• Title/Summary/Keyword: recreational water

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Development of Water-Resistant O/W Emulsion-Typed Sunscreening Cosmetics through Triblock Polymeric Surfactant-Mediated Re-emulsification Inhibition (삼중블록 고분자 계면활성제의 재유화 억제 기능을 이용한 지속내수성 O/W 에멀젼형 자외선 차단용 화장품 개발)

  • Lee, Ji Hyun;Hong, Sung Yun;Lee, Jin Yong;An, So Youn;Lee, Hyo Jin;Kim, Sung Yong;Lee, Jun Bae;Kim, Jin Woong;Shin, Kyounghee
    • Journal of the Society of Cosmetic Scientists of Korea
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    • v.45 no.2
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    • pp.199-208
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    • 2019
  • This study reports water-resistant oil-in-water (O/W) emulsion-based sunscreening formulations prepared using a poly(ethylene glycol)-poly(${\varepsilon}$-caprolactone)-poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG-PCL-PEG) triblock polymeric surfactant. As a result of a variety of outdoor recreational activities such as swimming and hiking, consumer needs for development of advanced water-resistant sunscreen formulations are increasing. Water-resistant sunscreens are mostly based on water-in-oil (W/O) emulsions, because they should not be wiped off by water or sweat. However, the W/O emulsion formulations have a disadvantage in that the feeling of use is oily and difficult to remove. On the other hand, the O/W emulsion formulations are excellent in achieving the better skin feel as well as the easier removal. However, it is difficult to provide the O/W emulsion formulations with the water-repelling performance, since re-emulsification likely occurs upon getting touch with water. To solve this problem, this study proposes a O/W emulsion-based sunscreen formulation, a triblock polymeric surfactant having relatively high interfacial tension HLB value (~ 10). This allows the sunscreen formulations to exhibit the improved water repellence function by preventing their re-emulsification. The sunscreen formation system prepared in this study would be useful for diversification of functional sunscreen products, taking advantages of its excellent emulsion stability, UV protection performance, long lasting water-resistant function and selective cleansing effect with only foam cleanser.

Determination of Installation Priority of Washlands Using Multi-Dimensional Scaling Method (다차원척도법을 이용한 강변저류지 설치 우선순위 선정)

  • Ahn, Tae-Jin;Kim, Do-Hyeon;Baek, Chun-Woo
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.44 no.7
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    • pp.565-576
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    • 2011
  • Within a basin, there are potentially multiple locations that can be used as a washland, given their relatively small size when compared with other hydraulic facilities such a dam. However, it is unreasonable to install washlands in all these potential locations due to economic and environmental considerations. In this study, a new methodology for determination of installation priority of washlands is presented. How to integrate the decision variables in this decision making problem has been a key issue in previous studies because a washland can provide many benefits such as flood reduction, agricultural benefit and recreational benefit. In particular, a methodology is needed to integrate all decision variables realistically, properly and reasonably, in situations where there is not sufficient data for direct integration of all these decision variables such as construction cost or benefits a washland can provide. This new methodology aims to suggest how to integrate methodologies used in previous studies. The suggested methodology uses four different rankings which are determined based on a flood reduction effect, a relative significance index, an economic analysis, and a space planning suitability index. These rankings are integrated to determine a final installation priority ranking of washlands by a multi-dimensional scaling method. The new methodology has been applied to the Anseong river basin, to show its applicability, and the application result compared with those of previous studies.

Environmental Friendly Space Planning for Reservoirs in Siheung City (시흥시 주요 저수지의 환경친화적 공간 계획)

  • Kim, Hyun;Kim, Nam Choon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.8-20
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    • 2007
  • This report designs a landscape plan of six reservoirs in Sihung city which has possibilities both in development and in destruction. The report suggests how to create a leisure space in harmony with the surroundings in Sihung city. Building a leisure town will create the local residents' demand in recreational activities and improve the amenities. Therefore this study analyzes eco-friendliness of the land, conditions of fauna and flora, the quality of water and the usage figures of the six reservoirs so as to develop those six reservoirs more eco-friendly. Based on environmentalism, the leisure spot development plan attribute the ultimate importance to local residents' pleasant leisure time and recreations. With this master plan, the report suggests expanding the city's green space, since the city has under 50% out of the optimal percentage of green space per person. In addition, the report intends to plan each six reservoirs developed separately but organically connected at the same time that those six can put together and become a Sihung Green Way which makes the city's leisure space a belt. Apportioning the six reservoirs development levels in order to balance the development, accumulating and arranging buildings and facilities in available spaces according to the governing law, and creating resting area, promenade and parking lot to make an eco-city. Also the report suggests conserving environment and regulating contamination such as ban on fishing to move forward sustainable development. Since the adventives predominate the site, introducing indigenous plants should be necessary soon.

A Case Study of Post-Implementation Evaluation for Close-to-Nature Stream Improvement Work (자연형 하천정화사업의 시행 후 평가에 관한 사례연구)

  • Lee, Hee-Won;Kim, Do-Sik;Lee, Seok-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.1405-1411
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    • 2012
  • This study deals with the case of "Close-to-Nature Improvement Work of Cheonancheon and Wonseongcheon in Cheonan", which has been completed at the end of 2009. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the result of this work and suggest a future direction of development and supplementation of this project. In the course of his study, theoretical researches about urban stream and restoration precedents, observational survey and user questionnaire and comparative analysis have been conducted. According to the study, the most prominent problems of Cheonancheon in comparison with Wonsungcheon are water pollution, low use and participation of residents. As location based future development concept, Cheonancheon as various event space for visitors, Wonsungcheon as recreational space for residents are suggested.

Analysis of the Exterior Spatial Organization and Residents\\\\` Satisfaction Degree to the Apartment Complex in Teagu (대구시 아파트 단지의 외부공간구성 및 만족도에 관하여)

  • 권태식;김영수
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.53-68
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    • 1990
  • The purpose of this study was to establish the more rational and practical basic theory for the landscape planning in the aparment complex. In this study, the actual conditions of exterior space, the residens' satisfaction degree and the correlation between exterior space and the residents' satisfaction defree were investigated and analyzed on the 13apartment complexes in Taegu City. Through the statistical analysis, the main results were obtained as fellows : It was found that the size of green area ratio in the apartment complexes were in the order of Jugong Apt. (Korean Housing Corporation), Siyoung Apt. (City Operation), Minyoung high-rise Apt. (Private Business) and Minyoung low-rise Apt. (Private Business) complex. The highest ratio of footway and Parking area were shown in Minyoung high-rise Apt. complex. The important factors at the exterior space of apartment complex were composed by 6 major factors, importance degrees of which are Visual, Practical, Convenient, Sentimental, Recreational and Spatial factors for teenagers in orders. The residents' satisfaction degrees to the exterior space were highly correlated with the spatil organization, size of green area and quantity of trees, view, management situation, defensibility of outside noise, rest place, water landscapings by turns. In order to get more than the average satisfaction degree 18 exterior space, the green area should be occupied by 35% of the apartment complex area and more than 76% of the green area (i. e. 16% of the apartment complex area) should be planted with trees. In the Taegu City regulation, the ratio of tree composition is proposed for only the number of tree. But it was shown that the satifaction degree are more correlated with the species and afforestation of trees than the nuts her of trees in this study. therefore, the species of tree and the afforestation of tree should be considered when the landscape planning of the apartment complex begins. It was found that the ratio of afforestation to make the more desirable exterior space In the apartment complex shoule be 8 to 2 in the ratio of arbor to shrub. It was also required that 30 species of arbor and 15 species of shrub should be planted for the more desirable landscape of the apartment complex.

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Spatial and Seasonal Water Quality Variations of Han River Tributries (한강 주요지천의 지역적 및 계절적 수질변화)

  • Lee, Young Joon;Park, Minji;Son, Juyeon;Park, Jinrak;Kim, Geeda;Hong, Changsu;Gu, Donghoi;Lee, Joonggeun;Noh, Changwan;Shin, Kyung-Yong;Yu, Soon-Ju
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.26 no.6
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    • pp.418-430
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    • 2017
  • The quality of surface water is a very important issue to use various demands like as drinking water, industrial, agricultural and recreational usages. There has been an increasing demand for monitoring water quality of many rivers by regular measurements of various water quality variables. However precise and effective monitoring is not enough, if the acquired dataset is not analyzed thoroughly. Therefore, the aim of this study was to estimate differences of seasonal and regional water quality using multivariate data analysis for each investing tributaries in Han River. Statistical analysis was applied to the data concerning 11 mainly parameters (flow, water temperature, pH, EC, DO, BOD, COD, SS, TN, TP and TOC) for the time period 2012~2016 from 12 sampling sites. The seasonal water quality variations showed that each of BOD, TN, TP and TOC average concentration in spring and winter was higher than that of summer and fall, respectively. In summer each flow rate and average concentration of SS was higher than any other seasons, respectively. The correlation analysis were explained that EC had a strong relationship with BOD (r=0.857), COD (r=0.854), TN (r=0.899) and TOC (r=0.910). According to principal component analysis, five principal components (Eigenvalue > 1) are controlled 98.0% of variations in water quality. The first component included TP, DO, pH. The second component included EC, TN. The third component included SS. The fourth component included flow. The last component included Temp. Cluster analysis classified that spring is similar to fall and winter with water quality parameters. AnyA, WangsA, JungrA and TancA were identified as affected by organic pollution. Cluster analysis derived seasonal differences with investigating sites and better explained the principal component analysis results.

A Study on the Evaluation of Wide-scale Site Suitability for Water-friendly Recreation Area Planning (친수 휴양활동공간 계획을 위한 광역수준의 부지 적합성 평가)

  • Cho, Hyun-Ju;Ra, Jung-Hwa;Lee, Hyun-Taek;Ku, Ji-Na
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study was to look into the feasibility of site suitability focused on the potential for environmentally- and water-friendly recreation area development in a wide area(Nakdong River 35km) and to study new methods for providing basic data in regard to the recreation planning over a wide area as well as in application to other sites. The results of this study are as follows. Through classification by mesh method, the site of this study was classified into 42 grids, and by means of the analysis of evaluation indicators, 20 indicators were established and sorted into 4 types of significant recreation activity. According to the results of the analysis for each recreation activity type, there were 8 essentials for water-friendly recreation activity types based on water use while water-friendly recreation types for static activity included 12 sub-essentials. As a result of the first evaluation(the minimum required evaluation) by each classified grid, 32 of the 42 total grids were implemented by the minimum requirements. These grids were usually distributed evenly through the whole site. In terms of the second evaluation(specific site evaluation) results, 6 grids were highly suitable for recreational nature experiences and landscape ecological learning, 4 grids for developing water-friendly recreation for exercise, 1 grid for building water-friendly recreation based on water use, and 4 grids for planning water-friendly recreation for static activity. The results of the grid evaluation of this study could be extended to contiguous grids or reduced. Actual planning for a water-friendly recreation area must change the grid shape or size through boundary adjustments.

Changes of Physical Structure of Hangang(Riv.) in Seoul City Area (서울시 구간 한강의 물리적 구조 변화에 관한 연구)

  • Hong, Sukhwan;Yeum, Junghun;Han, Bongho
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.403-408
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    • 2017
  • This study aims to set up the basic data to manage the waterfowl habitat through the analysis of the changes of physical structure according to the time series of Hangang(Riv.) as water birds' habitat. Study area was 41.5km in length from Paldang bridge to Hangju bridge. during total length of 497.52km and horizontal boundary was based on the protected lowland in year 1975. As the analysis result of land use from the center of water to adjacent road to the river, ratio of year 1975 was in order of sedimentary land(22.7%), surface water(20.7%), built-up area(16.9%), field(16.2%), paddy field(15.9%), and afterwards most of the areas were changed through the construction of arterial highway and submerged weir in order to use Hangang(Riv.). In year 1985, the area ratio of protected lowland(57.8%) and surface water(32.8%) dramatically increased. After construction of river bank the recreational areas continually increased and relatively natural areas decreased. In year 2005, the area ratio of protected lowland was enlarged to 57.6% and surface water also to 33.3%. While the length of both riversides and naturalness decreased by 10.9%, 91.5% respectively in year 2005 compared to year 1975, the depth of water increased by 1.46m. Comprehensively, the flow of changes by physical structure in Hangang(Riv.) for 30 years was divided into two periods. The main characteristics in the first period were decrease of riverside area and enlargement of the surface water through the massive construction before middle of year 1980, and afterwards revetments were intensively artificialized with changes of land use for amusement area. In terms of water fowl habitat, Hangang(Riv.) which previously had various types of habitat condition was changed into simplified habitat for few of species, and the active improvement apporach was needed for habitat diversity.

Application of the QUAL2E Model and Risk Assessment for Water Quality Management in Namyang Stream in Hwaong Polder (화옹유역 남양천의 수질관리를 위한 QUAL2E적용과 위해성 평가)

  • Jang, Jae-Ho;Jung, Kwang-Wook;Kim, Hyung-Chul;Yoon, Chun-Gyeong
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.39 no.1 s.115
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    • pp.110-118
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    • 2006
  • The Namyang Stream in Hwaong polder was planned for several water uses including recreation, where people can contact the water and consume some amount during the recreational activity. A human health risk was assessed from exposure to E. coli in the Namyang Stream, which receives partially treated wastewater from watershed. The QUAL2E model was applied to simulate stream water quality, and this model was calibrated and verified with field monitoring data. The calibration result showed a high correlation coefficient of greater than 0.9. The mean concentration of E. coli in the Namyang Stream from the QUAL2E output was in the range of 5,000 ${\sim}$ 8,000 MPN 100 mL^{-1}$, which exceeded national and international guidelines. The Beta-Poisson was used to estimate the microbial risk of pathogens ingestion and the Monte-Carlo analysis (10,000 trials) was used to estimate the risk characterization of uncertainty. The Microbial risk assessment showed that the risk ranged from 7.9 ${\times}\;10^{-6}\;to\;9.4\;{\times}10^{-6}$. Based on USEPA guidelines, the range of $10^{-6}\;to\;10^{-8}$ was considered reasonable levels of risk for communicable disease transmission from environmental exposure, and the risk above $10^{-4}$ was considered to be in the danger of infection. Therefore, water quality of the Namyang Stream might not be in the danger of infection although it exceeded national and international guidelines. However, it was in the range of communicable disease transmission, and thorough wastewater collection and treatment at the source is recommended to secure safe recreation water quality.

A Review on the Background of Takjok(濯足; Washing Feet) and the Landscape Architectual Meaning of Its Cultural Phenomenon - Focused on Takjokjiyu(濯足之遊) Shown on Poetry, Prose, and Painting - (탁족(濯足)의 배경과 그 문화현상에 담긴 조경적 의미 - 시문과 그림에 나타난 탁족지유(濯足之遊)를 중심으로 -)

  • Rho, Jae-Hyun;Seo, Hyo-Seog;Choi, Jong-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.41 no.6
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    • pp.72-83
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    • 2013
  • This study suggests the necessity of landscaping alternatives for the succession of Takjok(濯足) culture by considering the background and meaning of Takjok's cultural phenomenon shown in old literatures and paintings and its result is as follows. An old idiom, 'Takyoung Takjok(濯纓濯足)' implying a disinterested living attitude from the mundane world and an attitude complying with nature, has been sublimated to 'Takjokjiyu(濯足之遊)' which means living in comfortable retirement through life in seclusion(隱逸). Classical scholars immerse their feet in soft-flowing(柔軟) water for 'Mulailche(物我一體; synchronized with nature)' which is a unified condition with 'Do(道; truth)' and connected to the stage of 'Yu(遊)', a free mental state, and its nature. The cultural phenomenon of Takjok appeared in the inherited landscape paintings in the Joseon dynasty period after the late stage of Koryo. Takjok shown in 'Pal Kyung Shi'(八景詩; poetry singing for the eight scenary) was described as not a transcendent scene, but as a scenery of daily life. Dense forest and water, such as a stream with clean water, rocks, and pine trees shown in Takjok paintings have been symbolized as a seclusion space for classical scholars with higher thinking and their mental states have been more emerged. Mental pleasures called as seclusion and Takjokjiyu have been relatively emphasized in the Takjok paintings of the Joseon Dynasty period contrary to the Chinese Takjok paintings emphasizing Chung Gye(淸溪; clean stream) and Chang Rang(滄浪; high and clean wave) and strongly representing the image of 'Chung Ryu'(淸流; clean flowing water) and the veneration for antiquity. The view of nature described in the Takjok paintings represents the provision of nature as a situation and attitudes of classical scholars and implies a Taoism perspective which describes the 'do' of nature. This view of nature itself remained intact(無爲自然) with the love of mountains and water, showing a side of the zeitgeist and aesthetic consciousness of China and Joseon. The 'Takjokjiyu' of both countries has be interpreted as a symbol of personality development, behavior, life in seclusion, or transcending the mundane world and has also been accepted as a method of summer vacation in the real world. It should be considered that Takjok includes ordinary people's wisdom to resist the hot weather, as well as the classical scholar's ideal and the veneration of antiquity. From this perspective, water space, Takjok rocks, and the use of water based on the environmental supportability should be newly focused as a recreational space and it reminds us that the spirit of Takjok is a classical mental healing method.