• Title/Summary/Keyword: second order system

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The Impact of Care Workers' Employment Characteristics and Perception of Facility Directors' Transformational Leadership on Quality of Service (요양보호사의 고용특성과 시설장에 대한 변혁적 리더십 인식이 서비스 질에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Hye Ji;Park, Sang Hee;Kim, Bum Jung
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.41 no.2
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    • pp.217-240
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of care workers' employment characteristics and perception of facility directors' transformational leadership on quality of service through a hierarchical linear model. For this aim, survey data were collected amongst 240 older adults and 200 care workers who are affiliated within 45 long-term care facilities in Seoul, and analyzed using SPSS 26.0 and HLM 8.0. As a result, one's perception of transformational leadership had a positive effect, whereas, among employment characteristics, employment type and working hours had negative effects on quality of service. Regular workers with fewer working hours and higher awareness of transformational leadership toward the director provided higher quality of service. But wage, total experience and tenure didn't meaningfully affect it. Therefore, the following suggestions were presented. First, it is necessary to reorganize incentive, salary systems and budgets, changing the status of temporary workers' hourly wage system into that of regular workers' monthly one in order to strengthen employment security with acknowledging fundamental professional values through reinforcement of expertise. Reinforcement of long-term care's publicness and establishment of base facilities are also suggested. Second, maintaining appropriate hours of work and rest including annual leave under the Labor Standards Act is needed. Also, increasing the salary of and decreasing working hours for night shift workers are required. Third, education and intervention for inspiring transformational leadership of directors and strengthening qualification standards of them are required.

A Study on the Effect of Organizational Trust of the Container Terminal Operators' Employee on Organizational Citizenship Behavior -Focusing on the Moderating Effect of Organizational Support- (컨테이너터미널 운영사 구성원의 조직신뢰가 조직시민행동에 미치는 영향 -조직적 후원의 조절효과를 중심으로-)

  • Kim, Ik-Seong;Seon, Hwa;Kim, Hyun-Deok
    • Journal of Korea Port Economic Association
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    • v.39 no.1
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    • pp.65-100
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    • 2023
  • This study examines the effects of organizational trust of the container terminal operators' employee on organizational citizenship behavior and the moderating effect of organizational support in the relationship between the two variables. In order to efficiently achieve the purpose of this study, an empirical analysis was conducted by distributing a literature review and a questionnaire, and the results of the study are as follows... First, the organizational trust of the container terminal operators' employee was found to have a significant positive (+) effect on organizational citizenship behavior, and trust in the company appeared to be more important than trust in the superior, indicating trust in the institutional aspect. This means that formation has more influence on organizational citizenship behavior... Second, it was confirmed that the organizational support of the container terminal operators' employee can lead to active participation in organizational citizenship behavior through the expansion of educational compensatory support. Third, among the organizational support of container terminal operators, emotional support and educational compensatory support were found to have a partial moderating effect on the relationship between organizational trust and organizational citizenship behavior." Emotional support has a moderating effect on caring and active participation behaviors in the relationship between trust in the company and organizational citizenship behaviors, and a moderating effect on caring, active participation, and non-complaining behaviors in the relationship between trust in superiors and organizational citizenship behaviors. It was analyzed that there is Compensatory educational support has a moderating effect on altruistic, caring, active participation, and non-complaining behavior in the relationship between trust in the company and organizational citizenship behavior. It was analyzed that there was a moderating effect on active participation and non-complaining behavior. These analysis results mean that members' trust in the company further increases through the container terminal operator's emotional support and educational reward support. As uncertainty grows, it is very important to increase the trust of organizational members in the organization. sense of belonging to the organization, Emotional support that can increase immersion, improvement of work environment, provision of educational opportunities, and education-compensatory support such as a fair compensation system will increase organizational trust and induce effective organizational citizenship behavior to realize sustainable growth of the organization.

The Private-Initiated Park Development Project in Terms of Securing Publicity Operation Characteristics Analysis - Busan Metropolitan City as a Case - (공공성 확보측면에서 민간공원특례사업 운영특성분석 - "부산광역시를 사례로" -)

  • Gweon, Young-Dal;Park, Hyun-Bin;Kim, Dong-Pil
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.51 no.1
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    • pp.13-28
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    • 2023
  • This study examines the process of project promotion in Busan, which introduced the private participation-type consultative body for the first time in the country in the promotion stage of the private-initiated park development project, and introduced flexible application of the system and differentiated policy elements in the implementation process, and examines the operational characteristics and we tried to analyze performance, etc. As a result of the analysis, first, the preferred bidder was selected by introducing a mixed method in the project method, which is an independent project method that cannot be seen in other local governments. Second, by specifying guidelines considering the characteristics of each park and detailed guidelines such as the location, area, and maximum height of non-park facilities, criteria for establishing a rational development plan utilizing regional identity and the basis of evaluation standards were laid. Third, in the project process, transparency was secured through the delegation-type roundtable, in which the private sector performs the functions and roles of key actors, thereby preventing disputes such as suspicion of preferential treatment. Fourth, in order to improve the quality of park facilities to be donated and to secure design adequacy, after approval of the implementation plan, a general planner was introduced and construction project management (design stage) services were performed to promote efficient implementation and specialization of luxury parks in the region. As a result, the city of Busan carried out the project efficiently by conserving 5 parks from sunset, a park area of 2.25km2, and reducing land compensation and park construction costs by KRW 740 billion. Reinforcement of the public nature of the private-initiated park development project was suggested. However, due to the application of these systems and verification procedures, the project period is prolonged, and park services are delayed along with the financial burden on private operators.

Research on the Digital Twin Policy for the Utilization of Administrative Services (행정서비스 활용을 위한 디지털 트윈 정책 연구)

  • Jina Ok;Soonduck Yoo;Hyojin Jung
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.35-43
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    • 2023
  • The purpose of this study is to research digital twin policies for the use of administrative services. The study was conducted through a mobile survey of 1,000 participants, and the results are as follows. First, in order to utilize digital twin technology, it is necessary to first identify appropriate services that can be applied from the perspective of Gyeonggi Province. Efforts to identify digital twin services that are suitable for Gyeonggi Province's field work should be prioritized, and this should lead to increased efficiency in the work. Second, Gyeonggi Province's digital twin administrative services should prevent duplication with central government projects and establish a model that can be connected and utilized. It should be driven around current issues in Gyeonggi Province and the demands of citizens for administrative services. Third, to develop Gyeonggi Province's digital twin administrative services, a standard model development plan through participation in pilot projects should be considered. Gyeonggi Province should lead the project as the main agency and promote it through a collaborative project agreement. It is suggested that a support system for the overall project be established through the Gyeonggi Province Digital Twin Advisory Committee. Fourth, relevant regulations and systems for the construction, operation, and management of dedicated departments and administrative services should be established. To achieve the realization of digital twins in Gyeonggi Province, a dedicated organization that can perform various roles in project promotion and operation, as well as legal and institutional improvements, is necessary. To designate a dedicated organization, it is necessary to consider expanding and reorganizing existing departments and evaluating the operation of newly established departments. The limitation of this study is that it only surveyed participants from Gyeonggi Province, and it is recommended that future research be conducted nationwide. The expected effect of this study is that it can serve as a foundational resource for applying digital twin services to public work.

A Study on the Effects of Export Insurance on the Exports of SMEs and Conglomerates (수출보험이 국내 중소기업 및 대기업의 수출에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Dong-Joo
    • Korea Trade Review
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    • v.42 no.2
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    • pp.145-174
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    • 2017
  • Recently, due to the worsening global economic recession, Korea which is a small, export-oriented economy has decreased exports and the domestic economy also continues to stagnate. Therefore, for continued growth of our economy through export growth, we need to analyze the validity of export support system such as export insurance and prepare ways to expand exports. This study is to investigate the effects of Export Insurance on the exports of SMEs as well as LEs. For this purpose, this study conducted Time Series Analysis using data such as export, export insurance acquisition, export price index, exchange rate, and coincident composite index(CCI). First, as a result of the Granger Causality Test, the exports of LEs has found to have a causal relationship with the CCI, and CCI is to have a causal relationship with the short-term export insurance record. Second, the results of VAR analysis show that the export insurance acquisition result and the export price index have a positive effect on the exports of LEs, while the short - term export insurance has a negative effect on the exports of LEs. Third, as a result of variance decomposition, the export of LEs has much more influenced for mid to long term by the short-term export insurance acquisition compared to SMEs. Fourth, short-term export insurance has a positive effect on exports of SMEs. In order to activate short-term export insurance against SMEs, it is necessary to expand support for SMEs by local governments. This study aims to suggest policy implications for establishing effective export insurance policy by analyzing the effects of export insurance on the export of SMEs as well as LEs. It is necessary to carry out a time series analysis on the export results according to the insurance acquisition results by industry to measure the export support effect of export insurance more precisely.

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Responses of Health Physical Fitness and Arterial Stiffness through Cigarette Smoking (흡연습관이 성인 남성의 건강관련체력 및 동맥경직도에 미치는 영향)

  • Jung, Min-Kyung;Park, Eun-Kyung;Yoo, Jae-Hyun
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.197-205
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    • 2019
  • This study was to compare arterial stiffness and hemodynamic responses between male smokers and non-smokers. This study also investigates the influences of smoking before exercise on arterial stiffness and hemodynamic responses. 24 male subjects of age 20-29 without history of cardiorespiratory disease were divided into smokers and non-smokers. Smokers had more than 5 years of smoking experience. In order to evaluate the effects of pre-exercise smoking, smokers were tested twice, once with a cigarette before the exercise and the other once without one. Data was collected from bio-impedance analysis, SphygmoCor XCEL, graded exercise test, and fitness test. Main results of this study are as follows: First, there are differences between smokers and non-smokers in cardiorespiratory and hemodynamic response functions, as shown by maximal oxygen consumption, exercise duration, and heart rate. Second, the although the arterial stiffness between smokers and non-smokers showed statistically significant differences in the speed of the pulse wave velocity and augmentation index, smoker had a faster rate. It shows that smoking behavior has a negative impact on the cardiovascular system. Third, pre-exercise smoking behavior does have an impact on cardiorespiratory and hemodynamic response functions, as shown by exercise duration and heart rate. Lastly, arterial stiffness between smokers and non-smokers showed statistically not significant in the speed of the pulse wave velocity and augmentation index. However, the difference was not statistically significant. Brachial systolic pressure, a component of pulse wave analysis, on the other hand, was significantly dependent on pre-exercise smoking behavior. Subjects who participated in this study are college students in early 20s. Given their relatively short history of smoking, it is possible that their smoking habits are not severe enough to develop into cardiorespiratory or cardiovascular diseases. But Smokers showed lower levels of cardiopulmonary functions, as maximal oxygen consumption and exercise duration than nonsmokers.

The Case Study on Industry-Leading Marketing of Woori Investment and Securities (우리투자증권의 시장선도 마케팅 사례연구)

  • Choi, Eun-Jung;Lee, Sung-Ho;Lee, Sanghyun;Lee, Doo-Hee
    • Asia Marketing Journal
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.227-251
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    • 2012
  • This study analyzed Woori Investment and Securities' industry-leading marketing from both a brand management and a marketing decision-making perspective. By executing a different marketing strategy from its competitors, Woori Investment and Securities recognized recent changes in the asset management and investment markets as an open opportunity, and quickly responded to the market changes. First, the company launched the octo brand as a multi-account product, two years before its competitors offered their own products. In particular, it created a differentiated brand image, using the blue octopus character, which became familiar to the general financial community, and was consistently employed as part of an integrated marketing communications strategy. Second, it executed a brand expansion strategy by sub-branding octo in a variety of new financial products, responding to rapid changes in the domestic financial and asset management markets. Through this strategic evolution, the octo brand became a successful wealth management brand and representative of Woori Investment & Securities. Third, it has converged market research, demand and trend analysis, and customer needs acquired through various customer contact channels into a marketing perspective. Thus, marketing has participated in the product development stage, a rarity in the finance industry. Woori Investment and Securities has a leading marketing system. The heart of the successful product creation lies in a collaboration of their customer bases among the finance companies in the Woori Financial Group. The present study suggested a corresponding strategy for octo brand, which is expected to enter into the maturity stage of its product life cycle. In addition, this study found a need to modify the current positioning strategy in order to position and preserve sustainability in the increasingly competitive asset management market. It also suggested the need for an offensive strategy to counter the number one M/S company, and address the issue of cannibalism in the Woori Financial Group.

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Simulation and Feasibility Analysis of Aging Urban Park Refurbishment Project through the Application of Japan's Park-PFI System (일본 공모설치관리제도(Park-PFI)의 적용을 통한 노후 도시공원 정비사업 시뮬레이션 및 타당성 분석)

  • Kim, Yong-Gook;Kim, Young-Hyeon;Kim, Min-Seo
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.51 no.5
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    • pp.13-29
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    • 2023
  • Urban parks are social infrastructure supporting citizens' health, quality of life, and community formation. As the proportion of urban parks that have been established for more than 20 years is increasing, the need for refurbishment to improve the physical space environment and enhance the functions of aging urban parks is increasing. Since the government's refurbishment of aging urban parks has limitations in securing financial resources and promoting attractiveness, they must be promoted through public-private partnerships. Japan, which suffered from the problem of aging urban parks, has successfully promoted several park refurbishment projects by introducing the Park-PFI through the revision of the 「Urban Park Act」 in 2017. This study examines and analyzes the characteristics of the Japan Park-PFI as an alternative to improving the quality of aging domestic urban park services through public-private partnerships and the validity of the aging urban park refurbishment projects through Park-PFI. The main findings are as follows. First, it is necessary to start discussions on introducing Japan's Park-PFI according to the domestic conditions as a means of public-private partnership to improve the service quality and diversify the functions of aging urban parks. In order to introduce Park-PFI social discussions and follow-up studies on the deterioration of urban parks. Must be conducted. The installation of private capital and profit facilities and improvements of related regulations, such as the 「Parks and Green Spaces Act」 and the 「Public Property Act」, is required. Second, it is judged that the Park-PFI project is a policy alternative that can enhance the benefits to citizens, local governments, and private operators under the premise that the need to refurbish aging urban parks is high and the location is suitable for promoting the project. As a result of a pilot application of the Park-PFI project to Seyeong Park, an aging urban park located in Bupyeong-gu, Incheon, it was analyzed to be profitable in terms of the profitability index (PI), net present value (FNPV), and internal rate of return (FIRR). It is considered possible to participate in the business sector. At the local government level, private capital is used to improve the physical space environment of aging urban parks, as well as the refurbishment of the urban parks by utilizing financial resources generated by returning a portion of the facility usage fees and profits (0.5% of annual sales) of private operators. It was found that management budgets could be secured.

A Legal Analysis on the Absence of Provisions Regarding Non-relative Patients in the Act of Decisions-Making in Life-Sustaining Medicine (연명의료결정법에서 무연고자 규정미비 등에 관한 법적 고찰)

  • Moon, Sang Hyuk
    • The Korean Society of Law and Medicine
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.103-128
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    • 2023
  • According to the current act of Decision-Marking in Life-Sustaining Medicine, the decision to withhold or discontinue life-sustaining treatment is primarily based on the wishes of a patient in the dying process. Decision-making regarding life-sustaining treatment for these patients is made by the patient, if he or she is conscious, directly expressing his/her intention for life-sustaining treatment in writing or verbally or by writing an advance medical directive and physician orders for life-sustaining treatment. It can be exercised. On the other hand, if the patient has not written an advance medical directive or physician orders for life-sustaining treatment, the patient's intention can be confirmed with a statement from the patient's family, or a decision to discontinue life-sustaining treatment can be made with the consent of all members of the patient's family. However, in the case of an unrelated patient who has no family or whose family is unknown, if an advance medical directive or physician orders for life-sustaining treatment are not written before hospitalization and a medical condition prevents the patient from expressing his or her opinion, the patient's will cannot be known and the patient cannot be informed. A situation arises where a decision must be made as to whether to continue or discontinue life-sustaining treatment. This study reviewed discussions and measures for unbefriended patients under the current law in order to suggest policy measures for deciding on life-sustaining treatment in the case of unbefriended patients. First, we looked at the application of the adult guardian system, but although an adult guardian can replace consent for medical treatment that infringes on the body, permission from the family court is required in cases where death may occur as a direct result of medical treatment. It cannot be said to be an appropriate solution for patients in the process of dying. Second, in accordance with Article 14 of the Life-Sustaining Treatment Decision Act, we looked at the deliberation of medical institution ethics committees on decisions to discontinue life-sustaining treatment for patients without family ties.Under the current law, the medical institution ethics committee cannot make decisions on discontinuation of life-sustaining treatment for unbefriended patients, so through revision, matters regarding decisions on discontinuation of life-sustaining treatment for unbefriended patients are reflected in Article 14 of the same Act or separate provisions for unbefriended patients are made. It is necessary to establish and amend new provisions. In addition, the medical institution ethics committee must make a decision on unbefriended patients, but if the medical institution cannot make such a decision, there is a need to revise the law so that the public ethics committee can make decisions, such as discontinuing life-sustaining treatment for unbefriended patients.

A Study on the Investigation and Evaluation Standards for the Management of a Protected Tree (보호수 관리를 위한 조사 및 평가 기준 연구)

  • Lee, Sam-Ok;Lee, Jae-Yong;Kim, Choong-Sik
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.42 no.1
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    • pp.45-56
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    • 2024
  • The purpose of this study was to suggest evaluation items and standards for diagnosing the growth status of protected trees designated and managed by the Korea Forest Service. The research results are as follows. First, based on the Cultural Heritage Administration's standards for evaluating the growth status of old trees, which are natural monuments, and related data, items related to the 'growth status of the above-ground part' of the trees were revised and supplemented. Simultaneously new items such as 'location', 'usability', 'artificial cover rate within the crown width', 'soil physical properties', and 'soil chemical properties' were discovered. By combining these items, six items were derived to evaluate the growth status of protected trees. Second, evaluation items made through visual inspection, such as 'tree vigor' and 'leaf color' in the 'growth status of the above-ground part', were replaced with quantifiable items such as measuring the electrical resistance value of the cambium or chlorophyll content. Third, 'artificial cover rate within crown width' was introduced as an item to evaluate the growth environment, and classification criteria for 'soil physical properties' and 'chemical properties' were presented. Fourth, a method to evaluate the health of protected trees was specified by combining 10 above-ground growth conditions, 3 growth environments, and 8 soil environment items. In addition, a record format for diagnosing the growth status was shaped up. The significance of this study is that it proposed an evaluation and recording method for protected trees, which do not have an evaluation system compared to natural monuments, but there were limitations in developing a method that takes into account the importance of each evaluation item. In order to overcome these, research should be conducted to evaluate effectiveness for each item and to replace qualitative evaluation of trees with quantitative evaluation based on scientific data.