• 제목/요약/키워드: rice starch

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밭벼 찹쌀의 겨층 구조와 전분의 호화 성질 (Bran structure and gelatinization properties of upland waxy rice starch)

  • 김성곤
    • Applied Biological Chemistry
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    • 제34권1호
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    • pp.75-76
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    • 1991
  • Bran structure and gelatinization property of upland and lowland japonica waxy brown rice were compared. Dimension, weight and number of aleurone layer were similar between upland(Nonglimna 1) and lowland(Shinsunchalbyeo) rices, but the aleurone layer and pericarp of upland rice were thicker. Water uptake rate of upland rice at $60^{\circ}C$ was lower than that of lowland one. There was no difference in intrinsic viscosity between two rice starches. Upland rice starch had lower onset temperature, narrower gelatinization temperature and lower water content lot gelatinization compared with lowland rice starch.

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멥쌀 전분과 검물질 혼합물 겔의 특성 (Characteristics of non-waxy rice starch/gum mixture gels)

  • 신말식;권지영;송지영
    • 한국식품조리과학회지
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    • 제21권6호통권90호
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    • pp.942-949
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    • 2005
  • 쌀전분겔의 매트릭스와 구조를 안정화하고 텍스쳐 특성을 개선하기 위하여 멥쌀전분에 다양한 검물질을 혼합하여 겔을 제조하여 형태적, 텍스쳐 특성, 냉동-해동 안정성을 비교하였다. 검물질을 첨가하면 종류에 따라 다르나 쌀전분겔을 조밀하고 균일하여 안정된 매트릭스 갖게 할 수 있었으며 겔란검과 알긴이 효과적이었다. 쌀전분/검질 혼합 겔의 텍스쳐 특성도 검질에 따라 달랐으며 겔란검은 단단하고 알긴은 부드러운 겔을 형성하였다. X-선 회절도에 의하면 쌀전분겔은 V형의 결정형을 나타내며 검을 첨가하였을 때 $2\theta$ = $20^{o}$의 피크가 낮아졌다. 냉동-해동 안정성도 검물질을 혼합하였을 때 증가하였으며 겔란검과 알긴을 첨가한 쌀전분겔이 바람직 하였다.

균질기를 이용한 물리적 변성 쌀 전분의 이화학적 특성 (Physicochemical Properties of Physically Modified Rice Starch by Homogenizer)

  • 한명륜;김명환
    • 한국식품영양과학회지
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    • 제34권5호
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    • pp.700-706
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    • 2005
  • 본 연구는 물리적 전분 변성방법으로서 유체전단 균질기와 초음파 균질기를 이용하여 쌀 전분의 크기 감소로 인한 물리적 변성 쌀 전분의 이화학적 특성을 분석하는데 있다. 물 대 전분의 비가 5:1이고, 20,500 rpm조건의 유체전단 균질기와 5초의 파동과 40 kHz의 주파수조건의 초음파 균질기로 각각 10분간 처리하였을 때 생전분과 호화전분의 크기를 1/3수준으로 줄일 수 있었으며 동시에 균질화시 킬 수가 있었다. 균질화된 전분과 균질화된 호화전분은 대조구에 비하여 높은 값의 비표면적, 광투과도, 용해도 및 팽윤력을 나타내었으며, 매우 큰 폭의 겉보기 점도 감소를 보였다. 반면에, 초음파 균질기로 처리한 변성전분의 호화과정은 대조구에 비하여 어려웠으나 유체전단 균질기의 경우는 대조구와 비슷하였다.

메밀, 녹두, 도토리 전분을 첨가한 글루텐 프리 쌀파스타의 관능적 특성 (Sensory Characteristics and Consumer Acceptance of Gluten-Free Rice Pasta with Added Buckwheat, Mungbean and Acorn Starches)

  • 정진혁;윤혜현
    • 한국식품조리과학회지
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    • 제32권4호
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    • pp.413-425
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    • 2016
  • Purpose: This study was conducted to understand the factors that affect the acceptance of gluten-free rice pasta samples prepared with added buckwheat, mungbean, and acorn starches, and to compare sensory characteristics of samples with those of 100% semolina pasta. Methods: Descriptive analysis of pasta was conducted by 12 trained panels. Acceptance test was carried out by 40 consumers using 7-point hedonic scale. Collected data was statistically analyzed by principal component analysis, and partial least squares regression analysis. Results: Quantitative descriptive analysis showed that increasing amount of buckwheat, mungbean, and acorn starches resulted in significant improvement in gluten-free rice pasta properties, especially texture, hardness, chewiness, roughness, and al dente with increasing amount of sample starches, and decreased adhesiveness. In acceptance test, appearance and texture of gluten-free rice pasta with mungbean starch were preferred than pasta made with 100% rice. Flavor and taste was preferred in pasta with buckwheat starch than other pasta samples. Rice pasta with 30% buckwheat starch showed the highest score in overall acceptance among rice samples. Conclusion: This study suggested that adding mungbean starch could improve texture of gluten-free pasta, and adding buckwheat starch would improve taste and flavor of gluten-free rice pasta.

Effects of Amylose Contents and Degree of Gelatinization of Rice Flour on In Vitro Starch Digestibility, Physical Characteristics, and Morphological Properties

  • Park, Ji Eun;Bae, In Young;Oh, Im Kyung;Lee, Hyeon Gyu
    • 산업식품공학
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    • 제21권4호
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    • pp.341-350
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    • 2017
  • The relationship of in vitro starch digestibility and gel strength was investigated at various concentrations (10-30%) of rice cultivars with different amylose contents (27.9, 17.9, and 5.2%). As the rice flour concentration increased, predicted glycemic index decreased, but gel strength increased regardless of amylose contents. Gel strength correlated strongly with amylose content, whereas in vitro starch digestibility was more highly affected by rice flour concentration than by amylose contents. Moreover, the impact of degree of gelatinization on in vitro starch digestibility of high amylose rice was also examined in terms of structural features and rheological properties. The digestion rate of fully gelatinized flour was 1.7 times higher than that of native flour, while the disrupted structure with a different gelatinization degree during starch digestion was visually demonstrated through the X-ray diffraction and molecular distribution analysis. The rice flour changed from an A-type to a V-type pattern and showed difference in crystalline melting. The low molecular weight distribution increased with increasing degree of gelatinization during starch digestion. The apparent viscosity also increased with degree of gelatinization. These results demonstrated that the starch digestibility of rice was more affected by concentration than by amylose content, as well as by the degree of gelatinization due to structural difference.

멥쌀과 찹쌀전분의 초미립분쇄 후 특성변화연구 (Characterization of pulverized normal and waxy rice starches)

  • 한정아
    • 한국식품조리과학회지
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    • 제29권6호
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    • pp.833-839
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    • 2013
  • Separated normal and waxy rice starches were pulverized, and the physicochemical and digestive properties of the starches were determined. The size of both starch granules significantly decreased (less than $8{\mu}m$) after pulverization. For pasting properties, significant decreases of peak and setback viscosity were observed in both of pulverized starches than in native ones. The lower pasting temperature as well as increased solubility and water binding capacity of pulverized starches imply molecular degradation of starch by pulverization. For thermal properties, onset temperature and melting enthalpy significantly decreased after pulverization, especially in normal rice starch, however there was no difference in amylose-lipid complex before andafter pulverization. The slowly digestible and resistant starch portion of normal rice starch increased after pulverization, however, in waxy rice starch, the rapidly digestible portion increased.

아닐링 처리가 밭벼와 논벼 찹쌀 전분의 호화에 미치는 영향 (Effect of annealing treatment on gelatinization of upland and lowland waxy brown rice starches)

  • 김성곤
    • Applied Biological Chemistry
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    • 제34권2호
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    • pp.187-189
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    • 1991
  • Gelatinization temperatures of upland and lowland waxy brown rice starches annealed at $25^{\circ}C$ and $60^{\circ}C$ for 24hr were investigated with differential scanning calorimetry No annealing effect was observed at low temperature. The upland rice starch showed narrower range of gelatinization temperature upon annealing treatment at $60\circ}C$ compared with the lowland rice starch. The enthalpy of gelatinization was not changed in case of the upland rice starch but was increased in case of the lowland one upon annealing.

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감자전분과 HPMC 첨가수준에 따른 쌀가루 만두피의 품질특성 (Quality Improvement of Dumpling Shell Based on Rice Flour by Addition of Potato Starch and HPMC)

  • 강이랑;한정아
    • 한국식품조리과학회지
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    • 제31권6호
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    • pp.696-702
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    • 2015
  • Rice dumpling shells were prepared with different levels of hydrocolloids, such as hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose (HPMC), and potato starch. After steaming, the physical, sensory, and cooking properties of the shells were measured. Increasing the amount of potato starch decreased the pasting temperature and increased the peak viscosity. With the addition of hydrocolloids, water absorption and cooking loss for the rice dumpling shells decreased significantly. For the textural properties, the rice dumpling shells with hydrocolloids showed lower hardness and higher springiness than the control, and especially, 10% potato starch and 3% HPMC addition (P10H3) improved the texture of the rice dumpling shells the most. The sensory results seemed to be affected more by the addition of potato starch than HPMC, and over 15% addition of potato starch significantly decreased the quality of the rice dumpling shells. By addition of adequate amount of hydrocolloids (3% HPMC and 10% potato starch), the sensory quality of rice dumpling shells can be effectively improved.

Structural, morphological, and physicochemical properties of rice starch on main and ratoon rice

  • Shin, Jong Hee;Kim, Sang Kuk;Kim, Se Jong
    • 한국작물학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국작물학회 2017년도 9th Asian Crop Science Association conference
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    • pp.332-332
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    • 2017
  • Rice ratooning is the cultural practices to produce easily second rice from the stubble left behind after the main-crop harvest. The main advantage of rice ratooning is that in areas where rice is the main crop, double crop of rice can be grown for additional returns. Three early ripened rice cultivars were tested for estimation their milled rice quality and starch characteristics from main and ratoon rice. The main crop was harvested at mass maturity, after which the tillers were mowed to stubbles of about 10 cm tall. And then it left without any further input until the ratooned plant was ready for harvest. Highly significant variations were detected in the milled rice quality between main and ratoon rice. Protein and amylose contents of ratoon rice were more increased than those of main rice. The Toyo value (gloss) of cooked rice of ratoon crop was measured also higher than that of main crop. It resulted from higher air temperature during grain ripening compared with that of ratoon crop. The mean temperature during ripened period of ratoon rice was favorable for optimal maturation for early ripened rice cultivars. Normalized chromatograms of branch chain length distribution of amylopectin are demonstrated a distinct difference between main and ratoon rice flour. Ratoon rice had higher amount of short chains than that of main crop rice starches. Microscopic examination of rice flours with scanning electron microscopy shows starch granule shapes affected by the cropping types, main and ratoon rice. It showed significant differences among rice starch granule shapes and in granule size between main and ratoon rice. Starch of ratoon rice had more neat and smaller granules than that of main rice.

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인산염이 쌀 전분 호화액의 리올로지에 미치는 영향 (Effect of Phosphate on Rheological Properties of Gelatinized Rice Starch Solution)

  • 김일환;김성곤;이신영
    • 한국식품과학회지
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    • 제19권4호
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    • pp.366-370
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    • 1987
  • 쌀 전분 호화액 (5%)의 리올로지 특성을 Brookfield 점도계로 조사하였다. 전분 호화액은 Herschel-Bulkley의 유동모형식으로 설명할 수 있었으며, 항복응력을 갖는 의가소성 유체(즉, 빙햄의가소성 유체)의 거동을 보였다. 인산염의 첨가시 쌀 전분 호화액의 항복응력 값은 현저히 감소하였다. 멥쌀 전분 호화액의 경우 인산염에 의하여 의가소성이 강해지는 현상을 보였으나, 찹쌀 전분 호화액의 경우에는 반대의 경향을 보였다. 전분 호화액을 $90^{\circ}C$에서 1시간 유지한 경우 멥쌀 전분 호화액의 항복 응력 값은 다소 감소하였으나, 찹쌀 전분 호화액은 10배 정도 감소하였다. 그러나 인산염의 첨가시에는 시료 전분 모두 항복응력 값이 감소하였으며, 그 정도는 아끼바레 전분 호화액이 가장 현저하였다. 또 인산염은 쌀 전분 호화액의 유동 거동지수 값에는 영향을 주지 않았으나, 점조도 지수값을 감소시켰다.

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