• Title/Summary/Keyword: recycled

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Fundamental Study for Extension of Application of Recycled Concrete Aggregate: Spun High Strength Concrete (순환골재의 사용성 확대를 위한 연구: 원심력콘크리트로의 적용)

  • Sim, Jong-Sung;Park, Cheol-Woo;Park, Sung-Jae;Kim, Hyun-Jung;Kim, Taeg-Wang;Lee, Man-Suk
    • Journal of the Korean Recycled Construction Resources Institute
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.103-112
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    • 2006
  • Along with recent improvement of recycling technique, the quality of the recycled concrete aggregate have become very competitive to the natural concrete aggregate. Therefore, a practical use of the recycled concrete aggregate may be possible for structural members. Majority studies about the recycled concrete aggregate was emphasized a limitation of fundamental study concerned with a strength characteristics and durability of the recycled aggregate concrete, there is use for the structural members. Therefore, for the extension of application of recycled concrete aggregate, this investigation verifies the strength characteristics recycled concrete aggregate of the spun-concrete products with various coarse and fine recycled aggregate replacement ratio(coarse recycled aggregate: 0%, 20%, 40%, 60%, 100%; fine recycled aggregate: 0%, 30%, 60%, 100%) and with addition of cellulose fibers(0%, 0.01%, 0.03%, 0.05%, 0.08%). From the test results, The strength of spun concrete used with recycled aggregate [NR specimen], was measured as 72MPa, was found to be very approximately to the strength of spun concrete used with the natural aggregate(NN specimen), was measured as 74MPa, when only fine aggregate was replaced with the recycled. Therefore, the fine recycled concrete aggregate can be successfully used in the spun high strength concrete product. The compressive strength of all specimens used the specialty cellulose fiber were measured as about 70M Pa, however, the increasement of the specialty cellulose fiber content is showed to decrease compressive strength of spun concrete. Therefore, it is anticipated that the specialty cellulose fiber can be applied to the various spun concrete products.

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건설폐기물 재활용 기본계획(2007년-2011년)

  • Korea Recycled Construction Resources Association
    • 녹색21
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    • s.10
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    • pp.38-43
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    • 2006
  • 환경부는 지난 2006.12 향후 5년간 건설폐기물의 친환경적 적정처리와 재활용을 촉진하기 위한 "건설폐기물 재활용 기본계획(2007-2011)"을 수립하여 발표하였다. 이에 따라 본지는 동 기본계획에 대한 주요내용 및 기대효과를 소개한다.

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적격업체 평가기준 적용요령

  • Korea Recycled Construction Resources Association
    • 녹색21
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    • s.10
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    • pp.58-65
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    • 2006
  • "건설폐기물의 재활용촉진에 관한 법률"(법률 제8115호, 2006.12.28) 제15조제3항의 규정에 의거 환경부가 고시(2007.3.8)한 '건설폐기물처리용역 적격업체 평가기준'의 적용과 관련하여 발주기관과 업체의 민원이 급증하고 있는 바, 본지에서는 입찰 업무에 도움이 될 있도록 평가항목에 대한 평가 방법을 자세히 기술한 적격업체 평가기준 적용요령을 소개한다.

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다시보는 "협회일보"

  • Korea Recycled Construction Resources Association
    • 녹색21
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    • s.10
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    • pp.82-87
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    • 2006
  • 한국건설자원협회는 지난 2005년 1월 17일 건설폐기물 관련 정책현황 및 동향 등을 회원사에게 제공하고, 대외적으로 업계의 요구사항이 반영된 정책개선 등 건설폐기물 처리 업계의 위상정립을 도모코자 '협회일보'의 발간을 시작했다. 2007년 4월 24일 현재 제131호가 발간된 협회일보는 회원사의 많은 지지와 사랑을 받으며 업계 대표 소식지로 역할을 다하고 있다.

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Monitoring on Carbonation of Concrete Building with 100% Recycled Aggregate (순환골재를 100% 사용한 구조물의 탄산화 진행 모니터링)

  • Shin, Sung-Gyo;Kim, Gyu-Yong;Yoon, Min-Ho;Lee, Bo-Kyeong;Han, Sang-Hyu;Hwang, Eui-Chul
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Building Construction Conference
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    • 2015.11a
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    • pp.124-125
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    • 2015
  • Recycled aggregate is not used for structures because of negative awareness of quality. for improving the negative awareness, a concrete structure was built with 100% recycled aggregate and monitoring mechanical properties and durability was conducted. As a result, It was observed that mechanical properties and carbonation of structures with 100% recycled aggregate were fine.

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