• Title/Summary/Keyword: smart jacket

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Development and Evaluation of Smart Jacket with Embedded Wearable Device (웨어러블 디바이스를 이용한 기능성 스마트 재킷 개발 및 평가)

  • Lee, Jeong-Ran
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.395-407
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    • 2008
  • As global interest in clothing spreads over the smart clothing which arouses high added-value in the apparel industry, this study is to develop a smart jacket with an electrically-vibrating device maintaining excellent appearance and comfort. The vibrating device has a massage function that could relieve muscle pain near shoulders and neck. The purposes of this research are to develop jacket pattern for men in their thirties considering body shapes and fashion trend, to develop a wearable device that is composed of motor and controller and integrate it into a jacket, and to assess the external appearance and functional satisfaction of the smart jacket through the wearing test. The results are as follows: 1. In order to develope an appropriate jacket pattern for men in their thirties, several patterns were assessed for their fitting comfort. The final pattern was completed after making alterations some parts, and showed high satisfaction as 3.6(on a five-point scale) in all categories. 2. A vibrating device was developed by connecting motor, controller, battery and switch. Developing this device, focus was maximizing the strength of motor and minimizing the heat generated from motor and controller. Snaps were placed between inner and outer cloth of jacket so that the vibrating device could be easily attachable and detachable. The motor was located around Trapezius where muscles often get stiff. A switch was designed to be used in selecting the modes of Strong, Weak, and Cross Tapping. 3. The wearing test was conducted to examine outer appearance, comfort for motion, and functionality of the smart jacket. The results of assessing outer appearance showed that the location for attaching the vibrating device was not noticeable but looked natural, and there is almost no change in outer appearance when the vibrating device operates. The result of assessing comfort of action revealed that wearer's satisfaction was high in all categories about activity, wearer's comfort, etc. The result also showed that wear's satisfaction for effects of vibrating massage, easiness in using the device, heat generation was not less than 3.5 in all categories except a category about noise.

Suggestion of Functional Smart Jacket Based on Wearable Technology (웨어러블 테크놀로지에 기반을 둔 고기능 스마트 재킷 설계 제안)

  • Lee, Jeong-Ran
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.35 no.3
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    • pp.292-303
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    • 2011
  • This research suggested a draft proposal for a smart jacket design, which has applied wearable technologies to provide convenience in daily life. The smart jacket combined with a vest was the casual item for autumn and winter. The heating device was composed of the heating element, battery, controller, electric wire, connector, switch, and charger. A stable electronic conductor fiber of good heating effect with a flexible zigzag form has been selected for the heating element. The lighting device has been made in a way that attaches the LED and its power controller in the same mechanical device. As the result of the wearing test, the heating effect turned out to be effective in the order of: back, both the back and abdomen and only the abdomen. When wearing a smart jacket, the back and abdomen have been selected as favorable body parts for heating. Pockets and hems are selected as the adequate place to attach the LED lighting, and the brightness of LED lighting has turned out to be suitable and useful. Based on the test results, the first draft proposal has attached the heating element only in the back and its controller located in the inside pocket of the vest. In addition, the LED has been attached to the front pocket of the jacket. As to the second draft proposal, heating elements have been placed in the back and the abdomen. Each controller for the heating elements has been placed in the front and inside pocket of vest, and the LED lighting has been attached to the hem of the jacket. The smart jacket combined with a wearable device was assessed by functioning categories. The user showed a high satisfaction in the heating and illuminating function of a smart jacket.

Development and Wearability Evaluation of All-Fabric Integrated Smart Jacket for a Temperature-regulating System Based on User Experience Design (사용자 경험 중심의 섬유일체형 온도조절 스마트재킷 개발과 착용성 평가)

  • Kim, Sareum;Roh, Jung-Sim;Lee, Eun Young
    • The Korean Fashion and Textile Research Journal
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.363-373
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    • 2016
  • This study aims to develop an all-fabric integrated smart jacket in order to create a temperature-regulating system based on a user experience design. For this research, previous research technologies of a textile switch interface and a temperature-regulating system were utilized and a unifying technology for the all-fabric integrated smart jacket was developed which can provide the appropriate temperature environments to the human body. A self-heating textile was applied at the areas of the back and hood in the final tested jacket, and an embroidery circuit was developed in the form of a rectangle in the back and in both ears of the hood, taking into account the pattern of the jacket part where it was be applied and the embroidery production method. The textile switch interface was designed in a three-layer structure: an embroidery circuit line in a conductive yarn, an interval material, and a conductive sensing material, and it was made to work with the input and output sensors through the multiple input method. After the all-fabric integrated smart jacket was produced according to the pattern, all of the textile band lines for transmission were gathered and connected with a miniature module for controlling temperature and then integrated into the inside of the left chest pocket of the jacket. After the users put on this jacket, they were asked to assess the wearing satisfaction. Most of them reported a very low level of irritation and discomfort and said that the jacket was as comfortable as everyday clothing.

Development and Evaluation of Smart Jacket for Women aged Fifties and Sixties (50, 60대 여성을 위한 스마트 재킷의 개발 및 평가)

  • Lee, Jeong-Ran;Paek, Kyung-Ja;Kim, Gu-Young
    • The Korean Fashion and Textile Research Journal
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    • v.13 no.6
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    • pp.926-933
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this research was to develop a smart wear equipped with wearable technologies for women in the age of 50's and 60's and confirm its acceptability. For this, we constructed a casual jacket that has the integration of heating and lighting function, and evaluated the user's satisfaction. The size of the heating device attached at the back of the jacket was 300 mm in width and 120 mm in length and the size of the one attached at the front abdomen was 180 mm in width and 120 mm in length. The power supplier was the unification of the battery and controller which have been waterproofed. The lighting device connected with LED was 26mm in width, 20 mm in length and 1.5 mm in thickness. It has been designed in a waterproofed rectangular shape and was attachable to the jacket. The satisfaction survey of a smart jacket has been conducted with three standards, which were convenience, appearance and practicality. Free physical movement among the standard of convenience had very high scores with the average of 4.7 on a five point-scale. The acceptability of the jacket was 4.6, which proved that it didn't have unique feelings compared to ordinary ones. The evaluation score of the appearance of the jacket was 4.5. Especially inside finishing of the jacket received the highest scores from all ages. According to the evaluation of practicality, there has been no change in the appearance of the jacket and the function of heating device after laundry.

Developing a Multi-Functional Smart Down Jacket Utilizing Solar Light and Evaluating the Thermal Properties of the Prototype (태양광을 활용한 스마트 다운재킷 개발 및 보온성능 평가)

  • Yi, Kyonghwa;Kim, Keumwha
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.92-108
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    • 2015
  • This study aimed at developing a down jacket prototype that utilized sunlight as an alternative energy source with no air pollution. The jacket is filled with flexible solar panels and has a heat-generating function and LED function. In this study, three smart down jacket prototypes were developed, and the jacket's capabilities were demonstrated through the thermal effect on the performance test. The typical output voltage of the flexible solar panels was 6.4V. By connecting the 2 solar cell modules in series, the final output voltage was 12.8V. A battery charge regulator module was used the KA 7809 (TO-220) of 9V. Three heating pads were to be inserted into the belly of the jacket as direct thermal heating elements, and the LED module was configured, separated by a flash and an indicator. The smart down jacket was designed to prevent damage to the down pack without the individual devices' interfering with the human body's motion. Because this study provides insulation from extreme cold with a purpose, the jacket was tested for heat insulation properties of non-heating, heating on the back, heating on the abdomen, and heating on both the back and abdomen in a sitting posture in a static state. Thermal property analysis results from examining the average skin temperature, core temperature, and the temperature and humidity within clothing showed, that placing a heating element in one place was more effective than distributing the heating elements in different locations. Heating on the back was the most effective for maintaining optimal skin temperature, core temperature, and humidity, whereas heating on the abdomen was not effective for maintaining optimal skin temperature, core temperature, or humidity within clothing because of the gap between the jacket and the body.

Developing Designs and Making Men's Outdoor Breathable Waterproof Jackets with Solar Cells for Emergency Communications

  • Park, Jinhee
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.59-72
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    • 2014
  • This study provides the structural design for commercialization of outdoor breathable waterproof jackets for men merged with solar cells to enable emergency communications, utilizing wearable devices to develop smart clothing and extend convenience in everyday life. The most popular waterproof jacket with two-layer and three-layer moisture-permeable waterproof fabric was selected, based on previous studies of functional outdoor jackets and style with affinity to fashion. Flexible solar films suitable for clothing were embedded in the lining of the sleeve area and hood visor, and printed film was developed to balance weight and design. High performance smart solar jackets have application to expanding the use of smart phones for everyday and emergency communication, and leisure and outdoor sports activities, as well as day-to-day functions as a waterproof breathable outdoor jacket for men. It is also eco-friendly. Satisfying both the aesthetic and practical, a solar cell jacket with smart features, is an innovative tool for use in a variety of outdoor activities, and a fashion-forward commercialized product.

Draft Proposal of Smart Outdoor Wear upon the Outdoor Wear Functionality Demand (아웃도어 웨어 기능성 요구에 따른 스마트 아웃도어 재킷 설계시안)

  • Paek, Kyung Ja;Lee, Jeong Ran
    • The Korean Fashion and Textile Research Journal
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.446-455
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    • 2014
  • This study revealed the results related to the functionality of outdoor wear required when man and women in their 30s to 50s engage in outdoor activities. Based on the results of the survey, we proposed composition draft for a smart outdoor jacket with main functions of GPS device and light-emitting device using solar cell and EL. Absorption and release of sweat, functionality regarding rain and wind, and lightweightness, etc. from material functionalities of outdoor wear were found to be important. From function required in clothing for outdoor activity, location tracking, night glow, and lighting functions were found to be most important. For results investigating the necessity of the jacket's location tracking function and lighting function using solar cell, high scores of 3.9~4.0 were given. Purchase intentions for smart outdoor jacket with location tracking and lighting functions devised by this study were fairly positive and most responses indicated that the appropriate purchase price was between 200,000 to 300,000 won while possible problems of this smart outdoor jacket were listed in the order of washing inconvenience, high price, device weight, and discomfort in movement. The draft proposal to integrate with wearable devices for smart outdoor jacket prototype is as follows: Solar cell has been attached to the upper arm but placed inside a transparent pocket which has been detachable for washing convenience while the solar cell and controller have been integrated into a single unit. Using frequent movement exhibited by the arms, EL has been attached along the center line of the raglan sleeve for easy spotting when used as an emergency signal or for night lighting function during outdoor activity. GPS has been attached on the left sleeve so that the person can bend the left arm inward and operate the GPS screen with the right hand while walking or running outdoors.

A Development of Design Prototype of Smart Battle Jacket for the Future Soldier System-Part I (미래병사체계를 위한 스마트 전투복의 프로토타입 디자인-제1보)

  • Woo Seung-Jung;Lee Young-Shin;Choi Eu-Jung;Kim Hyun-Jun;Lee Joo-Hyeon;Park Seon-Hyung
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.277-290
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this study is to develope a design prototype of 'Smart Battle Jacket' for the future soldier system. Future battle field is supposed to be the place where the information is the most important. Future soldiers are also supposed to get digital devices to have more possibility of survival in the battle field. To design the smart battle jacket that has digital devices inside, it's needed to forecast the body sizes and shape of the future soldiers, to research the human bodies and movements, and to study the functions of the digital devices and the relationship between the bodies and the devices. The usability of the 1st model for the Smart battle jacket had been tested, and the model had been corrected by the results from the test. After all, a smart battle jacket design prototype for the future soldier system has been developed.

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The Development of Smart Jacket Incorporating MP3 functionality for Commercial Use (MP3 기능 스마트 재킷의 상용화 모형 개발)

  • Cho, Hyun-Seung;Kim, Jin-Hyung;Park, Sun-Min;Ryu, Jae-Hun;Lee, Joo-Hyeon
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.377-383
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this research is to develop a design model of a smart jacket incorporating MP3 functionality for commercial use, as one of the digital lines of textile to apply If technology. In order to conduct this study, the previous studies were analyzed and usability and wearability tests were conducted using five prototype design models of smart wear with MP3 functionality. Accordingly, the smart jacket incorporating MP3 functionality for commercial use, for which user-centered interface, usability and wearability were completed, was developed by optimizing the design and location of the input interface, control module, the path of wires and earphone etc., based on textile wire and keypad. The smart jacket targets the female dress market from late-teens to early twenties. It will be a high value commodity considers all aspects of recent fashion trends, consumers' emotional satisfaction and the value of digital wear.

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Study on Usability Evaluation for Wearable Computer : Evaluation Scale for User-Centered Smart Jacket Design (웨어러블 컴퓨터에 대한 사용성 평가 연구 - 사용자 중심의 스마트 자켓 디자인을 위한 평가척도)

  • 육형민;전명훈;오창영;손영우
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.7-13
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    • 2004
  • To develop the scale of usability evaluation on smart jacket for everyday life, we selected four types of smart jackets based on the result of previous study and evaluated their usability. Considering both the embedded machine and the purpose, smart jackets can be classified four types. As the result of previous study, sixty items for evaluation of user experience were constructed. In this study, we extracted ten categorization factors from the results of usability evaluation of smart jackets. Also, the relative importance of usability factors varied according to the types of smart jackets. These results suggest that not only usability factors themselves but also the order of priority of usability evaluation can vary according to the type of smart jacket in design process.

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