military Camp 'Hialeah', Korea. TPH concentration of the soil was determined as 3,819 mg/kg. Four indigenous microorganisms having high TPH degradation activity were isolated from the soil and by 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis, they were identified as Arthrobacter sp., Burkholderia sp., Cupriavidus sp. and Bacillus sp.. Two kinds of commercialized solutions cultured with adventive microorganisms were also used for the experiments. Various biodegradation conditions such as the amount of microorganism, water content and the temperature were applied to decide the optimal bioavailability condition in the experiments. In the case of soils without additional microorganisms (on the natural attenuation condition), 35% of initial TPH was removed from the soil by inhabitant microorganisms in soil for 30 days. When the commercialized microorganism cultured solutions were added into the soil, their average TPH removal efficiencies were 64%, and 54%, respectively, which were higher than that without additional microorganisms. When indigenous microorganisms isolated from the contaminated soil were added into the soil, TPH removal efficiency increased up to 95% (for Bacillus sp.). According to the calculation of the average biodegradation rates for Bacillus sp., the remediation goal (87% of the removal efficiency: 500 mg/kg) for the soil would reach within 24 days. Results suggested that TPH removal efficiency of biodegradation by injecting indigenous microorganisms is better than those by injecting commercialized adventive microorganisms and only by using the natural attenuation.