• Title/Summary/Keyword: seismic damage analysis

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Probabilistic Analysis of Liquefaction Induced Settlement Considering the Spatial Variability of Soils (지반의 공간변동성을 고려한 액상화에 의한 침하량의 확률론적 해석)

  • Bong, Tae-Ho;Kim, Byoung-Il
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.33 no.5
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    • pp.25-35
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    • 2017
  • Liquefaction is one of the major seismic damage, and several methods have been developed to evaluate the possibility of liquefaction. Recently, a probabilistic approach has been studied to overcome the drawback of deterministic approaches, and to consider the uncertainties of soil properties. In this study, the spatial variability of cone penetration resistance was evaluated using CPT data from three locations having different variability characteristics to perform the probabilistic analysis considering the spatial variability of soil properties. Then the random fields of cone penetration resistance considering the spatial variability of each point were generated, and a probabilistic analysis of liquefaction induced settlement was carried out through CPT-based liquefaction evaluation method. As a result, the uncertainty of soil properties can be overestimated when the spatial variability is not considered, and significant probabilistic differences can occur up to about 30% depending on the allowable settlement.

Earthquake-induced pounding between the main buildings of the "Quinto Orazio Flacco" school

  • Fiore, Alessandra;Monaco, Pietro
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • v.1 no.4
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    • pp.371-390
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    • 2010
  • Historical buildings in seismically active regions are severely damaged by earthquakes, since they certainly were not designed by the original builders to withstand seismic effects. In particular the reports after major ground motions indicate that earthquake-induced pounding between buildings may lead to substantial damage or even collapse of colliding structures. The research on structural pounding during earthquakes has been recently much advanced, although most of the studies are conducted on simplified single degree of freedom systems. In this paper a detailed pounding-involved response analysis of three adjacent structures is performed, concerning the main bodies of the "Quinto Orazio Flacco" school. The construction includes a main masonry building, with an M-shaped plan, and a reinforced concrete building, separated from the masonry one and realized along its free perimeter. By the analysis of the capacity curves obtained by suitable pushover procedures performed separately for each building, it emerges that masonry and reinforced concrete buildings are vulnerable to earthquake-induced structural pounding in the longitudinal direction. In particular, due to the geometric configuration of the school, a special case of impact between the reinforced concrete structure and two parts of the masonry building occurs. In order to evaluate the pounding-involved response of three adjacent structures, in this paper a numerical procedure is proposed, programmed using MATLAB software. Both a non-linear viscoelastic model to simulate impact and an elastic-perfectly plastic approximation of the storey shear force-drift relation are assumed, differently from many commercial softwares which admit just one non-linearity.

Performance based assessment for tall core structures consisting of buckling restrained braced frames and RC walls

  • Beiraghi, Hamid;Alinaghi, Ali
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.515-530
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    • 2021
  • In a tall reinforced concrete (RC) core wall system subjected to strong ground motions, inelastic behavior near the base as well as mid-height of the wall is possible. Generally, the formation of plastic hinge in a core wall system may lead to extensive damage and significant repairing cost. A new configuration of core structures consisting of buckling restrained braced frames (BRBFs) and RC walls is an interesting idea in tall building seismic design. This concept can be used in the plan configuration of tall core wall systems. In this study, tall buildings with different configurations of combined core systems were designed and analyzed. Nonlinear time history analysis at severe earthquake level was performed and the results were compared for different configurations. The results demonstrate that using enough BRBFs can reduce the large curvature ductility demand at the base and mid-height of RC core wall systems and also can reduce the maximum inter-story drift ratio. For a better investigation of the structural behavior, the probabilistic approach can lead to in-depth insight. Therefore, incremental dynamic analysis (IDA) curves were calculated to assess the performance. Fragility curves at different limit states were then extracted and compared. Mean IDA curves demonstrate better behavior for a combined system, compared with conventional RC core wall systems. Collapse margin ratio for a RC core wall only system and RC core with enough BRBFs were almost 1.05 and 1.92 respectively. Therefore, it appears that using one RC core wall combined with enough BRBF core is an effective idea to achieve more confidence against tall building collapse and the results demonstrated the potential of the proposed system.

Seismic Fragility of Bridge Considering Foundation and Soil Structure Interaction (교량기초 종류 및 지반-구조물 상호작용을 고려한 지진취약도 분석)

  • Kim, Sun-Jae;An, Hyo-Joon;Song, Ki-il
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.24 no.6
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    • pp.129-137
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    • 2020
  • In performing the structural analysis, the foundation is considered to be a fixed end as a plastic hinge model. In this study, the displacements of the foundation, pier, and shoe were compared when the foundation modeled as a fixed end, a shallow foundation constructed on bedrock of 2m depth, and a pile foundation constructed in the 10m to 20m depth of bedrock. The shear force was also compared, and the probability of damage was calculated and compared for the critical condition. When calculated as a fixed end, the displacement of the foundation converged to 0mm, but the shallow foundation built on the bedrock with a depth of 2m caused relatively displacement, and the pile foundation constructed to contact the bedrock with a depth of 18m caused a larger displacement. In addition, it was analyzed that the displacement of the foundation, which is the lower structure, affects the displacement of the super structure, but the difference in shear force applied to the foundation was insignificant in the three cases. There was no difference between the shallow foundation and the pile foundation in the influence on the displacement of the top of the pier, but there was a big difference from the analysis assuming as a fixed end.

Analysis of Subsurface Geological Structures and Geohazard Pertinent to Fault-damage in the Busan Metropolitan City (부산시 도심지의 지하 지질구조와 단층손상과 관련된 지질위험도 분석)

  • Son, Moon;Lee, Son-Kap;Kim, Jong-Sun;Kim, In-Soo;Lee, Kun
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.40 no.1 s.182
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    • pp.87-101
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    • 2007
  • A variety of informations obtained from satellite image, digital elevation relief map (DEM), borehole logging, televiewer, geophysical prospecting, etc were synthetically analyzed to investigate subsurface geological and structural characteristics and to evaluate geohazard pertinent to fault-damage in the Busan metropolitan city. It is revealed that the geology is composed of the Cretaceous andesitic$\sim$dacitic volcanics, gabbro, and granitoid and that at least three major faults including the Dongrae fault are developed in the study area. Based on characteristics of topography, fault-fractured zone, and isobath maps of the Quaternary sediments and weathered residuals of the basement, the Dongrae fault is decreased in its width and fracturing intensity of damaged zone from south toward north, and the fault is segmented around the area between the Seomyeon and Yangieong junctions. Meanwhile, we drew a geohazard sectional map using the five major parameters that significantly suggest damage intensity of basement by fault, i.e. distance from fault core, TCR, RQD, uniaxial rock strength, and seismic velocity of S wave. The map is evaluated as a suitable method to express the geological and structural characteristics and fault-damaged intensity of basement in the study area. It is, thus, concluded that the proposed method can contribute to complement and amplify the capability of the present evaluation system of rock mass.

Design of Unbend Braces to Satisfy Given Performance Acceptance Criteria (성능수준 만족을 위한 가새헝 소성 감쇠기의 설계)

  • 김진구;김유경;최현훈
    • Journal of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea
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    • v.5 no.6
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    • pp.47-54
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    • 2001
  • Unbond brace hysteretic dampers are generally used to prevent or decrease structural damage in building structures subjected to strong earthquake by its energy dissipating hysteretic behavior. In the study, a straightforward design procedure for unbond brace hysteretic dampers was developed. The required amount of equivalent damping to satisfy given performance acceptance criteria was obtained conveniently based on the capacity spectrum method without carrying out time-consuming nonlinear dynamic time history analysis. Then the size of the unbond braces is determined from the required equivalent damping. Parametric study has been performed for the design variables such as natural period, yield strength, the stiffness after the first yield stress of the unbond brace. The procedure was applied to 5-story and 10-story steel frames for verification of the proposed method. According to the earthquake time history analysis results, the maximum displacement of the model structure with unbond braces supplied in accordance with the proposed method corresponds well with the given target displacement.

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Initial development of wireless acoustic emission sensor Motes for civil infrastructure state monitoring

  • Grosse, Christian U.;Glaser, Steven D.;Kruger, Markus
    • Smart Structures and Systems
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.197-209
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    • 2010
  • The structural state of a bridge is currently examined by visual inspection or by wired sensor techniques, which are relatively expensive, vulnerable to inclement conditions, and time consuming to undertake. In contrast, wireless sensor networks are easy to deploy and flexible in application so that the network can adjust to the individual structure. Different sensing techniques have been used with such networks, but the acoustic emission technique has rarely been utilized. With the use of acoustic emission (AE) techniques it is possible to detect internal structural damage, from cracks propagating during the routine use of a structure, e.g. breakage of prestressing wires. To date, AE data analysis techniques are not appropriate for the requirements of a wireless network due to the very exact time synchronization needed between multiple sensors, and power consumption issues. To unleash the power of the acoustic emission technique on large, extended structures, recording and local analysis techniques need better algorithms to handle and reduce the immense amount of data generated. Preliminary results from utilizing a new concept called Acoustic Emission Array Processing to locally reduce data to information are presented. Results show that the azimuthal location of a seismic source can be successfully identified, using an array of six to eight poor-quality AE sensors arranged in a circular array approximately 200 mm in diameter. AE beamforming only requires very fine time synchronization of the sensors within a single array, relative timing between sensors of $1{\mu}s$ can easily be performed by a single Mote servicing the array. The method concentrates the essence of six to eight extended waveforms into a single value to be sent through the wireless network, resulting in power savings by avoiding extended radio transmission.

Development of Multi-hazard Fragility Surface for Liquefaction of Levee Considering Earthquake Magnitude and Water Level (수위와 지진을 고려한 제방의 액상화에 대한 복합재해 취약도 곡면 작성)

  • Hwang, Ji-Min;Cho, Sung-Eun
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.34 no.6
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    • pp.25-36
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    • 2018
  • Soil liquefaction is one of the types of major seismic damage. Soil liquefaction is a phenomenon that can cause enormous human and economic damages, and it must be examined before designing geotechnical structures. In this study, we proposed a practical method of developing a multi-hazard fragility surface for liquefaction of levee considering earthquake magnitude and water level. Limit state for liquefaction of levee was defined by liquefaction potential index (LPI), which is frequently used to assess the liquefaction susceptibility of soils. In order to consider the uncertainty of soil properties, Monte Carlo Simulation based probabilistic analysis was performed. Based on the analysis results, a 3D fragility surface representing the probability of failure by soil liquefaction as a function of the ground motion and water level has been established. The prepared multi-hazard fragility surface can be used to evaluate the safety of levees against liquefaction and to assess the risk in earthquake and flood prone areas.

An Analysis of the Fault Plane Solution and Intensity on the Iksan Earthquake of 22 December 2015 (2015년 12월 22일 발생한 익산지진의 단층면해와 진도 분석)

  • Kim, Jin-Mi;Kyung, Jai Bok;Kim, Kwang-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.38 no.7
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    • pp.561-569
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    • 2017
  • Fault plane solutions of the Iksan earthquake ($M_L=3.85$) and two aftershocks were obtained using the FOCMEC (FOCal MEChanism determination) program. The main event showed the characteristic of strike slip faulting with reverse component. It has the fault planes with NE-SW or NW-SE direction. This is similar to the fault characteristics of earthquake pattern in the inland area of the Korean Peninsula. In order to detect micro-earthquake events, continuous seismic waveform data of the thirteen seismic stations within a radius of 100km from epicenter were analyzed by PQLII program (PASSCAL, 2017) for the period from December 15, 2015 to January 22, 2016. The epicenters of nineteen micro-events were newly determined by Hypoinverse-2000 program. They are not concentrated along some lineaments or fault lines. The intensity of the Iksan earthquake was obtained by estimating the telephone inquiries, the degree of ground shaking or damage all around the southern peninsula. The instrumental intensity was also obtained using PGA (Peak Ground Acceleration) records. As a result, the maximum MM intensity was estimated to be V near the epicenter.

Analytical Study on the Fire Resistance of Internally Confined Hollow CFT Column (내부 구속 중공 CFT 기둥의 내화 성능에 대한 해석 연구)

  • Won, Deok Hee;Han, Taek Hee;Park, Jong Sup;Kim, Young Jong
    • Journal of Korean Society of Steel Construction
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.461-470
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    • 2009
  • A column resisting axial load and seismic load is one of the main members in a structural system. The heated column by event of a fire can lose its strength and it may damage its structural system or cause the collapse of the entire structural system. In this study, the fire resistance capacity of internally confined hollow concrete filled tube (ICH CFT) column was investigated. In an ICH CFT column, the yield strength of the external tube is important as a concrete filled tube (CFT) column because the external tube confines the filled concrete and the strength of the column depends on the confined effect. A study was performed by finite element analyses considering the confined effect and material nonlinearity as the temperature changes by the fire. The hollow ratio, the thickness of the external tube, and the strength of concrete were selected as the parameters for the analyses. The analyses were performed by using a commercial FEA program (ABAQUS) and nonlinear concrete model program. The analysis results showed that the hollow ratio and the strength of concrete mainly affect the fire resisting capacity of an ICH CFT column.