• Title/Summary/Keyword: river management flow

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Hydraulic mixing characteristics at a large-scale confluence of Nakdong and Nam River (낙동강 - 남강 합류부 대하천 규모 수리학적 혼합특성 연구)

  • Choi, Suin;Kim, Dongsu;Kim, Youngdo;Lyu, Siwan
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.56 no.spc1
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    • pp.1015-1026
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    • 2023
  • The confluence of rivers, where rivers meet, is a place known for complex water mixing dynamics. Sometimes, these rivers flow downstream without mixing. While this non-mixing can pose challenges for water quality management, it also offers the potential for improved water extraction in nearby water intakes (Chilseo). In this study, we analyzed the mixing dynamics at the confluence of the Nakdong River and the Nam River using drone imagery, water quality indicators like Electrical Conductivity, and hydraulic factor Secondary Flow. We found that meandering effects hindered mixing, as shown by the comparison of Secondary Flow and Electrical Conductivity distributions. Additionally, the Chilseo Water Purification Plant downstream of the Nakdong River-Nam River confluence extracted unmixed Nam River water during certain periods.

Time-series Changes in Particle Size Characteristics of Suspended Sediment at the Seungchon and the Juksan Weir in the Yeongsan River (영산강 부유하중의 시계열적 입도 특성 변화: 승촌보, 죽산보를 중심으로)

  • Lim, Young Shin;Kim, Jin Kwan
    • Journal of The Geomorphological Association of Korea
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.1-20
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    • 2019
  • In order to establish appropriate policy to control sediment-associated problems, it is necessary to identify the physical characteristics of the reservoir sediments in particulate form in the Yeongsan River. Two time-integrated suspended sediment samplers were installed at Seungchon and Juksan weir on the upper and middle Yeongsan River in July 2012. Reservoir sediment samples were obtained at monthly intervals until October 2014. During the monitoring period, a total of 38 sediment samples were obtained and analyzed. Seasonal trends of suspended sedimentation rates and grain size distributions were examined based on variations in precipitation and discharge fluctuations. Moreover, stream flow characteristics, which has a great influence on the physical characteristics of the river sediment, was analyzed using flow duration curve for the period 2003-2019 at Naju gauging station. Sedimentation rates during summer, when heavy rainfall was concentrated due to the monsoonal front and typhoon, were very high, indicating the positive relationship between sediment concentration and discharge. Particle size analysis of the collected sediment showed that coarse silt and very fine sand-sized sediment dominated most of the Seungchon weir sediment. On the other hand, medium silt-sized sediment dominated the downstream Juksan weir except for a few summer samples. These results implied that the physical characteristics of the suspended sediment are determined not only due to flow fluctuations, but also with regard to the antecedent rainfall conditions, hillslope-channel connectivity, and the supply of materials from various contributing regions. This information about flow characteristics and temporal variations in reservoir sediment can be used for safe management of the weir and discussing the issues on the dismantling of the weirs.

Relationship of the Thermal Stratification and Critical Flow Velocity Near the Baekje Weir in Geum River (금강 백제보 구간 수온성층 형성과 임계유속 관계)

  • Kim, Dong-min;Park, Hyung-Seok;Chung, Se-Woong
    • Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.449-459
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    • 2017
  • In Geum River of Korea, three multi-purpose weirs were built at the downstream of Daecheong Reservoir during the Four Major River Restoration Project (FMRRP). The weirs have altered the hydraulic characteristics of the river, and consequently transformed the large areas of flowing ecosystem to deep and wide stagnant environment. In every summer, a thermal stratification occurred near the Baekje Weir having mean depth of 4.0 m, and the surface algal blooms dominated by buoyant cyanobacteria have been frequently formed after the FMRRP. The objective of this study was to investigate the relationship between flow velocity and thermal stability of the waterbody using a three-dimensional (3D) hydrodynamic model (EFDC+) after calibration against the thermistor chain data obtained in 2014. A new Sigma-Zed vertical grid system of EFDC+ that minimize the pressure gradient errors was used to better simulate the thermodynamics of the waterbody. The model reasonably simulated the vertical profiles of the observed water temperatures. The vertical mean flow velocity and the Richardson Number (Ri) that represents the stability of waterbody were estimated for various management water levels and flow rates scenarios. The results indicated that the thermal stability of the waterbody is mostly high ($Ri{\gg}0.25$) enough to establish stratification, and largely depend on the flow velocity. The critical flow velocity that can avoid a persistent thermal stratification was found to be approximately 0.1 m/s.

A Study on the Variation of Water Quality and the Evaluation of Target Water Quality Using LDC in Major Tributaries of Nakdong River Basin (낙동강수계 주요 지류의 수질특성변화 및 LDC를 이용한 목표수질 평가에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Sangsoo;Kang, Junmo;Park, Hyerim;Kang, Jeonghun;Kim, Shin;Kim, Jin-pil;Kim, Gyeonghoon
    • Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment
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    • v.36 no.6
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    • pp.521-534
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    • 2020
  • In this study, the variation of water quality was analyzed for six sites in major tributaries of the Nakdong River Basin. Standard-FDC (Flow Duration Curve) was developed using PM (Percentile Method), one of the statistical FDC estimation methods. The LDC (Load Duration Curve) was obtained using the developed FDC. The current method and the LDC evaluation method were compared and analyzed to evaluate the achievement of TWQ (Target Water Quality). Regarding the monthly flow rate variation, the five sites showed the distribution of the lowest flow rate between May and June, indicating a high probability of dry weathering of the streams. The variation of water quality confirmed the vulnerable timing of flow rate in each site, and it is therefore deemed necessary to plan to reduce T-P and TOC. A comparison and evaluation of TWQ showed that there was a difference between the TWQ values achieved by the two techniques. In addition, the margin ratio to the 50% excess ratio can be found in the LDC evaluation. The results of the LDC evaluation by section and by month showed whether or not the water quality was exceeded by flow conditions, along with the vulnerable sections and timing. Accordingly, it is judged that this method can be used for water quality management in TMDLs (Total Maximum Daily Loads).

A Study on the Applicability of Load Duration Curve for the Management of Nonpoint Source Pollution in Seohwacheon Basin (서화천 유역 비점오염원 관리를 위한 부하지속곡선 적용성 연구)

  • KAL, Byung-Seok;MUN, Hyun-Saing;HONG, Seon-Hwa;PARK, Chun-Dong;MIN, Kyeong-Ok;PARK, Jae-Beom
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.174-191
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    • 2020
  • In this study, we analyzed the vulnerable areas of non-point source pollutants and management pollutants and management time by subwatershed curves in the Seohwacheon basin located upstream of Daecheongho. First, in order to create a load duration curve, a long-term flow model SWAT was constructed to create a flow duration curve, and the result was multiplied by the target water quality to create a load duration curve. For the target water quality, monitoring data values measured from November 2017 were used for the management of nonpoint source pollutants in Seohwacheon, and a value corresponding to 60 percentile of the measured data was set as the target water quality. At this time, the target water quality was limited to"slightly good"(II) when the calculated value exceeded"slightly good"(II) of the river living environment standard. The vulnerable areas of non-point source of pollution were selected using the excess rate exceeding the target water quality, and the excess pollutant was judged as a management substance and the management time was selected through seasonal evaluation.

Vulnerability Assessment of Total Pollution Load Management System in the Guem River Basin National Monitoring Data (수질오염총량 측정망 자료를 활용한 금강수계 오염총량관리 취약성 평가)

  • Sang-Jun Lim;Dongil Seo
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.33 no.5
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    • pp.228-251
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    • 2024
  • It is clear that the implementation of Total Pollution Load Management (TPLM) has contributed to the improvement of river water quality in Korea. However, it is also true that the TPLM has focused on point source pollution management, with limitations in addressing non-point source pollution. This study examined the issues of the current TPLM from the perspective of non-point source pollution, which is closely related to high-flow conditions, by analyzing Load Duration Curves (LDC) using water quality and flow data collected over the past four years from 21 sub-watersheds in the Geum River Basin. Since the current TPLM is based on water quality predictions using a static water body model that applies the average flow of the dry season, we found that the reduction in loads required under actual flow conditions could be up to 140 times greater than under the reference flow condition, indicating that load amounts under high-flow conditions are not reflected. Additionally, there were abnormal correlations between discharge loads and water quality in several sub-watersheds, and illogical situations arose where compliance with allocated loads did not align with achieving the target water quality. While the causes of such abnormal and illogical situations are diverse and complex, this study highlights the need for rational reflection of non-point source loads under high-flow conditions in water quality modeling. As a solution, we propose the application of watershed models and dynamic water body models.

Hydraulic Characteristics of Bocheong Stream Basin (보청천 유역의 수리학적 특성분석)

  • Jeon, Min-Woo;Yeon, Gyu-Bang;Cho, Young-Soo;Kim, Chong-Hoon
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2009.05a
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    • pp.1311-1315
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    • 2009
  • Understanding of the hydraulics of flow is very important to support the management of river. The cross-sectional area, average velocity, flow depth and discharge can be regarded as a power function each other. In this paper the flow of Bocheong stream basin is experimentally studied. The correlation analysis was performed between observed hydraulic factors by the power type function. The constants resulted from the correlation analysis were calculated by the geomorphologic characteristics of the watershed using the power type function. The correlation coefficients between the hydraulic factors were appeared close to unit having strong correlationship. The two conditions of equality of the continuity equation were analysed, and the conditions were found to be good results. From these results the observed hydraulic data of Bocheong stream basin can be concluded as a reliable data. The correlation coefficients between the parameters of the hydraulic characteristics and geomorphologic factors were found to be close to unit.

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Analysis of flow rate-SS discharges characteristics and causes during rainfall season in Daegi-cheon Watershed (대기천 유역에서의 강우기 유량-SS배출 특성 및 원인분석 연구)

  • Kim, Jonggun;Lee, Suin;Park, Byeongki;Won, Chulhee;Kum, Donghyuk;Choi, Joongdae
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.9-15
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    • 2019
  • The Daegi-cheon watershed is located in the upper part of the Han River, which has the representative highland vegetable growing complexes. This watershed has a large impact on the water quality and aquatic ecosystem in the upstream of the Han River by discharging a large amount of turbid water during rainfall season. For proposing an efficient turbid water management and policy, the analysis of the characteristics of flow rate and SS and its causes needs to be carried out preferentially. In this study, the relationship between flow rate and SS concentration was analyzed in the Daegi-cheon watershed, and in turn the turbidity characteristics were analyzed. As a result of the study, in the normal flood flow condition, it was shown that SS concentration changed arbitrarily due to various environmental factors. On the other hand, the SS concentration was considerably high in the very high flow condition. Based on the field survey, this could be the reason why the effects of the steep valley and slope collapse according to the very high flow rate as well as the source in the agricultural fields were greatly contributed. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a structural best management practice that can stabilize the steep slope and reduce river bed loss along with the typical source managements plans.

A Study on Instream Flow for Water Quality Improvement in Lower Watershed of Nam River Dam (남강댐 하류유역 수질개선 필요유량 산정에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Gyeong-Hoon;Jung, Kang-Young;Lee, In-Jung;Lee, Kyung-Lak;Cheon, Se-Uk;Im, Tae-Hyo;Yoon, Jong-Su
    • Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.44-59
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    • 2014
  • Despite the implementation of TMDL, the water quality in lower watershed of Nam river dam has worsened continuously since 2005. Multifarious pollution sources such as cities and industrial districts are scattered around it. Nam river downstream bed slope is very gentle towards the downstream water flow of slows it down even more, depending on the water quality deterioration is accelerated eutrophication occurs. In this study, the mainstream in lower watershed of Nam river dam region to target aquatic organic matter by phytoplankton growth contribution was evaluated by statistical analysis. and statistical evaluation of water quality and the accuracy of forecasting, model calibration and verification procedures by completing QUALKO2 it's eutrophic phenomena that occur frequently in the dam outflow through scenarios predict an increase in water quality management plans to present the best should.

A Study on Groundwater Flow Modeling in the Fluvial Aquifer Adjacent to the Nakdong River, Book-Myeon Area, Changwon City (창원시 북면 낙동강 주변 하성퇴적층의 지하수유동 모델링 연구)

  • Hamm Se-Yeong;Cheong Jae-Yeol;Kim Hyoung-Su;Hahn Jeong-Sang;Ryu Su-Hee
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.37 no.5
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    • pp.499-508
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    • 2004
  • Changwon City first constructed riverbank filtration plants in Book-Myeon and Daesan-Myeon in Korea in the year 2001. This study evaluated hydrogeological characteristics and groundwater flow simulation between the Nakdong River and the fluvial aquifers adjacent to the river in Book-Myeon, Changwon City. The groundwater simulation calculated the influx rate from the Nakdong River and the fluvial aquifers to pumping wells through the riverbank filtration system. The groundwater flow model utilized drilling, grain size analysis, pumping test, groundwater level measurements, river water discharge and rainfall data. Hydraulic heads calculated by the steady-state model closely matched measured heads in pumping and observation wells. According to the transient flow model, using a total pumping amount of 14,000 $m^3$/day, the flux into the pumping wells from the Nakdong River accounts for 8,390 $m^3$/day (60%), 590 $m^3$/day (4%) is from the aquifer in the rectilinea. direction to the Nakdong River, and 5,020 $m^3$/day (36%) is from the aquifer in the parallel direction to the Nakdong River. The particle tracking analysis shows that a particle from the Nakdong River moves toward the pumping wells at a rate of about 1.85 m/day and a particle from the aquifer moves toward the pumping wells at a rate of about 0.75 m/day. This study contributes to surface water/groundwater management modeling, and helps in understanding, how seasonal change affects pumping rates, water quality, and natural recharge.