• 제목/요약/키워드: resistance increase

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병렬로 접속된 저항체에서 저항온도계수의 거동 (Behavior of the Temperature Coefficient of Resistance at Parallelly Connected Resistors)

  • 이선우
    • 한국전기전자재료학회논문지
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    • 제31권2호
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    • pp.98-101
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    • 2018
  • In this paper, we discuss the fabrication of metal alloy resistors. We connected them in parallel to estimate their resistance and temperature coefficient of resistance (TCR). The fabricated resistors have different resistances, 5 and $10{\Omega}$ and different TCRs, 50 and $200ppm/^{\circ}C$. Each resistor was confirmed to have the correct atomic composition through the use of energy dispersive X-ray (EDX). The resistors' electrical properties were confirmed by measuring resistance and TCR. The resistance and TCR of the resistors connected in parallel were estimated through the increase in resistance due to the increase in temperature, and were compared with the measured values. We are confident that this TCR estimation technique, which uses the increase in resistance due to temperature, will be very useful in designing and fabricating resistors with low and stable TCR.

복소임피던스법에 의한 인산형 연료전지용 전해질 매트릭스 특성 (Characteristics of Matrix Retaining Electrolyte in a Phosphoric Acid Fuel Cell Analyzed by A.C. Impedance Spectroscopy)

  • 윤기현;장재혁;허재호;김창수;김태희
    • 한국세라믹학회지
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    • 제32권2호
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    • pp.189-196
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    • 1995
  • Materials retaining electrolyte of a phosphoric acid fuel cell (PAFC) have been prepared with SiC powder to SiC whisker mixing ratios of 1:1, 1:2, 1:3, 1:4, 0:1 by a tape casting method. When 3wt% dispersant (sorbitan monooleate) is added to a matrix, the porosity of the matrix decreases a little while the bubble pressure and area of the matrix increase remarkably in comparison with no dispersant content. Effect of the electrolyte resistance and the polarization resistance on perfomance of a PAFC has been investigated using A.C. impedance spectroscopy. With the increase of whisker content, the electrolyte resistance decreases due to the increase of porosity and acid absorbancy, and the polarization resistance increases due to the increase of surface roughness. The polarization resistance affects current density predominantly at the higher potential than 0.7V becuase the polarization resistance is considrably larger than the electrolyte resistance. Both the electrolyte resistance and the polarization resistance affect current density near 0.7V of the fuel cell operating potential because they have similar values. The electrolyte resistance affects current density predominantly at the lower potential than the fuel cell operating potential because the electrolyte resistance is larger than the polarization resistance.

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오디와 누에 섭취가 rats의 저항성 운동에 따른 근육 증가에 미치는 영향 (The effects of the mulberry and silkworm intake on muscle increase of rats for resistance exercise)

  • 양성준;김창용;이조병;강성선;이종진
    • 한국잠사곤충학회지
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    • 제51권2호
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    • pp.123-129
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of supplementation of mulberry powder, mulberry extract and silkworm powder during the 8 weeks of resistance exercise on muscle increase of rats. Fifty males, Sprague-Dawley rat, were randomly divided into 5 groups: CON(control group, n = 10), REG(resistance exercise group, n = 10), MP REG(mulberry powder intake and resistance exercise group, n = 10), ME REG(mulberry extract intake and resistance exercise group, n = 10) and SP REG(silkworm powder intake and resistance exercise group, n = 10). After climbing the ladder without weights during the 1 week of adaptation period, the rats in the resistance exercise group were trained to climb a 0.98-m vertical(80 degree incline) ladder with weights in their tail during 7 weeks(10 times each day, 2 days per week). After exercise, the skeletal muscle was extracted from the flexor hallucis longus. The absolute weight of skeletal muscle was measured by the electronic balance and the relative weight of skeletal muscle about the weight was calculated. The strength and density of legs muscle were analyzed by the computed tomography scan. After 8 weeks of resistance exercise, the absolute weight of skeletal muscle wasn't significant, but it increased in MP REG 8%, ME REG 8% and SP REG 10% compared to REG. The relative weight of skeletal muscle increased significantly in SP REG compared to REG (p < 0.05). Additionally, there was a significant increase of density and strength of the forelegs in SP REG compared to CON (p < 0.05). However, there was no significant increase of density and strength of the hind legs. In conclusion, regular resistance exercise made rats muscle increase and there was more muscle increase effected by providing silkworm.

Influence of heat treatments on electrical properties of ZnO films grown by molecular-beam epitaxy

  • 오동철;김동진;배창환;구경완;박승환;야오다까후미
    • 한국전기전자재료학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국전기전자재료학회 2010년도 하계학술대회 논문집
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    • pp.34-34
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    • 2010
  • We report on the influence of heat treatments on the electrical properties of ZnO films grown by molecular-beam epitaxy. We note that the electrical resistance of the ZnO films is significantly changed by the heat treatments: the electrical resistance increases with the increase of ambient temperature, but above a critical temperature the resistance decreases with the increase of temperature, irrespective of ambient gases. On the other hand, it is found that the large amount of photocurrent is generated in the ZnO films, exposed to white sources: the photocurrent decreases with the increase of the obtained resistance, and the current increases with the decrease of the resistance. Also, it is shown that the X-ray diffraction linewidth of the ZnO films is significantly decreased by the heat treatments. These indicate that the increase/decrease of the electrical resistance is ascribed to the annihilation/formation of the residual donor-type defects in the ZnO films by the heat treatments. It is suggested that the increase of the electrical resistance is due to the annihilation of Zni-complex defects, while the decrease of the electrical resistance is due to the formation of VO-complex defects.

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KSTAR 용 소선-소선 접합부의 직류저항 계산 (Calculation of DC resistance of strand-to-strand joints for KSTAR)

  • 이호진;남현일;김기백;홍계원
    • Progress in Superconductivity
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    • 제3권1호
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    • pp.104-110
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    • 2001
  • Since the strand-to-strand type joint far CICC (Cable-In-Conduit Conductor) is small in size and has low DC resistance, it is expected to be useful type fur a superconducting magnet system which had a compact structure like the KSTAR (Korea Superconducting Tokamak Advanced Research) coil system. The DC resistance is changed according to the distribution patterns of strands in cables connected together in the joint. A commercial code was used for the calculation of the DC resistance. With the decrease of outer diameter of the Joint, Which means the increase of strand volume fraction in the joint, the calculated DC resistance decrease rapidly and non-lineally. The variation of resistance depends mainly on the volume fraction of solder which has higher resistivity than copper. The resistance decrease inversely with the increase of the length of the joint. The resistance increase with increase of number of triplets in each stack contacted with that of another terminal cable. In case of the strand-to-strand joint that has 62mm of outer diameter, 52mm of inner diameter, 100mm of overlap length, and four triplets in each stack, the calculated DC resistance is less than 1 n-Ohm.

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도상직업에 의한 도상 횡저항력 변화 (Variation of Lateral Ballast Resistance due to Ballast Work)

  • 임남형;황성호;이지하;양신추
    • 한국철도학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국철도학회 2004년도 춘계학술대회 논문집
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    • pp.961-966
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    • 2004
  • Lateral ballast resistance is one of track components that causes much effects in track buckling. Ballast work or tie renewal if is done the ballast original lateral resistance lose. Reduction of lateral ballast resistance may significantly reduce the stability of track. Lateral ballast resistance that is decreased by these work increases slowly according to the increase of train passing tonnage. We measured the ballast lateral resistance in Okchon station neighborhood in Seoul-Busan line to grasp fluctuation phenomenon of ballast resistance by ballast class-2 work. The rate of decrease of ballast lateral resistance shortly after ballast work and the rate of increase by increase of train passing tonnage were investigated.

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압력식 쏘일네일링의 인발저항력 증가: 이론적 검증 (Pullout Resistance Increase in Soil-Nailing with Pressurized Grouting: Verification of Theoretical Solution)

  • 서형준;박성원;정경한;최항석;이인모
    • 한국지반공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국지반공학회 2009년도 춘계 학술발표회
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    • pp.419-433
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    • 2009
  • Pressure grouting is a common technique in geotechnical engineering to increase the stiffness and strength of the ground mass and to fill boreholes or void space in a tunnel lining and so on. Recently, the pressure grouting has been applied to a soil-nailing system which is widely used to improve slope stability. The soil-nailing design has been empirically performed in most geotechnical applications because the interaction between pressurized grouting paste and the adjacent ground mass is complicated and difficult to analyze. The purpose of this study is to analyze the increase of pullout resistance induced by pressurized grouting with the aid of performing laboratory model tests and field tests. In this paper, two main causes of pullout resistance increases induced by pressurized grouting were verified: the increase of residual stress; and the increase of coefficient of pullout friction. From the laboratory tests, it was found that residual stress in borehole increases by pressurized grouting and dilatancy angle could be estimated by cavity expansion theory using the measured wall displacements. From the field test results, the pullout resistance of soil-nailing with pressurized grouting was found to be 10% larger than that of soil-nailing with gravitational grouting, mainly caused by mean normal stress increase and dilatancy effect. So, the pullout resistance could be estimated by considering these two effects. The radial displacement increases with dilatancy angle increase and the dilatancy angle decreases with injection pressure increase. The measured pullout resistance obtained from field tests is in good agreement with the estimated one from the cavity expansion theory.

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A Study on Composites of Ethylene-Vinyl Acetate Copolymer and Ethylene-Propylene-Diene Rubber with Aluminum Hydroxide as a Fire Retardant

  • Lee, Yu Jun;Lee, Su Bin;Jung, Jae Young;Lee, Dam Hee;Cho, Ur Ryong
    • Elastomers and Composites
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    • 제51권2호
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    • pp.93-98
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    • 2016
  • The composites of EVA/EPDM including aluminum trioxide (ATH) as a fire retardant were manufactured for the purpose of improving low temperature property and flame resistance in the rubbery materials. The ratio of EVA to EPDM didn't affect the flame resistance of the rubber composites. The addition of ATH resulted in increase of the flame resistance. In the evaluation of the cold resistance, the increasing EPDM content showed enhancement of cold resistance in the composites due to increasing low Tg EPDM. It was found out that tensile strengths of the composites showed a maximum value at 100 phr of ATH by reinforcing effect, but a minimum value at 200 phr of ATH owing to slippage between the flame retardant by the external stress. In the measurement of solvent resistance in tetrahydrofuran, the increasing ATH content yielded enhancement of solvent resistance by reducing swelling of the composite, and increasing EPDM content also resulted from increase of the solvent resistance by reduction of polarizability as well as increase of crosslink in the composites.

TLM pattern을 사용한 Cr/Ag 및 Ni 전극에 따른 접합 저항 연구 (Study of contact resistance using the transmission line method (TLM) pattern for metal of electrode (Cr/Ag & Ni))

  • 황민영;구기모;구선우;오규진;구상모
    • 한국전기전자재료학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국전기전자재료학회 2010년도 하계학술대회 논문집
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    • pp.349-349
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    • 2010
  • Great performance of many semiconductor devices requirs the use of low-resistance ohmic contact. Typically, transmission line method (TLM) patterns are used to measure the specific contact resistance between silicon and metal. In this works, we investigate contact resistance for metal dependent (Cr/Ag, Ni) using TLM pattern based on silicon-on-insulator (SOI) wafer. The electrode with Ni linearly increases contact resistance as the pattern distance increase from $15{\mu}m$ to $75{\mu}m$ in accumulation part, but non-linearly increase in inversion part. In additional, the electrode with Cr/Ag linearly increases contact resistance as the pattern distance increase from $15{\mu}m$ to $75{\mu}m$ in inversion part, but non-linearly increase in accumulation part.

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분절호선법으로 상하악 절치부 압하 시 순측경사도가 미치는 영향에 관한 3차원 유한요소법적 연구 (The effect of labial inclination on intrusion of the upper and lower incisors by three-dimensional finite element analysis)

  • 김동우;양훈철;김기태;김성식;손우성
    • 대한치과교정학회지
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    • 제33권4호
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    • pp.259-277
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    • 2003
  • 본 연구는 상하악 절치부의 압하를 도모하기 위한 장치의 하나인 분절호선장치를 사용하여 절치부의 순측경사에 따른 저항중심의 위치와 변화양상, 그리고 치축경사 개선과 압하를 동시에 이루기 위해 필요한 최소 후방 견인력의 크기 및 변화양상을 알아보기 위하여 3차원 유한요소법을 이용하여 시행되었으며 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 1. 치축 경사도의 변화에 따른 상악 절치부 저항중심은 1) 정상 치축경사를 가진 경우에서 측절치 브라켓 원심면 후방 6mm에 위치하였다. 2) 순측경사가 $10^{\circ}$ 증가된 경우에서 측절치 브라켓의 원심면 후방 9mm에 위치하였다. 3) 순측경사가 $20^{\circ}$ 증가된 경우에서 측절치 브라켓 원심면 후방 12mm에 위치하였다. 4) 순측경사가 $30^{\circ}$ 증가된 경우에서 측절치 브라켓 원심면 후방 16mm에 위치하였다. 2. 치축 경사도의 변화에 따른 하악 절치부 저항중심은 1) 정상 치축경사를 가진 경우에서 측절치 브라켓 원심면 후방 10mm에 위치하였다. 2) 순측경사가 $10^{\circ}$ 증가된 경우에서 측절치 브라켓 원심면 후방 13mm에 위치하였다. 3) 순측경사가 $20^{\circ}$ 증가된 경우에서 측절치 브라켓 원심면 후방 15mm에 위치하였다. 4) 순측경사가 $30^{\circ}$ 증가된 경우에서 측절치 브라켓 원심면 후방 18mm에 위치하였다. 3. 응력분포 양상은 1) 각 저항중심에서 압하력을 가한 경우에 치주인대에 균일한 압축응력을 나타내었다. 2) 후방 견인력을 동시에 적용한 경우에 순측경사가 증가할수록 응력분포 양상이 복잡해지는 양상을 보였다. 4. 상하악 절치부가 $20^{\circ}$까지 순측경사된 경우에서 Pure intrusion을 위하여 필요한 후방 견인력의 크기도 증가하였다.