• 제목/요약/키워드: road slope angle

검색결과 48건 처리시간 0.026초

A Study on the Variation of Ground Safety Factor by Earthworks

  • Kim, Jinhwan;Kwon, O-Il;Baek, Yong;Kim, Chang-Yong
    • 지질공학
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    • 제24권3호
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    • pp.333-341
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    • 2014
  • The construction of roads, tunnels, and bridges results in changes to the local terrain that may influence the ground safety factor, which represents the stability of geotechnical structures. In this study, we assessed construction sites that had collapsed as a result of terrain change, and then simulated variation in the ground safety factor with respect to terrain change caused by road construction. We assumed steep slopes to simulate changes in terrain in a mountainous area and assumed that earthworks took place for road construction by cutting a platform into the slope and altering the slope angle of the terrain both above and below the road. We calculated values of the ground safety factor through a stability analysis of the slope both above and below the road, and examined the variation in the safety factor of the above- and below-road slopes with respect to changes in road width. We found that if the slope angle was the same above and below the road, then the change in the ground safety factor during/after road construction occurred in the slope below the road, and if the slope angle above the road differed from that below, then the change occurred in both the above- and below-road slopes. Furthermore, the ground safety factor was essentially constant for road widths exceeding 2-6 m, depending on both above- and below-road slope angle. The findings of this study can be used to guide the management of construction sites and to assess changes in ground stability during road construction work, particularly in the early stages of earthworks, when the road width is narrow.

차량동특성 및 도로경사도 추정에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Vehicle Dynamics and Road Slope Estimation)

  • 김문식
    • 한국산업융합학회 논문집
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    • 제22권5호
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    • pp.575-582
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    • 2019
  • Advanced driving assist system can support safety of driver and passengers which may require vehicle dynamics states as well as road geometry. It is essential to have in real-time estimation of related variables and parameters. Among the road geometry parameters, road slope angle which can not be measured is essential parameter in pose estimation, adaptive cruise control and others on sag road. In this paper, Kalman filter based method for the estimation of the vehicle dynamics and road slope angle using a nonlinear vehicle model is proposed. It uses a combination of Kalman filter as Cascade Extended Kalman Filter. CEKF uses measured vehicle states such as yaw rate, longitudinal/lateral acceleration and velocity. Unknown vehicle parameters such as center of gravity and inertia are obtained by 2 D.O.F lateral model and experimentally. Simulation and Experimental tests conducted with commercialized vehicle dynamics model and real-car.

Cascade Extended Kalman Filter 기반의 차량동특성 및 도로종단경사 추정 (Vehicle Dynamics and Road Slope Estimation based on Cascade Extended Kalman Filter)

  • 김문식;김창일;이광수
    • 전자공학회논문지
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    • 제51권9호
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    • pp.208-214
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    • 2014
  • 차선유지 제어시스템, 적응식순항 제어시스템과 같은 첨단운전 지원시스템은 기본적으로 차량의 거동 정보를 기반으로 구동되지만, 최근 도로의 기하학적 정보를 추가적으로 활용하는 연구가 활발히 진행되고 있다. 특히, 도로의 종단경사는 차량의 가감속 제어 및 항법알고리즘 구현에 있어 필수적인 정보로서 DGPS-RTK와 같은 고가의 장비로 직접 측정하는 방법과 디지털 맵에 저장된 속성정보를 활용하는 방식이 제안되고 있으나, 상용화 관점에서는 아직 많은 문제점이 존재한다. 따라서, 본 논문에서는 추가 센서의 장착없이 연속형 확장칼만필터를 활용하여 차량의 동특성과 도로종단경사를 효율적으로 추정하는 알고리즘을 제안한다. 도로종단경사를 포함하는 3자유도 차량동역학 모델과 차량의 내부 네트워크롤 통해 수집할 수 있는 차량의 상태정보를 기반으로 확장칼만필터를 설계하여 차량의 동특성과 도로종단경사를 추정한다. 제안된 알고리즘은 시뮬레이션과 실차실험을 통해 그 성능을 검증하였다.

충주시 상산마을 주변 임도 산사태의 발생 원인 분석 (Analysis of Factors Influencing Landslide Occurrence along a Forest Road Near Sangsan Village, Chungju, Korea)

  • 김형신;문성우;서용석
    • 지질공학
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    • 제32권1호
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    • pp.73-83
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    • 2022
  • 충주시 상산마을 주변 임도에서 집중호우 기간 중 산사태가 발생한 임도 상부사면 6개소, 하부사면 24개소를 대상으로 붕괴 원인을 분석하였다. 토층의 물리·역학적 특성은 임도 하부사면이 상부사면에 비해 공극이 많아 건조단위중량이 낮고, 토층의 입자 배열이 느슨하여 마찰각이 작다. 지형학적 특성은 임도 하부사면이 상부사면에 비해토층이 두껍고, 경사방향의 수직 및 수평 방향으로 오목하며, 경사는 상대적으로 완만하고, 특정집수면적이 넓어 지형습윤지수가 높은 특징을 보인다. 따라서 임도 하부사면은 상부사면보다 물리·역학적 특성 및 지형학적 특성이 전반적으로 산사태 발생에 취약한 것으로 나타났다. 상기 두 원인 외에도 임도 배수시설의 시공 및 유지관리가 적절하게 수행되지 못한 점도 사면붕괴의 발생 원인 중 하나로 분석된다.

Analysis of factors affecting vegetation cover for stabilization of granite weathered soil forest road cut slopes

  • Seong-Man Kim;Sung-Min Choi;Ye Jun Choe;Yun-Jin Shim;Joon-Woo Lee
    • 농업과학연구
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    • 제49권4호
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    • pp.861-871
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    • 2022
  • This study was conducted to improve the stability of cut slopes of forest roads in granitic weathered soil areas. The study area is a national forest road (road length 28.48 km) in Pyeongchang-gun, Gangwon-do. After data collection, a statistical analysis was performed using IBM SPSS (Ver. 26.0). First, the correlation analysis showed that structure, slope position, soil erosion, slope, and aspect (N, S) were correlated with vegetation coverage (p < 0.05). Elapsed years, slope distance, and aspect (E, W) were found to have no correlation with vegetation coverage. (p > 0.05) Second, one-way ANOVA and Kruskal-Wallis test results showed that vegetation coverage was worse when the slope was located at the top or the middle of the slope than at the bottom of the slope. In addition, the site with sheathing and gabions showed good vegetation coverage when compared with the site without structures. In the case of soil erosion, areas with severe damage and moderate damage showed worse vegetation coverage. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the slope angle of the cut soil of the granitic weathered soil area from 1 : 0.5 - 1.2 to 1 : 0.8 - 1.5. In addition, structures such as sheathing and gabions should be installed on granitic weathered land.

옥천계 분포지 추부-대전 간 국도 대절토 사면의 Face Mapping 사례 (The example of face mapping on rock slope at Chubu-Daejeon national road)

  • 이병주;채병곤;이경미
    • 한국지반공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국지반공학회 2006년도 춘계 학술발표회 논문집
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    • pp.51-60
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    • 2006
  • At new constructing national road, a cutting slope was surveyed and gotten face mapping for three months. The slope is composed of gray phyllite and coaly slate which is the Chang-ri Formation, Okcheon system. The slope angle is 40 degree and the direction is NNE. The attitude of schistosity is $260^{\circ}/45^{\circ}$. So the slope direction is nearly parallel to the schistosity. This is the reason that the slope is very unstable. On the other hand, the very unstable slope is caused by the direction of the schistosity and the slope. First month the coaly slate was slided through the schistosity plane about 10cm. However, three months late the displacement was 2m maximum.

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연속류 도로구간의 수막정보 발생구간 추정 및 적용연구 - 서울시 내부순환도로를 중심으로 - (Development of Hydroplaning Estimation on an Uninterrupted Road)

  • 이종학;노정훈;박석주
    • 한국도로학회논문집
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    • 제19권6호
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    • pp.147-153
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    • 2017
  • PURPOSES : This research aims to estimate the occurrence of hydroplaning on roads based on the road alignment types and rainfall intensity in Seoul. METHODS : Three types of data were used for estimation of hydroplaning in this study. The Inner Circulation Road (12.5 km) to the Bukbu Expressway (7.4 km) in Seoul was selected as the test road and data was collected for road information using a probe-vehicle. Precipitation was observed from Automatic Weather System in Seoul. These data were interpolated by applying Inverse Distance Weighted Methodology for hydroplaning estimation. Finally, the water depth information of the roads was observed using an RCM411 device. RESULTS : This study demonstrated that the cross slope with small-angle-tilt or vertical section with large-angle-tilt are the primary factors causing hydroplaning on the roads. The flow velocity on steep slope is high; however, large drainage lengths result in hydroplaning on the roads. CONCLUSIONS : This result can contribute towards the reduction of car accidents on rainy days. Furthermore, information regarding hydroplaning can be delivered to drivers more rapidly and precisely in the future.

100 W급 LED 보안 등기구용 비대칭 배광의 2차 렌즈 설계 (Secondary Optics Design of Dissymmetrical Light Distribution for 100 W LED Safety Luminaires)

  • 신익태;양종경;이동진;박대희
    • 한국전기전자재료학회논문지
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    • 제23권6호
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    • pp.471-476
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    • 2010
  • This paper has studied dissymmetrical light distribution design using the secondary optics in the simulation. fundamental Lambertian radiation distribution based on LED has been cut off by the secondary optics, and the first surface slope of lens and second surface slope of total reflection area have been calculated through formula. PMMA (the index of refraction: 1.49361) which is material of lens has been selected. critical angle($42.02993^{\circ}$) between Air and PMMA has been calulated by snell's law, and total reflection angle slope has been selected about $16.67^{\circ}$ to occur the total reflection. when the first surface slope and the second surface slope has been set up, Rays of all total reflection area have generated the total reflection. finally, designed LED Module has been estimated by Korean Industrial Standards for LED safety street lighting. dissymmetrical light distribution have been analyzed with reached effect of road illuminance, and average road illuminance which are each 70.6 lx, 40.35 lx, and 25.88 lx have been satisfied with Korean Industrial Standards for LED safety street lighting.

수치표고모델 정보를 활용한 도로 종단경사 산출 연구 (Research on Longitudinal Slope Estimation Using Digital Elevation Model)

  • 한여희;정영훈;천의범;김영찬;박신형
    • 한국ITS학회 논문지
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    • 제20권6호
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    • pp.84-99
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    • 2021
  • 마이크로 모빌리티 시장 규모가 성장함에 따라 오르막길 정보를 포함한 경로 안내에 대한 수요가 증가하고 있다. 전동모터에 따라 등판 각도가 다르므로 임계치 기준별 오르막길 정보구축이 필요하다. 도로의 선형정보는 주행의 안전성과 쾌적성을 좌우하는 매우 중요한 요소임에도 전자지도에 종단 경사도에 대한 정보는 부재하다. 자율주행차 시대를 대비하여 구축 중인 정밀도로지도는 기존 국가표준 노드링크와는 달리 고도정보를 추가 생성하였으나 일부 구간에만 고도정보가 있고 도로의 종단경사를 생성할 수 있는 정보는 여전히 부족한 실정이다. 이 연구에서는 현재 활용할 수 있는 데이터를 이용하여 도로의 종단 경사도를 산출하는 방안으로 국내 수치표고모델의 고도정보를 도로의 링크 정보와 매칭하는 방법을 제시하였다. 서울시 표준링크를 기준으로 4m 단위의 고도를 생성한 후 단위 거리당 개별 경사도를 산출하였다. 이를 활용하여 도로 링크 별로 대표 경사도를 부여한 후 마이크로 모빌리티가 운행할 수 없는 도로와 폭설시 노면이 미끄러워 운행할 수 없는 도로를 선정하였다. 또한, 도로 기반정보로 활용하는 수치표고모델의 한계점과 이슈를 설명하여 실제 활용 시 주의할 사항들을 기술하였다. 향후에는 본 연구의 결과를 바탕으로 기존에 부재했던 도로의 종단 경사 정보를 활용하여 다양한 융합 분석을 할 수 있기를 기대한다.

한국전통마을에 있어서 갈림길의 유형과 형태에 관한 연구 (A Study of Types and Forms of Branch-road in Traditional Korean Villages)

    • 한국조경학회지
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    • 제27권1호
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    • pp.101-109
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    • 1999
  • The purpose of this study is to analyse types and forms of branch-road in traditional korean villages. To do this, this study has selected and measured 87 branch-road cases of five traditional villages. An analysis of the case study has revealed the following results : 1. Branch-roads have four formations : 3 way, 4 way, multi-way and others. 2. Branch-roads comprise 64 percent of 3 way, 18 percent of 4 way, 8 percent of multi-way and 9 percent of others, respectively. 3. Topographic conditions have mostly affected the formation of branch-roads. 3 way of branch - roads are easily found in flat village. 4 way are multi-way of branch-road are found in semi-hilly and hilly village 4. 3 way of branch-roads have three types: T-type, Y-type, and y-type. 5. T-types are easily found in flat village, but Y-type and y-type are found in semi-hilly and hilly village. 6. Each angle of T-type is 171,99,90, respectively. It has turned out 8 degree is slightly deviated form the square. 7. Y-type of branch-road has an asymmetric form, comprising 145, 128, 87 degree of the angle, compared to 150, 150, 60 degree of symmetric one. 8. Average angles of y-type that are mostly found in hilly village are 175, 113, 72. Angle differences from each spot are 62 and 41 degree. It is assumed that 39 degree is a slope of least effort to walk. 9. 4 way of branch-roads have not only "+" type but various types of K, Y and Y, Y and y, T and y and a foot of bird. 10. It is assumed that multi-way of branch-roads, mostly found on the middle and bottom of the hilly slope, has naturally formed to connect up and down, left and right.and right.

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