• Title/Summary/Keyword: resolution of constructions

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Study about Real-time Total Monitoring Technique for Various Kinds of Multi Weather Radar Data (이기종-다중 기상레이더 자료의 실시간 통합 모니터링 기법 연구)

  • Jang, Bong-Joo;Lee, Keon-Haeng;Lim, Sanghun;Lee, Dong-Ryul;Kwon, Ki-Ryong
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.689-705
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    • 2016
  • This paper proposed an realtime total monitoring platform for various kind of multi weather radars to analyze and predict weather phenomenons and prevent meteorological disasters. Our platform is designed to process each weather radar data on each radar site to minimize overloads from conversion and transmission of large volumed radar data, and to set observers up the definitive radar data via public framework server separately. By proposed method, weather radar data having different spatial or temporal resolutions can be automatically synchronized with there own spatio-temporal domains on public GIS platform having only one spatio-temporal criterion. Simulation result shows that our method facilitates the realtime weather monitoring from weather radars having various spatio-temporal resolutions without other data synchronization or assimilation processes. Moreover, since this platform doesn't require some additional computer equipments or high-technical mechanisms it has economic efficiency for it's systemic constructions.

Tidal Changes of Kyonggi-Bay Region After the Large Reclamations in the Inchon Coastal Area (인천 연안해역의 대규모 매립사업에 따른 경기만 일대의 조석특성 변화)

  • Jo, Jin-Hoon;Park, Sang-Hyun;Ku, Yo-Han
    • Magazine of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.40 no.6
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    • pp.70-78
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    • 1998
  • The changes of tidal characteristics of Kyonggi-Bay Region after the Large Reclamations in the Inchon Coastal Area have been studied by the numerical modelling. The constructions of Inchon International Airport and Sihwa Seadike were considered as the main reclaimation projects in this region. A two dimensional hydrodynamic model was used for this study, and it was composed in relatively high resolution with curvilinear orthogonal coordinate. As the results, at the Inchon harbor and Palmido, where a deep channel is developed, the semi tidal ranges(Z$_0$) were decreased in 8 cm after the two reclamations. However, the Z$_0$ values in the outside of the deep channel were decreased only in 2~4 cm, so that the tidal changes in the deep channel were greater than in the outside of it. After the reclamations, the maxmum velocity was increased 17% at the Inchon harbor, however it was decreased from 1. 55 m/s to 1.10 m/s at the Palmido. This is because the available area in which the stream may spread out was largely reduced after the reclamations. An Asan-bay region, the Z$_0$ was decreased in 5 cm at the Punyang-man and Asan-man stations located after the reclamations in Inchon coastal area. However the changes of Z$_0$ were very little at the outside of Asan-bay. In Asan-bay, the current velocity and direction were little influenced by the reclamations in Inchon coastal area.

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Identification of Quaternary Faults and shallow gas pockets through high-resolution reprocessing in the East Sea, Korea (탄성파 자료 고해상도 재처리를 통한 동해해역의 제4기 단층 및 천부 가스 인지)

  • Jeong, Mi Suk;Kim, Gi Yeong;Heo, Sik;Kim, Han Jun
    • Journal of the Korean Geophysical Society
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.39-44
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    • 1999
  • High-resolution images are drawn from existing seismic data which were originally obtained by Korea Ocean Research & Development Institute (KORDI) during 1994-1997 for deep seismic studies on the East Sea of Korea. These images are analyzed for mapping Quaternary faults and near-bottom gas pockets. First 12 channels are selected from shot gathers for reprocessing. The processing sequence adopted for high-resolution seismic images comprises data copy, trace editing, true amplitude recovery, common-midpoint sorting, initial muting, prestack deconvolution, bandpass filtering, stacking, highpass filtering, poststack deconvolution, f-x migration, and automatic gain control (AGC). Among these processing steps, predictive deconvolution, highpass filtering, and short window AGC are the most significant in enhancement of resolution. More than 200 Quaternanry faults are interpreted on the migrated sections in the shallow depths beneath the seafloor. Although numerous faults are found mostly at the western continental slope and boundaries of the Ulleung Basin, significant amount of the faults are also indicated within the basin. Many of these faults are believed to be formed with reactivation of basement, from geotectonic activities including volcanism, and often originated in Tertiary, indicating that the tectonic regime of the East Sea might be unstable. Existence of shallow gas pockets casts real hazardous warnings to deep-sea drillings and/or to underwater constructions such as inter-island cables and gas pipelines. On the other hand, discovery of these gas pockets heightens the interests in developing natural resources in the East Sea. Reprocessed seismic sections, however, show no typical seismic characteristics for gas hydrates such as bottom-simulating reflectors in the western continental slope and ocean floor.

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