• Title/Summary/Keyword: river system

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A Study on the Formation of Fouling in a Heat Exchanging System for River Water (하천수를 이용하는 열교환 시스템 내 파울링 형성에 관한 연구)

  • Sung, Sun-Kyung;Suh, Sang-Ho;Roh, Hyung-Woon
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B
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    • v.28 no.6
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    • pp.646-651
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    • 2004
  • When the water flowing inside of the heat transfer equipments such as heat exchangers, condensers, and boilers is heated, calcium, magnesium sulfate, and other minerals in the water are deposited and built up for scales on the heat transfer surfaces. When those scales accumulate on the heat transfer surfaces, their performance of the heat transfer become progressively reduced due to the increase of the heat transfer resistance. The mechanism of this reduced heat transfer is called fouling. This study investigated the formation of the fouling in a heat exchanger with river and tap water flowed inside of it as a coolant. In order to visualize the formation of the fouling and to measure the fouling coefficients, a lab-scale heat exchanging system was used. Based on the experimental results, it was found that the formation of fouling for river water was quite different with the formation for tap water.

Mobile MGIS Study for the Seomjin River Estuary (섬진강 하구역 Mobile MGIS 구축 연구)

  • PARK, Sang-Woo;KIM, Jung-Hyun;KIM, Jong-Kyu
    • Journal of Fisheries and Marine Sciences Education
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.172-179
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    • 2016
  • The study of Mobile MGIS (Marine Geographic Information System) based on the Android Mobile Platform is mainly performed on effective methodologies which transform real world data to computing world data. Mobile GUI system has its own target on reliable data service by acquisition of geometric information using EFDC (Environmental Fluid Dynamics Code) Model, accurate measurement and graphical visualization. Even simple visualizations can aid in the interpretation of complex hydrodynamic relationships that are frequently encountered in the marine environment. The Mobile MGIS provides an easy way for hydrodynamics geoscientists to construct complex visualizations that can be viewed with free software. This study proposes a Mobile GUI MGIS using EFDC Model result of Seomjin River estuary. Finally, we design a Seomjin River estuarine Coastal Waters Mobile MGIS integrating above data models. It must adds more ecological information and the various service item for approach more easily in order to user.

Development of Corrosion Evaluation Index Calculation Program of Raw Water and Evaluation on Corrosivity of Tap Water using the Calcium Carbonate Saturation Index (상수원수의 부식평가 지수 산정 프로그램 개발 및 탄산칼슘 포화지수에 의한 수돗물의 부식성 평가)

  • Hwang, Byung-Gi;Woo, Dal-Sik
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.177-185
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    • 2009
  • In this study, we developed the program to calculate the corrosion evaluation index for examining the corrosivity of raw water. When it was applied to the Han river and Nakdong river system, sulfuric acid ion, which accelerated corrosion, was higher in Nakdong river system than Han river system while calcium and hardness, which restrained corrosion, was the same way. Summarization of the LI and CCPP calculation result by the developed corrosion evaluation model showed that water quality of Han river system had strong tendency to corrode (is strongly corrosive). Moreover, this study evaluated the corrosivity of calcium carbonate saturation index by adding the chemicals to tap water. Saturation status was maintained in the order of $Ca(OH)_2$ > NaOH > ${Na_2}{CO_3}$ > $CaCO_3$ in the case of LI and RI.

Implementation of Evaluation System of Water Quality for Branches of Geum River Using Fuzzy Integral (퍼지 적분을 이용한 금강지천의 수질오염 평가 시스템 구현)

  • Han, Seok-Soon;Kim, Hong-Ki;Lee, Kyung-Ho;Woo, Sun-Hee;Kim, Jai-Joung;Chung, Keun-Yook
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.6 no.10
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2006
  • The new system evaluating the pollution of the water quality for the branches of geum river using the fuzzy integral was proposed in this study. In this paper, the five individual factors, such as BOD(biochemical oxygen demand), COD(chemical oxygen demand), SS(suspended solids), T-N(total nitrogen), and T-P(total phosphorus) are selected. The measurement of fuzzy integral was determined depending on the degree of how they affect the pollution of water quality. The real values for the five factors measured and obtained from the branches of the geum river was normalized to ranging from 0 to 1. Finally, using the fuzzy integral, the degree of the pollution for the branches of geum river was expressed as the real numerical number. As a result, it appears that this approach can be proposed as the new system evaluating the pollution of the water quality for the branches of the geum river.

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Numerical Model for Flood Inundation Analysis in a River(I) : GIS Application (하천 홍수범람해석을 위한 수치모형의 개발(I) : GIS와의 연계해석)

  • Lee, Hong-Rae;Han, Geon-Yeon;Kim, Sang-Ho
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.415-427
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    • 1998
  • FIAS (Flood Inundation Analysis System) using Arc/Info is developed and applied to the South Han River basin. The DWOPER model is revised and expanded to handle simultaneous multiple overtopping and/or breaking and to estimate the inundation depth and extents. The model is applied to an actual levee overtopping case, which occurred on August 23~27, 1995 in the South Han River. Stage hydrographs inside and outside of the levee are compared, then inundated discharges from overbank spilling are computed. The Graphic User Interface is developed with AML(Arc/Info Macro Language). Two-and three-dimensional inundation maps by Arc/Info are presented. The computed inundation extends agree with observations in terms of inundation depth and flooded area. Keywords : River, Floodwave, Flood Inundation, Geographic Information System.

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Levee Maintenance Using Point Cloud Data Obtained from a Mobile Mapping System (모바일 매핑시스템을 이용한 제방 유지보수에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Jisang;Hong, Seunghwan;Park, Il suk;Mohammad, Gholami Farkoushi;Kim, Chulhwan;Sohn, Hong-Gyoo
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.41 no.4
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    • pp.469-475
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    • 2021
  • In order to effectively maintain and manage river facilities, on going data collection of associated objects is important. However, the existing data acquisition methods of using a total station, a global navigation satellite system, or a terrestrial laser scanner have limitations in terms of cost/time/manpower when acquiring spatial information data on river facilities distributed over a wide and long area, unlike general facilities. In contrast, a mobile mapping system (MMS), which acquires data while moving its platform, acquires precise spatial information data for a large area in a short time, so it is suitable for use in the maintenance of linear facilities around rivers. As a result of applying a MMS to a research area of 4 km, 184,646,099 points were acquired during a 20-minute data acquisition period, and 378 cross-sections were extracted. By comparing this with computer-drawn river plans, it was confirmed that efficient levee management using a MMS is possible.

A Linear Reservoir Model with Kslman Filter in River Basin (Kalman Filter 이론에 의한 하천유역의 선형저수지 모델)

  • 이영화
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.3 no.4
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    • pp.349-356
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    • 1994
  • The purpose of this study is to develop a linear reservoir model with Kalman filter using Kalman filter theory which removes a physical uncertainty of :ainfall-runoff process. A linear reservoir model, which is the basic model of Kalman filter, is used to calculate runoff from rainfall in river basin. A linear reservoir model with Kalman filter is composed of a state-space model using a system model and a observation model. The state-vector of system model in linear. The average value of the ordinate of IUH for a linear reservoir model with Kalman filter is used as the initial value of state-vector. A .linear reservoir model with Kalman filter shows better results than those by linear reserevoir model, and decreases a physical uncertainty of rainfall-runoff process in river basin.

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GIS Application for Rural Water Quality Management (농촌소유역 하천수질관리를 위한 GIS응용)

  • 김성준
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.147-157
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    • 1996
  • A rural water quality management information system(RWQMIS) by integrating Geo¬graphic Information System(GIS) with the existing models (pollutants transport and river water quality) is described. A simple pollutant load model to calculate delivered pollutants to stream, Tank model to generate daily runoff and QUAL2E model to predict river water quality, were incorporated into GIS. The system was applied to $80km^2$ watershed in Icheon Gun and Yongin Gun, Kyonggi Do. The spatial distributions of produced pollutant load, discharged pollutant load, delivered ratio to the stream, and the river water quality status for given sites were successfully generated.

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A Development and utilization of Geotechnical Information System(GTIS) of the Rock Mass in Seoul Metropolitan Area(2) (서울일대 암반을 대상으로 한 Geotechnical Information System (GTIS)의 개발 및 활용 (2))

  • 김정엽;박형동
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.223-233
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    • 1996
  • Geotechnical Information System (GTIS) for efficient management of three dimensional borehole data has been developed. Geotechnical maps in the vicinity of Bulkwangdong, Seoul station, Itaewon, Han river near Yuido, and Jungrangchon were constructed by Kriging method. In Bulkwangdong and Jungrangchon area where boundary between granite and gneiss is present, gneiss has been more weathered than granite, but in Seoul station and Itaewon area where the boundary is also present, granite has been more weathered than gneiss. It has been inferred that when Seoul granite intruded, the strength of gneiss in Bulkwangdong and Jungrangchon area was lowered by the attitude of foliation plane than in Seoul station and Itaewon area, so the gneiss has been easily fractured and weathered in Bulkwangdong and Jungrangchon area. Geotechnical map in the vicinity of Yuido showed that there is an NW-SE trend weakness zone that might be affected by major faults under Han river and it is expected that the fault zone may be present in construction area of Kyoungbu Highspeed Railway that lies below the Han river like the Subway Line No.5.

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RAUT: An end-to-end tool for automated parsing and uploading river cross-sectional survey in AutoCAD format to river information system for supporting HEC-RAS operation (하천정비기본계획 CAD 형식 단면 측량자료 자동 추출 및 하천공간 데이터베이스 업로딩과 HEC-RAS 지원을 위한 RAUT 툴 개발)

  • Kim, Kyungdong;Kim, Dongsu;You, Hojun
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.54 no.12
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    • pp.1339-1348
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    • 2021
  • In accordance with the River Law, the basic river maintenance plan is established every 5-10 years with a considerable national budget for domestic rivers, and various river surveys such as the river section required for HEC-RAS simulation for flood level calculation are being conducted. However, river survey data are provided only in the form of a pdf report to the River Management Geographic Information System (RIMGIS), and the original data are distributedly owned by designers who performed the river maintenance plan in CAD format. It is a situation that the usability for other purposes is considerably lowered. In addition, when using surveyed CAD-type cross-sectional data for HEC-RAS, tools such as 'Dream' are used, but the reality is that time and cost are almost as close as manual work. In this study, RAUT (River Information Auto Upload Tool), a tool that can solve these problems, was developed. First, the RAUT tool attempted to automate the complicated steps of manually inputting CAD survey data and simulating the input data of the HEC-RAS one-dimensional model used in establishing the basic river plan in practice. Second, it is possible to directly read CAD survey data, which is river spatial information, and automatically upload it to the river spatial information DB based on the standard data model (ArcRiver), enabling the management of river survey data in the river maintenance plan at the national level. In other words, if RIMGIS uses a tool such as RAUT, it will be able to systematically manage national river survey data such as river section. The developed RAUT reads the river spatial information CAD data of the river maintenance master plan targeting the Jeju-do agar basin, builds it into a mySQL-based spatial DB, and automatically generates topographic data for HEC-RAS one-dimensional simulation from the built DB. A pilot process was implemented.