• Title/Summary/Keyword: research topic analysis

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Curriculum Relevance Analysis of Physics Book Report Text Using Topic Modeling (토픽모델링을 활용한 물리학 독서감상문 텍스트의 교육과정 연계성 분석)

  • Lim, Jeong-Hoon
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.53 no.2
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    • pp.333-353
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    • 2022
  • This study analyzed the relevance of the curriculum by applying topic modeling to book reports written as content area reading activities in the 'physics' class. In order to carry out the research, 332 physics book reports were collected to analyze the relevance among keywords and topics were extracted using STM. The result of the analysis showed that the main keywords of the physics book reports were 'thought', 'content', 'explain', 'theory', 'person', 'understanding'. To examine the influence and connection relationship of the derived keywords, the study presented degree centrality, between centrality, and eigenvetor centrality. As a result of the topic modeling analysis, eleven topics related to the physics curriculum were extracted, and the curriculum linkage could be drawn in three subjects (Physics I, Physics II, Science History), and six areas (force and motion, modern physics, wave, heat and energy, Western science history, and What is science). The analyzed results can be used as evidence for a more systematic implementation of content area reading activities which reflect the subject characteristics in the future.

Topic Analysis on the Adolescent Problem Using Text Mining (텍스트 마이닝을 이용한 시대별 청소년 문제 토픽 분석)

  • Cho, Kyoung Won;Cho, Ju-Yeon
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2018.10a
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    • pp.203-204
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    • 2018
  • This research was conducted to identify adolescent problems in internet articles. This research defines adolescent problems as diverse issues related to adolescents and examine how it was dealt in the media to find out how different categories and the aspect of adolescent problems are changing by time. The result of the research was that in 1990's, education policy and family were mainly dealt with when it came to adolescent problems. As the era is changing, adolescent problems were far diversified compared to the past, and each problems are dealt with similar importance. This research is significant in that it does not only examine the social trend adolescent problems but also expand the range of adolescent counselling and utilizes quantitative analysis in considering diversity to provide new information.

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A study on cultural characteristics of foreign tourists visiting Korea based on text mining of online review (온라인 리뷰의 텍스트 마이닝에 기반한 한국방문 외국인 관광객의 문화적 특성 연구)

  • Yao, Ziyan;Kim, Eunmi;Hong, Taeho
    • The Journal of Information Systems
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.171-191
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    • 2020
  • Purpose The study aims to compare the online review writing behavior of users in China and the United States through text mining on online reviews' text content. In particular, existing studies have verified that there are differences in online reviews between different cultures. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to compare the differences between reviews written by Chinese and American tourists by analyzing text contents of online reviews based on cultural theory. Design/methodology/approach This study collected and analyzed online review data for hotels, targeting Chinese and US tourists who visited Korea. Then, we analyzed review data through text mining like sentiment analysis and topic modeling analysis method based on previous research analysis. Findings The results showed that Chinese tourists gave higher ratings and relatively less negative ratings than American tourists. And American tourists have more negative sentiments and emotions in writing online reviews than Chinese tourists. Also, through the analysis results using topic modeling, it was confirmed that Chinese tourists mentioned more topics about the hotel location, room, and price, while American tourists mentioned more topics about hotel service. American tourists also mention more topics about hotels than Chinese tourists, indicating that American tourists tend to provide more information through online reviews.

A Text Mining Analysis on Students' Perceptions about Capstone Design: Case of Industrial & Management Engineering (텍스트 마이닝을 활용한 캡스톤 디자인에 관한 학생 인식 탐색: 산업경영공학 사례)

  • Wi, Gwang-Ho;Kim, Yun-jin;Kim, Moon-Soo
    • Journal of Engineering Education Research
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    • v.25 no.5
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    • pp.85-93
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    • 2022
  • Capstone Design, a project-based learning technique, is the most important curriculum that clarifying major knowledge and cultivating the ability to apply through the process of solving problems in the industrial field centered on the student project team. Accordingly, various and extensive studies are being conducted for the successful implementation of capstone design courses. Unlike previous studies, this study aimed to quantitatively analyze the opinions that recorded the experiences and feelings of students who performed capstone design, and used text mining methodologies such as frequency analysis, correlation analysis, topic modeling, and sentiment analysis. As a result of examining the overall opinions of the latter period through frequency analysis and correlation analysis, there was a difference between the languages used by the students in the opinions according to gender and project results. Through topic modeling analysis, 'topic selection' and 'the relationship between team members' showed an increase in occupancy or high occupancy, and topics such as 'presentation', 'leadership', and 'feeling what they felt' showed a tendency to decreasing occupancy. Lastly, sentiment analysis has found that female students showed more neutral emotions than male students, and the passed group showed more negative emotions than the non-passed group and less neutral emotions. Based on these findings, students' practical recognition of the curriculum was considered and implications for the improvement of capstone design were presented.

Qualitative Research in Healthcare: Necessity and Characteristics

  • Jeehee Pyo;Won Lee;Eun Young Choi;Seung Gyeong Jang;Minsu Ock
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.56 no.1
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    • pp.12-20
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    • 2023
  • Quantitative and qualitative research explore various social phenomena using different methods. However, there has been a tendency to treat quantitative studies using complicated statistical techniques as more scientific and superior, whereas relatively few qualitative studies have been conducted in the medical and healthcare fields. This review aimed to provide a proper understanding of qualitative research. This review examined the characteristics of quantitative and qualitative research to help researchers select the appropriate qualitative research methodology. Qualitative research is applicable in following cases: (1) when an exploratory approach is required on a topic that is not well known, (2) when something cannot be explained fully with quantitative research, (3) when it is necessary to newly present a specific view on a research topic that is difficult to explain with existing views, (4) when it is inappropriate to present the rationale or theoretical proposition for designing hypotheses, as in quantitative research, and (5) when conducting research that requires detailed descriptive writing with literary expressions. Qualitative research is conducted in the following order: (1) selection of a research topic and question, (2) selection of a theoretical framework and methods, (3) literature analysis, (4) selection of the research participants and data collection methods, (5) data analysis and description of findings, and (6) research validation. This review can contribute to the more active use of qualitative research in healthcare, and the findings are expected to instill a proper understanding of qualitative research in researchers who review qualitative research reports and papers.

A Study on the Research Trends in the Fourth Industrial Revolution in Korea Using Topic Modeling (토픽모델링을 활용한 4차 산업혁명 분야의 국내 연구 동향 분석)

  • Gi Young Kim;Dong-Jo Noh
    • Journal of the Korean BIBLIA Society for library and Information Science
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.207-234
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    • 2023
  • Since the advent of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, related studies have been conducted in various fields including industrial fields. In this study, to analyze domestic research trends on the Fourth Industrial Revolution, a keyword analysis and topic modeling analysis based on the LDA algorithm were conducted on 2,115 papers included in the KCI from January 2016 to August 2023. As a result of this study, first, the journals in which more than 30 academic papers related to the Fourth Industrial Revolution were published were digital convergence research, humanities society 21, e-business research, and learner-centered subject education research. Second, as a result of the topic modeling analysis, seven topics were selected: "human and artificial intelligence," "data and personal information management," "curriculum change and innovation," "corporate change and innovation," "education change and jobs," "culture and arts and content," and "information and corporate policies and responses." Third, common research topics related to the Fourth Industrial Revolution are "change in the curriculum," "human and artificial intelligence," and "culture arts and content," and common keywords include "company," "information," "protection," "smart," and "system." Fourth, in the first half of the research period (2016-2019), topics in the field of education appeared at the top, but in the second half (2020-2023), topics related to corporate, smart, digital, and service innovation appeared at the top. Fifth, research topics tended to become more specific or subdivided in the second half of the study. This trend is interpreted as a result of socioeconomic changes that occur as core technologies in the fourth industrial revolution are applied and utilized in various industrial fields after the corona pandemic. The results of this study are expected to provide useful information for identifying research trends in the field of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, establishing strategies, and subsequent research.

COVID19 Related Keyword Analysis: Based on Topic Modeling and Semantic Network Analysis (코로나19 관련 키워드 분석: 토픽 모델링과 의미 연결망 네트워크 분석을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Dong-wook;Lee, Min-sang;Jeong, Jae-young;Kim, Hyun-chul
    • Journal of the Semiconductor & Display Technology
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.127-132
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    • 2022
  • In the era of COVID-19 pandemic, COVID related keywords, news and SNS data are pouring out. With the help of the data and LDA topic modeling, we can check out what media reports about COVID-19 and vaccines. Also, we can be clear how the public reacts to the vaccine on social media and how this is related with the increasing number of COVID-19 patients. By using sentimental analysis methodology, we can get to know about the different kinds of reports that Korea media send out and get to know what kind of emotions that each media company uses in majority. Through this procedure, we can know the difference between the Korean media and the foreign ones. Ultimately, we can find and analyze the keyword that suddenly rose during the COVID-19 period throughout this research.

Building a Hierarchy of Product Categories through Text Analysis of Product Description (텍스트 분석을 통한 제품 분류 체계 수립방안: 관광분야 App을 중심으로)

  • Lim, Hyuna;Choi, Jaewon;Lee, Hong Joo
    • Knowledge Management Research
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.139-154
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    • 2019
  • With the increasing use of smartphone apps, many apps are coming out in various fields. In order to analyze the current status and trends of apps in a specific field, it is necessary to establish a classification scheme. Various schemes considering users' behavior and characteristics of apps have been proposed, but there is a problem in that many apps are released and a fixed classification scheme must be updated according to the passage of time. Although it is necessary to consider many aspects in establishing classification scheme, it is possible to grasp the trend of the app through the proposal of a classification scheme according to the characteristic of the app. This research proposes a method of establishing an app classification scheme through the description of the app written by the app developers. For this purpose, we collected explanations about apps in the tourism field and identified major categories through topic modeling. Using only the apps corresponding to the topic, we construct a network of words contained in the explanatory text and identify subcategories based on the networks of words. Six topics were selected, and Clauset Newman Moore algorithm was applied to each topic to identify subcategories. Four or five subcategories were identified for each topic.

A Study on Socio-technical System for Sustainability of the 4th Industrial Revolution: Machine Learning-based Analysis

  • Lee, Jee Young
    • International Journal of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.204-211
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    • 2020
  • The era of the 4th industrial revolution is a complex environment in which the cyber world and the physical world are integrated and interacted. In order to successfully implement and be sustainable the 4th industrial revolution of hyper-connectivity, hyper-convergence, and hyper-intelligence, not only the technological aspects that implemented digitalization but also the social aspects must be recognized and dealt with as important. There are socio-technical systems and socio-technical systems theory as concepts that describe systems involving complex interactions between the environmental aspects of human, mechanical and tissue systems. This study confirmed how the Socio-technical System was applied in the research literature for the last 10 years through machine learning-based analysis. Eight clusters were derived by performing co-occurrence keywords network analysis, and 13 research topics were derived and analyzed by performing a structural topic model. This study provides consensus and insight on the social and technological perspectives necessary for the sustainability of the 4th industrial revolution.

Analyzing the Major Issues of the 4th Industrial Revolution

  • Jeon, Jeonghwan;Suh, Yongyoon
    • Asian Journal of Innovation and Policy
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.262-273
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    • 2017
  • Recently, the attention to the $4^{th}$ Industrial Revolution has been increasing. In the $4^{th}$ Industrial Revolution era, the boundaries between physical space, digital space, and biological space are becoming blurred because of the active convergence between various fields. There are many issues about the $4^{th}$ Industrial Revolution such as artificial intelligence, Internet of things, big data, and cyber physical system. To cope with the $4^{th}$ Industrial Revolution, an accurate analysis and technology planning need to be undertaken from a broad point of view. However, there is little research on the analysis of the major issues about the 4th Industrial Revolution. Accordingly, this study aims to analyse these major issues. Data mining such as topic modelling method is used for this analysis. This study is expected to be helpful for the researcher and policy maker of the 4th Industrial Revolution.