• Title/Summary/Keyword: sauce flavor evaluation

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An Evaluation of the Recognition, Preferences and Quality Factors on Sauces (소스(Sauce)의 인식과 기호도 및 품질요인에 대한 평가분석)

  • 김현덕;이연정;한재숙
    • Journal of the East Asian Society of Dietary Life
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.197-209
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    • 2002
  • This study was performed to investigate and analyze the level of recognition, preferences and quality factors of sauces. A total of 1,340 subjects, 660 males and 680 females in the Daegu and Kyeongbuk areas participated in a questionnaire for this study. The results were summarized as follows: Among the respondents, 41.1% answered that they learned about the sauces from a western style restaurant. 73.4% of the respondents suggested that the taste and the quality of sauces had an influence on their preferences of western dishes. 51.2% of the respondents recognized that sauces are mainly used when baking and broiling; it was widely known that demiglace sauce is used on steaks. The preferred colors of sauces from most popular to least popular were brown, blond, white, yellow and red. The overall favorite stock material of demiglace sauce was beef bone. Foods that were preferred to be served with sauces were found to be beef, pea seafood, fish, shellfish, poultry and cereals from most preferred to least preferred. The favorite sauces were brown stock sauce, tomato sauce, liquor sauce, and cream sauce from most preferred to least preferred. The oil and butter sauces were preferred the least. Using a scale of 1 to 5 with 5 being the highest, the respondents rated the way sauces were cooked as the most important the quality-determining factor, with a mean value of 4.31. The raw ingredient as the most important factor was rated 4.45. Among sensory factors, the respondents agreed taste was that the most important characteristic, with a mean value of 4.65. 36.0% evaluated the overall quality of sauces as good and 47.0% as ordinary when served with western dishes. 44.1% of the respondents stated that the taste is was the topmost characteristic that needed to be improved, and that flavor and color were next in order.

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Statistical Analysis for Relationship between Gas Chromatographic Profiles of Korean Ordinary Soy Sauce and Sensory Evaluation (한국재래식(韓國在來式) 간장 향기(香氣)의 개스 크로마토그래피 패턴과 관능검사(官能檢査)의 통계적(統計的) 해석(解析))

  • Kim, Jong-Kyu;Chang, Jung-Kyu;Lee, Bu-Kwon
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.242-250
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    • 1984
  • Flavor components extracted from eighty species of Korean ordinary soy sauce were analyzed by gas chromatography. The relationship between the sensory scores of soy sauce flavor and the gas chromatographic data transformed with variables were analysed by method of multiple regression analysis. Simple correlation between values of each peak and sensory scores were totally low. The tenth and 12th peak had the highest correlation, 0.331. Determination coefficients of data obtained by transformation of each variables were not significantly different from each other. Flavor of soy sauce was explained about 56% at step 16 in case of stepwise multiple regression analysis of absolute values. The fact that the minimum standard errors of an estimate was found at the 16th step suggests the importance of selecting of independent variables from the whole gas chromatogram together with the results of F ratio. In the contributing proportion of each peak examined, peak 10 and 12 were contributing mainly to the good flavor of soy sauce.

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Manufacturing of Functionalized ColorMook by Addition of the Color and Flavor from Natural Foods (천연식품의 색과 향기를 첨가한 기능성 칼라 묵의 제조)

  • Chang, Kyung-Mi
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.365-372
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    • 2007
  • This study was carried out to make the new products of color moot as a functional food by variation of the color and flavor through addition of gamgyul, Daccus Carota Var. Sativa, Vitis vinifera, soy sauce, and Pimpinella brachycarpa N., respectively. For all the products, the color was observed by Colorimeter and the sensory evaluation was performed to evaluate their effectiveness and usefulness. The A$_w$ (water activity) test of color mooks has performed to examine their water activity individually. The A$_w$ of color moot was higher than that of the white one. The characters of texture of color mook as a function of the amount of the color and the flavor added were measured by a texture analyzer (XT-RA, Texturometer). By the TPA test, the rainbow and orange color mook examined were high in the springiness.

Quality Characteristic of Low Salted Yacon Jangachi Using Soybean Sauce (간장을 이용한 저염 야콘 장아찌의 품질특성)

  • Shim, Ki-Hoon
    • The Korean Journal of Community Living Science
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.79-88
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    • 2012
  • To evaluate the possibility of low-salinity of traditional fermented food, we investigated quality characteristic of low-salted Yacon Jangachi using soybean sauce with sugar or vinegar for 50 days. Sugar content, titration acidity, and salinity of all Yacon Jangachi was increased as storage time increased. All of the Yacon Jangachi had less than 3.0% salinity. Especially, the salinity of the Yacon Jangachi with sugar and vinegar was the lowest during storage time. The L value was decreased as storage time increased but the results of the a and b values were reversed. Cutting force was not significant among samples and storage periods. In the results of sensory evaluation, preference of all samples were increased as storage time increased. The preference of color was not significant among samples from 30 days but the taste was reversed. The preference of flavor was significant between samples in 40 days, texture was not significant during storage time. Overall preference was not significant after 30 days, which suggested that Yacon Jangachi using soybean sauce retains overall preference in steady level from 30 days. Yacon Jangachi using soybean sauce showed the highest preference when produced with sugar and vinegar.

Quality Characteristics of Soy Reducing Sauce Made with Apple Concentrate (사과농축액을 이용한 간장조림소스의 품질특성)

  • Yin, Xue-Feng;Choi, Soo-Keun;NamKung, Young
    • Journal of the East Asian Society of Dietary Life
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    • v.21 no.6
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    • pp.823-829
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    • 2011
  • The study showed test results of Teriyaki sauce produced by apple concentrate instead of sugar in order to reduce the sugar content. We created four batches of soy sauce for testing. The Control batch was normal soy sauce. S1, S2, S3, and S4 were sauces made with different amounts of apple concentrate. The test results for the moisture contents, color value, sugar content, salinity, viscosity, pH and sensory evaluation (QDA, acceptance test) of all the types of sauce are as follows. The moisture contents of the Control was 50.80%, and for S4 was 35.14%. In chromaticity results, the L value of the Control was 10.85 which was the highest compared to samples which were in the range of 8.35~8.55. The value of a and b was highest in S4 and was lowest in Control. The sugar content was 53.53 $^{\circ}Brix$ in the Control, and 43.73 $^{\circ}Brix$ in S1. S1 showed 6.77% salinity, and S4 showed 5.37% salinity. The viscosity of S4 was highest at 60.33 cp, and Control showed the highest pH value of 4.82. The QDA of S4 showed the most intense brown color, which was 5.36. For gloss and soy sauce scent, no significant difference was found between the samples. Control showed a mild apple scent which was 1.45, and S1 showed the saltiest flavor which was 5.18. The sweet flavor for Control was 4.64, and S3 showed the strongest aftertaste from the test. No significant difference of appearance and acceptance was found between samples. S2 showed a scent of 5.09, which was the best. The savory taste of S3 was best, and was worst for S1. S3 showed the best overall interest which was 4.55. According to these results, S3 had the lowest sugar content, at 4%, and therefore had the highest possibility of being produced.

Quality Characteristics of Fermented Beef-Rib Sauce Prepared by Zygosaccharomyces rouxii Cultivation (Zygosaccharomyces rouxii를 배양하여 제조한 발효갈비양념의 품질특성 및 저장성)

  • Kim, Yong-Moon;Oh, Chul-Hwan;In, Man-Jin;Oh, Nam-Soon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.36 no.6
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    • pp.807-812
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    • 2007
  • In order to enhance the flavor and storage stability of meat sauce, the manufacturing process of fermented beef-rib sauce was developed in a two-step process. The fermented sauce base was manufactured with Zygosaccharomyces rouxii Y-80 yeast cultivation in raw sauce ingredients for 3 days at $25^{\circ}C$. The fermented beef-rib sauce (FBS) was produced by mixing fermented sauce base with side ingredients. Comparison of the physicochemical and sensory properties with non-fermented beef-rib sauce (NFBS) revealed that the content of ethanol and volatile flavor compounds were higher in FBS; also, the result of sensory evaluation showed that FBS obtained excellent scores for overall taste. To determine the storage stability, FBS and NFBS were incubated at $25^{\circ}C$ for 7 days. The extent of decrease of pH and increase of titratable acidity in NFBS were faster than FBS. After 7 days, ethanol concentrations in FBS and NFBS were 3.77% and 2.04%, respectively. Therefore, based on these results, it can be suggested that storage stability of FBS is superior.

The Proximate Composition, Free Sugars Contents and Sensory Characteristics of Demi-glace Sauce according to the Varying Quantity of Omija Added (오미자 첨가량에 따른 Demi-Glace 소스의 일반성분과 유리당 함량 및 관능적 특성)

  • Kim Hyun-Duk
    • Journal of the East Asian Society of Dietary Life
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    • v.14 no.6
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    • pp.598-607
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    • 2004
  • This study was conducted to examine the sensory characteristics and the contents of proximate composition and the free sugars of the Demi-glace with varying quantity of Omija extracts added. First, the qualities of Demi-glace sauces with varying quantity of Omija extracts added are as follows: (1) Proximate composition: The moisture content was 66.10~73.50%, and crude ash content was 1.59~1.89%. As the Omija extracts added increased, moisture content increased, whereas crude ash content decreased. The crude protein content was 6.12~7.95%. Among them, the one with the 2% Omija added showed the highest level of the crude protein. (2) Free sugars contents: In terms of total sugar contents, the control showed 1.32% and Omija sauces showed 1.44~1.55%. Major free sugars analyzed in the order of fructose, oligosaccharide, glucose and sucrose. Second, the results of sensory evaluation of Demi-glace sauces with the different levels of Omija added are as follows: (1) The preference of Demi-glace sauces according to occupation: Students and Cooks liked the one with the 2% Omija added in terms of color, flavor, taste, texture and overall acceptability. Cooks showed higher preference than students. (2) The preference of 5 tastes: It was found that Demi-glace sauce with the 2% Omija added was the best. The one with the 2% Omija added was suitable in terms of sweet taste and bitter taste and the one with the 3% Omija added was desirable for hot taste and saline taste. In terms of sour taste, the one with 1% Omija added was regarded as the most desirable one. (3) The preference for authentic tastes for Demi-glace sauce: In terms of simple taste, females showed higher preference than males. Demi-glace sauce with the 2% Omija added was found to be the best for savory taste, flavor enhancer taste, simple taste, after taste and overall acceptability. The one with the 1 % Omija added was regarded as the best for soft taste.

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Studies on the Processing of Sauce by using Red Crab Shell (붉은 대게 껍질을 이용한 소스 제조에 관한 연구)

  • Seoung, Tae-Jong;Choi, Soo-Keun;Byun, Gwang-In
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.23 no.6
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    • pp.667-680
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    • 2008
  • The moisture contained in conventionally extracted red crab shell samples was lower than than in samples extracted using high pressure. In contrast, ash content increased as the extraction time increased and displayed no significant variation in high pressure extraction. Extraction time was influential, with lower lightness (L-value) being obtained in samples extracted at high pressure as compared to traditional extraction. However, large variation in a- and b-values resulted from traditional extraction. For both traditional and high pressure extraction increases in pH, salinity and saccharide content were noted with increasing extraction time, but these parameters did not vary substantially in red crab shell extracted at high pressure. The mineral content in samples extracted by high pressure was higher than in traditionally extracted samples. The mineral content increased with time, with marginally higher contents of essential amino acids and flavor enhancing amino acids noted following high pressure extraction. The contents of the flavor enhancing amino acids increased from 30?60 min, thereafter decreasing. Assessment of consumer acceptance revealed that, while traditionally manufactured red crab sauce was popular, sauce manufactured using a 60 min high pressure extraction was preferred. Extending the high pressure extraction time to 75 min produced a less sensory acceptable product, due to higher mineral and protein levels.

Quality Characteristics of Pork by Cooking Conditions (돈육의 조리조건에 따른 품질 특성)

  • 박추자;박찬성
    • Korean journal of food and cookery science
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    • v.17 no.5
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    • pp.490-496
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    • 2001
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of ingredients(spices and medicinal plants) on the physicochemical properties of Pyunyuk a Korean style-cooked pork. Pyunyuk samples were prepared by the following 5 cooking conditions: Control(pork, water), A(pork, water, soy sauce), B(pork, water, soy sauce, onion, ginger), C(pork, water, soy sauce, onion, ginger, licorice, cinnamon) and D(pork, water, soy sauce, onion, ginger, licorice, cinnamon, clove and chestunt inner skin(CIS). The contents of ash, crude protein in loin and shank Pyunyuk were not significantly different among Pyunyuk samples, but crude fat content of C, D were significantly lower than control, A and B(p<0.05). In Hunter’s color values of Pyunyuk, the lightness(L) was decreased by the addition of multiple ingredients, whereas the redness was increased. In mechanical characteristics, the hardness of control was the highest among the samples(p <0.05). In sensory evaluation, sample D obtained the highest score in flavor, taste, hardness, cohesiveness, springiness, gumminess and overall acceptability(p<0.05), and it was most preferred by the panels. There were higher negative-correlations between mechanical hardness and sensory characteristics of flavor, taste, cohesiveness, gumminess, brittleness and overall acceptability. From these results, it could be concluded that Pyunyuk ingredients(herbs and medicinal plants) reduce the content of crude fat, increase the tenderness and improve the flavor and taste of pork during cooking.

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Developing Processed Foods by Adding Kimchi for International Product Strategy (국제화 상품 전략을 위한 김치를 첨가한 조리제품 개발)

  • Cho, Yong-Bum
    • Proceedings of the Culinary Society of Korean Academy Conference
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    • 2005.10a
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    • pp.61-86
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    • 2005
  • Kimchi power made by kimchi fermentation and freeze-drying was added to Western foods of sauce, soup, pizza, cracker and bread. Flavor qualities of the processed fusionfoods were evaluated by analyzing volatile compounds and sensory evaluation. The optimum condition of kimchi fermented for the best flavor quality of freeze-drying was the ranges of pH4.0${\sim}$pH4.7 and acidity 0.5${\sim}$0.8. The number of volatile compounds identified from extracts of the freeze-dried kimchi powder was 24, which contained 7 alcohols, 5 esters, 5 acids, 3 sulfur-containing compounds, 2 aldehydes, 1 oxygen-containing and 1 other. Among the identified compounds, the most abundant compound was eugenol(39.40%), followed as the order of dodecanoic acid(4.91%), acetic acid(1.70%), methyl 2-propenyl disulfide(1.52%), hexanal(1.51%) and 2-pentylfuran(1.18%). These compounds affected the flavor quality of kimchi powder.

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