• Title/Summary/Keyword: relationship development

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Are Trades Related to Technology? Evidences From The Baltic States: Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania

  • MUCHDIE, Muchdie;NARMADITYA, Bagus Shandy
    • The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.83-93
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    • 2019
  • This paper provides empirical evidences from the Baltic States on the relationship between technology and trades. In this study, regression and correlation analysis were employed an attempt to reveal the relationship between technology index and net-export coefficient, as well as the relationship between technology index and import coefficient. In this research, technology level was measured by technology index, while trades included of domestic and foreign trades; export and import. The data used for this study were collected from world input-output databases of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania for the period 2000, 2005, 2010, and 2014. The findings remarked that the relationship between technology and domestic trade was positive and statistically significant. The result of the study implies that the higher was the technology index leads to the higher domestic transaction. Furthermore, relationship between technology and net-export was unpredictable. In year 2000, data from Estonia and Latvia showed that the relationship between variables was negative and in other years of the study, the relationship was positive. However, the relationship between variables was not statistically significant. Lastly, the relationship between technology and import was negative and statistically significant. It implies that the higher was technology index, will have a consequence the smaller was import.

How Practitioners Perceive a Ternary Relationship in ER Conceptual Modeling

  • Jihae Suh;Jinsoo Park;Buomsoo Kim;Hamirahanim Abdul Rahman
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.75-92
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    • 2018
  • Conceptual modeling is well suited as a subject that constitutes the "core" of the Information Systems (IS) discipline and has grown in response to IS development. Several modeling grammars and methods have been studied extensively in the IS discipline. Previous studies, however, present deficiencies in research methods and even put forward contradictory results about the ternary relationship in conceptual modeling. For instance, some studies contend that the semantics of a binary relationship are better for novices, but others argue that a ternary relationship is better than three binary relationships when the association among three entity types clearly exists. The objective of this research is to acquire complete and accurate understanding of the ternary relationship, specifically to understand practitioners' modeling performance when utilizing either a ternary or binary relationship. To the best of our knowledge, no previous work clearly compares real-world modeler performance differences between binary and ternary representations. By investigating practitioners' understanding of ternary relationship and identifying practitioners' cognition, this research can broaden the perspective on conceptual modeling.

Nexus between Indian Economic Growth and Financial Development: A Non-Linear ARDL Approach

  • KUMAR, Kundan;PARAMANIK, Rajendra Narayan
    • The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business
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    • v.7 no.6
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    • pp.109-116
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    • 2020
  • The study examines the nexus between financial development and economic growth in India during Q1: 1996 to Q3: 2018. This study employs time-series data of real GDP and ratio of broad money to GDP as a proxy for economic and financial development, respectively. The data are obtained from RBI database on the Indian economy. All variables are seasonally adjusted using X12-arima technique and expressed in natural logarithm form. Non-linear Autoregressive Distributed Lag (NARDL) bound test has been used to check for cointegrating relationship of these two variables. Empirical findings suggest that, unlike in the short run, in the long run financial development does impact economic growth positively. Further, a symmetric effect of positive and negative components of financial development is found for the Indian economy, whereas the effect of control variable like exchange rate and trade openness is in consonance with common economic intuition. Exchange rate is in consonance with intuitive economic logic that a fall in exchange rate makes exports cheaper and increases the quantity of export, which improves the balance of payment and leads to a rise in aggregate demand, hence improves economic growth. This paper contributes to the existing literature on India by breaking down financial indicator into positive and negative components to examine the finance-growth relationship.

A Study on the Internalization of Sensor Technology by Comparison of IT Leading Countries

  • Cho, JaeHyuk
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.61-70
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    • 2020
  • The 4th Industrial Revolution is a revolutionary change through intelligence, big fusion and personalization, and the importance of sensor technology that is the basis of core technology is emerging. This study empirically analyzes the derivation of national strategy for R&D of sensor technology, and draws out the effect of technology internalization effort through strategic R&D activities on technical performance and further on national economy. The research and development results are calculated for each type of technology internalization, and the results of the research and development are verified to establish a structure that contributes to the national economic performance. As a national technology internalization strategy, considering its own R&D investment and joint research and development, we examine the impact of each factor on patents and GDP, focusing on causality and ripple effects. For causality analysis, Grandeur causality analysis shows that R&D investment and joint research and development in all countries have mutual causal relationship with GDP. The implications are as follows. First, it is necessary to establish the policy of national economic development through the internalization of technology and knowledge. Second, it is necessary to establish policies according to the type of knowledge internalization. Third, it will be necessary to create an ecosystem environment based on a virtuous relationship between knowledge internalization and national technology and economic development.

The Relationship between Information Literacy and Developmental Trends in Early Childhood (유아의 정보화 능력에 따른 유아발달 경향 탐색)

  • Jo, Jun-Oh;Hwang, Hae-Ik
    • Korean Journal of Child Studies
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    • v.32 no.5
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    • pp.151-165
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between the information literacy of preschoolers and their developmental trends. The subjects in this study were 122 preschoolers. After taking tests in information literacy and early childhood development, the collected data was analyzed. The findings of the study were as follows : First, there were gaps among the preschoolers in the level of early childhood development according to the relative levels of their information literacy. When a post-hoc analysis was carried out to investigate intergroup differences in detail, there were statistically significant gaps between the preschoolers with excellent information literacy and those with intermediate-or poor information literacy, and between the preschoolers with intermediate information literacy and those with poor information literacy. Second, the differences in terms of the levels of information literacy and the impact these differences made to their body, cognition, language, sociability and emotions which comprise the five subfactors of the early childhood development inventory were checked after the mutual influence of the five subfactors was controlled. As a result, statistically significant gaps were apparent in all the subfactors of early childhood development according to relative levels of information literacy. The preschoolers who had a better level of information literacy exhibited a statistically significantly better level of development in every subfactor.

Historical Development of Librarianship in South Korea : From 1961 to 1979 (우리나라 사서직의 역사적 발전: 1961년에서 1979년까지)

  • Cho Chan-Sik
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.67-84
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    • 1996
  • Librarianship, as a profession, is a part of society, and has both affected and been affected by other social forces, Therefore, the development of librarianship is a social as well as historical process within society. This study explores the historical development of librarianship; South Korea from 1961 to In9 in the context of social development through the use of socio - historical analysis. Specifically, this study focuses on : 1) the development of librarianship in South Korea in a specific time period; 2) the analysis of social forces influencing librarianship, including political, economic, and cultural factors: and 3) understanding the relationship between the development of librarianship and that of other aspects of society. Accordingly, the significance of this study lies in an understanding of the relationship between librarianship and society.

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A Survey of Pre-service Elementary Teachers' Perceptions, Attitudes and Practical Intention toward Sustainable Development (초등 예비교사들의 지속가능 발전에 대한 인식, 태도 및 실천 의지에 대한 조사 연구)

  • Choi, Hyeh-Sook;Shim, Kew-Cheol;So, Keum-Hyun;Yeau, Sung-Hee
    • Hwankyungkyoyuk
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.129-144
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the pre-service elementary teachers' perceptions and attitudes toward sustainable development. Subjects were 152 university students, who were surveyed by questionnaire. The instrument consisted of totally 41 items which were constructed by 3 components; 'the perception of concept of sustainable development', 'the attitude toward the relationship between economy and environment' and 'the practical intention of personal change for sustainable lifestyle'. The key findings suggest that most students associate strongly the concepts of sustainable development with their environmental as against economic and social aspect. Most of them incline toward eco-centrism but they had complex attitudes concerning the relationship between economy and environment. They have intention to act for sustainable lifestyle such as purchasing habits, recycling, energy water saving, forms of transportation, nature conservation and education. However, they prefer to act passively than actively in a certain aspect of sustainable lifestyle. Understanding of pre-service elementary teachers' perceptions of and attitudes toward sustainable development will be helpful to work out teaching and learning strategies in environmental education.

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Impacts of Corruption Control on Economic Growth in Relationship with Stock Market and Trade Openness

  • PHAM, Van Thi Hong
    • The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business
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    • v.7 no.12
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    • pp.73-84
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    • 2020
  • The study aims to investigate the dual effects of corruption control on economic growth in relationship with the stock market and trade openness in developing countries. The study used difference S-GMM method on the dynamic panel data model in the period (2002-2017) with data collected from the World Bank. The study discovers the dominant impacts of corruption control in the relationship with the stock market on economic growth. At the same time, the study also confirms the overwhelming impact of corruption control in the relationship between trade openness and economic growth in the developing countries. In addition, the study shows that inefficient stock markets in developing countries will not promote economic growth. Meanwhile, the long-standing credit market has a positive impact on economic growth. With the strong development of stock market and trade openness in the period (2002-2017), control on corruption in developing countries does not get better in time with the increase in demand. The findings of this study suggest a number of solutions to strengthen corruption control, leading to the increased efficiency on the stock market and as well as encouraging the positive effects of trade openness to contribute to promoting economic growth in developing countries.

A Study on Teacher and Peer Relationships and Child development in Kindergarten and Childcare Center (유아교육기관 유형에 따른 교사.또래관계 및 아동 발달에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Young;Kim, Myoung-Soon
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.37 no.8
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    • pp.103-116
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    • 1999
  • The purpose of this study was to explore leacher and peer relationships and child development in two types of early childhood program; halfway kindergarten and full-day childcare. The subjects were 90 four and half year old children and their teachers enrolled in 10 kindergartens and 20 childcare centers in Seoul. Each teacher evaluated her children with six scales developed by NICHD Early Child Care Research Network(1996); child-leacher relationship, peer relationship, social competence, adaptive language, behavior characteristics, and behavior problems. The data were analyzed by ANOVA. The results of this study were as follows: First, the girls in both programs had closer relationship with their teachers than the boys. The boys in the daycare were less dependent than those of kinder; on the other hand, the girls in the daycare were more dependent than those of kinder. Second, there was no significant difference in peer relationship between the children in both centers. Third, the girls of both centers scored higher than the boys in social competence. Fourth, in the child's adaptive language, both boys and girls were well developed, but girls were higher than boys, especially in kinder Fifth, the children in both centers behaved attentively in the groups, but in particular, the girths were more attentive. Finally, most of children were received low scores in the behavior problem scale.

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A Study on 『Taegyoshin-gi』 from a Korean Medical Perspective (한의학적(韓醫學的) 관점(觀點)에서 본 『태교신기(胎敎新記)』의 태교론(胎敎論))

  • Yoon, Eun-kyung
    • Journal of Korean Medical classics
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.157-174
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    • 2018
  • Objectives : The objective of this research is to look deeper into the thoughts of Sajudang in her book on fetal education, Taegyoshin-gi(TGSG), published in the early 19th century Joseon, which focused on her understanding of human development and bodily relationship the mother has with her child with comparison to Korean Medical texts. Methods : The characteristics of TGSG were laid out with comparison to previous texts on fetal education of both China and Korea. After this, they were closely cross-examined with Korean Medical thoughts on human creation, mother-child relationship, and mind-body relationship. Results : Sajudang's thoughts on fetal education as written in TGSG, show a deep understanding of human development and the father and mother's roles in it, expanding the responsibility of fetal education from just the mother to both father and mother. There is also awareness of the importance of the Heart that is at the center of the fetal education process, and of the mother-child relationship through blood. Conclusions : Fetal education as discussed in TGSG expands from previous discourses on the topic, distinguishing itself with thorough understanding of how fetal education works, when it begins, and what the roles of the parents and the community are. This attributes to Sajudang's knowledge that came from both books and her actual experiences.