• Title/Summary/Keyword: runoff area

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Sensitivity Analysis of Runoff-Quality Parameters in the Urban Basin (도시 배수유역의 유출-수질 특성인자의 민감도 분석)

  • Lee, Jong-Tae;Gang, Tae-Ho
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.83-93
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    • 1997
  • The purpose of the study is to analyze the sensitivity of the parameters that affect the runoff and water quality in the studied drainage basins. SWMM model is applied to the four drainage basins located at Namgazwa and Sanbon in Seoul and Gray Haven and Kings Creek in the USA. first of all, the optimum values of the parameters which have least simulation error to the observed data, are detected by iteration procedure. These are used as the standard values which are compared against the procedure. These are used as the standard values which are compared against the varied parameter values. In order to catch the effectiveness of the parameters to the computing result, the parameters are changed step by setp, and the results are compared to the standard results in flowerate and quality of the sewer. The study indicates that the discharge is greatly affected by the types of runoff surface, i.e., impervious area remarkably affects the peak flow and runoff volume while the surface storage affects the runoff volume at mild sloped basins. In addition, the major parameters affecting the pollution concentrations and loadings are the contaminant accumulation coefficient per unit area per time and the continuous dry weather days. Furthermore, the factors that affect the water quality during the initial rainfall period are the rainfall intensity, transport capacity coefficient and its power coefficient. Consequently, in order to simulate the runoff-water quality, it is needed to evaluate previous data in the research performed for the studied basins. To accurately estimated from the tributary areas and the rational computation methods of the pollutants calculation should be introduced.

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A Study on Non-point Source Pollutants from Pavement of Coastal Area and Guidance for Selecting BMP (연안지역 포장면 비점오염물질 유출 및 최적관리방안 시설의 선정을 위한 가이던스에 관한 연구)

  • Ko, Woong;Park, Kisoo;Chen, Yaoping;Kim, Youngchul
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.543-553
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    • 2013
  • In Korea, there have been many studies and progresses on various types of pilot scale or commercialized field scale Best Management Practices(BMP) during the last 10 years. Runoff characteristics of diffuse pollutants from different land uses are well identified and documented. However, for the coastal area connected directly with shoreline, runoff patterns and management schemes of non-point pollution were not fully studied. Recently, coastal area is emerging as a new development axis especially in west coast side of Korea such as Incheon city and Chungnam province, thus urbanized area rapidly increased but there are no buffer zones and BMP facilities to aim at preventing direct discharge of the first flush into coastal sea and beaches. In this study, parking area in Deacheon harbor, Boryeong City in Chungnam Province was selected and rainfall runoff was monitored for two year period in order to examine run-off features from which proper type of BMP suitable for coastal area is proposed. Coastal area usually has a low ground water level and consists of plain land, so that large scale BMP such as storm water retention pond and wetland requiring great excavation works is not best management plan. In addition, monitoring study shows that storm water from the paved parking area has a high salinity compared with those in storm water from the inland. High salinity is detrimental for the vegetation. Therefore, BMP employing least vegetative cover and also in terms of maintenance is a good option such as infiltration trench and porous pavement.

Design of Optimum Volume of Sediment Settling Pond at Highland Agricultural Watershed Using WEPP Model (WEPP 모델을 이용한 고랭지밭 경사도별 침사지 적정용량 산정방법)

  • Hyun, Geun-Woo;Park, Sung-Bin;Park, Jeong-Hee;Geon, Sang-Ho;Choi, Jae-Wan;Kim, Ki-Sung;Lim, Kyoung-Jae
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.52 no.5
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    • pp.87-95
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    • 2010
  • The optimum volume of sediment settling pond is determined by the maximum rainfall and surface peak rate runoff from crop field. Based on analysis of measured rainfall and runoff data, it was found that rainfall intensity of 2 mm/min would result in peak rate runoff from the agricultural field of study area. Optimum pond volume under various slope scenarios were determined using the WEPP model calibrated with measured flow and sediment data for the study watershed. For the agricultural field with the slope of 7 % and area of $2,600\;m^2$ at the study area, at least $6.4\;m^3$ of sediment settling pond is needed as shown in this study. The results presented in this study could be used as a guide in designing appropriate volume of sediment settling pond at highland agricultural areas because both very detailed field measurement and calibrated WEPP model results are used in the analysis.

Inundation Analysis on the Region of Lower Elevation of a New Port by Using SWMM5 and UNET Model - Yongwon-dong, Jinhae-si (SWMM5와 UNET 모형을 이용한 신항만 저지대 침수분석 - 진해시 용원동)

  • Lee, Jung-Min;Lee, Sang-Ho;Kang, Tae-Uk
    • Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.442-451
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    • 2008
  • We analyzed characteristics of rainfall-runoff for the channel of Yongwon area made by a new port construction. And we conducted inundation analysis on the region of lower elevation near the coast. SWMM5 was calibrated with the storm produced by the typhoon Megi from August 19 to August 20 in 2004, and was verified with the storm from August 22 to August 22 in 2004. We performed hydraulic channel routing of Yongwon channel about typhoon Megi from August 19 to August 20 in 2004 by UNET model which is a hydraulic channel routing. The simulated runoff hydrographs were added to the new stream as lateral inflow hydrographs and a watershed runoff hydrograph was the upstream boundary condition. The downstream boundary condition data were estimated by the measured stage hydrographs. The maximum stage that was calculated by hydraulic channel routing was higher than the levee of inundated region in typhoon Megi. Thus we can suppose an inundation to have been occurred. We performed inundation analysis about typhoon Megi from August 19 to August 20 in 2004 and flood discharge of return period 10~150 years. And we estimated each inundation area. The inundation areas by return periods of storms were estimated by 3.4~5.7 ha. The causes of inundation are low heights of levee crests (D.L. 2.033~2.583 m), storm surges induced by typhoons and reverse flow through the coastal sewers (D.L. -0.217~0.783 m). A result of this study can apply to establish countermeasure of a flood disaster in Yongwon.

A Study on Flood Risk Analysis for A Small Stream in Urban Residential Area (도시 주거지역 내 소하천의 홍수 안정성에 관한 연구)

  • Kwak, Jae-Won;Ahn, Kyoung-Soo;Kyoung, Min-Soo;Kim, Hung-Soo
    • 한국방재학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2008.02a
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    • pp.195-198
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    • 2008
  • In this study we analyzed flood runoff and flood characteristics of an small urban river basin which is in an apartment complex in Yewol-Dong, Buchun-Si, Gyunggi-Do. A little discharge normally flows in the river, however this small river has a relatively high potential of flood damage risk in the flood season due to the high flood level and velocity. Therefore we used the GIS data, cross section data in the river, HEC-RAS model, etc. for investigating safety of a river against flood runoff and also we investigated the stability of hydraulic structures and ability of flood prevention in the river. As the result of investigation, we found that the river had the risk of flood damage occurrence due to the hydraulic structures constructed for various purposes in the river. So we should analyze backwater effect by the structures and consider the risk factors can be occurred by the flood runoff and velocity for more safe design of a small river basin in the residential area such as an apartment complex in the urban area.

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The Effect of Pervious Pavement on Reducing the Surface Runoff (투수성 포장재의 우수 표면유출 저감 효과)

  • Lee, Chun-Seok;Ryu, Nam-Hyung;Han, Seung-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.11 no.6
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    • pp.26-37
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of the study was to evaluate the effect of pervious pavements on reducing the surface runoff caused by rainfall. The surface runoff from twelve steel experimental beds with different pavement had been recorded every minute from May to September 2008, by the measuring system of tipping buckets(0.1mm/count) and data aquisition systems(National Instrument's Labview and DAQ boards & Autonics PR12-4). The dimension of the experimental bed was $1.5m(W){\times}2.0m(L){\times}0.6m(D)$ and eleven different kinds of vegetational(grass, grass+cubic stone, grass+hole brick), modular(brick, cubic stone, small cubic stone, wood block, interlocking block, clay brick, granular clay brick) and granular(naked soil, gravel) paving materials and concrete were applied for the comparison. Six rain events with depth over 30mm were selected and compared. The maximum depth of the rainfall selected was 137.5mm for 28 hours, and the minimum 30mm for 5 hours. The maximum rainfall per hour was 23mm/hr and the minimum 11.4mm/hr. The major findings were as follows; 1. All pervious pavement applied reduced over 75% of the surface runoff compared with concrete pavement. The grassy and porous pavements were relatively efficient in reducing surface runoff. 2. The grass was the more efficient as intercepting average 69.5mm of initial surface runoff, and maximum 77.8mm at the condition of 13.5mm/hr rainfall. The next was gravel intercepting maximum 65.5mm at the condition of 13.5mm/hr and the 40.9mm at 19.1mm/hr, average 55.7mm. 3. The modular pavements common in urban area were not good in intercepting the runoff except the 'clay granular brick' compared with others. The 'clay granular brick' showed relatively efficient intercepting average 14.1mm, which was the bigger amount than the 'grass+hole brick'. 4. The 'naked soil' were more effective than the 'concrete', 'brick', and 'interlocking block' in reducing the surface runoff, but less efficient than other materials. The capacity of the 'naked soil' to intercept the initial rainfall was similar to the 'brick'. As summary, the more grassy and porous pavement shows more effective in reducing surface runoffs.

Evaluation and complementation of observed flow in the Hancheon watershed in Jeju Island using a physically-based watershed model (유역모형을 활용한 제주도 한천 유역의 관측유량 평가 및 보완)

  • Kim, Chul Gyum;Kim, Nam Won
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.49 no.11
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    • pp.951-959
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    • 2016
  • This study was conducted to evaluate observed runoff data collected every 10 minutes at stream gauging stations in Jeju Island using a physically-based model, SWAT. The Hancheon watershed was selected as study area, and ephemeral stream algorithm suggested by previous research was incorporated into the model, which is able to simulate ephemeral runoff pattern of Jeju streams. Simulated runoff and runoff rates were compared to observations during 2008-2013, which showed 'very good' performance rating in Nash-Sutcliffe model efficiency (ME) and determination coefficient ($R^2$). Some observations had problems such that runoff rates were very high for some rainfall events with little amount of antecedent rainfall, and were very low or missing with much rainfall comparing to previous researches. Additionally, regression equation between precipitation and simulated runoff was generated with high degree of correlation. The equation can be utilized to simply predict reasonable runoff, or to investigate and complement the abnormal or missing data of observations on the assumption that modelling results were sufficiently reliable and satisfactory. As results, minimizing the error in calibrating the model by evaluation of observed data would be helpful to accurately model the rainfall-runoff characteristics and analyze the water balance components of watersheds in Jeju Island.

Application of WEP Model to the Cheonggyecheon Watershed (청계천 유역에 대한 WEP 모형의 적용)

  • Noh, Seong-Jin;Kim, Hyeon-Jun;Jang, Cheol-Hee
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.38 no.8 s.157
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    • pp.645-653
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    • 2005
  • Water cycle analysis in the Cheonggyecheon watershed(river length: 13.75 km, area: $50.96\;km^2$) was performed using WEP model, a physically based distributed rainfall-runoff model. As the application results of the model, the hydrological characteristics of the Cheonggyecheon watershed are significantly consistent with those of a typical urbanized watershed. The direct runoff from the watershed was larger and the evapotranspiration. was lower, and the response of runoff to rainfall was occurred very fast, as compared to forest watersheds. The river channel routing simulation results are similar to the change pattern and scale of the field data. The possible supply period of instream flow from Cheonggyecheoon watershed itself was estimated using WEP. According to the WEP simulation results for the annual water balance of the Cheonggyecheon watershed in 2002, the amount of direct runoff, infiltration and evapotranspiration were 830 mm, 388 mm and 397 mm respectively for an annual precipitation of 1,388 mm. The runoff to rivers was 1,288 mm. And the proportion of direct runoff, intermediate runoff and groundwater runoff were $67.6\%,\;12.7\%$ and $19.7\%$ respectively.

Permeable Coastal Pavement Structure for Shore Protection and Removal of Non-point Source Pollutants (연안재해 방지 및 비점오염원 유출저감을 위한 투수블록의 특성 연구)

  • Choi, Yun-Shik;Kim, Jong-Yeong;Han, Sangsoo;Kwon, Soonchul
    • Journal of Ocean Engineering and Technology
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    • v.33 no.6
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    • pp.597-606
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    • 2019
  • Due to climate change, coastal areas are being flooded with torrential rain, typhoons, and tsunamis. In addition, non-point source pollutants (NPSs) that accumulated on the ground, streets, and buildings during the dry season are washed off by rain and stormwater runoff, which adds to the damage associated with environmental pollution, e.g., pollution that makes its way into the ocean. Recently, low impact development (LID) has been considered as a means of controlling water circulation and NPSs. In the coastal area, permeable blocks have been constructed mainly to reduce the flood damage caused by waves. Some important design factors that must be considered to ensure long-term performance are the permeability coefficient, clogging, and the efficiency of the removal of total suspended solids (TSS), but currently there are no standardized design criteria or testing techniques that are used worldwide. Herein, we analyzed the permeability coefficient and the TSS removal efficiency tendency according to the permeability area ratio with an easily-detachable, permeable block filled with calcinated yellow soils as the filter media. Our lab-scale tests indicated that, when the permeability area ratio was 25%, the reduction of the permeability coefficient after clogged was 11%, which was a significant decrease compared to other cases. Permeability persistence increased when the permeability area ratio increased from 50% to 75%. The TSS removal efficiency decreased as the permeability area ratio increased. Our pilot-scale test indicated that the TSS removal efficiency was more than 80% higher in all cases. We also found that the permeability persistence was excellent as the permeability area ratio increased, and, in actual construction, it is effective to set 5.3% of the total area as permeable area in terms of permeability and economic feasibility.

A study on the determination of location of the detention pond in trunk sewer for reducing runoff amounts (우수유출저감을 위한 간선저류지 위치선정에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Sung Ho;Yoon, Sei Eui;Lee, Jae Joon
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.50 no.4
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    • pp.223-232
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    • 2017
  • The ability to defend against floods in urban areas was weakened, because the increase in the impervious rate of urban areas due to urbanization and industrialization and the increase in the localized torrential rainfall due to abnormal climate. In order to reduce flood damage in urban areas, various runoff reduction facilities such as detention ponds and infiltration facilities were installed. However, in the case of domestic metropolitan cities, it is difficult to secure land for the installation of storm water reduction facilities and secure the budget for improving the aged pipelines. Therefore, it is necessary to design a storage system (called the detention pond in trunk sewer) that linked the existing drainage system to improve the flood control capacity of the urban area and reduce the budget. In this study, to analyze the effect of reducing runoff amounts according to the volume of the detention pond in trunk sewer, three kinds of virtual watershed (longitudinal, middle, concentration shape) were assumed and the detention pond in trunk sewer was installed at an arbitrary location in the watershed. The volume of the detention pond in trunk sewer was set to 6 cases ($1,000m^3$, $3,000m^3$, $5,000m^3$, $10,000m^3$, $20,000m^3$, $30,000m^3$), and the installation location of the detention pond in trunk sewer was varied to 20%, 40%, 60%, and 80% of the detention pond upstream area to the total watershed area (DUAR). Also, using the results of this study, a graph of the relationship and relational equation between the volume of the detention pond in trunk sewer and the installation location is presented.