• Title/Summary/Keyword: seismic inelastic response

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Assessing the effect of inherent nonlinearities in the analysis and design of a low-rise base isolated steel building

  • Varnavaa, Varnavas;Komodromos, Petros
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • v.5 no.5
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    • pp.499-526
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    • 2013
  • Seismic isolation is an effective method for the protection of buildings and their contents during strong earthquakes. This research work aims to assess the appropriateness of the linear and nonlinear models that can be used in the analysis of typical low-rise base isolated steel buildings, taking into account the inherent nonlinearities of the isolation system as well as the potential nonlinearities of the superstructure in case of strong ground motions. The accuracy of the linearization of the isolator properties according to Eurocode 8 is evaluated comparatively with the corresponding response that can be obtained through the nonlinear hysteretic Bouc-Wen constitutive model. The suitability of the linearized model in the determination of the size of the required seismic gap is assessed, under various earthquake intensities, considering relevant methods that are provided by building codes. Furthermore, the validity of the common assumption of elastic behavior for the superstructure is explored and the alteration of the structural response due to the inelastic deformations of the superstructure as a consequence of potential collision to the restraining moat wall is studied. The usage of a nonlinear model for the isolation system is found to be necessary in order to achieve a sufficiently accurate assessment of the structural response and a reliable estimation of the required width of the provided seismic gap. Moreover, the simulations reveal that the superstructure's inelasticity should be taken into account, especially if the response of the structure under high magnitude earthquakes is investigated. The consideration of the inelasticity of the superstructure is also recommended in studies of structural collision of seismically isolated structures to the surrounding moat wall, since it affects the response.

Seismic Design of Mid-to-Low Rise Steel Moment Frames Based on Available Connection Rotation Capacity (접합부 회전능력에 기초한 중/저층 철골모멘트골조의 내진설계)

  • Ahn, Jae Kwon;Lee, Cheol Ho
    • Journal of Korean Society of Steel Construction
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.715-723
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    • 2007
  • A displacement-based seismic design procedure was proposed for mid-to-low-rise steel moment frames. The proposed method was totally different from the current R-factor approach in that it directly uses available connection rotation capacity as a primary design variable. To this end, the relationship between available connection rotation capacity and seismic response modification (R factor) was established first; this relationship has been a missing link in current ductility-based design practice. A step-by-step displacement-based iterative design procedure was then proposed and verified using inelastic dynamic analysis.

Seismic retrofitting by base-isolation of r.c. framed buildings exposed to different fire scenarios

  • Mazza, Fabio;Mazza, Mirko
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.267-277
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    • 2017
  • Base-isolation is now being adopted as a retrofitting strategy to improve seismic behaviour of reinforced concrete (r.c.) framed structures subjected to far-fault earthquakes. However, the increase in deformability of a base-isolated framed building may lead to amplification in the structural response under the long-duration horizontal pulses of high-magnitude near-fault earthquakes, which can become critical once the strength level of a fire-weakened r.c. superstructure is reduced. The aim of the present work is to investigate the nonlinear seismic response of fire-damaged r.c. framed structures retrofitted by base-isolation. For this purpose, a five-storey r.c. framed building primarily designed (as fixed-base) in compliance with a former Italian seismic code for a medium-risk zone, is to be retrofitted by the insertion of elastomeric bearings to meet the requirements of the current Italian code in a high-risk seismic zone. The nonlinear seismic response of the original (fixed-base) and retrofitted (base-isolated) test structures in a no fire situation are compared with those in the event of fire in the superstructure, where parametric temperature-time curves are defined at the first level, the first two and the upper levels. A lumped plasticity model describes the inelastic behaviour of the fire-damaged r.c. frame members, while a nonlinear force-displacement law is adopted for the elastomeric bearings. The average root-mean-square deviation of the observed spectrum from the target design spectrum together with a suitable intensity measure are chosen to select and scale near- and far-fault earthquakes on the basis of the design hypotheses adopted.

Design of supplemental viscous dampers in inelastic SDOF system based on improved capacity spectrum method

  • Li, Bo;Liang, Xing-Wen
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.27 no.5
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    • pp.541-554
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    • 2007
  • A simplified yet effective design procedure for viscous dampers was presented based on improved capacity spectrum method in the context of performance-based seismic design. The amount of added viscous damping required to meet a given performance objective was evaluated from the difference between the total demand for effective damping and inherent damping plus equivalent damping resulting from hysteretic deformation of system. Application of the method is illustrated by means of two examples, using Chinese design response spectrum and mean response spectrum. Nonlinear dynamic analysis results indicate that the maximum displacements of structures installed with supplemental dampers designed in accordance with the proposed method agree well with the given target displacements. The advantage of the presented procedure over the conventional iterative design method is also highlighted.

Seismic performance of lateral load resisting systems

  • Subramanian, K.;Velayutham, M.
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.51 no.3
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    • pp.487-502
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    • 2014
  • In buildings structures, the flexural stiffness reduction of beams and columns due to concrete cracking plays an important role in the nonlinear load-deformation response of reinforced concrete structures under service loads. Most Seismic Design Codes do not precise effective stiffness to be used in seismic analysis for structures of reinforced concrete elements, therefore uncracked section properties are usually considered in computing structural stiffness. But, uncracked stiffness will never be fully recovered during or after seismic response. In the present study, the effect of concrete cracking on the lateral response of structure has been taken into account. Totally 120 cases of 3 Dimensional Dynamic Analysis which considers the real and accidental torsional effects are performed using ETABS to determine the effective structural system across the height, which ensures the performance and the economic dimensions that achieve the saving in concrete and steel amounts thus achieve lower cost. The result findings exhibits that the dual system was the most efficient lateral load resisting system based on deflection criterion, as they yielded the least values of lateral displacements and inter-storey drifts. The shear wall system was the most economical lateral load resisting compared to moment resisting frame and dual system but they yielded the large values of lateral displacements in top storeys. Wall systems executes tremendous stiffness at the lower levels of the building, while moment frames typically restrain considerable deformations and provide significant energy dissipation under inelastic deformations at the upper levels. Cracking found to be more impact over moment resisting frames compared to the Shear wall systems. The behavior of various lateral load resisting systems with respect to time period, mode shapes, storey drift etc. are discussed in detail.

Overstrength and Response Modification Factor in Low Seismicity Regions (약진지역에서의 초과강도 및 반응수정계수)

  • Lee, Dong-Guen;Cho, So-Hoon;Ko, Hyun;Kim, Tae-Jin
    • Journal of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea
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    • v.10 no.3 s.49
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    • pp.57-64
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    • 2006
  • Seismic design codes are mainly based on the research results for the inelastic response of structures in high seismicity regions. Since wind loads and gravity loads may govern the design in low seismicity regions in many cases, structures subjected to design seismic loads will have larger overstrength compared to those of high seismicity regions. Therefore, it is necessary to verify if the response modification factor based on high seismicity would be adequate for the design of structures in low seismicity regions. In this study, the adequacy of the response modification factor was verified based on the ductility and overstrength of building structures estimated from the result of nonlinear static analysis. Framed structures are designed for the seismic zones 1, 2A, 4 in UBC-97 representing the low, moderated and high seismicity regions and the overstrength factors and ductility demands of the example structures are investigated. When the same response modification factor was used in the design, inelastic response of structures in low seismicity regions turned out to be much smaller than that in high seismicity regions because of the larger overstrength of structures in low seismicity regions. Demands of plastic rotation in connections and ductility in members were much lower in the low seismicity regions compared to those of the high seismicity regions when the structures are designed with the same response modification factor.

Evaluation of the Inelastic Seismic Response of Curved Bridges by Capacity Spectrum Method using Equivalent Damping (등가감쇠비를 이용한 역량스펙트럼법에 의한 곡선교의 비탄성지진응답 평가)

  • Joe, Yang-Hee;Cho, Sung-Gook;Ma, Jeong-Suck
    • Journal of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.17-26
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    • 2009
  • The capacity spectrum method (CSM), which is known to be an approximate technique for assessing the seismic capacity of an existing structure, was originally proposed for simple building structures that could be modeled as single-degree-of-freedom (SDOF) systems. More recently, however, CSM has increasingly been adopted for assessing most bridge structures, as it has many practical advantages. Some studies on this topic are now being performed, and a few results of these have been presented as ground-breaking research. However, studies have until now been limited to symmetrical straight bridges only. This study evaluates the practical applicability of CSM to the evaluation of irregular curved bridges. For this purpose, the seismic capacities of 3-span prestressed concrete bridges with different subtended angles subjected to some recorded earthquakes are compared with a more refined approach based on nonlinear time history analysis. The results of the study show that when used for curved bridges, CSM induces higher inelastic displacement responses than the actual values, and that the gap between the two becomes larger as the subtended angle increases.

Application of Modal Pushover Analysis for Deformation Capacity Evaluation of Steel Moment Frames (철골구조물의 변형능력평가를 위한 MPA 방법의 적용성 검토)

  • 최원호;김기주;이동근
    • Proceedings of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea Conference
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    • 2002.09a
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    • pp.266-273
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    • 2002
  • Pushover analysis is frequently used for evaluation of seismic performance and determination of seismic demand of a building structure in the current structural engineering practice field. However, pushover analysis has a advantage for estimation of seismic demands, which cannot account for the contributions of higher modes to response or for a redistribution of inertia forces because of structural yielding and the associated changes in the vibration properties of the structures. Recently, Chopra and Coel(2001) derived uncoupled inelastic dynamic equation of motion with several assumptions in the pushover analysis. By using this approach, pushover analysis for each mode is carried out and modal pushover analysis method, which can consider higher mode effects of the building, was suggested. The principle objective of this study is to introduced the modal pushover analysis by Chopra et al.(2001) and investigated the applicability and validity of this method for the steel moment frames subjected to various earthquake ground motions.

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Seismic Retrofit Design Procedure Using a Friction Damper (마찰 감쇠기를 사용한 구조물의 보강 설계법 제안)

  • Moon, Ki-Hoon;Han, Sang-Whan;Jo, Han-Chul;Lee, Kang-Seok
    • Journal of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea
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    • v.15 no.6
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    • pp.45-53
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study was to propose a design procedure for a damped structure with a friction damper for an existing structure. The target displacement of the damped structure was determined using the maximum displacement of the existing structure. The displacement of the damped structures was predicted using a proposed equation for the inelastic displacement ratio. For this study, we conducted a nonlinear response history analysis using 80 earthquake ground motions to verify the validity of the proposed design procedure by comparing the responses of the damped and undamped structures. Based on the dynamic analysis results, it was concluded that the predicted displacement of the damped structure using the proposed design procedure matched well with the analysis results.

Comparison of the seismic performance of existing RC buildings designed to different codes

  • Zeris, Christos A.;Repapis, Constantinos C.
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • v.14 no.6
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    • pp.505-523
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    • 2018
  • Static pushover analyses of typical existing reinforced concrete frames, designed according to the previous generations of design codes in Greece, have established these structures' inelastic characteristics, namely overstrength, global ductility capacity and available behaviour factor q, under planar response. These were compared with the corresponding demands at the collapse limit state target performance point. The building stock considered accounted for the typical variability, among different generations of constructed buildings in Greece, in the form, the seismic design code in effect and the material characteristics. These static pushover analyses are extended, in the present study, in the time history domain. Consequently, the static analysis predictions are compared with Incremental Dynamic Analysis results herein, using a large number of spectrum compatible recorded base excitations of recent destructive earthquakes in Greece and abroad, following, for comparison, similar conventional limiting failure criteria as before. It is shown that the buildings constructed in the 70s exhibit the least desirable behaviour, followed by the buildings constructed in the 60s. As the seismic codes evolved, there is a notable improvement for buildings of the 80s, when the seismic code introduced end member confinement and the requirement for a joint capacity criterion. Finally, buildings of the 90s, designed to modern codes exhibit an exceptionally good performance, as expected by the compliance of this code to currently enforced seismic provisions worldwide.