• 제목/요약/키워드: rural water district

검색결과 63건 처리시간 0.024초

갈신양수장 관개지구의 관개효율과 관개패턴분석 (Analysis of Irrigation Efficiency and Pattern in Galshin Pumping District)

  • 류범희;박승기
    • 농촌계획
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    • 제26권3호
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    • pp.91-102
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of study was analyze the pumping characteristics, Irrigation Efficiency(IE), and irrigation pattern by period of rice growing stage with based on the performance of design irrigation water requirement and operational Galshin Pumping(GP) station in GP irrigation district constructed under rural water development project master plan. GP station was located in Yedang reservoir, Yesan-gun, Chungcheongnam-do and has been supplying irrigation water since 2006. The research data are the Irrigation Water Requirement(IWR) and the Pumping Water Amount(PWA) from 2006 to 2015 at the GP station, which is the supplied amount. The IWR were calculated using the Blaney-Criddle formula of the HOMWRS program, Hydrological Operation Model for Water Resource System, developed by Korea Rural Community Corporation. The Blaney-Criddle formula was used to calculate design irrigation water requirement of Galshin rural water development project master plan. During 2006-2015, the study period, the annual average IWR is 763.2(±149.1)mm, the annual PWA of the GP station is 397.4mm to 1,056.9mm, and those average annual PWA is 643.4(±208.4)mm. The annual IE of GP station 96.5% to 169.0%, and the average annual IE is 124.3%, which is higher than the research results conducted in other pumping stations. Analyzing the irrigation patterns of the GP irrigation district, the IWR Ratio per 10days(IWRR) and the PWA Ratio per 10days(PWAR) of the G P station were obtained. The IWRR is the percentage of IWR for each 10 days of a month to total IWR per year, and the PWAR is the percentage of PWA for each 10 days of a month to total PWA per year. The Kolmogorov- Smirnov(K-S) test results of IWRR and PWAR showed the characteristics classification by rice growing stage and stable normal distribution characteristics. Average IWRR(AIWRR) and Average PWAR(APWAR) are presented as irrigation patterns. Irrigation pattern analysis will be able to standardize comparison, analysis and probability calculation of the pumping station characteristics of different pumping stations and apply to objective evaluation of the pumping station district.

격자단위 국가 표준 시나리오를 적용한 농촌용수구역단위 자료변환 방법 비교 연구 (Study on the Methodology for Generating Future Precipitation Data by the Rural Water District Using Grid-Based National Standard Scenario)

  • 김시호;황세운
    • 한국농공학회논문집
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    • 제65권3호
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    • pp.69-82
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    • 2023
  • Representative meteorological data of the rural water district, which is the spatial unit of the study, was produced using the grid-based national standard RCP scenario rainfall data provided by the Korea Meteorological Administration. The retrospective reproducibility of the climate model scenario data was analyzed, and the change in climate characteristics in the water district unit for the future period was presented. Finally the data characteristics and differences of each meteorological element according to various spatial resolution conversion and post-processing methods were examined. As a main result, overall, the distribution of average precipitation and R95p of the grid data, has reasonable reproducibility compared to the ASOS observation, but the maximum daily rainfall tends to be distributed low nationwide. The number of rainfall days tends to be higher than the station-based observation, and this is because the grid data is generally calculated using the area average concept of representative rainfall data for each grid. In addition, in the case of coastal regions, there is a problem that administrative districts of islands and rural water districts do not match. and In the case of water districts that include mountainous areas, such as Jeju, there was a large difference in the results depending on whether or not high rainfall in the mountainous areas was reflected. The results of this study are expected to be used as foundation for selecting data processing methods when constructing future meteorological data for rural water districts for future agricutural water management plans and climate change vulnerability assessments.

농업용 저수지 용수공급 모의 시스템의 개발 (Development of agricultural reservoir water supply simulation system)

  • 전상민;강문성;송인홍;송정헌;박지훈;기우석
    • 농촌계획
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    • 제20권2호
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    • pp.103-114
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    • 2014
  • The objective of this study was to develop agricultural reservoir water supply simulation system to assess water cycle of agricultural water district. Developed system was named as ARWS (Agricultural Reservoir Water supply simulation System). ARWS consists of platform and independent modules. In ARWS, reservoir inflow was calculated using Tank model, and agricultural water supply was calculated considering current farming period and mid-summer drainage. ARWS was applied to simulate water level of Gopung and Tapjung reservoir in 2011 - 2012. The results were compared to simulation results of HOMWRS and observed data. Average $R^2$, EI, RMSE of ARWS were 0.76, 0.46, 1.78 (m), average $R^2$, EI, RMSE of HOMRWS were 0.88, -0.14, 2.37 (m) respectively. Considering statistical variances, water level simulation results of ARWS were more similar to observed data than HOMWRS. ARWS can be useful to estimate reservoir water supply and assess hydrological processes of agricultural water district.

Analysis of spatial characteristics and irrigation facilities of rural water districts

  • Mikyoung Choi;Kwangya Lee;Bosung Koh;Sangyeon Yoo;Dongho Jo;Minchul La;Sangwoo Kim;Wonho Nam
    • 농업과학연구
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    • 제50권4호
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    • pp.903-916
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    • 2023
  • This study aims to establish basic data for efficient management of rural water by analyzing regional irrigation facilities and benefitted areas in the statistical yearbook of land and water development for agriculture at the watershed level. For 511 domestic rural water use areas, water storage facilities (reservoirs, pumping & drainage stations, intake weirs, infiltration galleries, and tube wells) are spatially distributed, and the benefitted areas provided at the city/county level are divided by water use area to provide agricultural water supply facilities. The characteristics of rural water district areas such as benefitted area, were analyzed by basin. The average area of Korea's 511 rural water districts is 19,638 ha. The average benefitted area by rural water district is 1,270 ha, with the Geum River basin at 2,220 ha and the Yeongsan River basin at 1,868 ha, which is larger than the overall average. The Han River basin at 807 ha, the Nakdong River basin at 1,121 ha, and the Seomjing River basin at 938 ha are smaller than the overall average. The results of this basic analysis are expected to be used to set the direction of various supply and demand management projects that take into account the rational and scientific use and distribution of rural water and the characteristics of water use areas by presenting a quantitative definition of Korea's agricultural water districts.

용수구역 물 관리를 위한 표준화 물수지 모형 개발 (Development of Standardized Water Balance Model for Applying Irrigation District in South Korea)

  • 노재경;이재남;김용국
    • 농업과학연구
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    • 제37권1호
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    • pp.105-112
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    • 2010
  • The objective of this study is to develop a standardized model for analyzing water balances in large scaled water basin by considering agricultural water districts, and to evaluate the hydrological feasibility of applying this model to several water districts such as Nonbul, Geumbok, Daejeon 1, Daejeon 2, and Cheonggang in Geum river basin. Ten types of stream network were considered in developed model. Using this model, streamflows were simulated by major stations and water balances were analyzed by water districts. Simulated streamflows and measured streamflows were compared at check stations such as Gapcheon and Bugang stations in which Nash and Schcliffe's model efficiencies were 0.633, 0.902, respectively. This results showed its applicabilities to national water resources plan, rural water development plan, and total maximum daily load plan in Korea.

태양광 시범지구에서 토양·수질 변화 및 물 절감 효과 분석 (Analysis of Soil·Water Quality Changes and Water Saving Effects in Solar Power Pilot District)

  • 손재권;윤상원;송재도
    • 한국농공학회논문집
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    • 제66권6호
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    • pp.27-36
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    • 2024
  • This study analyzed the effects of insolation on evaporation and the hazards to soil and water quality in the Buan testbed. For monitoring, weather observation equipment ZL6 and a pressure water level gauge were installed in the target district to investigate the evaporation and soil and water quality samples during the rainy season were collected by season for environmental impact assessment. As a result of the Buan testbed soil environmental impact assessment, the change in the content of hazardous components in the testbed soil heavy metals was found to be lower than the soil pollution concern standards and countermeasure standards, and the water quality environmental impact assessment result showed that the impact on the water quality environment was small. It was found that the insolation inside the solar power plant was affected by 37.11 to 85.83% of the insolation outside the solar power plant, with an average of 58.67% of the insolation and the amount of water saved inside the solar power plant was reduced to 45.61%. In order to select the optimal effect in the future, it is judged that analysis will be necessary according to the panel size for each solar type after installation in the test demonstration complex.

저수지 관개지구의 농업용수 회귀 특성 분석 (Characteristics of Irrigation Return Flow in a Reservoir Irrigated District)

  • 송정헌;송인홍;김진택;강문성
    • 한국농공학회논문집
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    • 제57권1호
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    • pp.69-78
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    • 2015
  • The objective of this study was to investigate characteristics of irrigation return flow from paddy block in a reservoir irrigated district during growing seasons. The irrigation return flow was divided into three parts, quick return flow from irrigation canal (RFI), quick return flow from drainage canal (RFD), and delayed return flow (DRF). The RFI was calculated from water level and stage-discharge relationships at the ends of the irrigation canals. The DRF was estimated using measured infiltration amount from paddy fields of the irrigated district. A combined monitoring and modeling method was used to estimate the RFD by subtracting surface runoff from surface drainage. The paddy block irrigated from the Idong reservoir was selected to study the irrigation return flow components. The results showed that daily agricultural water supply (AWS), the RFI, and the RFD were $27.4mm\;day^{-1}$, $4.9mm\;day^{-1}$, and $19.8mm\;day^{-1}$, respectively in May, which were greater than other months (p<0.05). The return flow ratio of the RFI and the RFD were the greatest in July (34.6%) and May (72.3%), respectively. The daily AWS was closely correlated with the RFD (correlation coefficients of 0.76~0.86) in except for July with, while correlation coefficient with the RFI were 0.56 and 0.42 in June and July, respectively (p<0.01). The total irrigation return flow was 1,965 mm in 2011, and 1,588 mm in 2012, resulting in total return flow ratio of 84.6% and 79.1%, respectively. This results indicate that substantial amounts of agricultural water were returned to streams as irrigation return flow. Thus, irrigation return flow should be fully considered into the agricultural water resources planning in Korea.

농업생산기반정비사업의 예비타당성조사 정책효과 분석 - 판교지구 다목적 농촌용수개발사업을 중심으로 - (Policy assessment of Agricultural Infrastructure Improvement Project for Preliminary Feasibility Study - Multipurpose Rural Water Development Project in Pangyo District -)

  • 김수진;배승종;유승환;김윤형;윤성은;김정훈
    • 농촌계획
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    • 제27권1호
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    • pp.21-28
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    • 2021
  • Since 2001, the Pangyo district multipurpose rural water development project has been promoted as a new target project for stable supply of agricultural water and improvement of the living environment of rural areas in Seocheon-gun. Detailed data analysis and logic must be reinforced, focusing on the items reorganized by the reorganization of the preliminary feasibility study. The purpose of this study is to promote the smooth promotion of projects by conducting a policy effect assessment following the reorganization of the preliminary feasibility study system. This study conducted a policy assessment of agricultural infrastructure improvement project for preliminary feasibility study. The policy assessment is divided into three parts: project implementation conditions, policy effects and special assessments. The newly established policy effect is to assess the job effects, living conditions impact, environmental evaluation, and safety evaluation that contribute to the quality of life. Sixteen policy assessment items were selected and evaluated quantitatively and qualitatively. The results of the study are expected to provide basic data for the comprehensive judgment of the preliminary feasibility study of agricultural infrastructure improvement project in the future.

동진지구 관개용수로의 손실률 및 관개효율 분석 (Analysis of Water Loss Rate and Irrigation Efficiency in Irrigation Canal at the Dong-Jin District)

  • 홍은미;최진용;남원호;이상현;최진규;김진택
    • 한국농공학회논문집
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    • 제57권2호
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    • pp.93-101
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study is to evaluate the paddy irrigation efficiency using real-time water level monitoring data and intermittent irrigation model in Gimjae, Dong-Jin irrigation district. For this study, the real-time water level data in Gimjae main canal and other secondary canals were collected from 2012 to 2014 and converted to daily discharge using rating curve in each canal. From intermittent irrigation model in paddy, irrigation water requirement was estimated and irrigation efficiency was calculated. The average amount of irrigation water supply per unit irrigation area was 1,011 mm in Gimjae main canal for 12,749 ha irrigation area, 1,011 mm in the secondary canal of upper region and 1,470 mm in the secondary canal of lower region. The median irrigation loss was 43 % in Gimjae main canal, 25 % in secondary canal of upper region and 35 % in the secondary canal of lower region. The larger irrigation area is, the irrigation loss rates tend to decrease in secondary canals. Monthly median irrigation losses in upper region were 10 (June) - 40 % (September) and those in lower region were 25 (May) to 40 % (April, June, August, and September). The results of canal management loss can be available as the basic data for irrigation water management and estimating guideline of optimal irrigation water supply to improve agricultural water use efficiencies.

가뭄 대응형 지하수 개발 우선순위 선정을 위한 농촌용수구역의 유형 분석 (Classifying Agricultural Districts for Prioritizing Groudwater Development Area based on Correlation and Cluster Analysis)

  • 오윤경;이상현;김아라;홍순욱;유승환
    • 농촌계획
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    • 제26권2호
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    • pp.51-59
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    • 2020
  • In this study, we analyzed the characteristics of 511 agricultural districts through statistical data, and classify these districts as the vulnerable area to drought through correlation and cluster analysis. The criteria for classification was related to ground-water recharge, irrigation water demand, and water supply. As a result, 8 types of agricultural districts were extracted. For example, the type 1 indicated the high priority area for ground-water development, thus the districts which were classified as type 1 showed ground-water use was less than 80 % of maximum capacity, and irrigation water supply was only 37.5 % and 76.5 % of irrigation water demand in upland and paddy field, respectively. As a result, 44 of 511 districts were classified as type 1.36 districts (types 5-8) were areas where groundwater development is limited. The results of this study are expected to provide useful information for establishing the direction of the rural area development project in connection with the revitalization of policy of people return to rural area.