• 제목/요약/키워드: services for child development and parenting

검색결과 13건 처리시간 0.019초

For the Protection of Infant Life Development and Support of Social-Linked App

  • Yoon Soo Lee
    • International Journal of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • 제16권1호
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    • pp.261-268
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    • 2024
  • This study focused on social connection apps and support among various measures to prevent 'killing and abandonment of infants', which has recently become a social issue. The research method attempted to show the necessity of a social-linked app by analyzing the contents of 12 cases with peculiarities in the infant murder process in the judgment after 2021. Infanticide mothers were found to be economically and socially vulnerable, and they killed infants to continue their lives. Focusing on the mind of human respect rather than the judicial meaning of punishing crime, the development of social connection apps and support services that allow both mothers and infants to be healthy and socially protected were proposed. The first is a great transformation of economic support and awareness for pregnancy, childbirth, and parenting. Second, it is necessary to develop a confidentiality counseling and information app that can comprehensively support medical directions and social welfare in consideration of the health status of the fetus and women and the socio-economic situation. Third, it is proposed to promote the use of the Internet such as joint childcare facilities of social communities, child protection institutions, and adoption systems. The government should investigate the reasons for not being able to register birth, the root causes of killing and abandonment of infants, and come up with practical plans and policies for them.

부모의 육아종합지원센터와 유아교육진흥원의 가정양육지원 서비스 제공에 대한 적합성 인식 (Parent's Perception of the Suitability of the Childcare Support Center and the Early Childhood Education Promotion Institute for the Providing Home Childcare Support Services)

  • 정슬기;강정원
    • 한국보육지원학회지
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    • 제20권3호
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    • pp.107-124
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    • 2024
  • Objective: This study aims to analyze parents' perception of the suitability of the 'Childcare Support Center (C.S.C.)' and the 'Early Childhood Education Promotion Institute(E.C.E.P.I)' as home care support service providers. Methods: The goals and content of the home parenting support service offered by the C.S.C. and E.C.E.P.I. were analyzes based on information collected from their websites, publications, and various promotional materials. There were categories into 18 services across 5 categories. Responses of 421 parents, gathered through a questionnaire developed with reference to previous studies, were collected and analyzed. Results: Parents reported high degree of suitability for the organizations they used. Those familiar with both institutions found E.C.E.P.I. more suitable overall. However the C.S.C. was considered particularity suitable by parents of children aged 0-2 years and by those with no prior experience with either institution. The perceived suitability of the two institutions varied by service, depending on factors such as the age group of the children, whether the parents lived in the metropolitan area, and whether they were part of a double-income household. Conclusion/Implications: These findings have practical implications for development of integrated policies for early childhood education and childcare, which should take into account parents' perceptions of the functions of institutions.

어린이 건강과 관련한 어머니들의 정보탐색 경로 (Information-Seeking Pathways by Mothers in the Context of Their Children's Health)

  • 이한슬
    • 한국도서관정보학회지
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    • 제52권3호
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    • pp.21-48
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    • 2021
  • 오늘날, 온라인 및 오프라인 상에서 무수히 많은 건강정보가 시시각각 쏟아지면서 대중들은 다양한 방법으로 건강에 대한 정보탐색이 가능해졌다. 본 연구에서는 만 0-3세 건강한 영유아들의 건강정보를 적극적으로 탐색하는 어머니들의 건강정보 탐색행동에 초점을 맞추었다. 24명의 미국인, 한국인, 미국에 거주하는 한인 이민자 어머니들과의 심층인터뷰를 통해, 그들이 아이에 대한 건강정보를 탐색할 때 어떠한 정보원들을 순차적으로 활용하는지 탐색경로를 시각적으로 분석하였다. 연구 결과, 어머니들의 건강정보탐색 경로는 아이의 건강상태에 따라 사용하는 정보원과 탐색주제의 측면에서 눈에 띄는 차이가 나타났다. 예를 들어, 아이가 아플 때는 특정 질병이나 증상에 대한 정보를 중점적으로 먼저 탐색하지만, 아이가 아프지 않을 때는 성장, 발육, 식단, 육아 등 다양한 주제의 정보를 탐색하는 것으로 나타났다. 나아가, 활용되는 정보원과 관련하여, 아이가 아플 때보다 아프지 않을 때 더욱 다양한 건강정보원들(예컨대, 공공도서관, 정부기관, 어린이집 교사 등)이 활용되는 것으로 나타났다. 뿐만 아니라, 각 어머니들 그룹에 따라 활용되는 정보원의 차이가 나타났다. 이를 활용하여, 국내외 정보 전문가들은 어떠한 정보서비스를 기획하고 제공할 수 있을지 논의해본다.